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After going around the Mason Cafe in the Botanical Garden as planned, Lumian returned to the "Golden Rooster Hotel" on the chaotic street, went straight to the third floor, and came to room 10 where the lunatic lived.

boom! boom! boom! He knocked on the door.

"I'm going to die! I'm going to die!" The raving in the room suddenly became sharp.

"I'm going to die too!" Lumian cursed expressionlessly.

The lunatic seemed to be frightened by his aura, and went silent, but he didn't make any response.

Lumian didn't knock on the door again, took out the small piece of wire that he carried with him, drilled it into the keyhole, and fiddled a few times.

With a sound of Kacha, the stained brown wooden door opened backward "by itself".

Lumian immediately saw the lunatic, still wearing the linen shirt and yellow trousers, kneeling on the ground, his dense black beard almost covering his eyes.

Lumian walked in, closed the door casually, then squatted in front of the lunatic, and said in a low voice:

"I also met the ghost of Montsouris."

The lunatic visibly shuddered, only the frightened blue eyes showing some signs of thawing.

After a few seconds, he took a breath and asked in a deep voice

"Are you sure it's the ghost of Montsouris?"

Into the occasional state of sobriety that Charlie said? Lumian smiled and said:

"I don't know, so I asked you to confirm.

"What do the ghosts of Montsouris you meet look like?"

The lunatic replied tremblingly:

"A dark figure, like a lonely old man, with a hunched back, walking very slowly.

"After I noticed it, it disappeared into the darkness. I didn't know it was the ghost of Montsouris at first, until my parents, my wife, my children died one by one..."

It's really similar to the one I met... Lumian frowned, suspecting that he had indeed met the ghost of Montsouris.

He thought for a while and said:

"How did your family members die? Have you ever been attacked?" The lunatic shook his head quickly:

"I, I often feel that there is something looking at me in the dark, and I have no other encounters, otherwise, I would not be able to live to this day.

"My child became very ill and died in the hospital, we just had him purified and buried in the catacombs, and my wife, my wife broke down and hanged herself in the room.

"Until this time, I didn't think of the legend of the ghost of Montsouris. I took my parents to the church and asked the priest there to protect us.

"The church took it very seriously and sent three clergymen to live in my house. During that time, nothing happened. I thought the nightmare was over.

"After the new year, those priests evacuated. Not long after, my father strangled my mother and ended his own life with a kitchen knife at home. After that, I don't remember many things. Occasionally, I woke up I just found out that I moved here at some point…”

The lunatic's blue eyes showed unconcealable pain, and Lumian felt like a spring stretched to its limit, which might break off at any time.

"Didn't it say that the ghost of Montsouri would kill anyone who met him that year? It's already the new year." Lumian keenly noticed that there was a big difference between the madman's story and the legend.

The lunatic shook his head:

"I don't know why this happened. I thought the nightmare was over, otherwise the three priests wouldn't have left..."

A curse with no end time unless all targets die? Lumián has a new guess about the legend of Montsouris' ghost.

He stood up and said to the madman:

"I should also meet the ghost of Montsouris, let's see which of us can live longer.

"If I find a solution to this curse, you can pay me to help you."

"Method, method..." The lunatic raised the corners of his mouth, and repeated Lumian's words with tears and laughter.

He immediately raised his hands and grabbed his hair:

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

Lumian wanted to ask what this lunatic's name was, so as not to have his name inscribed when he was sent to the cemetery or catacombs in the future, so he could only shake his head when he saw this, turned around and opened the door, and walked out of room 310.

Returning to 207, Lumian sat on the side of the bed, thinking about how to solve the curse brought by the ghost of Montsouris.

Although theoretically speaking, the curse may not take effect until the end of the year, and there is no need to worry for a while, but Lumian cannot pin his hopes on the procrastination of the Montsouris ghost.

Moreover, he has no immediate family members, and the first person who will die from the curse is likely to be himself, which may happen in the second half of the year, maybe next week or even tonight.

"Speaking of which, that guy might still be alive. If the ghost of Montsouris can help me kill him, I have to say thank you..." Lumian suddenly laughed at himself while thinking about it.

In his dream, he told Lai En and others that he had forgotten what his original name was, and he lied to them. He simply didn't want to mention it or recall it.

His family situation was pretty good when he was young, but the man he called his father was a **** and later became a gambler.

His mother was so angry that he died of illness, and his grandfather was bankrupt, took him to live in a poor area, and passed away a few years later.

So, after being adopted by Aurora, he took the initiative to ask if he could follow her surname and change to a brand new name.

