Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 108: Report (seeking monthly ticket)

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A few days later, an investigation report on Kordu Village was submitted to the Eighth Bureau under the Intis Intelligence and Homeland Security Committee, the "Mechanical Heart" and the "Eternal Blazing Sun" of the Church of the "God of Steam and Machinery" Church Inquisition.

Several big shots read the report for the first time.

Pre-conditions: In the past year, there have been many cases of missing people in the Grabaka Province of Fenepot Wangdun Kingdom near the Dale area and the Upper Hull State of the Lemburg Republic. Several Beyonders without official permission are also mysterious disappeared, and these things vaguely point to the shepherds who migrated in these three areas. Among them, those from Kordu Village are our focus.

Therefore, after receiving that strange distress letter, we attached great importance to it and dispatched elite personnel to the area in the form of a joint investigation team.

The following is the complete written statement of the investigators: "The anomaly in Kordu Village is divided into two layers, one is reality, and the other is dreams. The reality part: Kordu Village has actually been destroyed by a huge but ultimately unsuccessful The sacrificial ceremony of the evil **** was destroyed, and no one survived except for a very few." Most of the villagers became nutrients for a failed creation of the evil god, and the rest were reorganized in strange ways and turned into different monsters.

"The evil **** sacrifice ceremony brought about changes in the terrain, the river dried up and diverted, the village square and the church were pushed to a height of nearly 40 meters by small-scale orogeny, and turned into a huge blood-colored pillar." At the top of the giant pillar, but when we found it, it had been destroyed, which may be caused by self-disintegration, or it may be caused by the interference of other forces.

The houses in Kordu Village have also been reorganized, partly forming a circle of twisted thorns around the **** giant pillar, and partly spreading out layer by layer in a circular manner.

In these severely damaged buildings, we only found some coins and the most common small blue books. We did not find any written materials or things that could clearly point to Kordu Village. The reason is unknown.

Only the home of the target person, Lumianji, has books, newspapers, magazines and other things with clear direction.

In the ruins of Kordu Village, there are two areas that are abnormally inconsistent with the whole around the **** giant pillar. One can make people fall asleep irresistibly and enter the dreamland, and the other is full of vitality, full of flowers and trees, and placed. A crib that rocks on its own.

For the latter, we guess that it is closely related to Mrs. Puares of Kordu Village (see the dream section for a detailed explanation).

On the edge of the other side of the **** pillar, we excavated four relatively well-preserved corpses, and their locations probably correspond to the original church cemetery.

"The first body was a woman, not more than twenty years old, strangled to death;" The second body was a young man, also not more than twenty years old, who died of drowning;

"There are coffin fragments around the third corpse. The female, aged over sixty years old, died of mechanical asphyxiation. Combined with other traces, we speculate that she was smothered to death with a pillow;" The fourth corpse is a male, also It was not decomposed, its tongue was cut off, and there were obvious strangle marks on its neck.

For the speculation about the above corpses, see the dream section.

Entering the ruins of Kordu Village, we should be affected by the power escaping from Lumian's body, causing memory confusion, and no longer thinking about when to leave.

We fell asleep one after another, and after entering the dream state, our bodies remained in a state of weak activity, and we didn't need to supplement food for several days.

If this state is maintained for another ten and a half months, I am not sure whether we will wake up from hunger or starve to death in our dreams.

"The whole ruins are in a cycle that may return to the original state at any time, and the trigger point is likely to be Lumian's self-awareness and the various restrictions he set.

The former refers to that if Lumian’s subconscious thinks that it will restart, it will inevitably restart. All kinds of restrictive rules come from his not wanting anyone to destroy the current state of Kordu Village and the development of dreams. Once related things happen, it will immediately lead to restart .

We asked the villagers in several surrounding villages, and they didn't notice any abnormalities in Kordu Village. "Through their answers and the information we had before, we confirmed three things: 2, there were no elves suspected of being lizards in the Dale area;

Third, Lent is a traditional folk custom, and there was no question about it.

Dream part: "This is a dream from Lumian Lee, so real that we can't even realize that we are dreaming.

We visited some psychologists and dreamers, and based on their opinions, we have a certain guess about this dream. In this dream, not all the situations we encountered were real, nor were they completely illusory.

The disrupted facts, the details of people's daily relationship, and Lumian Lee's impressive illusory plots are reorganized in a very chaotic and symbolic way, and are presented before our eyes.

In the next part we will describe in detail every detail of our experience...

We should actually notice that we are in the dream, the most obvious point is that we are not there, and remember that we need to change clothes until Lumian reminds us or the clothes are seriously damaged. "This is quite an abnormal performance, but human beings can't think so much in dreams.

