Remember in one second【】


The west side is on the east edge.

Taking advantage of the night, Lucid's eyes moved slightly, and he quietly looked at the garden villa that covers a large area in front of him.

This is the residence of the Viscount Yorkville, and it is also the place where the "glamorous banshee" in the previous divination was located.

After carefully recalling some information about this place, she couldn't help frowning.

As a nest of "human traffickers", it can be called a well-guarded place.

The architectural style of this garden villa is generally similar to a "back" shape, with a small independent garden vacated in the four-sided building.

According to some circumstances that Mirya explained before, this small garden is actually not as simple as imagined.

The perverse Viscount Yorkville kept a group of hounds in this "isolated" small garden.

This group of hounds has been specifically trained, once they smell something unfamiliar, they will bark for the first time as a warning.

And every night, they will be released, swimming around the small garden.

Lucid felt that he was under a targeted defense.

The hounds swimming everywhere undoubtedly greatly limit the role of "stealth".

But after another thought, she was relieved again.

Perhaps the main target of this kind of targeted defense is actually not someone... but the witches who covet the "Sorceress Banshee" most besides lsp.

Who doesn't want to be promoted?

I am just one of them.

Thinking of this, the "saint" couldn't help but sighed softly, and then took out a tattered apron from her back.

This torn apron is exactly the old clothes that Mirya once wore. It was a gadget that Lucid quietly turned back, not asking for a "borrowed" gadget.

These years, who hasn't had the dexterity to pierce the needle?

Since the Viscount Yorkville can target the "witches", he can also use tricks.

The benefits of being well-prepared were immediately reflected.

"This should be fine..."

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, she narrowed her eyes and tied her apron to her body.

But in the next moment, her expression changed somewhat dramatically...

The greasy and sour taste is like a sharp blade, which "all the way up" through the nasal cavity and hits the soul directly.

Although I had some psychological preparations before, Lucid was still a little unacceptable when this smell lingered around all the time.


After swallowing, she held her breath for a while, and a thick disgust flashed across her face, quite like a subway, an old man, and a mobile phone.

So she stopped procrastinating, she quickly turned on "Invisibility" with her thoughts moving slightly, and she seemed to disappear into the air a little violently, sneaking towards this seemingly ordinary garden villa.

The benefits of being well-prepared were reflected at this time.

Without much effort, Lucid walked through the garden.

Although "stealth" does not eliminate the smell, the hounds were not alarmed either.

According to the information she found, she came to a window on the second floor of the villa unobstructed along the way.

When the curtains were opened, a rather weird moonlight spilled down through the window lattices, staining the window sill with crimson. …

Looking at the night like a deep pool, Lucid's eyes flickered slightly and hesitated.

Tiptoely pulling out the latch, she gently opened the window, and her movements flashed out lightly, and in the dark, she followed the little bumps on the wall and climbed up silently.

Due to unknown reasons, the security of the Viscount Yorkville Garden Villa is intriguingly adopted in the form of internal and external separation.

Taking the stairs between the second and third floors as the dividing line, the upper and lower parts of the garden villa are divided into two halves, forming two independent parts.

Ordinary servants here are not allowed to break into the third floor area without authorization, and can only move around in the "lower area" on the first and second floors.

Only those confidants who have been approved by the Viscount Yorkville after heavy assessments will be arranged to go to the third floor area and be responsible for a series of "important" affairs.

This inside and outside... seems to separate two insurmountable worlds.

The space between the "upper layer" and the "lower layer" can also be called airtight.

Not only those "confidants" who patrolled the area on the third floor, there seemed to be other unknown methods secretly.

Lucid felt that most of these "means" were probably used to target the "witches"... but she didn't know much about the specific circumstances.

This is because Mirya, who provided the corresponding information, has not actually been to the third floor. The reason why she still knows some corresponding information is because of her former lover...

And this is the source of her resentment towards the Viscount Yorkville.

Nothing in the world is perfect, and the strict security system in the garden villa is no exception.

Lucid, who was climbing up the wall, soon encountered a net of countless fine threads.

This is part of the security system. Like many hunting dogs in the garden, it is a means of early warning.

As long as these thin lines are touched, an alarm connected to a certain place will be affected and an alarm will be issued.

But this "net"... is not as expected

^0^Remember in one second【】


A rather narrow gap appeared in front of Lucid.

Squinting her eyes, she quietly looked at this small gap, and then unconsciously twitched the corner of her mouth.

The gap that can be called "one hundred dense and one sparse" is actually not large, but thanks to his "rich" posture advantage, he should be able to squeeze it reluctantly.

"Hey, after all, he is also a person who owns a private airport, but it is really a big advantage..."

After murmured secretly, Lucid stopped looking at him, and moved lightly into this gap.

Thanks to the innate racial advantage of the curly baboon and the bonus brought by the "lightness of feathers", her movements are quick and silent, quite a "ghost" sense of sight.

In a blink of an eye, this "net" was almost completely crossed. UU reading www. uukā

But at this moment, Lucid's movements suddenly stopped, as if time stood still.

A slight touch came from somewhere on the left leg.

I hit the line!

But she hadn't gotten into trouble because of it.

Thoughts moved slightly, and a biting chill spread out without warning, freezing this small piece of filament with an extremely thin layer of hoarfrost.

Although this may seem rather inconspicuous, it is something that most "witches" are unable to do.

Although the promoted "witches" all have the ability to control frost, it is difficult to master them in such nuances.

After feeling for a while, Lucid's lips curled up.

The crimson moonlight enveloped every corner of the eye, quietly and silently, there seemed to be no change.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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