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After roughly talking about the characteristics and territoriality of evil spirits, the lady known as the "Magician" continued to write: "Although Suzanne Mathis's strength is equivalent to Sequence 5, it is not a problem if you want to solve her." There is no way, you can use that knife to give Charlie a shot, and exchange the fate of "encountering the ghost of Montsouris" to him. After Suzanne Matisse is killed by the ghost of Montsouris, you can meet Montsouris again. In exchange for the fate of the ghosts in it, it is stored in the knife again."

"Well, the above is just a joke. There are too many uncertainties in this plan, and it is almost impossible to succeed:"

"One, the ghost of Montsouris can kill only those who encounter him;"

"Second, even if the ghost of Montsouris kills Suzanne Matisse, you have no way of knowing, and you won't be able to change your fate back in time without affecting Charlie;"

"Three, Charlie should not be an orphan. His parents, brothers and sisters may still be here. No one knows whether the ghost of Montsouris will come out of Trier to kill people;"

"Fourth, the ghost of Montsouris may not really kill Suzanne Matisse;"

"Five, Charlie must have admitted it himself before Suzanne and him can have a husband and wife relationship in mysticism."

"I've said so much, mainly to tell you, don't think like this, and don't do this. You can see that you have a corresponding tendency from the fact that you take Charlie as a 'hostage.'"

"Actually, this is both a crisis and an opportunity."

"For you, the best solution is to seek help from Mr. K and ask him to help deal with the threat of Suzanne Mathis."

"Remember, asking for help is an effective way to bring people closer and gain the trust of the other party. Of course, the premise is that the other party is willing and has the corresponding strength."

"You can show your potential appropriately, and make Mr. K feel that it is worth using."

"I wish you all the best, and I hope you can gain Mr. K's initial trust as soon as possible and become a member of that organization."

Lumian's first reaction after reading the letter in her hand was that Ms. "Magician" likes to babble, she likes to drag the topic far and then back, and find a high-sounding reason as an excuse, and she always has some absurd things. , almost a joking idea, which is in stark contrast to Ms. "Hella"'s concise and concise reply.

This style of letter writing should be the habit of Ms. "Magician". Lumian pursed his lips, rubbed his spirituality, lit the flame, and burned the paper in his hand. After reading those two letters, he also gave up the idea of ​​using "Fallen Mercury" to solve the Suzanne Matisse matter. After all, he and Suzanne not only had an intersection in a short period of fate, and they couldn't be separated like the "meeting" The ghost of Montsouris" is a fate as simple as that.

In comparison, asking Mr. K for help was indeed an effective way that Lumian had never thought of.

This can also quickly bring the relationship between him and Mr. K closer to complete the task of Ms. Magician.

After thinking about it for a while, and deliberating on how to tell Mr. K about this matter, and how to show his own value, Lumian changed into a gray-blue worker uniform and a dark blue-black peaked cap, and left room 207.

On the first floor, Lumian saw Charlie hovering at the gate in a linen shirt and black trousers.

"What are you doing?" He greeted with a smile.

Charlie piled up a smile: "Charles, can you accompany me to the **** shop? I'll treat you to breakfast and lunch!"??

The official name of a **** shop is a **** shop or a **** company.

"To the **** shop?" Lumian approached Charlie, and asked the latter question in a low voice, "Are you all right?"

Charlie glanced left and right, and said with a bitter smile: "They told me that there is no problem this time, and that evil spirit of Susanna has been purified.

"No matter whether there are still problems or not, life must go on, haha, I heard this sentence from a customer in a bar, doesn't it seem very cultured?

"In short, for people like us, not working for a day means that we are on the verge of bankruptcy. In a short time, we may have to taste the taste of hunger again. I have to quickly mortgage that diamond necklace and exchange it back cash.

do you know? Only cash can make people feel safe, it cannot be replaced by clothes and jewelry, and food is even worse! "

Speaking of which, Charlie gradually became excited:

"Mrs. Alice said that the necklace was worth 1,500 Filkins, and that it should be mortgaged for 1,000 Filkins.

"Oh, God, I've still seen 1,000 Filkins in front of me even in my life, even if I become a head waiter, it will take several years, even more than ten years, to save such a sum of money!

"At that time, let's go to the White Coat Street Cafe for lunch. I want a Duval broth, a beef with coarse salt red wine, and an apple tenderloin!"

In the White Swan Wine School, you learned to report the name of the dishes? Lumian slandered, and asked thoughtfully, "Do you want me to protect you?"

Charlie laughed and said, "Such a large amount of money, I would be afraid to bring it alone, Charles, you may not have that kind of experience, walking on the road, suspecting that everyone is a thief, they will come to steal my experience.

