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In the early morning of the next day, when the first ray of sunlight, the breakthrough horizon, poured on the tallest tower in the city of Arrived, the army that had been stationed outside Yanchi Pa finally arrived at Arrived.

As the original general of this army, Yuan Lie is currently being held in the Nine Realms by Li Xiuyan. The new general is the son of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, Hu Tian.

Mu Yunping, as the guard of the arrival of the moon, when the army enters the city, he will naturally greet him personally, especially the general is the eldest son of the prime minister.

At this time, Hu Tian, even though he was the marshal of the army, still followed the original official position. The position of Great Marshal was still held by Yuan Lie. This made Hu Tian very unhappy, especially He had to listen to the emperors special envoy to make him even more irritable. He didnt know how many bad luck eggs he had dealt with under various excuses. Chinese soldiers became terror-stricken at the news, and they all called him secretly as King Hu Yan.

Compared with the black robed man, the mask of modest attitude, the attitude of King Hu Yan made Mu Yunping very upset. As soon as he entered the city, he showed up a man, his second child Attitude, ask all sorts of questions, I heard that Xiaoyues army had been stationed outside the city for eight days, and was even more angry to get really angry, and ordered to open the city gates and confront them head-on.

Mu Yunping actually wanted to solve Luan Tianxiang’s army outside the city as soon as po ible, but the army had just arrived here after a long journey, and the people were tired and horses. Now playing, it is no different than the tired army War Tiger, which is too cost-effective.

Fortunately, not only did he think so, but even the generals that Hu Tian brought with him had the same idea.

But Hu Tian didn’t think so at all. He scolded Mu Yunping and the others as cowards and insisted on opening the door to meet the enemy. Whoever dares not to follow suit, immediately engage in military law.

Mu Yunping had no choice but to order Zhou Li to find the masked black robed man, hoping that as his special envoy, he could persuade Hu Tian not to act reckle ly.

But Zhou Li almost searched the entire city of Arrival, but did not see the silhouette of the envoy. As a result, at noon, under Hu Tians military order, the city gate of Arrival at Moon City slowed down. Slowly opened, the soldiers of the Great Han Empire rushed out and attacked the camp of the Xiaoyue Empire.

A war without any purpose, under Hu Tian’s arbitrary actions, is just the beginning.

As a defender to block Seoul, Luan Tianxiang received the order that the army was approaching the city instead of fighting the big man, so after the war began, he wanted to order the withdrawal of the army.

Unfortunately, the soldiers of the big man did not give them a chance to retreat, and they attacked like a wolf like a tiger.

We can’t blame them for this. We can only blame the military order i ued by Hu Tian, which made them have to spare no effort.

Three days later, Xiaoyues army, at the expense of part of the soldiers lives, finally retreated into the Valley of the Deadwind.

The topography of Deadwind Valley is peculiar. From top to bottom, it looks like a bottle gourd. The two ends are wide, the middle is narrow, and the narrowest place is only more than ten meters. If the war is involved here, then It will become very embarra ing. Even if the two sides have a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses behind them, there are no more than a hundred people who can really fight each other. This is one of the reasons why Xiaoyue and Dahan rarely fight here.

As the commander-in-chief of the army, Hu Tian was supposed to stay in the city of Arrival and guard, but when he saw that his army had the upper hand, he couldn’t help it and rushed out of the city with his guards. , Has been chasing the Valley of the Deadwind.

After learning the topography of Deadwind Valley, he was dumbfounded and jumped with anger. He wanted to summon the martial artists in the army to forcefully change the terrain of Deadwind Valley.

“Absolutely…” Mu Yunping hurriedly stepped forward to stop him. If he changes the topography of Deadwind Valley, his life will be difficult in the future, so he will naturally not approve. Secondly, Deadwind Valley Its not that the terrain can be changed. Unle someone has the ability to move mountains and suppre ing seas, its easy to be self-defeating. After all, there are rock walls as high as several hundred meters on both sides of the valley. Soldiers will be smashed into meatloaf.

“Neither does this, nor does that work. Could it be that the stalemate can’t be achieved?” Hu Tian glared at Mu Yunping.

Mu Yunping didnt know how to answer, so he could only choose to remain silent…

Just when Xiaoyue and Dahan were confronting each other in the narrow area in the center of the Valley of Defiance, they did not stop. Li Xiuyan, who has come to the outside of Arrivals City, is only 100 meters away from the city gate of Arrivals City.

Beside Li Xiuyan, there is a young man. Although his facial features seem to be fine, he looks distorted when placed on a face, especially his eyes. The eyes are white, even There is no trace of variegated color, it is Chi Weiyang who was harmed by Xun’s calamity.

“I think we have arrived at the Moon City you mentioned.” Li Xiuyan glanced at the tower in front of him, turned his head and said to Chi Weiyang beside him.

Chi Weiyang nodded, “Arrived in Moon City is like Baiyan City. The city is full of defenders and there are no people. If you want to enter the city, you can only wait until night.”

” Well, I see, let’s go back first.” After that, he took Chi Weiyang back to the Nine Realm Space.

Except for his appearance and eyes, Chi Weiyang’s body is no different, except that he lost his eyes and his combat capability has dropped drastically.

Fortunately, his character is more optimistic. After three days of being alone, he has already faced reality, but until now, he has not had the courage to face the person who betrayed him.

It seems that that person has been shielded by his consciousne .

As for Chiweiyangs grandfather Chiyangtian… the physical trauma is not a major problem. After all, there is a long-term soul and moisturizer, even if his injury is a bit more serious, the two can remove him from The gates of hell Lira come back. It’s just that his mental state is always unstable, crazy and epilepsy, and simply not normal.

In order to avoid hurting people when he went mad, Li Xiuyan obtained Chi Weiyang’s consent before allowing the old soul to use Formation to temporarily block him.

“What’s the situation outside, are we there yet?”

When Li Xiuyan and Chi Weiyang came back, Kou Ning was the first to rush up, and he wanted to go out too. It’s almost crazy here.

Li Xiuyan nodded, “I’m here, but I can’t get by now, Lord Crown Prince said that I will wait until the night.”

“I’ll go… Doesn’t that mean I have to wait a few hours “Kou Ning said depre ed.

At his strong request, Huo Siyu, Chi Weiyang, and Li Xiuyan also added him to their worship. Although he is a little older than Li Xiuyan, the hat of the fourth child, It still fell on his head. In this regard, he has always expre ed that he is not convinced, and finally got a chance to ride on Li Xiuyan’s head, but was ruthle ly deprived of it, leaving him depre ed.

“Okay, not bad these few hours, you quickly find a place to adjust your state, maybe this time, we can see the mysterious person who started the Blood Soul array, when the time comes you Don’t pull our hind legs!”

“hmph, who do you look down on!”

Kou Ning was not snorted, obediently walked out of the Peach Garden small courtyard and found a spacious one Local breath and qi regulation.

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