Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 17: Looking for prey (ask for double monthly pass)

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Lumian quickly browsed through Ms. "Magician"'s reply, and extracted the key points that need to be remembered. Obviously, the first and third solutions to the Montsouris ghost problem are just jokes, and only the second one is really useful, that is, relying on "fallen mercury" to "encounter the Montsouris ghost" fate swap out.

Frankly speaking, Lumian never thought that he could stab himself with "corrupted mercury" and actively change his fate, until he was attacked by the ghost of Montsouris and pushed to the edge of the cliff of death. He grasped the only vitality in his mind.

Due to time constraints, it was impossible to choose carefully. Lumian just exchanged the fate of "being attacked by the ghost of Montsouris" instead of "meeting the ghost of Montsouris", which means that he did not completely get rid of the fear of death. Shadow, just escaped the first crisis.

Of course, when choosing the fate that needs to be exchanged before, even if he was given enough discernment and thinking space, Lumian should have chosen "being attacked by the ghost of Montsouris" instead of "meeting the ghost of Montsouris", because the attack has already happened. Whether it will actually happen and stop with the exchange of the fate of "encountering the ghost of Montsouris", he has no certainty, so he can only use the most certain plan to protect himself first.

"Well, I have to find someone as soon as possible, exchange the fate of 'being attacked by the ghost of Montsouris' stored in the 'Fallen Mercury' for some good fate, and then, make full preparations, stab yourself when the state is good, Complete the exchange of that better fate and meeting the ghost of Montsouris, and seal the latter in the "Fallen Mercury"..." Lumian combined his own experience with the reminder of Ms. "Magician", and quickly figured out how to solve it current difficult thoughts. At that time, "Fallen Mercury" can be called "Cursed Blade", and those stabbed by it will bear the fate of "death to the whole family, including myself".

The disadvantage is that it takes a while for the effect to ferment.

Lumian pulled out the "Fallen Mercury" stuck in his waist, looked at its blade wrapped in layers of black cloth, and felt the ease of use of this extraordinary weapon more clearly than ever before.

He seriously considered the possibility of finding a professional to repair "Fallen Mercury", otherwise this magical short knife would be used until the end of the year at most.

And Mr. K's extraordinary gathering may provide resources in this regard.

"My guess is indeed correct. Ms. 'Magician' asked me to contact Aosta. Trull's purpose is to use him to attend Mr. K's party and join the secret organization behind Mr. K..." Lumian put on the wide eaves Wearing a round hat and a black jacket with a more formal style, he walked out of room 207 and went down the stairs.

As a "hunter", he is about to start looking for prey.

As soon as he stepped out of the gate of the "Golden Rooster Hotel", Lumian saw Charlie sitting on the three steps leading to the street, with a pale face and melancholy eyes looking at the sky, with a lighted white cigarette in his right hand.

"What's the matter?" Lumian walked over and sat beside Charlie quite casually.

"I feel like I've lost my soul, it's fallen."

He was wearing a white shirt and a red vest, with a black formal suit on the crook of his left arm, as if he had worn back the hotel uniform.

Lumian laughed, pointed to the core and asked, "Did you do that kind of thing with that old lady?"

Charlie turned his head sideways, looked at Lumian, and emphasized seriously: "Please call her wife, she is only in her fifties."

He then took another drag on his cigarette and exhaled the fog circle "You know what? She sent me a diamond necklace, worth at least 1500 Filkins, I couldn't resist, she was so shiny, so alluring, straight broke into my heart."

"It." Lumian corrected a word.

Charlie smiled sarcastically and said, "As we talked, Charlie's voice became low, and his eyes showed melancholy again.

Just when Lumian thought he was going to lament that he had lost his soul again, Charlie sighed a long time: "Why can she only live for half a year..."

Charlie's eyelids twitched and said: "Usually, you should be restrained. Mrs. Alice is really too enthusiastic. I was so tired last night that I didn't even have that beautiful dream."

Lumian turned to smile and said: "You actually told me directly that you got a diamond necklace worth 1,500 Filkin. In the street, this is wealth that can make many people lose their minds. Don't worry about me giving it away. **** it?"

Charlie laughed and said, "I have to find someone to share with, otherwise, I will feel very uncomfortable.

