Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 9: Recruitment (ask for a monthly ticket during the double period)

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Aosta managed to squeeze out a smile: "I didn't lie to you, there really is a Samaritan woman spring!" "Really?" Lumian approached Aosta step by step, and said with a smile, "When the time comes Take a sip for me first, if it works, you will forget that I haven’t paid you, if it’s useless, why should I pay you?”

Aosta didn't know how to answer for a moment, she could only smile, nodded and said: "Trust me, trust me..."

Suddenly, he looked behind Lumian, his eyes straightened instantly, as if he saw something terrifying.

Lumian turned around "subconsciously" and looked at the door, but there was no one there.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Aosta got short, passed by him, and rushed towards the open door.


Aosta was tripped by Lumian's right foot stretched out at some point, and fell straight to the ground, the high bridge of his nose was stained blue, and his thin face was swollen.

Lumian slowly closed the door, pulled a chair and sat down, looked down at Aosta who was lying on the ground and pretended to be dead, and said: "You don't want to tell me that you are very inspired, just now you saw something behind me. Some kind of weird creature, you rushed to the door to help me deal with it?"

Aosta froze for a moment, turned over and stood up, nodding again and again: "Yes, yes, that's it!"

Lumian smiled, and turned his gaze to the rectangular wooden table against the wall.

There were silver daggers, white candles, several vials filled with different liquids or empty, two sheets of imitation parchment, and a cardboard box that smelled of herbs and woods.

With a certain knowledge of mysticism... Lumian looked away and said to the anxious Aosta: "Who was that guy with the pipe just now?"

"Baron Brinel!" Aosta replied hastily, "He is the leader of the Savoy gang in the market area."

Savoy is the name of an inland province in the Republic of Intis, next to the Upper Hornaches and Lower Hornaches provinces, rich in mineral resources and strong folk customs.

"Baron? There are still barons?" Lumian asked with a smile.

Since the death of Emperor Roselle, the establishment of the Republic and the noble titles have disappeared from daily life.

Aosta said rather fearfully: "That's his own nickname, maybe his ancestor has such a title."

Lumian leaned back on the back of the chair and asked quite relaxedly, "Why did he find you? You owe them money?"

Seeing Lumian's harmless appearance chatting with his friends, Aosta was afraid, but he relaxed a little.

He said bitterly: "In order to buy, buy, buy an item, I borrowed 3,000 Felkin from a usurer, and later, the merchant resold the debt to Brinel.

"I paid back at least 3,000 Filkin, but he told me that there is still 2,000 interest!"

"If you delay for another two or three months, what you owe is not 2,000, but 4,000." Lumian managed to see that Aosta's expression collapsed, and he no longer had the nagging temperament before.

He immediately lowered his voice, and said in a bewitching tone: "If it were me, when encountering such a thing, I would find a way to trick Brinell and the others into the ground, into a hollow in a certain quarry, and then, Collapse the upper stone layer and let them sleep there forever.

"Without creditors, there is no debt."

The more Aosta heard it, the more panicked she became. Looking at Lumian was like looking at a devil.

He suspected that the other party had already planned to do this, but the target name in the plan was not Brinell, but Aosta. Trull!

"This is murder! This is a crime!" Aosta shouted in horror.

"Be quiet, you don't want to lose the ability to speak forever, do you?" Lumian reminded the other party with a smile, "You also know that this is a crime? Did the police detectives tell you that fraud is also a crime?"

Aosta couldn't find the right words to respond to the other party for a while.

Lumian stood up and patted the dust off his gloves: "Just kidding, I was testing your character just now."

"What?" Aosta looked blank.

Of course, Lumian would not tell him that the real reason for saying those words just now was to establish a ruthless and bloodthirsty horror image in his heart, which would help the subsequent "communication".

Being forced to trust is also trust!

"Congratulations, you have passed my test, which proves that you are not the kind of criminal who has no bottom line." Lumian smiled and opened his arms.

He suddenly brought the topic back on track: "What are you borrowing so much money for?"

He immediately looked around, and added while looking at it: "It seems that there is nothing valuable here..."

Aosta opened her mouth subconsciously, trying to make up a lie on the spot, but instantly remembered what the other party said just now.

He shivered and said, "You, do you know potions?"

"Are you really a Extraordinary?" Lumian laughed.

Seeing that he knew Extraordinary and potions, Aosta secretly heaved a sigh of relief, thankful that he didn't lie just now.

The story he wants to make up is full of loopholes in front of the real Extraordinary, which can be exposed at once, and in that case, he may have to "sleep" to a certain corner of Trier underground tonight.

Aosta took two deep breaths and said: "A few months ago, in order to buy the main ingredients of the potion, I borrowed 3,000 Filkin from a loan shark, and with the 4,000 Filkin I saved, I successfully transformed from an ordinary person to a Extraordinary."

