Lord of Mysteries: Curly-haired Baboon

Chapter 64: Go out to meet a distinguished person

   "Where is this head..."

   Along the railroad tracks, the curly baboon does not know how far it has gone.

   "My legs are running off!"

   In Intis, trains are still a novelty, so there are very few trains every day.

   basically don’t expect the next shift.

   The sorrowful curly baboon had to grimace and continue to walk along the railroad tracks.

   "I don't know where it is here?"

   But to his comfort, after walking for a while, a fairly spacious road appeared in front of him.

   This road is parallel to the railroad tracks, and it is probably a dirt road stepped on by walking.

There are obvious rut ​​marks on both sides of    road. I think it should be a business road.

   The soil on the road is very smooth, which shows that until recently, people have been using this commercial road.

   breathed a sigh of relief, which shows that the neighborhood should not be considered a deserted area.

   Sure enough, after walking for a while, the curly-haired baboon vaguely heard the voice of someone talking.

   I was overjoyed, this seemed to be a caravan or other traveler.

   looked up at the sky, the curly-haired baboon frowned imperceptibly.

   This is too early.

   But he still didn't hesitate, and quickly walked in the direction where he heard the voice.

   As the distance shortened, the conversation he heard became clearer and clearer.

   Lucid watched from a distance, just as the white fish belly lit up slightly in the sky.

   "Looks like a caravan..."

   appeared in front of him was a team of three or four four-wheeled carriages, which was quite similar to the caravan he had noticed before.

   He couldn't help feeling a little sad when he thought of the people who had suffered a lot from the fish.

   "In the future, will I become like that "white robe witch"?"

   pursed his mouth, he felt that if he became so capable of disregarding human life, he might be on the verge of madness at that time.

   "This can be used as a benchmark..."

   secretly awakened in his heart, Lucid showed a look of determination in his eyes.

   After tidying up his clothes, he decided to repeat the same tricks and get into the caravan and rub his car.

   There is a car to take, why do you have to walk around?

   Across the distance, he emerged and greeted the caravan in the distance.


   Seeing a stranger who suddenly appeared, the people in the caravan became vigilant.

   This person does not look like a serious person.

   Normal people would not be alone at this point from the place where they are now.

   Besides, this person is still covering his face!

  As Lucid approached, some people who looked like caravan guards couldn't help but clenched their weapons, and shouted, "Stop, what are you doing!"

   touched his nose, he stopped, and said loudly: "I want to take your ride, for which I am willing to pay a fee of 10 pounds!"

   The people in the convoy were obviously a little hesitant, staring at each other.

   But after hearing the heart-pounding bargaining chip of "10 pounds", a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the leader.

   So, with his approval, Lucid did not get on this "hitch ride" smoothly.

   sat on the roof of one of the carriages of the convoy, but Lucid rarely said anything.

   After approaching this seemingly normal "caravan", the curly-haired baboon's keen sense of smell smelled an unusual smell.

   There is a faint smell of blood in the "caravan"!

   "There is a problem with this "caravan"!"

   Sitting on the roof of the slowly moving carriage, Lucid quietly observed.

   Following his observation, he found more clues.

   In the car in front, I can hear subtle, unnatural noises from time to time.

   And the weapons in the hands of these so-called "caravan guards" all exude a lingering faint smell of blood.

   This is the source of the **** smell!

   "I'm afraid I didn't take the wrong car..."

   This caravan is not so much a caravan as it is a band of thieves.

   "Where is this? How far is it from the provincial capital of Champagne?"

   Lucid asked "at a loss".

   After getting an ambiguous answer, he closed his mouth "quite witty".

   "The spiritual consumption has become smaller..."

   Curly-haired baboons used the means of "abetting".

   Regarding the reduction in "spiritual" consumption, he was a little bit ecstatic, which proved that the "playing" of the previous period did indeed work.

   The convoy continued to move forward, and slowly, it came to a remote woodland.

  As Lucid expected, these "caravan guards" could not wait to expose their other faces.

   Facing these ill-intentioned people, a hint of cunning appeared on Lucidmon's face.

   pretending to have a "pathetic" tone, he spoke "deadly":

   "Let me go... I still have £15,000 in deposits..."

   This is the truth. Lucid does have such a passbook from the National Bank of Intis. This is a "fresh gadget" "invented" by Roselle.

   But this also completely "ignited" the greed buried in the hearts of these thieves.

   I don’t know who moved the hand first, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com's chaotic killing began.

   Until the final "victor" is decided, this farce can be regarded as an end.

   When the only "lucky guy" faced Lucid with a crazy smile, he ushered in a cold light...

   After putting an end to this "farce", he shook his head.

Why bother?

   did not care about the thieves anymore, he came to the side of the noisy carriage.

   opened the tightly wrapped canvas, Lucid saw a little beauty **** by the big five flowers.

   "Coward, what do you think it is..."

   shook his head, he untied the tightly bound "Zongzi".

   is a bit boring, but it makes sense.

   "The sexual orientation of these people is normal..."

   There was a glimmer of light in his eyes looking at the little beauty who was struggling to get up.

   "This is the best "bystander"! If you don't use it, is it still a human being?" (Indeed, it is not)

   licked his lips, this time "Arrods" can't run away, right?

   looked at this obviously still confused lady, and he couldn't help frowning.

   "It feels a bit familiar..."

   But no matter what he thinks, he can't figure out where he has seen such a girl.

   shook his head, the curly baboon gave up thinking.

   The little beauty who was rescued by him couldn't help but his eyes widened.

   She is the "thief" who "touched" Lucid's tail at the Trier Fair before.

   Obviously, she recognized this "perversion" that impressed her at a glance.

   The scene became awkward...


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