Lumian smiled: "Is there a possibility that I deliberately pretended not to be short of money to lure people like you to relax their vigilance?"

Charlie's expression froze for a moment, and his fingers were almost burnt by the nearly burnt cigarette. Lumian didn't continue this topic, and asked casually: "Is there anyone you particularly hate, the kind that you think he should be damned?"

Charlie put out the cigarette **** on the stone steps, and asked suspiciously, "Why are you asking this?"

He originally planned to put the extinguished cigarette **** in his pocket, but after thinking about it, he raised his arm and threw the cigarette **** out.

A homeless man nearby saw it, and immediately rushed over, picked it up, and sucked deeply on the remaining warmth.

"The thing I hate the most now is our head waiter, you don't know how hateful he is, haha, but I haven't thought about letting him die, so I hope that one day I can cover my face and beat him up.

"Yeah, even dare to commit suicide, why don't you find a way to kill Baron Brinel and others?" Lumian nodded slightly.

Charlie turned his head in amazement, and glanced at Lumian: "Your thinking is a bit extreme."

He then continued: "The second **** thing is Margot, he is the leader of the Stinger gang, he likes to find someone to lie to those women who just came to Trier, and after they squeeze out their money, they force them to stand Street girl. Miss Yin Sangsi in Room 8 on the 4th floor settled in the hotel in this way. Most of the money she earned was taken away by Margot. She tried to escape several times, but she couldn't get out of the chaotic street. Half dead."

There are quite a lot of gangsters in the market area, no wonder it is so chaotic at night... Lumian glanced at Charlie and said, "It sounds like you have sympathy for that Miss Yin Sangsi."

Charlie puffed out his chest: "A true Intis gentleman will sympathize with the tragic experience of the ladies and is willing to provide some help when appropriate."

Lumian said "hmm", "Do you know where Margot lives?"

"I don't know." Charlie shook his head, "But he often comes to the hotel in the evening to take money from Miss Yin Sangsi. If you hear women crying and cursing on the fourth floor, it should be Maggot and his men are coming down."

Lumian nodded slightly, and asked thoughtfully, "Who else do you think should die?"

Charlie thought about it, and replied with a slightly distorted expression: "Monit, that archipelago, he lied to me 10 Filkins!

"Can you believe it? At that time, I had been unemployed for a while and hadn't found a new job. It was my last savings, and I almost starved to death!"

"Where does he live?" Lumian asked casually.

After calming down for a while, Charlie looked at Lumian suspiciously and asked, "Why is your hair different?"

There are long and short, golden with black.

"Don't you think this is very fashionable?" Lumian asked sincerely.

Charlie said "What?" with a skeptical look on his face.

What happened to the idiot instrument made him instinctively suspect Lumian's purpose in similar matters.

After a few seconds, Charlie glanced at the hawkers on the street, waved his hands and said, "I should go to the hotel, see you tonight."

Lumian didn't get up, but still sat on the stone steps outside the hotel, waving at the back of Charlie who left in a hurry.

In the afternoon, Lumian took a public carriage to the botanical garden, and then walked more than 300 meters to the Mason Cafe.

This cafe is located near the botanical garden, on the ground floor of a four-story off-white building.

The outer wall of this building is wrapped with strips of green plants. The shops on the ground floor are not directly facing the street, but are shrunk inward by nearly one meter, allowing the pillars to support the outer corridor for passers-by to walk on.

The walls of Mason's Cafe were painted dark green, with many large windows open. The sunlight penetrated through the glass, illuminating the tables and chairs placed all the way outside the door.

Lumian walked into the cafe in a dark formal suit and a wide-brimmed round hat.

The first thing that catches his eyes is the artistic statues of various plants on the wall, among which some sentences written in Intis are scattered: "Who controls the supreme power of the country? Is it the president or the parliament?" It is coffee. Pavilion!

"Who decides the final appeal in judicial cases? Is it the Supreme Court?" It's a coffee shop!

"Who's the authority on literature? The Intis Literary Academy, or the Debate?

"No, it's a cafe, it's still a cafe!" (Note 1)

Note 1: Adapted from the opening chapter of "Paris Café History", and this is quoted from a document in the early 20th century. The original text is too long, so it has been simplified. PS: Ask for a double monthly ticket~

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