Lord of Mysteries: Curly-haired Baboon

Chapter 30: This radish is so fragrant


   A curly baboon wearing a knight armor fell into the barracks.

   "Ah yo!"

   Although the "Assassin" potion gave him the ability to not fear falling, don't forget that he is still wearing a knight armor.

   An impact of the knight armor shook the curly-haired baboon's eyes with gold stars.

   If it weren't for the tremendous improvement in physical fitness after becoming a transcendent, the physical fitness of the curly baboon would really not be able to hold it.

   looked around warily, then looked back at the cliff with lingering fear.

   Fortunately, there is no "peach blossom" behind him.


   relieved, he carefully looked around.


   There is a sense of familiarity inexplicably.

   A round tent is neatly tied up, and there is a fence around it. There are faintly visible lights on the high guard tower...

   Isn’t this still a barracks?

   and it's still an Intis barracks!

  The extraordinary vision allowed Lucid to see the wooden rifle held by the sleeping soldier on the guard tower at a glance.

   Ruen Kingdom doesn’t have this stuff!

   Regardless of his numb body, he rolled over and hid in the shadow of a tent.

   "Damn curly baboon!"

   The ferocious female baboon didn't know how long he had been chasing herself, it seemed that it was midnight in the middle of the night.

   Lucid shuddered again when he thought of the mother baboon.

   could not help but frowned.

   "What the hell! Why is this uncle always encountering such weird things recently?"

   All of this is too coincidental, as if someone is deliberately targeting himself.

   This made him think of the quill pen that is good at "arranging".

   But it doesn't make sense. What can I target for such a curly baboon with no body?

   At this time, the smell of food interrupted his thinking.

   Regardless of his broken pen, please fill up your stomach first!

   looked down at the knight armor on his body, his eyebrows tightened.

   Even if it's midnight, but in this Intis barracks, it can't be taken lightly.

   Maybe there are some powerful transcendents in this barracks.

  Wearing this cumbersome knight armor is actually not conducive to his performance.

   As a cautious curly baboon, of course he is now taking off his knight armor.

  Wearing a thick knight armor to steal something from the enemy’s barracks?

   Lucid is not stupid.

   listened to the movement of the tent in front of him for a while, and he licked his waist in.

   As expected, there was no one in the tent.

   This is a tent for storing supplies.

   Behind is a cliff. The people of Intis may be negligent and negligent of guards.

   Not far from the tent, there was a sentinel who was asleep, and his collar was getting wet with saliva.


   Curly-haired baboon rubbed his hands with excitement. The tent stored in this tent turned out to be Intis ammunition.

   "The bullet for the revolver has fallen!"

   Looking at the ammunition grenades full of tents, Lucid couldn't help but feel a little happy.

   But when he thought about the negative effects of the revolver, his smile suddenly stiffened.

   Curly-haired baboon involuntarily moved his eyes to the grenade.

   This is still true!


   Late at night, in the Intis barracks.

   A sneaky figure appears from time to time.

   This sneaky figure is black and masked, and his whole body is bulging as if it is stuffed with something.

   swayed from time to time with his movements...

   This is Lucid.

   The heavy knight armor was thrown into the tent by him.

   But he regrets it a bit.

   I was still too young, and I was dizzy when I saw the grenade.

   After two steps, he felt like a fool, with too many grenade.

   Not to mention the influence of action, if someone is found to be hit on a grenade by a shuttle, it is really a self-destructed truck!

   is the fault of greed!

   And while looking for food, Lucid also found a problem.

   There seems to be some difference in this Intis barracks~www.readwn.com~Although there are many tents, it seems that there are no soldiers.

   Judging by his extraordinary auditory feedback, most of the tents in this barracks are empty.

   But these curly baboons don't care much.

  The top priority is to fill the stomach!

  The hard work paid off, and finally he tiptoed and touched the tent as the kitchen.


   He smelled the food, his stomach rang out of despair.

   swallowed, the curly baboon at this moment is really hungry.

   The taste of the food is so tempting.

   "It's so fragrant!"

   Hungry, he couldn't wait to get in after making sure that there was no one inside.

   There is no cooked food in the kitchen, but there is a lot to eat.

   Lucid, who was hungry and hungry, didn't pick it up. He just started eating radishes when he saw it. It was a joy to eat.

   After a big meal, the curly baboon, which was full of raw radishes, sneaked back to the previous tent.

   After putting on his armor, he slipped away contentedly.

   It was smooth sailing when I went out, and there were no moths.

   Time became his best umbrella, and the Intis people obviously relaxed their vigilance in the darkest late night.

   This made the curly baboon breathe a sigh of relief.

   It’s great that you don’t need a mirror!

   Before leaving the barracks, he carefully looked at the forest in front of him, and there were no curly creatures waiting for him.


   Lucid breathed a sigh of relief.

   patted the food in his pocket, and walked into the vast forest contentedly.

   I have grain in my hand, so I don’t panic!


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