Lord Of Martial Arts

Chapter 1666 The Divine Illusion Sea Scripture

"Darren, we don't need to leave right away. Why don't we stop by their village and have a drink first?" Scott asked. His voice had an edge to it.

Of course, Darren knew what Scott meant. He wanted to help the old man and his grandson guard their village. If the Dragon Hell gangsters dared to make trouble, they could just kill them.

"You're right. I fancy some wine myself. Do you have wine at home?" Darren asked with a smile.

"Of course! Thank you! Thank you very much!" The old man, Samuel, understood what Darren meant. Tears suddenly streamed down his cheeks. "Lionel, go back and ask your mother to prepare some wine for our guests. Hurry!"

"Okay, Grandpa." Lionel laughed as he wiped away his tears. He ran off immediately.


The Water Kylin flew over and landed in front of Darren.

"Brat, you're wasting time on purpose. This is against my master's orders. If you insist on having things your way, you will only succeed in pissing me off. I won't hesitate to kill you!" the Water Kylin said with a domineering tone.

Darren rolled his eyes at him. "Then find a way for me to get out. It's your fault that I am stuck

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ither. I have seen many powerful creatures in the Divine Illusion Sea Scripture. They can crush stars and dry up oceans with their might..."

Lionel kept telling Darren about the legendary stories he had read about. His eyes beamed with excitement.

"Okay, that's enough. Your stories are all things made up to entertain children. I'm sorry if he has bothered you with all his talk," Samuel said, stopping Lionel. He gave his grandson a big grin.

"No, they are not made up. They must be real!" Lionel pouted.

"Lionel, where is the Divine Illusion Sea Scripture you mentioned? Can I take a look?" Darren asked.

"Okay, I'll get it right away." Lionel looked excited. He turned to Samuel. "Even Darren wants to see it. Do you still think it's fake, Grandpa? Haha!"

"What a naughty boy!" Samuel shook his head and smiled.

Soon, Lionel brought out an ancient book. It was very thick, and its pages were very thin. It must have had at least a hundred thousand pages.

Darren opened the ancient book and was immediately intrigued by the first few pages.

"The origin of the chief gods? Amazing!" Darren couldn't help but keep reading.

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