Lord of Puluo

Chapter 349 The Battle of the Golden Disease

Li Banfeng didn't know why Xiao Genzi was here, and Xiao Genzi himself didn't know why he came here.

The old man held the bucket and looked at the green water beggar.

The green water beggar smiled slightly. Hundreds of abscesses sprouted on his body until the skin could no longer accommodate them. The abscesses opened one by one, and a small emerald-green person the size of a fingertip came out of each abscess. The wings, like angels, flew towards the old man.

"What a green kid, he'll use his killer moves as soon as he comes up." The old man calmly taught Genzi a lesson, "Genzi, look carefully. These little things don't seem to be flying very fast, but if you move, they will fly quickly." Stick it up,

Unless you have the movement skills of traveling cultivators and pirate cultivators, other Taoist sects will never be able to avoid it, so we must parry and use this move of golden light like a waterfall! "

Seeing the little man flying close, the old man took out a spoon, took a small spoonful in the bucket, flicked it, and a golden waterfall fell from the sky, blocking all the flying little men outside the waterfall.

Lu Huazi was startled, this old man was very knowledgeable.

He was right, these little people seemed to fly very slowly, but these things were spiritual. If the target dodged or escaped, they would suddenly speed up and catch up.

Now the front route was blocked by the Golden Waterfall. Luhuazi controlled the villain, trying to bypass the waterfall and attack from the side.

The old man scooped out a small spoonful from the bucket, opened and closed his wrist widely, and shook the soup out.

The soup turned into thousands of nectar, and the old man continued to teach Genzi: "This technique is called golden light dotting!"

Every bit of golden juice is like life, flying at high speed after the green flower child.

Li Banfeng covered his nose and sighed repeatedly, this is really flying!

The golden juice fell on the villain, and the villain kept wailing. Green pus oozed from his body, and gold and green blended together. The villain screamed, and the golden juice turned into a thick smoke.

Lu Huazi was secretly surprised.

These villains formed from pus are the essence tempered by his techniques.

This old man’s bucket shouldn’t contain the essence, right?

Just like that, two and two are offset?

Luhuazi thought too much, and it was not enough to offset the two. The amount of golden juice was more than that of the villain, and the remaining little gold stars, like arrows, rushed directly towards Luhuazi's face.

Lu Huazi showed no fear, picked up Lin Dexing beside him, used it as a shield, and parried up and down.

To say that Lu Huazi's skills are really good, none of the so many gold stars fell on him, they were all blocked by Lin Dexing.

This golden juice is not only strong in taste, but when it falls on the skin, it will corrode all the way to the bones. Lin Dexing's face was covered with pits and large holes were corroded by the golden juice, and his clothes were burned to pieces.

Lu Huazi tore the skin on her face, and blood and pus seeped out, mixing together.

He wanted to use his technique again, but the old man didn't give him a chance. The waterfall hanging in mid-air moved towards him with dazzling golden light.

This is troublesome. There is nowhere to dodge and it is difficult to defend.

Lu Huazi picked up Lin Dexing again, turned the shield into a gun, blocked the waterfall left and right, carved a path, and rushed out.

The old man exclaimed in admiration: "Good marksmanship, good foundation, look carefully, this man has a foundation in martial arts."

The waterfall hit Mr. Yao's house. Pan Dehai was very nervous and hurriedly hid in the house.

Li Banfeng was also very nervous. This house was newly built.

The old man waved the spoon, and the waterfall disappeared, turning into a golden dragon and rushing towards Luhuazi.

"Genzi, this is called the Golden Dragon Coming Out of the Mountain!"

The golden dragon roared towards him with a golden halo all over its body. If it touched even a little bit, it might cause fatal damage.

Lu Huazi did have a foundation in martial arts. In his hand, a Lin Dexing flew like a strange python and fought with the golden dragon.

The old man took a spoon and fished some dry food from the bottom of the bucket.

