Jianhai County Conston, it is the time when everything is waiting to be thriving.

   Looking at some familiar sights, Lucid couldn't help but curl his lips.

   I didn't expect to go round and round before returning to this familiar place.

   Following the medium-sized Azik, the curly baboon walked on the streets of Conston, looking left and right.

   is different from the last time he passed by in a hurry, this time he has a deeper feeling.

   At this time, Jianhai County has already turned cold, and a few pedestrians wearing semi-thin cotton jackets are walking on some depressed roads, appearing a little run down.

   The houses on the street also appeared to be a bit dilapidated. Only a small part of the buildings destroyed by the war had been repaired, and most of them were turned into barren ruins.

   Unlike when Lucid first arrived in Conston, the city has changed a lot after the war. The most intuitive manifestation is the reduction of shops on both sides of the street.

  On the whole street, only a few shops are open, which is in sharp contrast with the past.

   "Rossell, are you really doing it right?"

   Lucid's mind is a little confused.

   "I will kill so many innocent people in the future?"

   "No, this is not what I want..." He frowned in pain.

   The mood became depressed for a while, and no longer looked at the dilapidated buildings, but quietly followed the same silent Azik.

  Walking to the door of a closed shop, Azik stopped.

   On the somewhat weathered door frame, there was a rusty, half-falling door number nailed to it.

   Lucid struggled to distinguish the words written on it:

   "17 Tulip Street"

   This is a small double-storey house. It looks like a bar before on the first floor, and a room for people to rest on the second floor.

   After repeated confirmations, Azik took out a bunch of keys from his windbreaker pocket.

   He tried several times, and one of the keys successfully opened the lock of the store.


   The wooden shop door was slowly opened by him.

   What came into view was a dark room. When he raised his head, Azik and Lucid looked at each other, and walked into this somewhat old house one after another.


   Looking around the space in the shop roughly, the black-haired and brown-eyed Azik murmured a little bit disappointed.

   "Uh... maybe we should check the room to see if there are any clues in it?"

   Lucid comforted a little curiously.

   A gleam of hope flashed through Azik's dim and vicissitudes of life, and he turned his head to check.

  Looking at his back, Lucid frowned.

   "This behavior is also normal? What is wrong?"

   Touched the corner of his forehead, he had a headache.

   Azik who was on the carriage that day woke up quickly.

   But what Lucid did not expect was that Azik, who had regained consciousness, was in a state of amnesia.

   In the absence of clarification, Lucid chose to wait and see for a while.

   After making certain reservations, Lucid succeeded in gaining his initial trust as a friend that Azik had just made during the journey before his amnesia.

   After asking some things, according to the only clue that Azik had, they came to Conston in Jianhai County.

   At this time, the curly-haired baboon discovered that the place where he is now is unexpectedly outside of Conston, Jianhai County.

   "There is a conspiracy!"

   But after scratching his head and thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out what Amon wanted to do.

   In front of him, he was as weak as a baby, so why didn't Amon embarrass himself and acted as a "didi driver" for himself?

   This is not occult!

  I actually walked all over under Amon's hands? It's a fantasy!

   And why is Azik in Amon's car?

   Curly-haired baboon just feels his brain buzzing, a mess.

   The mysteries are like spider webs, entwined one after another in his mind.

   can't help but spit out:

   "This Amon is just like a snake's disease, he doesn't play cards according to normal people's thinking..."

  Since I couldn't figure it out, the curly baboon gave up thinking.

   Following the awakened Azik, he came again to "revisit the old place".

   I can’t lick Kemiao, but Azik’s lick is pretty good too!

   After all, this is a nice thigh!

   I just don't know what happened between Azik and Amon. This made Lucid a little bit concerned, and he couldn't help but be a little more wary in secret.

   After a short while, Azik, frowning, walked out.

  The bronzed face was a little black, and he said lowly:

   "There are no clues..."

   This had been expected by Lucid.

   He can see it, this should be another "reincarnation" of Azik.

   But why does "Amon" participate in it?

   frowned, he shook his head slightly, then quietly rolled his eyes left and right, and looked at Azik solemnly.

   In "Lingshi", his various auras are normal, and there is nothing weird about him.

Even Lucid could see the spiritual whistle in his chest pocket, and he couldn’t help but be even more sure that this was Azik himself~www.readwn.com~ If we could get that brass whistle, that would be great... …"

   But looking at the dazed and lost expression on his face, the curly baboon was a little bit unbearable.

   Azik who has lost his memory is like a wandering homeless man...

   wanted to tell him something about him, but couldn't say what he said.

   Lucid hesitated, he was not sure if this would affect the future development of the plot.

   And the depressed Azik didn't notice his strangeness, so the atmosphere became silent, and needles fell in small shops.

   After a moment of silence, Azik raised his head and said firmly:

   "I decided to live here. Maybe one day I can find some other clues..."

   "My friend, can you help me?"

   pursed his lips, Lucid solemnly said:



   But within a few days, the curly baboon began to regret it.

   After a few days of boredom at 17 Tulip Street in Conston, Azik had the idea of ​​opening a pub.

   "Maybe opening a tavern will help collect information..."

   Staring at Lucid, Azik throws out his point.

   The lazy curly baboon broke out in a cold sweat.

  If 1 Tulip Street really becomes a tavern, then you can imagine what kind of role you will play in it...

   After some persuasion, he reversed Azik's dangerous thoughts.

   Curly-haired baboons succeeded in defeating the tavern scheme for the reason that the "Detective Agency" was more advantageous in collecting intelligence.

   "Lutz Detective Agency" officially launched!


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