Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 81: unexpected development

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Lumian glanced at the shattered mirror in Franca's hand, and said happily and doubtfully: "But I don't feel like I've been attacked." It was stopped early when Franka grabbed her wrist.

Franka cleared her throat, and put on a teacher's gesture: "Some occult methods will not make you aware at all. When you feel that you are being attacked, it is the moment of your death."

Could it be that the gap of a second or two between stopping the "Dance of Encouragement" and actually getting into the mirror, was secretly influenced by that monster? Lumian nodded thoughtfully: "Well, our bloodshed in that space There was no sign of the phenomenon, and I don't know how to stop it." While speaking, he looked at Franka's face, and found that the skin was smooth and clean, without any scars, and it was completely impossible to see that there were many places where blood oozed just now.

Franka touched her face with her hand, and said after deliberation: "It's really weird." But we did lose some blood. As a 'witch', I have a mystical perception of the total amount of my blood. Yes, that is to say, the damage we suffered in that special mirror world is not fake, but it does not leave a wound.

"Fuck, I didn't take out my calcium carbide lamp!" she said, turning around and rummaging through a pile of rubble on the side of the dark tunnel.

Lumian didn't have time to bring his calcium carbide lamp, so he could only observe Franka's every move with the help of a little light from a distance.

In less than ten seconds, Franka pulled out a mirror from the pile of rubble. The mirror seemed to be made of sterling silver. The pattern on the II side was mysterious and slightly strange, and the surface was dull and dull, as if it had been eroded by time. Same thing.

"Sure enough; there is a corresponding mirror in reality." Franka tried her best to avoid her figure being reflected by the classic silver mirror, and taught Lumian by the way: "In unsafe places, or there are When encountering weird things, don’t look in the mirror without looking in the mirror, otherwise quite horrible things may happen, and this kind of mysterious and evil things of unknown origin must never be touched!”

After not telling Franka to use the "secret-peeping glasses" as a disguise, Lumian, who can't look in the mirror, nodded, "I can understand that the exit is a mirror, but what I can't understand now is how we can't see it without knowing it." Walking into that space, on the way, we encountered nothing..."

"I'm also very puzzled." Franka covered the surface of the classical silver mirror with a handkerchief and other items, stood up and said, "This thing seems to be closely related to the 'witch' pathway, how can I give it to me?" Then I will find something of value to compensate you later."

"No problem." Lumian laughed, "You don't need to ask me, I can't grab you." Franka said, "No, the loot must be distributed reasonably, otherwise there will be conflicts within the team. In the past, I was often taken advantage of by people in the past. If it wasn't for my character that I don't hold grudges, I would have wanted to take revenge on them a long time ago.

remember in a second

"Ma'am, I suspect you are scolding me... Lumian muttered silently, if he was robbed of the booty, took advantage of it for no reason, and his strength was not as good as the other party, although he would not say anything on the spot, he would definitely think about it afterwards." If there is a way to get revenge, it is absolutely impossible to "be cool" like that.

Putting away the classic silver mirror, Franka pointed to the place where the light came through, "Let's go over there to have a look, maybe we can meet the quarry police or other smugglers, just ask for directions." Lost in the underground Trier and unable to turn around, it may be more dangerous than being trapped in the special mirror world just now.

"Yes... Lumian deeply agrees. If it wasn't like this, the ghost of Montsouri would have been cleaned up by the official Extraordinary. The two walked forward along the tunnel with only a little light, and each prepared for possible attacks. Get ready. Not long after, they saw a hollow in a quarry, and a figure wearing a felt hat stood in the middle of the hollow, and the light was emitted from the calcium carbide lamp in his hand. "Uh..." Franka made a little identification , shouted, "Fernandez!"

She found that the figure was the smuggler Fernandez who was in charge of leading the way before; and this seemed to be the quarry hole where they made each other wait, Fernandez turned around and asked in surprise and joy: How do you Coming from here "I waited for almost two quarters of an hour, but I didn't wait for you, and I went to the place where the footprints disappeared to find you, but you didn't know where you went?

\" Lumian and Franca looked at each other and nodded to each other. They did stay in that special mirror world for about a quarter of an hour; Franca walked towards Fernandez and explained casually: "We I found some clues, followed them down, and ended up going back here. On the way, I was attacked and lost the calcium carbide lamp.

"What clue?" Fernandez was quite pleasantly surprised.

Franca smiled; "we" would speak directly to Krystal. The smuggler Fernandez knew his identity without asking any further questions, and led the II people back along the original route. They climbed the auxiliary shaft and turned into the underground part corresponding to the Candide Market area, all the way to the exit of Chaos Street.