This time he had to make a heavy move, and the old man's veins popped out and he used his strength: "Genzi, this is called water flooding the golden mountain!"

Genzi kept watching carefully, but he never saw the old man throw out the spoon.

The spoon secretly exerted force in the bucket, and at the same time, the earth trembled.

Under Lu Huazi's feet, the ground cracked, golden light suddenly appeared, and a mountain peak slowly rose.

It's hard to deal with it now.

Lu Huazi wanted to jump up and dodge, but she didn't use any strength under her feet. The mountain was soft and sticky when she stepped on it.

If you are not careful, if you fall into it, you will be in danger.

Li Banfeng was amazed.

He felt that he had obvious blind spots in his cultural knowledge.

In the past, he always believed that the key element of water flooding Jinshan lies in the word "water".

He never thought that the key element could also be found in the word "gold".

Luhuazi couldn't hide from Jinshan, and her body was covered with pus condensation, shaped like green wings.

The wings flapped and the green flower flew up.

He flew one inch higher, and the golden mountain grew one inch higher. He flew more than eight feet high, and the green flower could not fly up.

There is also a golden dragon on the head, pressing down on the green flowers from top to bottom.

Luhuazi was dealing with the golden dragon when he suddenly heard the old man shouting and pulling the spoon out of the bucket.

The water overflows the golden mountain. We have gold, but where is the water?

The water is coming!

The top of the golden mountain suddenly collapsed a little, and there was an opening the size of a fist, and a stream of gold spurted out.

Lu Huazi dodges, while Jin Liu chases and fights.

Luhuazi used Lin Dexing to parry, and Jinlong continued to hit him on the head.

Lu Huazi suddenly sneezed: "A sneeze!"

A strong wind blew, scattering the golden dragon and deflecting the golden flow.

The old man shouted: "Good job!"

Li Banfeng was startled.

Why do you say it sprays well?

Lu Huazi seemed to have no problem coping with this move.

The golden flow quickly found its direction, and the golden dragon also returned to its original shape.

Lu Huazi wanted to sneeze again to completely disperse the golden flow and golden dragon.

But the sneeze didn't come out, and Lukazi realized that he had fallen into a trap.

There is gold juice in the air. It is very small and cannot be seen. It cannot even be felt under normal circumstances.

But this time Midori sensed it.

Because you have to take a deep breath before you sneeze.

When she sneezed before, Lukako took a breath and inhaled a large amount of golden juice.

He didn't notice anything when he took the first breath, but when he took in his second breath, Lukazi felt something burning in his body, burning his organs crazily.

So cruel!

In anger, Luhuazi let out a loud sound and spat out a piece of white vomit.

The steaming vomit quickly evaporated and turned into white mist, spreading in the air.

The old man said to Xiao Genzi: "He wants to spread the disease."

"This person is so disgusting!" Xiao Genzi scolded Lu Huazi.

Xiao Genzi is not afraid. After following the old man for so long, he knows that the old man must have a way to deal with it.

The old man lit a pot of cigarettes, smoked it in one puff, and poured the red cigarette residue into the bucket. The golden juice in the bucket boiled, and clouds of golden gas came out.

The golden energy lingers, merges with the white mist, and turns into haze that dissipates with the wind.

Lu Huazi coughed twice. This was not to release the disease, but because the golden juice was burning in his lungs.

Can I still continue to fight?


He can use the lesions in his lungs to dissolve gold juice.

But Lukazi didn't want to fight. The opponent was too strong. If he continued to fight, he might be seriously injured.

He wanted to leave this place, but the golden dragon and golden flow in front of him wouldn't let him go.

After all, Lu Huazi has experienced hundreds of battles, and at critical moments, he doesn't panic at all.

He first raised his body temperature, his body burned red, and all the golden juice that was close to him quickly evaporated.

