Lord of Mysteries: Curly-haired Baboon

Chapter 43: Salted fish stand up?

   A strong figure quietly sneaked into the manor castle late at night.

   is Lucid who is cautious.

   opened the thick curtains, and the crimson moonlight poured down like running water.

   This is the room upstairs in Bicester's bedroom, a tool room full of debris.

   opened the confined window lightly, and the curly baboon climbed down like a flat ground.

   looked at the ground far away, could not help but sigh:

   "It's a pity that there are no tall haystacks or carriages full of straws walking around..."

   familiarly prying open the lock on the window, he enters Bicester's bedroom.

   Having had previous experience, he has become more familiar with the road.

   The black light in the bedroom is blind, but it has no effect on the curly baboon with night vision ability.

   This is a bedroom with a strong Intis style. Golden hollow reliefs can be seen everywhere, and the content is exposed and the painted murals...

   It's just that there is a strange feeling faintly in this extravagance and gorgeousness.

   Looking closely, the curly-haired baboon found that the reliefs that can be seen everywhere are covered with inexplicable, twisted, and evil patterns.

   is the symbol of the worship of the "Gnostic Society"!

   The previous guess is indeed correct!

   He has become more cautious, and his movements in hiding in the dark have become lighter.

   "This will be a real assassination!"

   The curly-haired baboon holding a dagger moved very quickly and came to Bicester’s gorgeous soft bed without making a sound.

   is hiding like walking on thin ice, he doesn't want to assassinate the "Gnosis" examiner to stop him suddenly.

   This is not only his implementation of the "Assassin" faith, but also a struggle against this "Gnostic Society".

   "Using your "temptation" to let you lose an important believer, let you see what it means to be dumb!"

   There was a gloomy fire in his eyes, burning coldly.

   "There is no mechanism, there is no invisible obstruction..."

   With his careful judgment and observation, he became more and more sure.

  He wants to challenge the manipulation of the "Gnostic Society"!

   Finally, he moved.

   The dim dagger made a few invisible traces in the dark night, like a flash of horror.

   The cold dagger slashed at the vital part of the neck of the sleeping person on the bed.

   "It's done!"

   Feeling the touch from the dagger in his hand, the eyes of the curly-haired baboon emerging from the night are getting colder and colder.

   "In this "exam", my "answer" exceeded the upper limit!"

   "The Gnostic Society? That's it!?"

   No one can stop, unless...

   "Bicester" just died in a deep sleep, without even making a sound.

   Feeling the slow digestion of the potion in his body, he was somewhat satisfied.

   The crimson Yuehua spilled down through the gap in the curtain opened when the curly baboon came in, everything was so secretive and silent.

   But at this moment, something happened suddenly!

   The gas lamps on the surrounding walls were suddenly bright, and a burly but a bit blessed middle-aged man suddenly walked out of the closet on the side.


"This is impossible!"

   His appearance made the curly baboon almost "out of control" like a bolt from the blue.

   This is his goal tonight, "Human Trafficker" Bicester.

   "This is unscientific! How could this be?"

   Enduring the torture of whispering in his ear, he looked back at the rough and dull skin of Bicester on the bed and found something wrong.

   This is obviously a "stand-in"!

   forcibly pressed down the beating little heart, he took a long breath.

   Hiding in the shadow behind the bed, the curly baboon hides.

   Bicester, who came out of the closet, opened his arms, as if embracing something, it seemed so evil in this weird environment.

   There was an abnormal red on his face, and he praised loudly and called something like: "Let me welcome this..."

   Like chanting some evil spell, the expression on his face became more and more ferocious.

   But before he finished speaking, there was a bullet hole in his half-bald brain, and he fell down before he finished a word.

   On the other side, Lucid's trembling figure slowly emerged from the dark, and a faint blue smoke appeared from the muzzle of the revolver with the brass wooden handle in his hand.

   "My lord, times have changed!"

   The curly-haired baboon monkey's face showed a bit of hideous pleasure.

  He won't wait foolishly until the sudden enemy has finished chanting the spell!

   blew the gunpowder smoke from the muzzle, he was secretly vigilant.

   Counting the time, the "examiner" of the Gnosis who is "angry into anger" should also appear, right?


   However, the curly-haired baboon waited quietly for a long time, and no one suddenly appeared from anywhere.

   There is dead silence all around, like a graveyard with no one.

   Everything seems so weird.

   Lucid couldn't help it anymore, he began to observe the things in the surrounding rooms.

   The magnificent bedroom was nothing special except for the symbols of worshiping the "Gnostic Society", so he cast his gaze on the wardrobe where Bicester came out.

   Opening the closet, the curly baboon frowned.

   At first glance, this wardrobe looks like a very ordinary wardrobe, with no obvious special features.

   But this is impossible.

   reached out and knocked on the partition of the closet, and it really made a buzzing echo.

   There is nothing here!

   After another exploration, UU reading www.uukanshu. The secret door in the com closet was opened.

   is a brightly lit room full of evil symbols.

   And the most striking thing about the room is the gorgeous coffin that is also engraved with evil, twisted, and weird symbols in the middle.

   The coffin is golden all over, like a gold bar engraved with exquisite patterns.

   "What the **** Nima?"


   Curly-haired baboon can't help but feel a little scalp tingling.

   I am in the "Master of Mysteries"! How come this tm smells like "Grave Notes".

   He has an urge to run away.

   struggled for a long time, and finally his curiosity barely prevailed.

   Holding tightly the wooden handle of the revolver in his hand, he tiptoed into this room with weird feelings everywhere.

   In the room full of evil scriptures, there is nothing but the coffin, and there is a thin sheet of paper on the golden coffin.

   On the ground, Bicester’s slightly fattened face showed a strange smile...


   The lingering baboon left the castle and walked towards Trier without looking back.

   "Mom's mental retardation! This cult is really a bunch of lunatics!"

   After reading the suicide note on the coffin, he only felt cold all over.

   What are these things!

   "No more, I can't stand it anymore. The "Plan" must be activated!"

   Curly-haired baboons no longer want to have anything to do with the cult of Gnosticism.

   The people in the "Gnostic Society" are lunatics!

   He just feels that more than one day in the "Gnosis" is one step closer to death.

   "You must leave this terrible "Gnostic Church"!"


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