Putting on his cloak, Lucid walked out of the hotel.

The sun in late autumn is not violent, and there is a warm smell. The clear sky and the autumn breeze that blows from time to time make people feel comfortable.

Looking up at the clear sky, there seemed to be a feeling of a world away.

The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and he walked on the street in no hurry, looking at the surrounding street scenes with interest.

At this moment, she is walking on the streets of the southern district of Tingen, planning to go to the church of St. Selena in the northern district.

Of course, it is also essential to find something to fill your stomach on the way.

As she walked along, she suddenly smelled a scent of curiosity, which made her move her index finger.

"Tsk, it smells good."

Without thinking about it, I walked into this restaurant and enjoyed a lunch with the characteristics of the Kingdom of Luen.

Just as he was about to check out, Lucid suddenly remembered something.

That is the "divination" that has been "failed" before.

I rolled my eyes and thought a little optimistic

"It didn't work when I was an "instigator" before, but now it's all a witch, it should be fine."

After being promoted, her "spiritual" has undoubtedly strengthened a lot, which made her regain her confidence a little.

The poor curly baboon doesn’t know, but she’s always quite accurate in divination.

Just do it, call the waiter in the restaurant

"Excuse me, please give me two glasses of grapes. Forget it, two glasses of water, one glass of clear water and one glass of lemonade."

Her current voice is a loli that fits the image very well, and it's a bit inappropriate to order wine.

Lucid is a little unaccustomed to this slightly immature voice now.

But the voice after becoming a "witch" is like this, there is no choice.

Of course, various different voices can be simulated by extraordinary means, but Lucid, who has not really spoken for a long time, chose to speak with a real voice.

After a while, two glasses of water came.

The wave stopped the waiter's words, and enthusiastically removed the ruby-inlaid pendulum from his wrist.

Hang the "spiritual pendulum" straight on the water cup on your right side, and mutter silently

"This glass has lemon"

After one pass, she succeeded in obtaining a satisfying result.

This proves that "divination" is indeed useful.

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and the waiter brought a pen and paper.

Strike while the iron is hot, she wants to foretell whether her trip went smoothly.

Write the line of fortune-telling words "This time to St. Selena's Church can achieve the goal" on white paper, hold the "spiritual pendulum" in the left hand, mute the divination sentences seven times, close your eyes, and enter a state of meditation.

After stabilizing for a few seconds, she opened her eyes and frowned as she looked at the ruby ​​pendant.

Because the pendulum is turning counterclockwise, the amplitude is not slow, and the speed is not slow.

This represents negation

Knowing that the purpose of this trip cannot be achieved, going to the church of St. Selena to become a believer in the goddess may encounter some problems.

Rubbing his chin, thinking a little depressed

"Does my divination fail again? It's better to be more cautious."

He hurriedly picked up the glass of lemonade and took a sip, and walked out of the restaurant after checking out.

Looking at the direction of St. Selena's church in the north, he hesitated again.

Do you want to believe your own divination?

Turning his eyes, he returned to the dining room and wrote a new divination statement on the paper:

"The road to St. Selena's Church will not go well."

After reciting silently seven times, she opened her eyes.

The pendulum rotated counterclockwise again, as if mocking silently.


Lucid is in trouble, is his divination really inaccurate?

If the divination is accurate, it means that you may encounter something bad in the church of St. Selena

Frowning, he wrote a divination sentence like a broken jar

"The Church of St. Selena is in danger"

Efforts to calm the mood, once again use the pendulum method for divination.

This time, the ruby ​​pendulum with a strong Intis style spun clockwise.

Lucid couldn't help but frown, and couldn't help but vomit.

"This divination is really not allowed"

Is there any danger in the church of St. Selena

Simply ridiculous

Angrily put away the pendulum, and embarked on the road to St. Selena's Church with a black face.


Going all the way to the north, and after exiting the southern area, passing through the Jinwutong area, Lucid finally came to the northern area where St. Selena’s Church is located.

It really went well.

After walking for a while, a beautiful white square appeared in front of him.

On the other side of the square, is the church of St. Selena with a majestic spire.

This cathedral has an obvious earth-like Gothic style, with a black overall appearance. The front facade is a tall, brand-new clock tower, which is located on the huge central buttress between the red and blue lattice windows and inserted into the sky.

Looking at the towering cathedral, Lucid couldn't help but admire

"This is really spectacular"

At this time, St. Selena’s Church is undoubtedly the tallest building in the North District of Tingen. Among the sparse buildings in the North District, it stands out from the crowd.

Unlike the original description, Tingen at this time was just emerging.

Except for the Jinwutong district, the southern district and the dock district, other districts are still in a state of just beginning construction.

Pouted and thought curiously

"I don't know if the street already existed when Kemiao just crossed."

Shaking his head, he didn't think about this problem anymore, and he raised his foot to walk to the cathedral.

But at this moment, "spirituality" suddenly showed some reactions.

Lucid stopped, frowning invisibly.

"It's better to be steady~www.readwn.com~ Observe and observe first"

I randomly found a place to sit down on the square covered with white marble, looked at the cathedral opposite, and began to meditate.

"Could it be that there will be any changes in the church today?

Wait a while and take a look before going in

But this wait was an afternoon, and her doubts from the beginning gradually became self-doubt.

I even felt like a curly baboon, a bit dumb.

Finally, when the big clock on the clock tower rang again, Lucid finally lost all patience.

"I shouldn't believe in unreliable "divination", it's a waste of time"

Stand up and walk straight to the door of the cathedral.

But when I was about to walk to the door of the church, the door closed with a bang.


Lucid is dumbfounded, what's the situation?

"Girl, come early next time, the church is closed"

The person next to you kindly reminded.

After blinking, I feel that the whole person is not good.

In desperation, he had to return to the hotel unwillingly, ready to go to church tomorrow.

At night, there was another whisper in the ear of Lucid, who was sleeping.

Probably because of her spiritual rise, she clearly heard the content of the whisper.

"The unique red moon, a symbol of life and beauty, the mother of all spiritual powers I pray for"

She suddenly woke up from her dream.

This obviously points to the non-existent prayer on the moon, how could it reach my ears?

Is it true that the current me is equivalent to,,,

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