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Charlie was at a loss, and subconsciously replied: "No problem." After Lumian counted out the 50 Filkin bills, he suddenly woke up, and looked up at the door in fear and vigilance.

It is evening now, and the fifth floor is not like the second floor. There are large balconies on both sides, so the light is very poor and it is dim, as if it has already entered the night.

Seeing that there was no one coming and going in the corridor, Charlie relaxed a little: Suppressing the noise, he said to Lumian

"You tricked people into selling a fake necklace for a thousand Filkins?"

"One, it's not others who cheated."

"Who is that?" Charlie asked suspiciously as he instinctively took the 1 Filkin and 5 Filkin denomination notes.

Lumian's smile brightened in an instant: "It's the Sa Party." Hearing this answer, Charlie almost threw out the money in his hand.

He looked at Lumian with fear on his face and said, "Are you crazy?

"They will kill people. People often go missing in the street!" Lumian smiled and said, "Second, it can't be deception."

"Huh?" Charlie couldn't keep up with Lumian's thoughts at all. Lumian smiled and explained

"They knew the necklace was fake, but they were willing to pay 1,000 Filkin." How could that be?

Charlie's first reaction was that he was joking. The Savoyards are just a little vicious, and they are not fools. How can they pay 1,000 Filguines for a fake necklace worth only 50 Filguins?

Suddenly, Charlie had two thoughts: "You won't **** the leader of the Savoy Party, will you?" That's even crazier, okay?

Lumian smiled and said: "Relax, Baron Brinel and I reached an agreement in a friendly conversation. Don't worry, there will be no problems in the future."

"Hey, do you want the 50 Filkin?" Having a friendly conversation with Baron Brinel... Charlie once again had the feeling that he didn't know the neighbor in front of him.

Considering that he really didn't have much money, he accepted the 50 Filkin and murmured, "Thank you." Lumian nodded with a smile, turned and walked out the door.

At this moment, Charlie vaguely understood the whole thing, and blurted out: "Have you joined the Savoyard Party?" Lumian waved his hand and said, "Yes."

"Back to Room 207, Lumian, who had just removed some disguise and was about to go out to find food, heard a familiar curse from the fourth floor: "If you think the money comes easily, you can lie down and earn it yourself!"

"A coward, a coward who doesn't have the thing underneath, only dares to bully women!"

"Send your mother to me if you have the ability!" Lumian listened for a few seconds, and probably understood that Wilson from the Stinger Gang came down with his men to collect protection money from Yin Rousi.

The corners of his mouth curled up a little bit, showing a smile. In the next second, Lumian put on a dark blue peaked cap, walked out of room 207, and went all the way to the fourth floor.

Before he got close to Room 8, he heard it. The sound of slapping and Yin Sangsi cursed and struggled more intensely.

The tenants on this floor closed the wooden doors tightly, and no one dared to come out and walk around. Lumian with one hand

"In his pocket, he came outside 408, and the first thing he saw were the figures of two thugs. They were wearing dark jackets, and they were blocking the door sideways. At this time, Yin Sangsi's cursing gradually mixed with crying and screaming: " You group of sows! "

"I curse you! I'm going to cut off the thing under you!" Lumian raised his eyebrows and approached the two thugs at the door.

"What are you doing?" one of the thugs asked sharply. Lumian didn't answer, but suddenly stepped forward, came to them, and reached out to grab them.

His movements were so swift that he grabbed the back of the heads before the two thugs could react.

Lumian pushed hard enough to make their heads bump into heads. In Dong's voice, the two thugs had bruises on their foreheads, their eyes turned white, and they fell limply.

As they got out of the way, Lumian saw the scene in the room: Yin Sangsi, with long flaxen hair and a delicate appearance, was lying on the bed, her dress was messy, her face had obvious signs of redness and swelling, and her brown hair was slightly curly all over her face The sloppy Wilson was putting away a stack of banknotes, his belt was untied, and another thug was responsible for holding Yin Sangsi down.

Sensing the movement at the door, the leader of the Stinger Gang swiftly stretched out the two ends of the belt and looked out.

Then he saw Lumian who wiped his hands lightly and stepped over two of his men. Without giving Wilson a chance to ask questions, Lumian smiled and said, "Didn't anyone tell you that the Golden Rooster Hotel is now under the protection of our Savoyard Party?" Moving forward, a cannon punch hit the past.