"It has been confirmed that we did not send a telegram, and the corresponding reply probably came from Lumian's subconscious mind and the knowledge he possessed." Combining the various events in the dream and the reality, we speculate: our consciousness and cognition are in a certain way. It enriches the dream to a certain extent, and also exposes some of our secrets to Lumian.

There are at least two different beliefs of evil gods in the village of Cordu. One is the power represented by Mrs. Pouaris, the wife of the administrator Beost, which is close to the nature of the "Mother of the Earth", and the other is the former parish priest Guillaume Benet. The one followed by most of the villagers also caused the destruction of the village of Kordu in the end.” At the Lent celebration, the spring elf was beheaded and sent away forcibly, symbolizing that the power represented by Mrs. Pouaris was driven away. After leaving Kordu Village, a **** battle probably broke out between the two sides. At the same time, the beheading of Ava Liziye, the incarnation of the spring elf, also symbolizes that the girl found abnormalities in reality and tried to escape or inform. He was secretly strangled to death by Guillaume Benet's gang.

Raymond, Craig was thrown into the river, and the fact that the spirit body appeared at the bottom of the church symbolized that he, like Ava, was considered an informer and was forcibly drowned.

"Let Mori become dumb when he found out that his wife Sybil was having an affair with the former parish priest, which symbolizes that he, as a devout follower of the Eternal Lieyang, was cut off his tongue when he tried to inform the village after he noticed something abnormal in the village. The subsequent disappearance represents He was murdered by the police.

Naroka's death is as strongly symbolic as Ava's, Raymond's.

First, she should secretly follow Mrs. Puares, and want to use the soul master to bring the spirit of her dead husband back home, so her performance after death is to enter the world on the other side.

Second, she was probably murdered by her youngest son, Arno André. The reason is that she probably discovered the problem of Guillaume Benet's group and wanted to tell Mrs. Pouilles.

Combined with our search of the ruins, the celebration of Lent and the words that Mrs. Puares can leave at a certain moment symbolize the presence of this lady with her husband, Beaust, housekeeper Louis Lund, and maid Cathy. He had already left Kordu Village before the Twelfth Night Ceremony, and is still alive, and his whereabouts are unknown.

This reflected in the dream that the lady refused to help at a critical moment.

But according to the situation presented by the strange area with strong vitality, we suspect that Mrs. Puares left some things before she left, and indirectly participated in the ceremony of the twelfth night.

The man in the black robe in the wizard's tomb should symbolize Lumian's alienated personality due to pollution, but for some reason, Lumian's pollution is not so deep that in the self-contest, he who is more courageous It was easy to win..." The lizard-like monsters in the mouths of Aurora Li, Michelle, Garrigu and others may symbolize how they were polluted a little bit, alienated a little bit, and finally became another self.


1. How can Lumian Lee know what abilities Guillaume Benet, Shepherd Pierre Berry and others possess? It would be understandable if he had been to him once or twice in reality and was not found. There must be an internal reason why so much information was not processed.

2. How can those villagers and Aurora behave indistinguishably from real people, making it difficult for us to detect that they are in a dream, until Lumian thinks that they should appear abnormal?

3. What does the world on the other side symbolize?

4. What does Mrs. Puares raise her child in the castle and the crib with invisible things symbolize?

5. Why did Lumian parasitize the lizard-like elf in the villagers' polluted process?

6. What does it symbolize that Lumian and Aurora Lee try to escape from Kordu Village but enter the world beyond?

7. Why did the ceremony on Twelfth Night fail?

8. Why did Lumian let us enter his dream? He obviously doesn't have the ability to do this.

9. Why do you suddenly gain normal Extraordinary abilities?

10. Why can they survive, and why can the ruins of Kershe village fall into a cycle state when they are not strong?

11. Aurora, Lumian played twice. The timing of the abnormality in the loop is completely different. What is the reason and what does it mean?

13. What does the corpse of a wizard lying in a coffin in the crypt symbolize?

14. What does the owl symbolize?

15. What does the change of the constellation symbolize?

16. Where is the source of the matter?

Conclusions and recommendations: "This is a typical disaster caused by the worship of evil gods. There are currently six survivors:" Lumian, former curate Guillaume Benet, Puaris de Roquefort, Beauster , Louis Lund, Cathy. The last five are all believers of evil gods, they must be found as soon as possible and eliminated completely.

"For Lumian, it is not recommended to kill him directly. His death may lead to more serious mutations before the problem with him is figured out. The best way to deal with it is to arrest him and seal him somewhere.

Reporters: "Mechanical Heart" member Lai Enwisier, Major of the Eighth Bureau Leah Belot, Purifier of the Court Valente Delacourt.

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