Lord of Mysteries: Curly-haired Baboon

Chapter 32: Are you the boss?

  On the road paved with slabs, a four-wheeled carriage swayed slowly.

  On the top of the carriage, sat a petite female mercenary wearing a gray cloak and a metal mask.

Although    is paved with flagstones, the weather-beaten road is not flat.

  But the petite and exquisite she seemed to be unaffected at all, but she was sitting in a tall pavilion on the bumpy road.

  Although it was a hot summer, the Intis sycamore beside the road blocked the venomous sunlight and brought a trace of shade to the pedestrians on the road.

  The road stretches all the way, winding along the rushing Ryan River to the distance.

  There are many fleets on the road.

  Either sitting in the same four-wheeled carriage as before, or riding a more rugged two-wheeled carriage, along with the flowing river, walking in chaos and orderly.

  Only in their spare time or inadvertently, people around will quietly turn their eyes to the figure on the top of the carriage.

  The more mysterious, the more attractive.

  And the female mercenary like a mystery, even more so.

  The indifference is mixed with a trace of hoarse voice, which is so seductive.

  What a beautiful voice!

  This makes people want to see the face hidden like the most secret deep-sleeping flower.

  But perhaps the best is often only in the imagination.

  And between imagination and reality, there is often an incredible gap.

  This "petite", "mysterious", and "good-sounding" mercenary is Lucid who has changed her face!

  That night, hiding in the dark, he eavesdropped on the conversation between the innkeeper and the man who came to search for him like a heavenly book.

  Although this is a language he has never heard before, it is almost the same as Luen in some meanings. (Note: Both Intis and Ruen are derived from ancient Fussac)

  He was surprised to find that the place he was in was no longer the Kingdom of Loen!

  He came to Intis!

  God knows how long he has been lost in the forest!

   blinked in confusion, he felt a little confused in his mind.

  Suddenly, his eyes sharpened.

   "Intis is the best place for you!"

  First of all, I have to learn about the current situation of "hometown" Huang Tao, and try my best to prevent him from being "contaminated" by foreign gods.

  Secondly, Emperor Roselle who can make the "Card of Blasphemy" is his fellow Huang Tao, and he must know the formula of the potion behind the "Assassin" sequence!

   pursed his lips, he showed a touch of sadness.

  In short, if possible, he will try to prevent Emperor Roselle's "moon landing" operation.

  This is not only related to the nostalgia and interests of the past, but also a kind of sympathy for the same sickness living in a foreign country.

   frowned, he was a little upset.

  It’s okay if Huang Tao, the old boy, hasn’t gone to heaven yet, and if he has already returned from heaven, it would be terrifying.

  Not only is it irretrievable, but even oneself is at great risk.

  God knows what weird things the polluted Emperor Roselle can do.

  What’s worse is that I have forgotten about this plot.

  He only remembered that his "hometown" was a romantic fellow.

   "This is also a solution..."

   Blinking, he turned a strange thought.

   Soon he gasped.

  This is a bit too scary.

   "Forget it, when I didn't think about it!" Shaking his head violently, he decisively dispelled this somewhat absurd idea.

  Lucid's brows furrowed tightly, unable to relieve himself for a long time.

   But in any case, it is always right to understand Huang Tao's current situation first.

  So there was this trip to Trier, the capital of the Republic of Intis.

  As for pretending to be a female mercenary... of course it is to hide your identity.

  After taking off his body armor, Lucid's figure looks like a stunted boy.

  Disguised as an ordinary mercenary, it is easy to be suspicious.

  Because he is too thin.

  And disguised as a female mercenary is different.

  The slender figure is just right at this time. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

  Wearing a women’s leather armor, a thick cloak, and a metal mask that completely conceals the face...

  Who would think that this is the knight commander who is three big and five thick?

  As for the voice...

  Is that a problem?

   Therefore, Lucid has transformed into the now mysterious female mercenary.

  It was a smooth flow along the way, and even without him showing his strength, a large group of people flocked to invite him to join his caravan...

   "Intis people are really passionate..."

   "Miss Lucid, Trier is ahead."

  Lucid Chatters, this is the product of the curly baboon feminizing the name of the knight.

   Following the instructions of the enthusiastic caravan guy, he saw the spire of the tower in the distance like a black spot.

  Trier, here it is.

  This is a metropolis full of sunshine, located in the area between the Ryan River and the Serenzo River. It is sunny, with many varieties of roses, and the humanities and arts are developed. It is a holy land for painters and musicians.

  This is the capital of Intis. It is the first real world metropolis after the reconstruction of Emperor Roselle.

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