Lord Of Martial Arts

Chapter 2120 The Strength Of Kenneth (Part One)

Now that he had permission, Kenneth flew out. He landed right in front of Talbot.

Talbot glanced at Kenneth with disdain. He thought that Kenneth, who was sixteen years old at most, could not be very powerful.

After all, two men in their thirties had just been defeated by Maloney. How could this weak young man possibly win?

Talbot spoke up in a loud, rude voice. "Didn't you hear me? I said I don't want to waste my time fighting the weakling,"

he said impatiently, showing no respect to the Red Demon Clan. He was so arrogant because he believed there was no need to worry that the elders of the Red Demon Clan would do anything in response to his comments. Everyone knew that the patriarch of the Red Demon Clan had just consented to this fight. The clan members naturally could not go back on their word!

But Kenneth looked completely calm. "Who's the weakling here? Are you referring to yourself?" He had learned from Darren what the demeanor of a top master should be, so he was not disturbed by Talbot's taunting.

"Brat, you haven't even grown up yet! What makes you think you're qualified to fight me?" Talb

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th wouldn't be able to defeat Talbot as easily as he had beaten Leonard Liu. He didn't want to see his son in such grave danger!

Kenneth's grandfather, Sherman, also flew over. He demanded, "Are you trying to hurt my grandson?" He glared at the patriarch, looking like he would like to give him a good punch in the face.

But the patriarch was unruffled. With a small smile, he said, "Sherman, I know Kenneth is your grandson. I've always treated him as my own grandson, too. Don't you have confidence in him? Why would you accuse me of trying deliberately to endanger him?"

Sherman was unconvinced. He said angrily. "I don't care what you say. Just know that if anything bad happens to Kenneth, I'll break your old bones!"

"You don't have to be worried," said the patriarch soothingly. "Come on, let's watch Kenneth's performance."

All the people on both sides retreated, leaving a large area for Talbot and Kenneth's battle. The masters of the Red Demon Clan and the elders of the other three clans also set up a defense with god's power, to ensure that no members of the audience would be harmed during the fight.

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