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Ten days later, Li Xiuyan and Chu Qianhan came to a town called Shouhun Town, which is one of the nearest towns to the starting point of the winter hunt, which is the entrance to the spirit beast forest. .

At this time, the town of Shou Soul is already overcrowded, and all the major Inn restaurants in the town are full.

In order to avoid being recognized by the Xiao Family, Li Xiuyan and Chu Qianhan always wear masks on their faces. Although the two seem to be different, there are many people like the two of them here. After all, there is no rule that masks are not allowed.

“There are so many people participating in winter hunting.” Li Xiuyan walked to an Inn in the town while chatting with Chu Qianhan.

Chu Qianhan said: “These are just some of the people. As far as I know, there are six towns like this.”

“Fuck, there are too many people. Wait a minute, arent these towns built specifically for winter hunting?”

“You are right, that’s it.”

“Hehe, it seems this Winter Hunting is really important for the Azure Dragon domain.”

while speaking, the two have come to Inn.

The Inn was already full. The guy was standing outside the Inn. Seeing Li Xiuyan and Chu Qianhan walking in, he immediately went forward and gave a salute and said respectfully: “Im really sorry, the shop is full. Please ask the second person to ask elsewhere.”

Li Xiuyan did not speak, but took out a jade token from his pocket and handed it to the buddy.

The quality of jade token is not very good, and it is not worth much, but its value, at this moment, is much higher than that of the same size unpolished jade.

The guy took the jade token, looked back and forth, determined that it was his own thing, and immediately took Li Xiuyan and Chu Qianhanqing in and took them to the reserved guest room.

“The two, please.” The guy opened the door and invited Li Xiuyan and Chu Qianhan in.

Chu Qianhan asked Li Xiuyan in a low voice, “How come there is only one room?”

Li Xiuyan is not quite clear, so he asked the man, “Our appointment card is only reserved A room?”

The buddy nodded, “Yes, guest, only one room is reserved.”

Li Xiuyan was speechle .

Chu Qianhan asked the buddy, “Are there still rooms?”

The buddy shook his head, “It’s really gone, otherwise I won’t have the appointment card before the two Please drive away.”

“Okay, you can go down first, I will call you if I have anything to do.” Li Xiuyan couldn’t get the second room when he saw it, so he didn’t want to fight with the guy anymore. , He gave some rewards and condemned them back.

Close the door, Li Xiuyan took off the mask on his face and rubbed his face with his hands. While pouring tea, he said to Chu Qianhan, “You should also take off the mask. Anyway, there are no outsiders here. Wait for you to wear it again.”

Chu Qianhan immediately took off his mask and said to Li Xiuyan: “There is only one room, otherwise you can send me into the Nine Realm Space.”

Li Xiuyan But he smiled and shook his head, “No, you stay in bed at night, and I’ll be here to guard.”

Chu Qianhan looked at him puzzledly, obviously there is a better way, why do you want this.

Li Xiuyan gue ed Chu Qianhans mind, and said: Entering and exiting the Nine Realm Space will cause Soul Power fluctuations. Although it is not obvious, people with sensitive senses can easily detect it. The population here is densely populated. The person living next door is who, no one knows. If you want to avoid being targeted, you must first keep a low profile. So from now on, if you can use Soul Power, dont use it as much as po ible.”

It turns out that…

After learning the truth, Chu Qianhan felt a little hot on his face. He didn’t want Li Xiuyan to find out, so he turned his face to the other side.

Li Xiuyan didnt notice Chu Qianhans small movements. He took a sip of tea and put on the mask again. “You take a rest and I will find something to eat.”

” Okay.”

After walking all the way, Chu Qianhan’s stomach is also a little hungry. If he doesn’t eat anymore, he might start to protest.

Time flies quickly, and its dark in a blink of an eye. Li Xiuyan and Chu Qianhan, who have eaten, are sitting in the room, big eyes staring at small eyes.

Chu Qianhan is a person who talks very little. Li Xiuyan does not speak. She will not take the initiative to speak to Li Xiuyan. However, Li Xiuyan is difficult to talk about and is not good at finding topics. Therefore, the two of them When being alone, it becomes very quiet.

“That, your sword…” Li Xiuyan felt that sitting like this was too boring, there was nothing to say, so he planned to talk to Chu Qianhan about her dark golden heavy sword.

What symbolizes a persons identity, in addition to his appearance, his personal belongings, such as a sword, are also very easy to recognize. Therefore, Li Xiuyan is based on the original dark gold heavy sword. Some changes have been made, but these changes have made Chu Qianhan use it differently. However, Li Xiuyan’s forging skills are limited. A good sword is changed by him. It is not ugly, or the weight is not standard, because of this change. Regarding the sword, Chu Qianhan was stunned with Li Xiuyan.

At the end, Chu Qianhan simply asked him to use dark gold meteorite to build two light swords. In this way, her identity would naturally not be recognized.

After listening, Li Xiuyan patted his thigh straight and scolded himself for being stupid. Such a simple method, why didnt I figure it out earlier? If I had figured it out earlier, I wouldnt have to compete with the heavy sword. , Wont it end if you just build two light swords?

But now its too late. Two light swords are easy to build. Chu Qianhan tried it out and it was very smooth, but the dark gold heavy sword seemed to be smashed. The curse is general, it is still more uncomfortable as it changes.

Later, in response to this winter hunt, the plan to transform the dark golden heavy sword was forced to be stranded until the past few days on the way. At night, Li Xiuyan could only choose to sacrifice his rest time and enter Nine Realms Space continued to transform the dark gold heavy sword, but after several days of continuous changes, Li Xiuyan was still not satisfied.

Chu Qianhan was about to collapse by him, so he told him that he didn’t need to change it. It was fine, but Li Xiuyan was not a fool. Of course he knew that what Chu Qianhan said was not the truth, so he had to change the sword. Plan, stay in the dark.

Finally, on the night before arriving in Shouhun Town, Li Xiuyan finally changed the dark gold heavy sword to satisfaction. Of course, this is also grateful to the old soul, thanks to him, otherwise, Li Xiuyan is afraid that he will melt the dark golden heavy sword and recast it.

“Sword, have you changed it again?”

Now when Chu Qianhan hears the sword, his brain hurts. The look in Li Xiuyan’s eyes even carries meaning and fear.

“Well, I changed it again, this time I finally changed it.”

“Really?” Chu Qianhan’s lips showed a very faint smile.

Li Xiuyan looked a little embarra ed when he saw this smile. After all, what happened before, really, was a bit stuck. After that, he didn’t say much, and directly asked the old soul to send out the “new” dark gold heavy sword.

Seeing the brand new dark gold heavy sword, Chu Qianhan’s eyes lit up, and he was a little surprised for a while.

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