Wilson dodges in a hurry and buckles his belt in no time. At the same time, his eyes narrowed, and his eyes locked on Lumian.

Lumian suddenly felt a certain fear: it was the uncontrollable timidity and fear when ordinary people meet villains and gangsters, and Wilson made similar emotions substantive.

But when Lumian was an ordinary person, he was not the least likely to be intimidated by villains and dare not fight back. Born as a vagrant, he has always adhered to the idea of ​​escaping and surrendering if he can surrender, and if he can't, then dragging the other party to die together, and now that he is a Sequence 8 Extraordinary, he will be even less afraid.

Another Extraordinary? Relying on the vicious force brought by fear, Lumian clung to Wilson, and once again used the fighting skills of the close-quarters bunt.

His hands, elbows, knees, feet, etc. turned into weapons, suppressing Wilson, who was barely fixing the belt, like a storm.

Amidst the crashing sound, another thug reacted, picked up the chair in the room, and was about to smash Lumian's back.

But Lumian twisted his upper body like a snake, and walked around behind Wilson. Bang, the chair hit Wilson on the head, making him stare and shake.

With a bang, the already solid chair was shattered. Lumian returned to his body like a spring, and lifted his hind legs backwards.

His heel hit the thug's lower abdomen accurately, making a muffled sound. The thug stared out his eyes, covered his shoulders with his hands, fell down, rolled back and forth, but couldn't make a sound, just like a rooster being pinched by the neck.

While Lumian pushed his right foot back, he drew his arm forward and hit Wilson in the chest like a whip.

Wilson, who was severely beaten by himself, had no way to escape, and heard the sound of ribs breaking. Before he could break free from the pain, Lumian grabbed his arms and pulled him towards him.

puff! He was greeted by knee bumps. Wilson's face turned pale, and his whole body bent.

Lumian immediately took his own hands and swung a sledgehammer into Wilson's back. thump!

Wilson fell to the ground. Lumian took the opportunity to pounce on him, cut his arms behind him, and pressed his knees on his back.

"I thought you were strong." Lumian laughed,

"In the end, it didn't even last ten seconds." According to his judgment, Wilson is only Sequence Nine, and belongs to the type that is more inclined to fighting and strengthening the body, but he is not sure which way it is.

Wilson, who was provoked, struggled hard, but he couldn't get rid of the other party's control. Lumian looked up at Yin Sangsi, who was obviously dumbfounded, and said with a low smile to Wilson and the thugs who had not yet recovered their fighting ability: "Go back and tell the people above that this is my Shire's territory. If you have anything to do, just ask Our Savoyard Party!" Lumian smiled: "I'm not sure if I will die or not, but you will die now."

"How dare you kill me in front of so many people?" Wilson laughed. Wilson suddenly let out a scream, and cold sweat the size of a bean appeared on his forehead.

His arm was directly broken! Lumian immediately lifted him up, jumped onto Yin Sangsi's wooden table, pushed open the window, and hung him on the outer wall.

Looking at the alley below where no one was walking, Lumian smiled and said to Wilson, "Guess, do I dare to leave you?" At this moment, Lumian let go of his hand.

I haven't answered yet! Wilson was startled and felt his body falling rapidly. As a last resort, he had to try his best to adjust his posture to avoid the vital point.

boom! He fell heavily to the ground, and many places were instantly covered in flesh and blood. Lumian observed for two seconds, and laughed from the air: "The vitality is quite tenacious, it's not dead, is your nickname street beetle?" He stopped paying attention to Wilson, jumped off the wooden table, and stood facing the struggling man. The three thugs who got up said: "Did you hear what I just said?" The three thugs.

Zhan Zhan just nodded, turned around, and prepared to run away.

"Wait a minute." Lumian called to stop them. The three thugs froze in place, their bodies trembling slightly.

The three thugs frantically took out the banknotes on their bodies and threw them on the ground. After getting Lumian's approval, they stumbled out of room 408.

Yin Sangsi watched quite blankly the whole time, only remembering the words that it was taken over by the Savoy Party. Then, she found that Charles from the Savoyard Party didn't greet her, and explained how much and how often she should pay in the future, and went straight to the door without even looking at her.

Yin Sangsi opened her mouth subconsciously, trying to ask something, but thought that the Stinger Gang might make a comeback, she fell silent again as she watched Lumian's figure disappear into the darkness outside the door.

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