Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 463 Is there a god?

A sudden heavy rain fell for three days, and then came a clear morning.

Little Louis didn't sleep well for several days. A convoy of grain transporters just arrived on the day it started to rain. He was always worried that the rain would get the grain wet.

Old Louis slept well. When he woke up, Florence told him that his temperature was only a little higher than normal and he was about to recover.

When Earl Green brought breakfast, Old Louis asked her: "I remember that the sky-blue clover flower was not sent out, right?"

"No," Earl Green replied, "it's still in the blue drawer of the gold jewelry cabinet."

Old Louis thought for a moment and said: "You write back and give that necklace to Florence. The other young ladies who come this time will give some jewelry from the silver jewelry cabinet."

"A golden dagger will be given to each of Eugene and Tony, and a silver dagger will be given to the other young men."

"Frank, let's just give him a gold wire fire dragon bone dip pen."

"The selection of jewelry in the crystal box...let me count them...forget it, pick twenty pieces for Wesson and let him give them to his fiancée and lover. If they are not enough, there is nothing I can do."

"Master Psyche is not interested in money. Give her a copy of the royal recipe."

"There's no need to give it away to Richard Nall, he still owes me a whale."

Earl Green wrote them down one by one and said he would make arrangements later.

Old Louis started to eat breakfast. When he saw that the fish fillets in the steamed fish fillets with eggs were larger than usual, he asked: "Did Richard Nall catch another big fish?"

Earl Green said with a smile: "Today's fish was caught by Lord Alfred, and it was several kilograms larger than the fish caught by Lord Richard Nall."

Old Louis sighed and said, "Teacher Alfred came to treat me, but I didn't expect that he fell ill on the way."

"Oh, I don't have anything to give him. Let's chat with him after I recover."

While he was worrying about what to send to thank Eliud, Eliud was walking with Psyche by the river far away from the military camp.

After the rain, the air on the grassland by the river is very fresh, and the sunshine in late April is not too hot. It is a good weather for an outing.

The knights in the military camp took their horses to the grassland on the other side of the river in twos and threes, and let the horses walk for a while and then trot for a while to stretch their bodies.

From time to time there were shadows passing by on the ground. The Fire Dragon Knight and the Hippogriff Knight were riding their mounts in the sky, either hovering, swooping, or flying over the cavalry to shit.

Psyche originally didn't want to come. Richard Naer was enough to keep things under control, but Frederick was worried that there would be problems with the treatment, so he still brought her here.

She brought several newly published novels with her and stayed in the tent reading since she arrived.

Alfred's original plan was to come over to see old Louis after presiding over the capping ceremony of Germain Cathedral. Unexpectedly, he fell ill while passing through the Helvetia Federation. After being rushed to Bear City, Baron Rono finally rescued him. I came back and now I am still worried about recurrence.

It was precisely because of this delay that Frederick arrived at the fortress of Tullus earlier than he did.

Alfred's body was a little stooped compared to when he was in Weisenburg Castle, and his eyes were as muddy as the river water after the rain.

"Time flies so fast," he said to Psyche. "The last time I walked by the river with you was a hundred years ago."

Psyche said calmly: "When you were 11 years old, you asked me how to write a love letter to the woman I liked. It turned out that your love letter had 45 grammatical errors and 14 misspelled words. She corrected it according to her habit and returned it to you."

Alfred said depressingly: "You don't need to remember such a small thing so clearly."

"Alas..." He sighed deeply, "You were right at that time. I was good at debating scriptures and was suitable for development in a seminary rather than engaging in politics."

"At that time, I thought that if I argued well, I could become a cardinal, and then the pope. I didn't listen to you. It wasn't until I hit my head and suffered a bloody blow when I was forty that I finally realized that you were right."

"I failed to live up to your expectations, so I haven't dared to see you for so many years."

Psyche listened quietly on the sidelines. She was used to the people she knew reminiscing about the past and summarizing their lives when they were old.

Alfred continued walking and said: "I have been thinking for so many years, if I had not relied on my eloquence to make the pope and cardinals hold their noses and introduce the ban on eating meat during fasting, and later I was targeted everywhere for this. , may have become the Pope.”

Psyche complained angrily to him: "You have always been strict with others and lenient with yourself. You promoted the fasting and food order, and invented dumplings. If you say that you can't see the inside of the meat by wrapping it in dough, you have been deceived into eating it." Having sex with someone is not considered a breach of the precepts, and those whose heads are not covered by the door will definitely object to you."

"I am also convinced. Since the establishment of your church, the only thing that has allowed all denominations to put aside their differences and unite is to oppose you."

Alfred smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly.