Lumián and Franka did not really get out of that weird space until the hawkers, the children picking up the fruit peels, the homeless people huddled in the corner, and the pedestrians coming and going came into the eyes of Lumian and Franka at the same time. , Back to the feeling of the real world.

After sitting in the carriage sent by "Mouse" Christo to wait nearby, Lumian turned his gaze to Franka and asked in a low voice, "What will you say later?"

Fernandez knew the driver and sat next to him, not in the carriage.

Franka chuckled: "Let's say we entered an unknown space, found some traces, and then escaped with my mirror magic." Other things have nothing to do with Christo. "For good words, Lumian didn't speak again, half closed his eyes, and recalled all the encounters in that special mirror world.

The four-wheeled carriage quickly turned into the market avenue, ran all the way to the place near the Sushite steam train station, and turned to the street port heading to the yard. "Mouse" Christo was waiting in the nearby warehouse; after a while, Lumian and Fran saw the smuggler who looked like a mouse.

Christo came up to him, and said with a smile on his face: "Steam is here, thank you, Erken and the others are back!"

Erken...Franka's eyes narrowed, and she blurted out: "The missing caravan is back." Erken is Christo's younger brother, who was in charge of the smuggling caravan. He also disappeared before, Franka He still has his handkerchief on him for divination, now he's back what the **** is going on

Crystal nodded with a smile: "Yes, that shipment is back too!" They came back more than an hour ago. "

Wasn't that the time when we found the place where the footprints disappeared and entered that special mirror world more than an hour ago? Lumian frowned slightly, and one doubt after another appeared in his heart. That is to say, he has experienced more incredible things such as time loops and real dreams, so he has not lost his composure like Franka.

Seeing the surprised and puzzled faces of Franka and Charles, Christo smiled and said, "I'll let Erken tell you." He turned around immediately, walked a few steps towards the warehouse door, and shouted loudly: "Airken, come out!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Franka tilted her head slightly, leaned close to Lumian's head, and whispered, "This is very strange."

Lumian drew the corners of his mouth, and said in a low voice: "I even wonder if the 'rats' have teamed up to set a trap for us, using the disappearance of the goods to lure us to the ground, and let us step into that dangerous space voluntarily. "

Franka looked him up and down, and said amusedly, "Aren't you too distrustful of others?"

Lumian said bluntly: "The basic salary of the dancers makes the 'Giant' and Baron Brinel hate you, and I occupy the Breeze Ballroom that they both want," which means that the 'Mouse' has no interest with us. Conflict, so let him come forward.

"Franka fell into deep thought and seriously considered the possibility of being murdered.

At this time, Lumian smiled: "This is just a guess, and it cannot explain the footprints and other traces in the mirror world." As soon as he finished speaking, a man less than thirty years old came out of the warehouse. The head is also not high, only 1.6 meters. Except for the lack of mouse whiskers, he is just another Christos.

"It's indeed Elken." Franka introduced Lumian in a low voice.

Then, she looked at Christo and Erken who came together and said: "Erken, what happened?" Erken's dark blue eyes showed both fear and joy, "We are in a period of time." We walked into a strange world in the tunnel, and we couldn't get out. In the afternoon, when we were exploring the road, we suddenly went back to the original route.

It was our entry that gave them the opportunity to leave. Franka had a guess. Lumian looked at Erken without any emotion, as if he was looking at an enemy who might bring disaster to him. In his mind, What emerged was the drops of blood left on the ground of the mirror world. They gradually became denser from sparse, and finally almost dyed an entire area red. Can people who have shed so much blood really return alive?

"Airken couldn't help trembling a few times: "We started bleeding for no reason, and at the end of the flow, many people were dying. "Steam is on the top, we found the exit in time, and it recovered as soon as it came out. Seeing that what Erken, who painted the triangle holy emblem, said was right and could explain it, Franka had to put away her inner thoughts for the time being. Confuse.

\"The "mouse" Christo next to them glanced at them, smiled and invited: "I need to thank you anyway. "Would you like to taste the most authentic Savoyard Chicken"

"Okay." Lumian Defranca replied. Christo then took out a bunch of keys and threw them to his younger brother Erken: "Go to my office and get all the spices in the kitchen."

"Okay." Erken took the keys, climbed to the top floor along the iron stairs inlaid on the outer wall of the warehouse, inserted one of the keys into the door of Crystal's office with his left hand, and twisted it open. Franka was stunned for a moment, and said to herself: I remember Erken used to use his right hand... "How could he open the door with his left hand so awkwardly when he didn't hold anything else?"

Christo heard Franka's words and nodded in response: "Yes, he is the right hand."

Some people died, but not completely dead...

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