Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 89 Staff Officer

All kinds of sounds soon sounded on the training ground, including slogans, shouts, curses and gunshots.

Frederick stood on the roof of the barracks, with an unobstructed view of the entire training ground.

It is easy to distinguish each person's identity from the clothes. The recruits wear dark gray trousers and short-sleeved pullovers, which are their training uniforms; those wearing black single-breasted military uniforms are instructors hired from mercenaries. It was given the power to bear arms, and a saber or rapier hung at the waist.

Wearing navy blue double-breasted military uniforms with weapons hanging on their waists are Jurgen and other officers. They are second-generation knights who are currently serving in the military and enjoy the knightly rights passed down from their fathers.

Frederick can now canonize Jurgen and others as knights, but he is waiting, waiting for the war in the near future, so that their knightly glory will not be affected by the shadow of their fathers.

Little Franz stood behind Frederick, waiting for the chief to ask, but after waiting for a long time, there was no question.

Frederick had eaten braised beef noodles and seen cows run away. He had been a militiaman in his previous life and had participated in militia training every year for several consecutive years. In addition, he had participated in keyboard military operations for many years, so he could still use his mouth.

Today's training is all planned by him, and he can figure out the way.

The recruits training today are divided into four parts according to the company. One company is learning to use firearms at the shooting range, one is doing obstacle running, one is in the practice queue, and the third is doing combat training.

There are currently 600 recruits, 150 in a company, 50 in a platoon, and 10 in a squad.

According to the organization of pikemen, 50 people line up in a row during battle, so they are called "platoons". Generally, pikemen line up in three lines, so the three platoons form a company. This is the most basic tactical unit commanded on the battlefield, and the squad is the management unit. unit.

Different armies have different numbers of people in a platoon. Some have more than 30 people, while many have 60 or 70 people. This is determined by their respective tactical characteristics.

As for the mages and cavalry, there is no money.

Richard Nall has been studying the use of new weapons in the army since he used "Wesson Sword Technique" to kill a magic god. He can be seen on the roof of the barracks at the shooting range, sitting aside and thinking hard about something. .

At first, Frederick just wanted to equip part of the army with guns, mainly because he didn't have enough money. However, Richard Nall had other views on this, but he was not mature enough for a while.

"What has Master Richard Nall been doing lately?" Frederick asked little Franz.

Little Franz whispered to Frederick: "Recently, Master Richard Nall feels that guns are easier to use than previous weapons, so he has been thinking about how to use them in the army."

"He said two days ago that guns cannot simply be used like bows and crossbows, and new tactics and organization are needed to match them."

Frederick nodded slightly. The development of weapons was in sync with the development of tactics and organization. This kind of matter should be left to professionals. He was mainly responsible for making money and providing equipment.

Speaking of professionals, he suddenly remembered something.

Frederick turned to ask little Franz: "You know the Military Advisory Group, right?"

Little Franz immediately replied: "I know, do you want to hire a military consultant?"

Frederick said: "I want you to serve as a staff officer and form a staff team similar to a military advisory group."

These days, not many people can think about military strategies and make decisions on their own, so there are military advisers who advise leaders.

At the same time, there are still tasks in the army that require mental work such as paperwork, logistics, military merit calculations, etc., so military consultants often bring their own teams to be responsible for these mental tasks, forming a military consultant team.

Such a team already has the appearance of a staff department, but there is no clear status and division of labor.

Military advisor is not a permanent position, but the lord's personal staff. If there is no war, he will be fired.

In times of peace, lords would let trusted vassals or staff manage military matters, which were generally divided into two parts: training and logistics, which restricted each other.

This time, the position of military affairs officer was established in the reform of various departments in Wesson. Many people, including Old Franz, felt that this position was the same as military adviser. After all, the war had only been in the past two years.

But Frederick's plan was to form an organization similar to the Ministry of Defense, responsible for personnel, military training, administrative affairs, logistics support and other work.

Recently, he had more money, and he planned to establish a staff organization. The person in charge was the staff officer, who was subordinate to the military affairs officer. He would report directly to Frederick during the war and be responsible for formulating combat and training plans. During the war, he would assist the chief officer in commanding and controlling the army. , collecting and sorting out military intelligence and other work.

In general, Frederick had the final say on whether to go to war and the goals of the war. The staff officers were responsible for achieving the goals, and the military officers were responsible for managing the army.

Frederick was preparing for the future. Sooner or later, the staff officers would have to become independent and form mutual constraints with the military affairs officers.

It's just that currently he has no one available. Only the young and old Franz and his son can take the lead. The others are still young and still need time and war to grow up.

This father and son are not fools, they know how to advance and retreat. After the young Franz came back from training and was reused, the old Franz took the initiative to take care of football.

So when Frederick told young Franz that he wanted him to form a staff team similar to a military advisory group, the two father and son almost fell off the roof.

If this is done, it can be said that the army led by Wesson will fall into the hands of father and son.

Frederick could sleep peacefully, it was not so easy to rebel these days.

Just like (Thief Issue [1990] No. 1) clearly stated that the more dens of thieves there are, the more it is necessary to strengthen anti-theft work. In a world with extraordinary force, the rich and powerful pay more attention to social rules.

Under the current social rules, it would be easy for knights and commoners to kill him, but there would be no thought of replacing him unless there was the assistance of a powerful political boss behind him.

The knights were just thugs for the landlord class's talkers, not the talkers. The difference in political status was like that between officials and officials.

But Franz and his son, young and old, could not sleep well. It was not possible to achieve class leaps upwards, but hatred among peers was okay. There were eleven other young knights under Frederick's command.

They may not have an idea now, but what about ten years from now?

Franz and Franz looked at each other, and Franz asked tentatively: "Master, would you like to think about this again?"

Frederick said: "Let this matter be settled like this. I can rest assured that you will handle the matter. You don't need to think too much."

"Let's talk about the future matters later."

"This position is not easy to sit in, so you have to be mentally prepared."

"You can find some people with rich experience and knowledge to be responsible for all aspects of operations, training, communications and logistics. You are responsible for coordinating the overall situation."

He made everything clear, and little Franz had no reason to refuse.

Frederick finally said: "You can't make money; I can't fight. It depends on whether Wesenland can hold it or not!"

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