
You can search “Lord of Nine Realms 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapters!

Nothing happened overnight, and Li Xiuyan got up first in the morning on the 2nd day and prepared a hearty breakfast for those who were still alive.

There is never any shortage of materials in the Nine Realms Space. Li Xiuyan can play as much as he wants, but the taste is somewhat unsatisfactory.

Fortunately, Li Shuyao rescued the scene in time, which made this breakfast not soaked.

After eating breakfast, a few people, after two days of adjustment, both the body’s various functions and the soul power have reached a peak state.

The most important reason why Extreme North Land is so impressive is when the passage is opened.

Not only will there be a wave of soul beasts inside who want to rush out of the cage of Extreme North Land, but there are also people from Nine Great Families stationed outside to resist the attack of the wave of beasts. I want this environment Going in and out safely, it is really difficult to do without strength and luck.

At this time last year, Li Xiuyan experienced it once. I thought it would take a few years to see such a scene again, but unfortunately, human’s calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation, so soon I will see it again.

Since the current situation will be very chaotic after the passage is opened, Li Xiuyan proposed that Shen Xuanbing and them all stay in the Nine Realm Space, and he alone will go out. As long as he can go out, the space connected by the Nine Realm Space will be changed from the Extreme North Land back to the Upper Heaven Realm, so Shen Xuanbing and the others do not need to go out with Li Xiuyan on adventures.

Shen Xuanbing is a little worried that Li Xiuyan will be in danger alone, when the time comes there is not even a support person around him, but then again, Li Xiuyan’s combat experience is more abundant than anyone here. Even if something really happened, he should be able to handle it well. If one more person is with him, it will distract him and do more harm than good.

Considering this point, Shen Xuanbing didn’t say anything, just listen to Li Xiuyan’s arrangement.

Ma Xiaoyun is relatively lazy, can sit, never stand, he will naturally not rush to do things without him, so he has no other opinions.

Looking at the end of the time, Li Xiuyan greeted everyone, and left the Nine Realms space alone.

As a result, as soon as he returned to the present world, he was almost hit. Fortunately, he entered the Nine Realms space in a relatively hidden position, in the canopy of an unremarkable tree.

The reason why I was almost hit is that when Li Xiuyan returned to the world, the tree was hit by a fiercely, a bull who reminded me of a great bull, but fortunately the trunk was thick and hard, not at all breaking. Li Xiuyan was just flashed, otherwise, he might be trampled into meatloaf by the beast wave passing below.

“What’s the matter, isn’t the animal tide gone? Why is there another batch?”

Before Li Xiuyan entered the Nine Realm Space, the beast tide had already gone in front of him. He, Shen Xuanbing, Chu Qianhan, and Ma Xiaoyun even scraped some oil on the tail of the beast tide, and got over thirty. A soul core, as a result, just as he came out of the Nine Realm Dimension, he encountered another wave of beasts, and in terms of scale, this wave of beasts did not seem to be smaller than the previous wave.

“Is it possible that the spirit beasts here will have big moves this year?” Li Xiuyan brows slightly wrinkle. If it is really like what he guessed, the people of Nine Great Families outside, I am afraid it will be difficult.

Calculating the time, the passage of Extreme North Land should have been opened, that is to say, the first wave of beasts has already begun to rush out.

Li Xiuyan’s current location is still some distance away from the location of the passage.

The second wave beast tide appears here, and it will not take long before it will reach the entrance and exit, and watching the posture of the beast tide, it has just begun. There are still many spirit beasts behind, chasing me towards the entrance and exit. Running wildly in the direction.

At this moment, Li Xiuyan has no interest in the soul cores of these soul beasts within the body. He wants to see how these soul beasts impact the spirit formation set by the Nine Great Families.

But now is obviously not the time to show up.

Li Xiuyan usually has a habit when he comes out of the Nine Realm Space, which is to try to converge his soul power, so that his appearance will not be noticed by nearby people.

The perception of the soul beast is much stronger than that of humans. It is precisely because Li Xiuyan has such a habit that he can now stand on the tree steadily, otherwise he would have been discovered by the soul beast below so close. Up.

The spirit beasts that make up the tide of beasts are generally in a state of extreme excitement. Except for their kind, especially humans, they are very sensitive to them. Once discovered, they will inevitably attack in groups. .

In other words, if Li Xiuyan is discovered by them now, the surrounding spirit beasts will immediately attack him.

Although the ranks of these spirit beasts are even, there is a big gap between them, but they can be better than they are in large numbers. Once they are entangled, it is safe to hide in the nine realms. As for when they can come out, It’s not easy to say. If the channel is opened this time, you can’t get out. You will have to wait for the next year.

Because the spirit beasts that impact the entrance and exit of Extreme North Land are not going to die if they can’t get out. When they hit a certain level and find that they can’t get out, they will choose to give up to avoid causing too much casualties.

In this way, the spirit beast will return to the nest.

All the spirit beasts that rushed to the passage before and survived by chance will choose to give up, return to where they were, and wait until the passage opens in the next year before trying again.

Li Xiuyan didn’t know this at first, but Leng Wuya told him when he was chatting with Leng Wuya.

Leng Wuya also said that among the soul beasts of Extreme North Land, there is a beast king.

The reason why the beast tide breaks through every time it is opened is that the beast king did it. It moved or manipulated these spirit beasts to form a beast tide and hit the gates of Extreme North Land. It is it that wants to leave Extreme North Land.

Thinking of this, combined with the emergence of the second wave beast wave, Li Xiuyan seriously suspected that this so-called beast king should not be able to bear it, and finally decided to give it a go.

Therefore, this year’s animal tide is more than in previous years.

The marching speed of the second wave beast tide is very fast, about 1/4 of an hour, all the spirit beasts under the feet have passed.

Li Xiuyan, in the spirit of watching the show, planned to catch up and have a look, but just about to move, he found that the tree trunk under his feet began to shake again.

Trees are alive. There is no doubt about this, but they do not vibrate greatly, so the only possibility is that the earth is vibrating.

The reason why the earth trembles is because of the coming third wave of beasts.


Li Xiuyan looked at the large swarms of soul beasts that were approaching in the distance, and couldn’t help but breathe out fragrance. He really didn’t even dream of thinking that two waves of beasts are not enough, there is a third wave of beasts!

Is that Beastmaster really planning to let it go?

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