Lumián didn't know if the guy who just contributed body fluids was dead or alive. If he was dead, it was undoubtedly a good thing. If he wasn't, he hoped that the ghost of Montsouri would help.

As for himself, Lumian didn't dare to think that the ghost of Monsouri would not do anything to him just because he was polluted by evil gods in his body and had the seal of a great existence on his body.

As long as it is not attached to him, the other party can do anything!

According to Ms. Magician, Lumian believed that many Extraordinary people and monsters could easily kill him, but he had to face the escaping pollution afterwards.

"I'm not sure if this is a curse...but I can't just sit and wait for death, I have to do something...Well, Aurora used to say that for weak people or minors, the strongest ability is 'Looking for parents'..."

Thinking of this, Lumian's eyes lit up, he stood up abruptly, walked to the table, and took out a pen and paper.

He plans to report the progress of the mission to Ms. "Magician" now. By the way, he has encountered the ghost of Montsouris, and he doesn't know if he has been cursed. How to solve this problem.

Although the lady code-named "Magician" is not his parent, but in terms of the current situation, she can definitely be called his boss, and it is reasonable to ask the boss for help when encountering difficulties!

Lumian considered it for a while, and wrote:

"Dear Ms. Magician:

"I have obtained the trust of Aosta Trull according to your instructions, and asked him to introduce me to the mysticism gathering called by Mr. K...

"On the way back from the catacombs I had the misfortune to meet the legendary ghost of Montsouris, of course, I can't be sure." The specific legend is this...

"I wonder if I have been cursed by the ghost of Montsouris, or something else, how should I deal with it?"

At the end of the writing, Lumian deliberately gave the code name "Seven of Wands" to remind the other party not to forget that he was a peripheral member of their mysterious organization.

— This is what Lumian deduced from the fact that the lady was codenamed "Magician" in the Tarot card, and he got the "Seven of Wands" in the Tarot card.

He suspected that the "Magician" lady probably belonged to a hidden organization symbolized by Tarot cards and believed in that great existence. Among them, the Major Arcana card was an official member, and everyone was extremely powerful. The card is that peripheral members undertake different tasks.

After folding the letter paper, Lumian carefully cleaned the room, crushed all the bedbugs that came from the next door to death, and threw them into the trash can in the bathroom.

After finishing these things, he lit the candle, created the "spiritual wall", and summoned the messenger of the "magician" lady in the name of himself.

Not long after, the candlelight took on a faint blue color.

But this time, the messenger with high forearms, shaped like a doll, and wearing a pale golden skirt appeared directly at the top of the flame, floating there.

Its light blue eyes without focus and expression looked around, and nodded slightly: "It's much better than last time." The voice was ethereal and illusory, unlike a human being.

"Actually, I don't like those bedbugs either." Lumian added a word.

The doll messenger showed a little smile

"Is it? No creature would like those bugs!"

Lumian could tell that its attitude was quite satisfactory, as if "both sides" hated the same thing.

After finishing speaking, the doll messenger stretched out his pale palm without skin texture, causing the letter to float upwards.

Lumian followed the trajectory and just saw the "doll" holding the letter shatter and disappear like a bubble.

He sincerely said:

"It's so convenient to have a messenger..."

After the ceremony was over and the wooden table was cleared, Lumian sat back by the bed, waiting for the messenger to bring feedback.

Time passed by, and the night outside was getting darker and darker. There were bursts of singing in the underground bar, but Lumian still did not wait for Ms. "Magician" to reply.

This made him frown:

"Ms. Magician is busy with other things and has no time to read my letter for the time being?

"You can't wait like this forever, you have to think of other ways to protect yourself...

"Neither 'Hunter' nor 'Provocateur' have the ability to deal with curses, if it is really a curse...

"'Dancer' can't do it either, unless you really pray to that hidden existence after dancing the sacrificial dance, but what's the difference between this and suicide?

"Well, I can't pray to that hidden existence, I can find that great existence!

"I have her seal on me, and I got her permission when I stole the 'gift', so I'm not afraid to pray to her again!

"Well, I pray that she will help me remove the curse from my body."

Lumian did as soon as he thought of it, and quickly set up the altar again.

Because Ms. "Magician" didn't specifically mention the material of that great being's domain, so Lumian believed that using anything should not affect the final result, as long as no other gods were involved.

He also placed orange and lavender candles, two for the gods and one for himself. After completing the preparations, Lumian took a step back, looked at the three yellowish candles, and said in Hermes:

"The fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray mist, the king of yellow and black who is in charge of good luck..."

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