Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 244 Heading to the Sea of ​​Ruins

After that, Esther rarely stayed in the cabin honestly.

Klein placed the satchel on the desk for her, and Skylark took out a handkerchief, then stepped on the satchel for a moment, as if to confirm its sovereignty.

Then the little bird lay down in the depression and closed its eyes, spread its wings and buried its head underneath. The handkerchief was just the right size to cover it:

"I might want to take a nap..."

"Want me to get you something? Water or food?"

Klein asked.

But he did not receive any response. Klein looked sideways and saw that the skylark's body was still rising and falling slowly, and the light osmanthus-yellow feathers exposed continued to shimmer.

Her condition is still very bad. The act of absorbing energy from the snake's body cannot replace her previous consumption. What is the origin of that snake?

Klein immediately remembered the mercury snake - Will Ascetin's paper crane was still on him. He didn't mind contacting him again before entering the eastern sea and asking about the light, Skylark and Zoya. news.

Just as Klein was removing the spiritual wall, the "Future" jolted suddenly, and he immediately rushed to the window and looked out.

Huge waves were crashing hard against the side of the ship, and thunder crashed down very close to the window.

Klein immediately realized the reason why the "Future" suddenly fell into the storm. The previous flight distance was too fast, and Cattleya might not be able to control the direction stably. The ship flew dangerously into the sea with abnormal weather.

However, the luck of the "Future" was not bad. With the efforts of the crew, it soon returned to the safe channel. The huge waves that rolled in failed to engulf the intruder, and it stayed in its place angrily day and night. A place that rages.

Klein released the "Poseidon" domain talisman he was holding tightly in his hand, and looked back at Esther. Skylark was sleeping very soundly, and was not even affected by the bumps of the ship at all.

It was an eventful night...

Klein let out a long breath and walked into the bathroom to prepare for bed, including writing on the edge of the paper crane what he wanted to ask Will Ascetin: "Have you ever heard of 'Zoya'? What’s the matter with Skylark? What dangers should we be aware of when going to the easternmost part of the Sunia Sea to find mermaids?”

He wrote it along with a request for help on this journey.

Before this, Klein had asked Azik Eggers about the legend of "Zoya", but the information he received was quite unclear.

In Mr. Azik's reply, the only clear thing is that the name "Zoya" existed in the more distant Third Age or even earlier, but this existence did not leave any deeds. There are only a few within some "Stealer" families. There are rumors, and Mr. Azik doesn’t know the specific situation.

But this time when he saw the strange lines in the snake's body, Klein decided to ask Will, who was also on the "destiny" path.

He didn't want to tell too many people about Esther's acquaintance with him, because Esther had already been involved in enough troubles. If he met "Zoya"'s new enemy, it would be easy to expose the relationship between the two. friendship.

Not to mention that Amon is still trying to use "Zoya" to track "The Fool"...

Thinking about it gave Klein a headache. Esther had described to him the abilities that Amon had shown. He could steal anything. It was simply unbelievable.

Klein placed the paper crane under his pillow and finally lay on the bed. He tried to clear his mind and used meditation to adjust his state so that he could fall into dreamland as soon as possible.


Black wasteland, towers standing.

The absence of the giant white snake made this already vast space feel particularly deserted. Klein quickly arrived at the foot of the tower and walked along the disorderly and messy stairs and doors to the deepest room.

At the old place where the two met, tarot cards were scattered on the ground, forming a complete circle.

On the raised ground in the middle, the dense writing is clearly visible, and the beginning part looks rather sloppy, showing the anxiety of the owner of this place.

Regardless of whether Will writes directly or visualizes these contents, his mood does not look very good:

"Since you will ask me about 'Zoya', I have to guess that He has had contact with you. I cannot divine His situation. To me, it is no different from sending myself to His mouth.

"But I believe you have a way to refuse the request from Him. This is what I see in you, a slight change of hope. I hope you can help conceal my existence. I can promise to help you in the future and do something that is not necessary. Things that are beyond my capabilities.

"I can't tell you much. Although He has an empty person and no entity, He can still gain strength and repair Himself by swallowing my extraordinary characteristics. I'm not sure what state 'Zoya' is in now, but He There is only a real threat to my path, and you need not fear His presence.

"'Zoya' is not a mythical creature, not an extraordinary person, or even a true god or an evil god. I can only tell you this."

As he read these words, Klein's hands tightened subconsciously.

The thing tied to Esther's head is really a time bomb. According to Will Ascetin's description, "Zoya" is like a possessed evil spirit.

