Lord of Mysteries: Curly-haired Baboon

Chapter 51: I am not an "instigator"!

   The promotion of Lucid by the "instigator" potion is obvious.

   has a very intuitive feeling about this curly baboon.

   My "spirituality" has increased!

   The most direct and obvious change is that he can "see" some things that he couldn't see before, and his perception has become more acute.

   The iconic “instigator” of the “instigator” can’t be tried for a while, but Lucid is relatively looking forward to a skill that may be brought about by the rise in spirituality:


   in high spirits, he couldn't wait to try "Lingshi" which was impossible before.

   After several failures, he finally successfully turned on "Lingshi".

   Between Lucid's open monkey paws, a glowing red color appeared.

   This is the "aura" of his hands!

After    was proficient over and over again for a while, he eagerly moved his gaze to other things.

   Everything in the bedroom is the same as before, without any spiritual light appearing.

   A little disappointed, he thought there would be some glamorous female ghosts before.

   I still have a little look forward to it!

   As if curious about a baby, he took out the only extraordinary item on his body, the brass-colored revolver with a wooden handle.

  In "Lingshi", the brass revolver actually has a brilliance that seems to be almost transparent.

   "It's so funny..."

   approached the window, Lucid looked at the scenery outside.

   The whole world has become different.

   Suddenly, his eyebrows began to twitch, uncontrollably, as if convulsing.


   Knowing that this is my "spiritual body" burden has reached its limit, so I hurriedly quit the "spiritual vision" state.

   After thinking for a while, he started to set the "Lingshi" switch.

   "It's so boring to knock on the eyebrows!"

   With a clever idea, he had an idea.

   "It's good to roll your eyes!"

   Frowning, the curly baboon thought of another question.

   just rolling your eyes is too easy to be inadvertently confused with daily expressions, causing unnecessary trouble.

   "Then... just roll your eyes on the left and right!"

   These are all "switches" that can be completed in an instant, and do not require any physical movements.

   "Hey, I am a **** genius!"

   Like a new toy, he kept switching on and off "Lingshi".

   rolled his eyes on the left and right, and suddenly there were auras of different thickness and color in his field of vision.

   turned it over twice, everything returned to its original state, no more special.

   "It's fun!"

   After initially grasping Lingshi, Lucid pursed his lips contentedly.

   Until this time, he realized that he was so tired that he could fall asleep to death at any time, and his head felt painful as if he had stayed up three all night.

   "I feel my body is hollowed out!"

   dizzy and uncomfortable, he can't wait to fall to the bed.

   As soon as it touched the pillow, the curly baboon fell asleep.

   His rhythmic snoring sound came from the room...

   He didn't woke up leisurely until the crimson moon was high in the night sky.

"what time is it?"

   rubbed his eyes, he felt a little panicked.

   Without even thinking about it, he wanted to pull the doorbell and call the little maid to give herself a plump grilled steak.

   But when I thought about the weirdness of the little maid, Holly, I was a little curious.

   then came up with another idea:

   "Hey, do you want to secretly observe the little maid?"

   Looking at the crimson moon outside the window, he just said do it...

   "Hey, I didn't expect you to be such a little maid!"

   On the outer wall of Kitas Castle, the curly baboon climbed the small bump on the edge of the window, and secretly observed the little maid Holly in the room.

   The little maid in the room alone seemed to be a changed person. Facing the bottles and cans on the table, it was a neat and clean operation.

   Smooth and incomparably smooth movements completely killed the curly baboon's clumsy hands when deploying the "Instigator" potion in the morning.

   Lucid feels ashamed and can't help but sigh:

   "Unexpectedly, my personal maid seems to be a "pharmacist"!"

   rolled his eyes on the left and right, and he turned on "Spirit Vision".

  Everything in the field of vision has changed. The bottles and jars that the little maids are playing with have brilliance in them, or they are blue like the sky, or bright like stars, or crimson like fire!


   Curly-haired baboon again looked up the little maid with "Ling Vision".

   In "Lingshi", the little maid presents different colors, thick or thin auras in Lucid's eyes.

   The head is quite bright purple, the red of the hands and feet is relatively more dazzling, and the overall white is even more intense than Lucid's.

  嚯, as expected, the limbs are well developed... Lucid muttered to himself.

   But Lucid can't be 100% sure that she is extraordinary.

   From observation, Hurley is a professional pharmacist.

   But whether it is an extraordinary "pharmacist" or not, this cannot be distinguished from observation alone.

   Even "Lingshi" won't work.

   "Dare to use expired materials, you really have one..."

   Climbed back to the room from the almost vertical outer wall of the castle, the curly baboon collapsed on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

   frowned, thinking about how to get out of this breath...

   Maybe you can use "abet" to tease her?

   Eyes are empty~www.readwn.com~ The curly baboon starts to think.

   The ability to "instigate" was not only the only extraordinary power he gained after promotion, but also the fundamental reliance on which he "played" the instigator.

   "How about "abet" then?"

   He was lost in thought.

   In my memory, "Assassin" and "Hunter" are both inseparable from "disaster" and "war".

   Therefore, my role must be related to "disaster", and to put it bluntly is "destroying"!

   "Then what I have to do is to "destruct" as much as possible? Does this conform to the characteristics of "disaster"?"

   Curly-haired baboon scratched his head.

   The "playing" of the "instigator" is to instigate others to "make sabotage"?

   Curly-haired baboon couldn't help but feel a little disgusted.

   "Sabotage" or something, my own conscience is a bit unreasonable!

   What's more, they still "seduce" other people!

   He couldn't pass this hurdle in his heart, let alone "seduce" others!

   This is bound to fail. How can you convince others even if you can’t convince yourself?

   Maybe even the "instigation" ability will fail!

   was a little tangled, and for a while he was a little confused about what to do.

   He pulled his hair in pain, and he frowned.

   "Do you really want to become what you hate step by step?"

   Lucid got up out of the bed in a guilty way.

   stood barefoot on the carpet of unknown material, pacing back and forth.

   "No, I have to think of some other way! I must not become a "slave" to the potion!"

   "I am who I am! Not an "instigator"! Not a frantic villain!"


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