He stood by the river, looking at the mountains upstream, and asked after a long time: "Have you found it after all these years?"

Psyche looked at the turbid river water from the side. During the silence, fish jumped out from time to time and fell into the water again, and said: "There is no such thing on this continent."

Eliud was one of the few who knew she was looking for something, but not what she was looking for.

"I have always wanted to ask you a question." Alfred whispered. "I think this question is ridiculous, but it seems to be the only explanation."

Psyche glanced at him and said, "Ask, if it's a random question, I'll kick you into the river."

Ai Liud took a few deep breaths and asked in a very low voice: "Are you a god from the mythical era before Ragnarok, or a descendant of a god?"

He is now a broken candle in the wind, but Psyche is still the same as a hundred years ago. The only explanation for this is that she is a descendant of a god, or she is the niece of the great devil.

Nowadays, various churches have always denied the legends of the mythical age, believing that the so-called gods of that era were just liars and had nothing to do with the true God they worshiped.

Aileud would rather believe that she is a god or descendant from the mythical age. If she says that she is actually a relative of the God of Light, that would be a big problem.

Psyche took a deep look at him and replied: "I don't know, maybe it's because I eat healthily, exercise properly, and have a regular work and rest routine, so I think I'm getting younger as I live."

Eliud didn't get an answer, but she stopped asking. She would have kicked herself into the river.

"There is something you may not know." Ai Liud suddenly said, "About the origin of the Church of Light, there is a legend in the church that is only passed down orally among a few high-level officials and has not been found in writing."

"I know." Psyche said calmly, "Your first pope dug out a strange coffin from the cave under the glacier, and there was a living person inside."

"That person came from the age of mythology. He was punished for being sealed in a coffin during Ragnarok. Unexpectedly, he avoided the era of the fall of the gods."

"She first led your pope to practice medicine to make a living, and then more and more people followed her."

"After she left, thirty-six monks and seventy-two nuns, including your Pope, established the Church of Light on an island in an unknown lake."

"In those years, they lived in no fixed place and preached everywhere. They often had conflicts with their colleagues, and many records were lost."

"I used to work at the Confucian Classics Academy. When you met me, I was looking for a job in the name of my own granddaughter, and the old drunkard believed it."

"In the incomplete early materials collected by the Academy of Scripture, there is a half-burned piece of parchment that mentions that person, called 'our teacher'. If you can study the above content in depth, Florence will have no chance to win the gold medal." Durian award."

Eliud was a little surprised at first. He recalled that back then, the dean of the Classical Academy was a drunkard. He once gave his illegitimate daughter to a wine dealer in order to drink good wine. Maybe he took two barrels of wine and told her to give it to Pousse Ke listened.

"Do you believe this legend?" Eliud asked expectantly and nervously, "Are there any gods in this world?"

He didn't believe the story about Frederick being possessed by an angel. He was convinced that it was Psyche's fault, but he was afraid of Psyche's fist so he didn't deny it.

He has believed in the God of Light all his life, and has violated the doctrine from time to time, but no real angel has come down to kill him. Deep in his heart, he has long doubted whether there is a God. A serious illness not long ago has seriously shaken his faith.

So Eliud, as before, hoped to get an answer from Psyche.

Psyche answered with unprecedented seriousness: "If you are talking about the kind of omnipotent god that exists in reality, there should be one in the mythical age, but it has not appeared since Ragnarok."

"If you are talking about the God who redeems souls, He is always in your heart."

Alfred murmured in a low voice: "Is this really the case?"

Psyche added: "The essence of your church and other churches are the same. The so-called God is just a lifebuoy on the water that people who fall into the water can see from a distance but never touch."

"The purpose of this lifebuoy is to give those who fall into the water a hope and struggle to swim over, instead of giving up everything and sinking directly into the water after losing sight of hope."

Religion is still useful now, so Psyche uses the metaphor of a life preserver instead of an anesthetic.

Eliud got a little inspiration, his breathing became rapid, and he stood by the river and thought motionlessly. What he had learned in his life and what he had seen and heard in his life kept appearing in his mind, constantly corroborating each other, and constantly making choices.

The sunset gradually climbed into the sky, and streaks of smoke began to rise from the military camp. The knights walking horses on the other side of the river were returning to the camp. Slime, who came after smelling the smell of horse manure, waited in the distance for a long time. When there was no more vibration from the ground, After confirming that it was safe, they rushed forward.

When Ai Liud came back to his senses, there was only a hint of sunset in the sky. He turned around and saw several monks who had come with him looking at him from a distance. Psyche had left without knowing when.

He walked over and said to the monks: "Please tidy up, we will go back the day after tomorrow."

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