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Kou Nings words immediately caused di atisfaction with the opposite orcs, “Well, since you toast not to eat, and want to eat fine wine, then dont blame us for being impolite!”

As soon as the voice fell, the orc roared outside using the language of the orc. A large number of orcs poured in and immediately surrounded Li Xiuyan and the others.

“Can’t your broken mouth stop a bit?” Li Xiuyan winked at Kou Ning, and at the same time quietly liberated the second Martial Spirit, the domainle mad sand, infiltrating Soul Power into the ground.

Although Kou Ning and Li Xiuyan can’t reach the realm of mutual understanding, Li Xiuyan can gue pretty close with just one look, and immediately jumped up and sprayed with Li Xiuyan.

The surrounding orcs saw that Li Xiuyan and Kou Ning were fighting each other, each of them showed awkward expre ions, but when they were watching the fun, they suddenly felt their feet soft and bowed their heads. Looking at it, they found that the originally solid ground under their feet has turned into red soft sand, and the temperature of the sand is extremely high. Even if they have extremely thick soles, it is difficult to stand on them, and they are scalded to the ground.

The orcs who can talk about human beings were surprised when they saw it, and ignoring the lives and deaths of other orcs, they immediately retreated.

Li Xiuyan suddenly felt bad when he saw the orc’s eyes, and immediately asked Kou Ning and the others to get close to him. If something unexpected happened, he might immediately send them to the Nine Realms for refuge.

Fortunately, Li Xiuyan had the foresight. Just as Kou Ning and the others approached Li Xiuyan, there were thousands of arrows out of the house, and countle sharp arrows with the thickne of arms broke through the wall.

Li Xiuyan’s left hand controlling Wuyu Kuangsha suddenly lifted up, using Yansha to build a sand wall in front of him and his friends.

Li Xiuyan’s large amount of Soul Power was integrated into the sand wall. Although it was a bit reluctant, it still blocked the countle sharp arrows.

“Repair words!” Chi Weiyang called Li Xiuyan. Li Xiuyan knew, and immediately lowered the sand wall.

“Red Flame Frenzy!” Chi Weiyang loudly shouted, his palms pushed forward suddenly, and a large amount of dark Soul Power instantly transformed into a wave of flames, swept away outside the house.

Li Xiuyan took advantage of the fall of the sand wall and the gap between the red flame frenzy and liberated the first Martial Spirit, Li Heavenly Sword, and at the same time displayed Li Heavenly Swords second spirit ability, divine spear, directly fleeing Go out and kill the orc who can talk.

Li Xiuyan came here to go to the Central Sky Realm with the help of the barrier gate, not to fight and kill, but that guy is obviously a hindrance, keeping him, not only cant solve the problem, On the contrary, it will make the problem more serious and more complicated. Li Xiuyan pondered repeatedly before deciding to kill him.

Chi Weiyang’s red flame frenzy succe fully repelled the orcs outside the house, causing many casualties.

But with a roar that resounded through Heaven and Earth, the orcs, who had already been in disarray, rallied again and rushed into the house.

Red Flame Frenzy is currently Chi Weiyangs strongest attacking spirit ability. It costs a lot of Soul Power. After using it once, it takes a period of recovery before it can be used again.

Li Xiuyan has always been controlling Domainle Kuangsha, Soul Power consumes more than Chi Weiyang. Kou Ning and Ding Xiaorou know that both of them are impo ible to perform ma destruction soul skills in a short time. At almost the same time, the Martial Spirit was displayed, an incarnation, a wolf and a python, rushed up to the orc who broke in.

Li Xiuyan Soul Power consumes a lot of energy, which has an impact on the use of soul skills, but it does not affect melee combat. He also rushed up with the Heavenly Sword in his hand.

Sun Yuerus Martial Spirit is a bow, good at long-range attacks, and immediately found a favorable position to carry out a cover attack on the three Li Xiuyan who entered the circle.

Although the battle strength of the orcs is strong, it is a pity that their Soul Power cultivation base is not enough. If they are fighting against ordinary soldiers, they can still have the upper hand, but they are facing at the moment, but the Soul Power cultivation base is far higher For their Li Xiuyan and the others, even if they don’t use their soul skills and have Soul Power ble ings, their physical fitne is much better than that of the ordinary person, and it is not a problem to deal with the orcs.

But it must be noted that there are a large number of orcs, and their power comes from the fleshy body. Li Xiuyan is a small number, and their power comes from Soul Power. Once Soul Power is exhausted, their fleshy body The conditions cannot be matched with the orcs at all, so the battle method similar to the current one cannot last for too long, and the battle must be ended as soon as po ible.

“Fatty, Xiaorou, you stay and protect them!”

After Li Xiuyan threw a sentence, relying on his extraordinary posture, he held the Heavenly Sword to stand out. Go outside.

As soon as the result came out, I was dumbfounded. There were more orcs outside than inside.

But to his heart’s delight, he found the king of the orcs.

The reason for this certainty is that there is a huge crown on the roof of the carriage, and there are people who are impo ible besides the king of the orcs.

In line with the fighting idea of capturing the thieves and the king, Li Xiuyan rushed forward with the sword. Although the proce was relatively difficult, he was succe fully a aulted by him in the end.

But just before Li Xiuyan wanted to rush into the king’s car and capture the orc king inside, the orc king took the initiative to attack Li Xiuyan and tried to kill Li Xiuyan.

Although there is not much Soul Power left in Li Xiuyan within the body, if you want to save your life, it is not difficult to do it. After a short fight, immediately distance yourself from the orc king, and your eyes follow It looked at the past.

“Fuck, human?!”

Li Xiuyan was shocked. The guy who fought him just now, no matter what angle you look at, is undoubtedly human. Isnt that car? Wang Jia?

“I should be who, dare to break into the widowed palace, it turned out to be a smell of mother’s milk not yet dried, even hairs not even grown yet little bastard.”

By this, Li Xiuyan was shocked again. The guy on the opposite side looked like a human being, indicating that he was not the king of orcs, but he also claimed to be widowed, indicating that he was the king of orcs. Is it true that what his eyes see is true? What the ears hear is true?

Li Xiuyan is a bit confused. Since he can’t gue , he just asks, “You are the king of orcs?”

“Yes, the widows are exactly.”


“But you are a human kind…”

“You said this skin bag?” The orc king hearing this sneered.

Li Xiuyan startled, and immediately asked the old soul in his heart, what is the origin of this guy in front of him.

Unfortunately, the old soul didn’t know it, but told Li Xiuyan that in addition to the presence of the human breath, more of the orc king belonged to the soul beast.

Li Xiuyan startled, suddenly thought of the Fire Spirit ape, and immediately asked the old soul, “Is he like the Fire Spirit ape, abandoning the fleshy body and po e ing the human body with the Divine Soul, so he Become like this?”

After hearing Li Xiuyan’s words, the old soul was also a little surprised.

If it is exactly what Li Xiuyan said, the ability of the guy in front of him will definitely not be too small.

Unle he becomes what he is now, it is not his own will, but a plan by someone else!

“Hey, what the hell are you?” Li Xiuyan didn’t bother to gue and asked bluntly.

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