Under the crimson veil, Lucid, who was squatting in the shadow of the Intis parasol tree, hesitated.

   "This is the third one. I missed it. Waiting for a year, Lucid!"

   It’s not easy to make money by offering rewards. It’s the superb tracking ability of the curly baboon that can find the target so smoothly.

   "It's not easy to find a goal with hard work, and it would be a shame to give up."

   shook his head, he still couldn't convince himself.

   In his eyes, these people are not even heinous villains.

   Scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, he really couldn't get rid of it.


   With a long sigh, the curly baboon turned and looked for the next target.

   "I hope the next one is a villain who is so bad that the soles of his feet are draining!"

   "If you don't do it, you won't do it, the next one will be worse, and the next one will be more scumbag!"

   Sexy baboon, find people online!


   The sky gradually turned white.

   Lucid, with sluggish eyes, counted the few copper "Kope" left in his purse, crying without tears.

   I haven't got a bounty mission in the past few days, so I almost have no money to eat!

   He really doesn't want to go back to the zoo to eat bananas. At this moment, he misses the food of normal people very much.

   "It's not a way to go on like this!"

   The target on the reward is either not found, or sin is not dying.

   And facing such a person, he really can't do anything.

   After a brainstorm, he decided to find another way.

   "There is a way to ask others than to ask myself, or else I will catch myself?"

   was throbbing, but his reward amount was at the top of the list and the second place was dozens of blocks!

   Together with this idea, he couldn't help but take root in his heart.

   "Hey, it's impossible to really catch yourself and send it over, right? Although it's very valuable..."

   The Eternal Blazing Sun Church is 5,000 pounds, and the Steam and Mechanical Church is also 5,000...

   "Fuck! Are there so many?"

   I don’t know, I’m surprised.

   A little bit dumbfounded, Lucid never thought that his worth would have been improved in this way.

   Nearly 20,000 pounds!

   Thinking about that, the curly-haired baboon wants to catch himself.

   But this is of course impossible, but there is still room for manipulation.

   For example, looking for someone to work together for a win-win situation?


  The hot sun illuminates the earth, and the Intis sycamore trees on both sides of the road are growing vigorously.

   And in the shade of the shady tree, Shawnitz encountered a major fork in his life.

   stepped on dull steps, wandering in front of the church.

   "Is it really okay?" He hesitated, but then thought of his son who was waiting to be fed, and finally made a decision.

   "Got a gamble!"

   He walked into the church quickly, and after a while, he led a group of "Songs of Light" to the outskirts.

   Their goal is a manor in the suburbs.

   This is the place where Shawnitz "saw" the wanted man haunted.

   This manor is exactly the one in Bicester.


   After some tossing, they found the weird golden coffin.

   also confirmed through mysticism that the "wanted criminal" had indeed appeared here.

   This "clue" is undoubtedly true and effective!

   So, of course, Shawnitz won the bounty.

   cautiously, he left the church holding his wallet.

   It's already evening, and the burning clouds are extraordinarily gorgeous, but not as good as his joyful mood.

   With an uncontrollable joy on his face, he walked briskly towards the house.

   "500 pounds!"

   This is the first time that his gang has so much money, and they just feel like they're going to float when they walk.

   But then he felt a little heartbroken when he thought of more than half of him.

   This is 300 pounds!

   is the wealth that he may not have earned for ten years of hard work.

   There seemed to be two different voices in his heart, the voices arguing, making him upset.

   "He is a bad guy, a wanted criminal! There is no need to speak morally with such a person! Report him! Maybe there will be an extra bounty!"

   "But 200 pounds is not too much? Maybe 500 pounds will be confiscated after reporting?"

   Two voices kept flashing in his mind, and he stopped, his face full of entanglement.

   Finally, he seemed to have made up some determination and turned around to return to the direction of the church.

   "For a better future for children..."

   Shawnitz decided to take a gamble.

   "500 pounds! You can't miss a point...!"

   At the same time, I am faintly looking forward to the bounty that may be obtained for the next report.

   looked at the Intis sycamore trees planted all over the street, he couldn't help but sigh.

   "When I get rich, I will buy a big house in the city!"

   There is no such beautiful Intis sycamore in the slums.

   But just after he turned his head and walked without two steps, suddenly his neck hurts, his eyes blackened and he passed out.

   "I thought I was stupid? Have you never seen a pig run without eating pork?"

   In the air, the figure of the curly baboon slowly emerged.

   Having experienced the information explosion era of the 21st century, he will not be naive to the point where he does not take any precautions.

   After seeing something wrong, he moved his hand decisively.

   "Humans are greedy."

   Unconscious Shaunitz still held the 500-pound wallet tightly, and did not let go.

   Curly-haired baboon tried it, and found that even when he passed out, he still held his wallet and didn't let go. For a while, it was difficult to get the wallet out of his hand.

   "Hurt, the miser!"

   There is no way, Lucid can only slash his wallet carefully with a dagger~www.readwn.com~ and then slip away with 500 pounds.

  For the sake of the child who is waiting to be fed, he did not embarrass the miser who bit him back.

   "Hurt, I thought I was an honest person, but I got my eyes off."

  The choice of Shawnitz was observed after a period of time.

   Seeing that his usual character looks pretty good, he was chosen to cooperate with him.

   As a result, this product wanted to swallow it alone when it got the money, but also wanted to sell itself!

   "Let's save more snacks in the future, and you can't trust others like this!"

   It wasn't until the crimson moon was high in the night sky that Shawnitz woke up leisurely.

   "My 500 pounds!"

   Feeling the touch of the wallet in his hand, he was suddenly overjoyed.

   I could not wait to take it out, only to find a big cut was made on the wallet, and all the gold pounds in it were all gone.

   His mood was like riding a death roller coaster, and he fell to the bottom in an instant.

   "My money!"

   He cried loudly.

   At this moment, he is full of regrets.

   Forcibly enduring the pain in his neck that was still coming from time to time, he turned around and walked to the church.

   Must report this nasty robber!


   This incident has aroused collective outrage from all forces, thinking that this is a blatant provocation against them.

   Like a cat stepping on its tail, they collectively exploded its fur and increased their hunt for him.

   and coincidentally doubled the amount of reward offered by the curly baboon.

   But it is still sinking into the sea.

   After braving his head, the trace of the "whistleblower" disappeared again in Trier.


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