Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 98 The Magic of the East

At dinner time, Richard Nall looked at the main course on the glass plate in front of him and asked Frederick with great interest: "What's wrong today? I actually made Gallic dishes and meat pie. Is that little girl again?" Did I give you tulips?”

The use of dough to wrap food in cooking has a long history, with many types and variations.

Gallic meat pie is made by wrapping the minced meat in dough and then baking it in the oven. After cutting the golden pastry, the fragrant meat filling will appear in front of you.

Katie also joked: "I found that Frederick was very popular with girls, including our Maria, Francoise of Gaul, and Theresia of Osmaga. There will be no more in the future." Know how many there will be.”

Frederick looked at the gossiping father and daughter with a dark look, thinking that they should replace the filling of their meat pie with liver, leave it unwashed and without any seasoning.

Francoise from the Kingdom of Gaul is the sister of Armand who came to Wesson last year. Frederick asked Armand to bring a pair of glass checkers to her when he went back. This spring, the girl gave back a few of the most popular ones today. Popular Dutch tulips, also wrote a letter.

At that time, Frederick replied to the letter and sent a third-level Rubik's Cube.

A month later, Françoise also wrote back, along with the tulips she planted herself.

Ever since, the two became pen pals.

This time, when Frederick wrote back, he sent a large box of Katie's newly developed colorful note paper and letter paper with beautiful patterns on it. He also mentioned that she could be the general agent of Wesson Paper in the Kingdom of Gaul. .

Armand's family is a powerful person in the Kingdom of Gaul and has the ability to take on such a big business.

After Frederick brought him back from Ansbach, he mentioned Theresia and Pontigan. However, Richard Nall knew Pontigan. She was an elite member of the Royal Mage Group of the Osmaga Empire, so he reasoned. Theresia should be a member of the royal family of the Osmaga Empire.

With Katie and Richard Nall gossiping and singing, everyone started dinner.

Cutting into the puff pastry, a rich aroma filled the restaurant.

Richard Nall took a deep breath and asked Frederick in surprise: "What spices are used in this mutton stuffing to make it so fragrant?"

As soon as he finished asking, without waiting for Frederick to answer, he immediately started eating.

"Not bad, not bad." A satisfied smile appeared on Richard Nall's face, "I have eaten a lot of sheep. Compared with other spices, this spice is the best for mutton!"

"It's Ku Ming!" Katie recognized the name of the spice after taking two bites. "It can actually be used to cook mutton?!"

"Huh?" Richard Nall's face was full of surprise, "Isn't Ku Ming a herbal medicine?"

Frederick did not answer, he would eat first and talk later.

Yesterday, he went to Friedrich to ask him to start researching topical anti-inflammatory drugs, and then he discovered that this medicine smelled a bit like cumin, but it was rounder.

Ku Ming grows on the southern continent. It has the effect of repelling cold and treating some gastrointestinal diseases. It is also used in some medicines that girls drink. The refined essential oil can slow down the speed of wound suppuration.

It turns out that it can be used in place of cumin when roasting lamb.

Psyche sat there quietly eating Kuming mutton pie. The portion in front of her was bigger than the others, and the meat was also the best part.

Needless to say, it was Frederick who had something to ask for.

Sure enough, after dinner, Frederick invited her to take a walk on the top of the mountain outside the castle.

After Frederick took over, he had some flowers and plants planted here, and stone benches and pavilions were set up to give the staff in the castle a place to rest.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?" Psyche sat on a chair, which had a bird's-eye view of Weisenberg City.

Frederick sat down next to her and said with a smile: "I want to know about the magic over the peach blossom stone."

Psyche smiled, with a "Sure enough" expression on his face, knocked him on the head and said, "It's not bad to be greedy for more."

"The magic systems on both sides are different, and the development routes are different. Don't even think about learning anything before you understand the essence of magic."

Frederick scratched his head in embarrassment, his little thoughts being seen through.

A few days ago, Tony's body turned black when he was fighting Richard Nall. His physical fitness has been greatly improved, and his defense has been greatly strengthened.

So Frederick was a little moved.

Psyche said with a funny face: "But it's not impossible to make up for each other's weaknesses. I know there is a kind of body refining magic. As long as you maintain a child's body during the next forty or fifty years of practice, Richard Nall will not I can definitely beat you."

Frederick shook his head hastily.

Just kidding, what’s the point of life if you can’t explore the beauty of human beings?

He immediately changed the subject and asked curiously: "What is the difference between the two systems?"

Psyche stopped being weird and said seriously: "To put it simply, Dongfang regards magic elements as the essence of the world and pays attention to the unity of human body and heaven and earth, so it develops more and goes further in body refining."

"There are mainly two schools over there. One is to use magic elements to strengthen the body. This is the simplest. This is what Tony used that day."

"This style is good at fighting, using the strengthened body as a weapon."

"The other school is to strengthen the soul and use the soul to feed oneself. This is difficult, the progress is very slow, and if you make a mistake, you will become a fool, so there are few people, but once you cross that threshold, you are extremely powerful."

She continued: "The magic here focuses on strengthening mental power to control the use of magic elements and magic arrays, and is better at utilizing magic elements."

"There is no distinction between the several schools of thought which is better or worse, but each has its own emphasis. When they reach their peak, they all reach the same goal by different paths."

After hearing this, Frederick began to think deeply, then discovered a question and asked doubtfully: "Can the soul feed back to the body?"

"That's nature." Psyche replied, "This question involves the nature of the world. If there is a creator, I'm afraid only He can explain the principles clearly, but it does not prevent us from using this phenomenon."

Frederick nodded and said: "No wonder you can live so long and still be so young. This is the function of soul magic."

Psyche asked him with a wicked smile: "Have you ever heard of human transfiguration?"

Frederick blinked, what's going on, Sun Wukong's seventy-two transformations?

"There is a kind of human transformation in the East," Psyche continued, "which can turn people into animals, even monsters."

"For example, turn into a beast to fight, turn into a bird to fly, turn into a pet to eat and drink."

"The dark land in the north also has this kind of magic, but it's a fixed pattern and can only transform into a few specific animals."

"The essence of this kind of magic is to use the soul to feed the body and then change the body. It can be regarded as a kind of soul magic."

Frederick blinked. If he learned this, he would return to his hometown, become a national treasure and lie down in a zoo, and his basic salary would be at least 20,000 yuan a month.

If you open a live broadcast to show cuteness or something, then wouldn’t it mean that you can make money just because you’re soft?

But if you think about it, forget it. If one day the top brother on the list gets a whim and wants to contribute to the breeding of national treasures, and broadcasts himself to breed with the mother national treasures, it will not be fun.

But it is still possible to transform into other animals, at least it will be useful when running away.

"Can I learn?" asked Frederick.

A cunning light flashed in Psyche's eyes, and she answered seriously: "Yes, yes, it stands to reason that we should wait until you are at least eighteen years old and your soul development has stabilized."

"But your soul is very talented, so you can learn from the most basic ones."

"You need to learn some introductory magic first and become familiar with what the magic of another system is like."

"But not now. In the past two years, you can lay the foundation of magic here. Don't end up mastering everything."

Frederick nodded, thinking that this was no problem, it was normal to go from easy to difficult.

But there was one question he was most concerned about, so he asked: "Excuse me, is there the kind of magic in the east that can fly on a sword?"

Psyche replied: "There are cranes and phoenixes over there. They can pull the cart and fly. Isn't it better than the cold wind?"

Frederick was stunned for a while, thinking about it.

Psyche patted his head and said, "If you want to see the East, then develop ships."

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