The blank space of the crumpled origami crane was too narrow for Klein to leave any more questions. He felt a deep sense of powerlessness, which came from the uneasiness caused by being weak.

Klein's eyes quickly scanned the rest of the content, and Will issued a warning about the dreamland after nightfall in that sea area, because it contains the power left by the gods, and the depths of the dreamland are extremely dangerous.

The rest of the tips are for abnormal phenomena during the day, and there are corresponding avoidance methods. Mermaids cannot live in too dangerous areas. As long as you sail in, it will not be difficult to find them.

Klein sighed in his heart. This time he was only going to sea to be promoted to Secret Puppet Master. He didn't know what to do if he was promoted to Sequence Four. Formulas and potions would be more difficult to find.

Esther's promotion path seems easy and seems to be the envy of other Beyonders. However, she has been increasingly affected by it. If she continues to be promoted, she...

Will it be constantly changed or even replaced by "Zoya"?

Klein quickly suppressed this sudden thought and refused to dwell on it.

Maybe Esther just showed signs of losing control easily because she didn't "act". Maybe I should remind her of this.

Klein tried to think positively, but he couldn't get rid of the uneasiness lingering in his mind.


The next morning, Esther still wasn't fully recovered.

"Do you want me to bring you something from the restaurant?"

Skylark turned over and completely retracted his exposed head under the handkerchief. His voice sounded weak: "Thank you, no need. I seem to still have indigestion..."

Klein twirled a feather from the bottom of his half-height silk hat and put it back on his head: "Then you have a good rest."

He stared at Skylark's position for another two seconds, and decided to let Esther take a good rest first, and then talk to her about the "out-of-control tendency". He didn't know if Esther was willing to talk about what she was hiding now. Things seem to be happening more and more...

Klein smiled self-deprecatingly, why wasn't he like this?

The crazy adventurer put on his long trench coat. Fortunately, yesterday he went back to the room directly to accommodate Skylark. Otherwise, his formal attire would be completely soaked under the violent storm, and he would have to wear the crew-neck shirt and wide-leg pants in the box.

After Klein left, Esther continued to cover her head, immersed in the hazy feeling of being half asleep and half awake.

Silence returned to the room, but it didn't last long.

The "Future" suddenly rose and fell, shaking like a carp.

Esther's eyes widened for a moment, and the next second, she felt a strong sense of weightlessness and was thrown off the table.

Seeing that the ceiling was getting closer and closer, and a close contact was about to happen, the skylark quickly twisted its body in mid-air, flapped its wings lightly and flew up.

Esther looked around distressedly, not understanding what was going on. All the unfixed items were thrown away and hit her head due to inertia.

Esther didn't know if she should fly to the restaurant to have a look. The situation there would probably be worse than this, right?

Suddenly, the downward fall of the "Future" was stopped by an external force, and the ship flew upward again. Everything changed direction, smashed to the ground, and barely returned to where they should be.

Esther, who was hovering in the room, flew back to the table and looked towards the window. The sunlight outside seemed to have suddenly reached noon, blazing and dazzling.

But it smells like blood.

Her heartbeat suddenly quickened.

Esther lowered her head suddenly, not because of the overly strong light, but because of her uncontrollable emotions. These emotions even triggered physiological reactions, making Esther feel breathless and Skylark's body uncontrollable. The ground trembled.

The pain of unknown origin echoed in Esther's perception. She knew very well that it did not belong to her, but she could not refuse these waves of grief and was forced to experience the emotions of others.

Skylark buried its head deeply under its wings, and the pain of splitting from the inside out kept coming from the depths of Esther's mind.

She asked in a low voice: "Are you sad?"

There was no response, only the echoing sadness wandering in Esther's consciousness, like a ghost trapped in a distant time.

The skylark flapped its wings. Fortunately, Esther was already accustomed to the feeling of flying. Even if she didn't have to concentrate too much, she could fly across this distance and land at the window sill.

Outside is a golden ocean.

To be more precise, the sky and the sea were covered with golden flames at the same time. The golden color was constantly burning, emitting a dazzling light that seemed to never stop.

It's like the hottest sun has fallen here, but its remaining power refuses to admit its own destruction and still steadfastly emits light and heat.

Esther felt that her vision was a little blurry, and she couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"You actually cry too? This doesn't seem to be consistent with your identity."

The skylark raised its wings and used its soft wings to wipe away the tears from the corners of its eyes. The down feathers mixed with liquid were itching all the time.

It's really strange that a being like "Zoya" can have "emotions" similar to humans? Aren’t gods always on top?

Esther thought this, and she began to feel sad.

Forgot to post it! sorry!

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