"Which sequence are you in? Why can't you even deal with a few gangster thugs?" Lumian asked in a suspicious tone deliberately.

Aosta looked helpless: I am the "Secret Prayer" of Sequence 9. ""It doesn't sound weak. "Lumian only judged from the name of the potion.

Aosta said sadly and annoyed: "I also think that the secret prayer should be very powerful, and the seller also said that it can give me insight into the reality of the world.

"As a result, in addition to improving my inspiration, I was given some impractical sacrificial knowledge and ritual magic. Now I can occasionally detect the existence of mysterious things and scare myself half to death. I can't even beat a gang member!"

"Ritual magic should be very useful." Lumian said in the tone of someone who has experienced it.

Aosta looked like she was about to cry: "I have common sense of mysticism, I am a believer in the 'Eternal Blazing Sun', how can I pray to unknown existence? That is very dangerous!

"Hey, there are some honorable names in the knowledge that comes with the potion, but they all belong to hidden existence. It's scary to hear it. I don't dare to pray for such a fallen self, such a real attribute, and such a gaze of fate. !"

He sneaked a glance at Lumian, pretending to grit his teeth: "But I thought about it, if Baron Brinel and others come to force me again, I will pray to the hidden existence to gain strength!"

He clearly pointed to Baron Brinel, but he was actually warning Lumian not to push himself into a corner.

Lumian looked at his anxious face and agreed: "This is a good choice.

Baron Brinel and the others are too contemptuous of an Extraordinary. If it were me, I would never let you have the chance to end up dead. "

Having said that, he smiled at Aosta: "Before that, you were dead."

Aosta opened her mouth and closed it again, her expression was uglier than crying.

Lumian walked to the wooden table, fiddled with the full or empty vials, and said casually: "You seem to have moved several times, but you were found by Baron Brinel, I suspect he or the Savoy gang There are truly Extraordinary beings."

Aosta was terrified.

Lumian picked up the silver dagger on the table, played with it and said to Aosta: "I can give you 100 Felkin as a reward.

"Huh?" Aosta felt at a loss again.

He found that he was always unable to keep up with the other party's thinking.

"You, you still want the spring water from the Samaritan Woman's Spring?" He asked tentatively.

Lumian smiled: "Tell me, is there really?

Looking at the smiling eyes of the other party, Aosta sighed for a few seconds and said, "I'm not sure."

Lumian nodded in satisfaction: "What I want is to take me to the party you just mentioned, the party where I bought the main ingredients of the potion, and the reward is 100 Filkin."

Lumian made this request, on the one hand, because the mission of Ms. Magician may be related to the gathering involving extraordinary materials, and on the other hand, because he himself also needs a similar gathering to collect weapons, materials, seals, etc. Objects and occult knowledge.

Aosta swallowed her saliva with difficulty: "I, I can try, but it must be approved by the party organizer."

"No problem." Lumian took out a gold coin and motioned for Aosta to come over. "This gold louis is the reward for your inquiry. The remaining 80 Felkins will be given to you when I can attend the party."

Aosta didn't expect that the development of being beaten up turned into a commission to collect money, and he was a little stunned for a while.

After a few seconds, he cautiously came to the wooden table, took the gold louis worth 20 fils, and said to Lumian: "I'm not sure when he will give me an answer, but it won't be later than next Wednesday.

"I'm near the catacombs during the day and sleep here at night, you can come to me anytime."

Lumian nodded with a smile on his face, raised the silver dagger he was playing with in his hand, and thrust it into Aosta's shoulder.

The blood flowed out, Aosta took two steps back in horror, leaned against the wall, and shouted anxiously: "Don't kill me!

"I did not lie!"

Lumian picked up a glass vial placed on the wooden table, and walked towards Aosta with a smile: "Don't worry, I will kill you long ago.

This is called a blood oath, and I am very afraid of being cheated and betrayed. "

While talking, Lumian moved the empty glass vial to Aosta's wound, allowing the blood to seep in drop by drop.

During this process, he smiled at Aosta: "You have enough knowledge of mysticism, you should know what blood on other people's hands means, don't lie to me."

"Curse..." Aosta didn't know for a moment whether he should be glad that he didn't die on the spot, or despair that the blood fell into the hands of this guy who was more dangerous than Baron Brinel.

Lumian didn't say much, tightened the bottle cap, pulled a cloth strip in the room, threw it to Aosta and said, "Bandage the wound yourself."

He doesn't have extraordinary skills in cursing, but he can try whether the expired blood can trigger the ability of "Fallen Mercury" to exchange fate.

It doesn't matter if you can't, anyway, just let Aosta believe that he will curse.

Glancing at Aosta who was trying to stop the bleeding, Lumian asked casually, "What are you going to do with Baron Brinel?"

"With this gold louis and the little money I saved, they should be able to live in peace for a week." Aosta smiled wryly, "If the debtors are forced to death, they won't be able to get a copy."

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