With this layer of protection, Lu Huazi picked up Lin Dexing, fought off the golden dragon first, then rushed to the top of Jinshan Mountain, pushed Lin Dexing's head into the mountain pass, and immediately blocked the flow of gold.

The mountain pass is only about the size of a fist and is a bit tight, but fortunately the mountain itself is not too hard.

Taking this opportunity, Lukazi flashed and disappeared.

Because the mountain pass was blocked, the pressure in the golden mountain increased sharply, and Lin Dexing was sprayed out with a bang.

Lin Dexing flew into the sky and disappeared.

Xiao Genzi said to the old man: "Grandmaster, don't you want to pursue me?"

The old man sighed: "Lu Huazi is really capable. He is really cornered, but he is not easy to deal with."

"What about the other one?"

The old man looked outside the yard and said with a smile: "Don't worry about the other one. What you should worry about is the people in the house."

Pan Dehai is in Mr. Yao's house at the moment.

He stood beside Mr. Yao's bed and said with a ferocious expression, "Don't blame me for not telling you beforehand. I'm going to dig up your deed now."

Yao Lao lay on the bed and did not respond.

Pan Dehai said: "I'm not joking with you, I'm really digging. Yaowanggou is a good place. I also want an extra piece of land. You don't need it anyway, so why not give it to me."

Yao Lao still didn't move.

Pan Dehai was silent for a moment and sat on the edge of the bed.

He groped in his arms for a long time and found a thin stick.

"I bought a candy man on the road."

Pan Dehai touched his arms several times and took out some candies: "What a good candy man, but he was broken into pieces by that bastard Lin Dexing.

If you try hard, you can still eat it, but it’s too sweet. Do you want to eat it?

You won’t get up, right? You won’t eat, right?

If you don’t want to eat it, I will. If I don’t tell you a joke, I really eat it. "

Genzi stood in the yard and asked the old man: "Grandmaster, who is he?"

"He is Pan Dehai, the local god of Haichi Ridge."

"Where's the one lying down?"

"He is Yao Xin, the local god of Yaowanggou."

"Are they friends or foes?"

"I can't tell," the old man shook his head and said, "Do you still remember the disaster in Haichiling?"


"Pan Dehai was wicked and wanted to spread the insect plague in Haichiling to other people's lands. To do this, he fought several times with the local gods around him, but he never attacked Yaowanggou.

During that disaster, among the Ditou Gods, only Yao Xin helped Pan Dehai and sent pest control medicine to Haichiling. I really can't tell how much grievances they have. "

Lin Dexing stumbled down the mountain. All the skin on his body fell off, and most of his flesh and blood was missing.

The brains were shaking in the skull full of holes, pieces of internal organs fell out from time to time, and all the bones were displaced.

Halfway up the mountain, Lin Dexing tripped, became unstable, and fell to the ground.

His eyes were severely damaged and his vision was poor, and he couldn't see what had tripped him.

He tried to struggle to get up, but failed. He was trapped in a net.

This is Tu Yinghong's net. It was originally intended to be used to hunt Li Banfeng, but Gloves took it away.

Lin Dexing tried to struggle, but he was too injured and the net became tighter and tighter.

Li Banfeng took out Prince Chun's riding crop and beat Lin Dexing violently. The beating made Lin Dexing wail loudly and smoke was coming out from his body. Li Banfeng stopped after beating Lin Dexing until he couldn't move at all.

Gauntlet stood on the ground with his thumb and middle finger, raised his index finger, shook his head and said: "Master, the quality of the things I brought back is not bad, right?"

Li Banfeng nodded and said: "Well done, this battle will be your first achievement and you will be rewarded heavily!"

"Master Xie, what is that..." He was stunned when he saw Li Banfeng taking out the key and opening the door.

“Master, don’t you want to take this thing home?

Master, if we deal with him here, it’s over.

What are you doing? Do you have to send it home? This is not possible! It smells too much! If I had known I wouldn't give you the net! "

PS: Who is this food for?

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