Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 71 Spring is coming

The spring of 1025 is here.

Without paying attention, the originally white earth turned into tender green.

This change came so suddenly. Some people on the street had already put on spring clothes, while others were wearing winter clothes and kept wiping their sweat.

Katie was still wearing a thick winter coat when she had breakfast. She came back shortly after going out and put on a slim-fitting spring skirt above the knee that made Richard Nare stare.

On the carriage, Richard Nall said angrily: "Today's young people are really lawless! If you dare to expose your calves today, tomorrow the hem of your skirt won't even cover your knees?! The day after tomorrow, you might as well not even cover your buttocks!" Covered!!”

Frederick really wanted to say, "I advise you not to meddle in other people's business," but he couldn't defeat the sword master, so he could only nod in agreement like a chicken eating rice.

In fact, Katie's dress today was nothing special. The skirt was from the knee to the middle of the calf, paired with long boots, and black suspenders underneath. She looked lively and cheerful, not like a Bensan girl at all, so she was exposed in no way.

The main reason for wearing this is because the papermaking workshop is still a construction site, and the snow melting in the recent spring is still muddy. If you wear a traditional ankle-length skirt, you will definitely get a circle of mud.

Frederick decided to change the subject and asked: "Is there any progress between sister and Koehler?"

He had asked Katie before and his nose was pinched red.

Richard Nall replied: "Fortunately, Katie hasn't said she hates him for so long, and he hasn't explicitly or implicitly refused, which shows that we have a good start."

Frederick was relieved after hearing this.

Not to mention the marriages arranged for political and economic purposes these days, finding a lover is making rapid progress. When it comes to marriage, people are very reserved and brew tea with cold water slowly.

Richard Nall looked at the sky outside, thick clouds were drifting from the south, and said proudly: "It rains a lot in spring, so I secretly borrowed the umbrella from her carriage."

Frederick was speechless.

The carriage soon arrived at Brombach Lake in the mountains north of Weisenberg City, and took a boat from the pier next to Weisenburg University to a large farmland on the other side of the lake.

The farmland by the lake is about 1 kilometer wide and 3 kilometers long. It mainly grows pasture for the horses of Wesson's army.

The milkvetch in the grass has begun to bloom, the green ground is dotted with purple stars, and countless bees are constantly shuttling between the flowers.

Today, many people gathered in the field, and there were several tables with many new things placed on and beside them.

Frederick greeted All Might, Diesel, and Julius Julius, then turned to ask a young man in his early twenties: "Bruce, do you understand how to use these guns?"

Bruce was the son of the steward of the Wesson family. He had been smart since he was a child. Frederick's father originally wanted him to grow up with Frederick as a "study boy" and later become Frederick's assistant.

However, when Frederick was three years old, this guy took his young master to put on the "anti-bee suit" he invented to dig out a hornet's nest. Later, he was beaten by Alfred so that he could only sleep on his stomach for half a month, and was finally sent to the workshop. Go to work.

After the New Year holiday this year, All Might, Diesel, and Julius organized capable manpower to start trial production of various weapons, and preliminary results have been achieved.

Bruce didn't want to take care of the weapons workshop at first, finding it boring, but after being beaten for a month and being unable to get out of bed or go to work, he had to choose the latter.

However, Frederick took him to find Omet and others. When he found out that this was a brand new version of the weapons workshop, this guy immediately agreed to the job.

"Don't worry, sir!" Bruce replied proudly, "I already understand the production process of these weapons!!"

Frederick said seriously: "If you can't do it well, I'll let you put on bee-proof clothing and stuff the hornet's nest inside."

Bruce had a huge smile on his face.

On the other side, All Might explained to Richard Nall the principles of several magic air guns on the table.

"Isn't it just a blowgun?" Richard Nall found something similar according to his own understanding. "How far can it blow the projectile?"

Ogilvy picked up an air gun and replied: "This is a self-loading air gun prepared for the army. The caliber is 10 mm. The projectiles fired can accurately punch a half-fist-sized hole in a pig's leg at a distance of 200 meters." , if you don’t consider accuracy when dealing with military formations, you can injure an unprotected person at a distance of 1 kilometer.”

Richard Nall was playing with a bullet. This bullet had a pointed tip and a slightly contracted tail. The outer layer was a layer of copper pressed out of a mold, and the inside was filled with lead. He was stunned after hearing the data. one time.

"Is it really that far?" He was naturally familiar with the battlefield. "Then the army will use this from now on."

Frederick came over and said: "That's what I think. I'm afraid our army will not be afraid of anyone unless we face a master like you in the future."

Richard Nall shook his head and said: "Don't be so optimistic. The battlefield is about damage, defense and speed. If you are strong in damage, others will offset the damage through defense and speed."

"If I were the enemy's commander, I would suffer a loss the first time, but the second time I would try my best to increase my defense and approach you as quickly as possible. As long as the casualties are within my acceptable range, I will be close to you."

"There are such examples of wars. Have you heard of the war between the Plantagenets and the Roses? The enchanted longbowmen of the Rose Dynasty and the Lightning Rangers of the Plantagenet Dynasty developed from the mutual confrontation."

Frederick nodded.

All Might took a grenade launcher and a grenade and said, "We considered this and planned to use this magic scroll launcher to limit the enemy's speed."

Richard Nall took the magic grenade made of slime glue, threw it in his hand, nodded and said: "The quagmire spell, the explosive magic circle, is not bad. As long as it is sudden, before the enemy reacts, It can cause a lot of damage before being restrained."

"I suggest using compound magic. Spending more time on the battlefield means more people will disappear."

Bruce on the side immediately took a thick parchment notebook and recorded the Juggernaut's words verbatim. It can be said that these valuable experiences were exchanged for human lives.

Frederick was very satisfied with his performance. He invited Richard Nall here today because he wanted to hear the sword master's views on the new weapons and see what areas could be improved.

Richard Nall said with some excitement, "Let's try it first. We'll have to see the actual effect before we know."

Frederick immediately arranged for someone to place the target.

These targets are wooden boards standing on wooden stands, as big as a door. The surface is coated with a thick layer of lime, and a circle as big as a head is painted with red paint. When a bullet hits it, the target can be judged by the splash of lime. point.

Someone pulled up a ruler and placed a few every fifty meters until the distance was five hundred meters.

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