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Soul Soul said: “Vitality is also a source of power, similar to Soul Power and Battle Qi, but more refined. Apart from this, and spirit strength, both can be used as a source of battle.”

“So, they really come from a certain continent in Foreign Domain?”

“Well, that’s right. As for here, it should not be their continent, because it is too small to be a continent level, and the environment here is very strange.”

“What is this place?” Li Xiuyan succeeded in arousing interest when he was said by the old soul.

“If I guess wrong, this should be a prison.”


“Yes, the prison that imprisoned Divine Soul. Although I don’t know what their purpose is, but you remember that under the round stone platform, the prisoners are Divine Soul. And their bodies are used to attract More people fell into the trap, which eventually caused Divine Soul to be forcibly taken away. Didn’t the previous person say that this ghost place only appears once in two years, and will last for about a month each time? Except for this month Time, I think, other times, it should all flow in different spaces, collecting Divine Soul of humans or other advanced civilization creatures.”

Li Xiuyan at first not at all understood the meaning in the words of the old soul so much, and later reflected it, and couldn’t help lying down.

Then suddenly thought of something, and said to the old soul: “Then if I didn’t leave within a month, and then left after a month, did it then go to other dimensions outside the three-day realm?”

The old soul is nodded, “It should be so, but I can’t guarantee that your body will have any adverse reactions to other continents.”

“Forget it, I think I still don’t feel uncomfortable, obediently and honestly find a way to leave here, and go back to my three-day realm mainland.”

Seeing Li Xiuyan, the old soul was a little scared and couldn’t help but smile, “You idiot, I am teasing you, how can there be any adverse reactions? You didn’t find out that the shells you found are more beautiful than you. Besides, is there no other difference?”

After hearing this, Li Xiuyan couldn’t help rolling his eyes, and greeted the eighteen generations, the ancestor of the old soul, of course, if he had any.

While speaking between the two, Li Xiuyan suddenly noticed a person whose expression and walking posture were different from most people here.

Li Xiuyan took a closer look, and even followed him for a section of the road, and found that he was most likely the same person as the white clothed man.

And when Li Xiuyan was following, he also found that he could manipulate the “people” here at will, and let these “people” act according to his wishes.

“It’s him.” Li Xiuyan happened to catch someone and torture him about the way to get out of here. Now this person took the initiative to send it to the door, and naturally he wanted to continue.

So pretending to be a shell, approached to the person at a constant speed.

The man was a young man, about 27~28 years old, tall and handsome.

At this time, he seems to have completed what he wanted to do and is planning to return.

As a result, I walked around, seeming to notice something, step one stopped, and turned around abruptly.

As he turned around, Li Xiuyan’s silhouette appeared in front of him immediately.

The two have eyes facing each other.

After seeing Li Xiuyan, the young man obviously startled, and then stretched out his right hand, and put his two fingers together. Without saying a word, he pierced Li Xiuyan’s brow.

Li Xiuyan grabbed the young man’s hand tightly as soon as the young man’s fingertips were about to touch his eyebrows.

The young man was shocked, put his left hand on his right hand forearm, and applied force again.

On the other hand, Li Xiuyan is completely motionless. With the power of one hand, the power of the young man is completely blocked.

“You are the one who ran away!” The young man recognized Li Xiuyan immediately. It wasn’t that he recognized his face, but that there was no such person besides him in Heart City.

“Is this the power of vitality?”

Li Xiuyan grasped the young man at the same time, can clearly feel that the young man is trying to use a very strange force to corrode his body.

It’s a pity that Li Xiuyan is not a noob. This kind of trick is impossible for him. After all, he has played the rest of them.

The young man’s vitality was blocked, and he was also quite depressed. He kept trying, trying to release Li Xiuyan’s hand by releasing his vitality.

Li Xiuyan’s real purpose for catching him is to use this catch to judge some situations. Now what he wants to know is already known. Naturally, there is no reason to catch him anymore. He stepped back a few steps. The man said: “You are not my opponent. If you don’t want to die, don’t resist me.”

“What are you kidding?” the young man angered. At the same time loudly shouted in his mouth, “Nine Extremes collapse!”

A punch at Li Xiuyan and he blasted over.

Li Xiuyan’s lips are slightly raised, and a shield of burning sand rises from under his feet.

The young man banged his fist on the Yansha Shield, just listening to it, peng~ peng~ peng~ ……

Nine muffled noises in a row.

A circle of cobweb-like cracks suddenly appeared on the Yansha Shield, and then there seemed to be a strong tension, expanding from the inside of the Yansha Wall, and instantly destroying the Yansha Shield.

The young man punched again when the Yansha Shield was destroyed.

Li Xiuyan knew that the people here are not easy to provoke, so he took precautions in advance. At the same time that the Yansha Shield was destroyed, he had already displayed the Sand Avatar.

The young man punched the Avatar on the sand, and the sound was muffled again, and then the Avatar all split up and in pieces.

Li Xiuyan eyes slightly narrowed, concentrated attention completely staring at the young man. Simultaneously expand the Quicksand Domain, including himself and the young man in the Quicksand Domain.

The young man saw that his blow hit a dummy, he couldn’t help being furious, without saying a word, he rushed towards Li Xiuyan directly.

Li Xiuyan saw that his close combat ability was very strong. At the same time, he also discovered that they, who use vitality as their source of power, possess a different battle method from their own.

Martial Spirit’s method of attack is to use Soul Power to transform a weapon, or something of some other form, as well as elemental power, to attack the enemy.

The attack method of vitality is to amplify one’s own attacks.

If the young man punches Li Xiuyan at the same time, I believe Li Xiuyan must be the most injured.

So Li Xiuyan will never give him a chance to get close, which is why Li Xiuyan started Quicksand Domain.

The young man obviously didn’t know much about Li Xiuyan’s attacking methods. He only focused on the upper three lanes, not at all, and noticed his feet. When he found out, his feet had fallen into the quicksand.

“What!” The young man tried to pull his feet out of the quicksand, but he tried several times without success.

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