"I felt this way when I brought that necklace back. I was so nervous that I almost fainted. Isn't it hard to imagine?"

"Yes." Lumian laughed. "I shouldn't have such an experience. I won't have it now, and I won't have it in the future, because I will only make others feel that I want to rob him."

For example, Maggot just donated more than a thousand Filkin and almost bought that diamond necklace!

Charlie's smile instantly froze on his face.

After a few seconds, he forced a smile and said, "That's why I want you to go to the **** shop with me."

He really doubted how Charles got his money just now. This neighbor is obviously capable and intelligent, but he has not been in a hurry to find a job. He wanders around every day, looking like he is not short of money, but he lives in the "Golden Rooster Hotel" "Instead of "White Swan Wine".

Thinking of Charles pretending to be a lawyer and sneaking into the police station to provide him with important information, and thinking that the other party helped him survive the threat of Suzanne Mathis, Charlie didn't think it was a big deal.

Charles is really a thief, robber, and fraudster, and he is also a thief, robber, and fraudster who has risked helping me!

Satisfied with Charlie's frightened expression, Lumian asked with a smile, "Which **** shop do you plan to go to?"

"I heard that the prices of several pawnshops in the Observatory area are more reasonable." Charlie had already had an idea.

Lumian nodded:

"I'm going to the Observatory area."

He planned to ask Aosta Trull for Mr. K's contact information.

Charlie was so delighted that he spent a huge sum of money to treat Lumian to a roast meat pie, cream ringlets and plum sour, including, of course, his own portion.

Lumian accepted it without hesitation.

Walking out of the chaotic street, Charlie saw Lumian going straight to the bus stop sign, and followed with a little distress.

He looked around and saw no one, so he asked curiously in a low voice:

"It was said last night that the knife was called the 'Cursed Blade'. Will the person cut by it really kill the whole family?"

Before meeting Suzanne Matisse, Charlie didn't believe in such things at all. Even if he heard about it, it was used as a source of bragging and speech. But now, he suspects that Charles really has a magical weapon.

Lumian turned his head and looked at Charlie with a smile: "Want to try?"

Charlie shuddered and said with a sneer:

"I believe."

"Really? But I was just bluffing Suzanne Matisse last night. I'm an ordinary person, otherwise I'd be dead!" Lumian said with a smile. ? Didn't you hear the legend of the ghost of Montsouris when that madman was sober?"

Charlie's eyes gradually widened, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Charles, you are so good at deceiving people. An ordinary person actually used bluffing to deceive the evil spirit of Suzanne Matisse, allowing me and him to survive!

I just brag in the bar and occasionally deceive people, which is completely incomparable to him.

With courage and brains, such a person will definitely make a fortune!

Seeing that Charlie really believed the lie he just made up, Lumian tried hard to control himself from laughing.

He asked solemnly: "Are your father and mother still alive? Are there any brothers and sisters?"

Charlie froze for a moment, and jumped to the side like a frightened rabbit, "Why do you ask this?" "

Could it be that there really is a "Blade of the Curse", and now he wants to find out what other family members I have?

Lumian laughed suddenly: "You won't be really scared, will you?

"You are too easy to be pranked, aren't you?"

Thinking of the fool instrument, Charlie patted his forehead annoyed.

He couldn't tell which of Charles' words was false and which was true.

However, after being pranked, he became more certain that the "Cursed Blade" was a fake, adapted from the legend of the ghost of Montsouris.

Charles likes to deceive people with such fake things, like a fool.


"Blade of the Curse" is a good story, now he's mine, go to the bar at night and scare him with it!

The two arrived at the Observatory area in a public carriage. Charlie asked for directions several times, and finally found the **** shop named "Phil's Pawn Shop".

It is located in a seven-storey off-white building, with pilasters, arches, reliefs, large windows, and many others.

At the majestic gate, on the top of "Phil's Pawn Shop", three words are engraved, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"

Freely mortgage every item, discriminate equally against everyone who mortgages something, love any chance to drive down the price? Lumian couldn't help but slander.

How ridiculous that a **** shop should have the political slogan of the Republic engraved on the door!

There are several counters in the hall of the **** shop, and rows of benches are placed in front of it.

At this time, dozens of people were sitting there, waiting for the clerk to appraise the value of the item and call their number.

Charlie found an empty counter familiarly, handed the diamond necklace in, and received a note with the name and corresponding number of the item to be identified.

After a while, the counter in charge of pawning tickets called Charlie's number.

Charlie went over expectantly, returning like a lost soul.

"What's the matter?" Lumian asked suspiciously while flipping through the newspapers in the hall.

Charlie said in a daze and loss: "That necklace, that necklace is fake, it's only worth 12 Filkins"

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