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Faced with another question from Dahan’s special envoy, Li Xiuyan asked with a serious face: “Do you really want to know that I am who?”

After hearing this, Dahan’s special envoy was angry. I have to curse my mother straight, and said in my heart, if I don’t want to know, why should I ask you!

Li Xiuyan noticed a slight tremor on the shoulders of Dahans special envoy, knowing that he must have been irritated by his question just now, so said in deadly earnest: “My identity is actually Heavenly Realm…”

“What! Are you from the Heavenly Realm?”

Before Li Xiuyan’s words were finished, the envoy of Dahan interrupted him in astonishment. .

Li Xiuyan is not angry, nodded with a smile, “Yes, I am from the heavenly realm, why, are you also from the heavenly realm?”

Body trembled , This makes Li Xiuyan more certain that this guy is not a person from the lower world, otherwise it is impo ible to have the power to activate the Blood Soul array.

“Since you are also in the heavenly realm, why do you want to ruin my good deeds?” Dahan envoy asked Li Xiuyan.

Li Xiuyan said: “What you are talking about seems to be nonsense. Could it be that this is the Xiatian realm, which allows you to act reckle ly and kill the innocent?”

The Han’s special envoy coldly snorted, “For those of us in the heavenly realm, there is no difference between the people here and the ants.”

“Fat you*!” Li Xiuyan directly exploded. The most annoying person is the big man. People like the special envoy, otherwise, while moistening the human realm, he wouldn’t kill those Wu Family.

“Smelly brat, you dare to scold me!” The envoy of the big Han was directly enraged by Li Xiuyan’s vulgarity, and the second sharp arrow on the heavy bow shot directly at Li Xiuyan .

Li Xiuyan took a deep breath and stretched the right hand in front of him again. With the previous experience, this time, he used the characteristics of the Nine Realms space more proficiently, and really did a little Send that sharp arrow into the nine realm space without damage.

“Don’t use the same trick twice on me.” Li Xiuyan deliberately provoked.

The anger of the Dahan Special Envoy was ignited by him again, coldly said: “Well, in that case, then you will try this trick! The sky is full of arrows!”

The Dahan Special Envoy As the voice fell, he shot a fiery red arrow directly into the sky.

Li Xiuyan blinked his eyes dumbfounded, and said to the envoy of the big Han: “Old Guy, your eyes are not good? Where am I here, what are you shooting into the sky? There is still a rain of arrows. Are you teasing me to play!”

Li Xiuyan really didnt understand what medicine was sold in the Hans special envoy bottle gourd, but when he was tone barely fell, he suddenly felt something above his head. The powerful pre ure immediately raised his head and looked up, only to find that there were thousands of arrows floating in the high altitude 100 meters above his head.

Li Xiuyan couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

Suddenly, the countle arrows floating in the sky began to fall downward, extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they had already fallen.

Just before the arrow fell, a piece of ice suddenly appeared on Li Xiuyan’s head, and then the silhouette of Shen Xuanbing appeared beside Li Xiuyan.

“Why are you here!” Li Xiuyan asked in astonishment.

Shen Xuanbing gave him an angry look. If I didn’t come, you would have become a hedgehog!

Indeed, if Shen Xuanbing did not appear in time, with Li Xiuyan’s situation at the time, even if he reacted fast enough, he would not have time to hide in the Nine Realms space, and becoming a hedgehog would be an inevitable ending.

It’s just that… the ice formed by Shen Xuanbing’s Soul Power is not enough to withstand the flood of arrows from the Han’s special envoy.

Soon, there were cracks in the ice hanging above the two of them.

“This Old Guy is crazy!”

The range of the arrow rain in the sky is very large. The diameter of the falling arrow is about 20 meters. Not only Li Xiuyan, but also the body The big soldiers near Li Xiuyan were mercile ly killed by the rain of arrows that day.

Listening to the constant screams coming from around, Li Xiuyan knew very well that apart from hiding in the Nine Realm Space, he and Shen Xuanbing couldnt escape the attack range of Arrow Rain, so they took advantage of the cold above their heads. Before the ice was broken, she took Shen Xuanbing’s hand and hid in the Nine Realm Space.


Seeing that Li Xiuyan and Shen Xuanbing disappeared out of thin air under the attack of a rain of arrows, the envoy of Dahan felt that his whole person was not good, and he controlled Soul Power. There was also a deviation, which caused a serious deviation in the range of the Arrow Rain’s attack. Hundreds of big soldiers and soldiers died unjustly under his arrow rain.

“Impo ible!” The envoy of the Han was furious.

He also said before that in his eyes, people in the lower heavens are no different from ants, so he doesn’t care how many accidental killings he will kill. Anyway, when the Blood Soul burst is activated, these people are also going to die. In addition, he did not believe that Li Xiuyan and Shen Xuanbing would disappear out of thin air, so he shot another arrow into the sky.

With the Soul Power contained in this arrow, injected into the Soul Power core of Mantian Arrow Rain, Mantian Arrow Rains attack range has become wider, and he relies on Soul Powers control to Carpet-style, launching an indiscriminate attack within a radius of 100 meters around him, more and more Dahan soldiers died under his arrow rain.

“Xuanbing, wait for me to go out first, and then you will go out.” Li Xiuyan, who hid in the Nine Realm Space, said to Shen Xuanbing.

Although he said so, he would never let Shen Xuanbing out to take risks before defeating the envoy of Dahan.

Shen Xuanbing is not stupid, she has gue ed what Li Xiuyan is thinking, but she has not exposed it.

Through the previous brief contact, she is very clear about her own strength. There is a big gap between the masked black robed man, that is, the envoy of the big Han. If it werent for seeing Li Xiuyan in danger, she It won’t be easy, even if it can’t help, at least it can’t get off Li Xiuyan’s back, so Li Xiuyan is distracted.

So nodded, he promised: “Then you be careful.”

“Well, don’t worry, I was carele before, and I will definitely not next time.”

After that, I must leave the Nine Realm Space.

“Wait a minute.” Shen Xuanbing quickly stopped him, “I have something to give you.”

Li Xiuyan is a little confused, even if there is a gift, it shouldn’t be this Its right when its sent. What the hell is happening this girl?

Shen Xuanbing not at all cares about Li Xiuyans shocked expre ion, and directly displays Danger Lands second spirit ability, using all Soul Power within the body to transform Li Xiuyans body A set of Xuanbing armor.

Shen Xuanbing, who has exhausted Soul Power, made her legs soft and dizzy, almost falling down.

Li Xiuyan gave her a hand, “What are you doing?”

Shen Xuanbing eased slightly, then pushed Li Xiuyan’s hand away, “Okay, you hurry up Go, I’ll take a break.”

Li Xiuyan was moved in his heart. Shen Xuanbing did this for his safety, otherwise he would not exhaust all Soul Power and condense the mysterious ice armor.

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