Lord Of Martial Arts

Chapter 1301 An Invitation For Tea


Jeremy continued harassing Maxwell, allowing Murphy to find an opening to launch another of his own attacks.

With the level-nine divine sword in his hand, he sliced at Maxwell's back hundreds of times, almost cutting right down to his bones.

"I see!" Murphy exclaimed as he witnessed the power of the divine sword.

His success in using it against Maxwell made clear to him why Darren had given it to him. It seemed that he had added a large amount of itchy toxin to the sword.


Maxwell raised his head and roared up at the sky for his wounds, his eyes glowing a terrible scarlet now.

He was furious and wanted to rush over and tear Murphy to pieces.

But his back began itching horribly, the itch stretching from his bones, and it stopped him from making any sort of move he would have hoped to make.

He began his pursuit of Murphy nonetheless, but it didn't last long. Soon the itching became unbearable and he had to stretch his arms over and around, reaching for his back before he clawed at it wildly. In an instant, his back had been shredded.

"Has he lost his mind? Why would he do that to himself?" The two killers stood to the side watching the battle, confused by Maxwell's behavior.

"Go to hell!" Maxwell howled.

The shadow of the giant ape then came from behind him and rushed at Murphy in attack.

"Ouch, it hurts, ouch."

The impact flung Jeremy away, putting a swift end to his harassment.

'Holy crap!' Murphy thought to himself, totally shocked by the sheer force.

The shadow of the giant ape appeared to have removed itself from Maxwell's body and was much more violent than Maxwell himself.

With nowhere to hide, all Murphy could do was hope that his armor was enough to save his life.

"Humph, Maxwell has wrecked his bloodline. He'll be pretty much useless," the young killer remarked.

"It seems to me, I'm afraid, the man from the Starry Sword Sect will die. There's no way he survives this," added the old man.

"You know, Akbar did help us with those directions before, and it is one of the reasons for our successes so far. Do you think we should pay him back?"

"Listen, boy, we can't be helping our employer's enemies. That's a big no-no in our business."

"What are you afraid of? Akbar and our sect leader share quite a close relationship. We would not be doing anything wrong if we help someone under his protection."

"You're right. Let's do it; let's save his life. We'll help him, but we'll do it secretly," the old man nodded.

Two streaks of invisible god's po

ntly, believing that the owner of the Ninth Precipitous Mountain had recognized him as some sort of talent.

"All right. You can come with Darren. What difference does one more cup of tea make?"

It was only then that it became clear that he was inviting Darren for a cup of tea.

Everyone's eyes turned on Finley. He wanted desperately to hide himself under a rock or just vanish rather than suffer the embarrassment he felt from finding out he was not invited.

"Finley, you're so brazen! Shame on you!" scoffed Lindsay.

"What... Didn't you hear him invite me as well?" Finley's whole face, right down to his neck, turned a bright glowing red as he spoke.

"Bah! That gentleman only did that as a courtesy, out of fear you might commit suicide from shame if he didn't," Lindsay said more disdainfully.

"Thank you for your invitation, sir. I will surely visit you some day. May I know where I can find you?" asked Darren politely.

"Between the ancient times and the present; between the clear and the chaotic."

The words rang out from a voice off in the distance. When everyone looked to the sky for it, they found that the owner of the Ninth Precipitous Mountain had already disappeared with Maxwell.

"What? Nonsense. Darren, I don't think his invitation to us was sincere," Finley said angrily.

"Shame on you!" Darren cast a glare at him before turning around and marching off.

"You...how can you scold me?!" Finley erupted into a rage, wanting to yell and shout at Darren. His self-esteem had taken a great hit.

"Wait and see! I will communicate with my real body and ask him to teach me supreme divine skills!" Finley continued, murmuring threateningly at Darren's back.

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