Lord of Puluo

Chapter 366 I just like to bring seeds

In the early morning, Heishipo was at the gate and defense envoy Cheng Mingke had just woken up.

The Heishipo Customs and Defense Department has one chief customs and defense envoy and 28 deputy customs and defense envoys. Except for those who go out to work, all other Customs and Defense Department personnel eat and live in the customs and defense department, and the customs and defense envoys are no exception.

Before Cheng Mingke had time to wash up, secretary Tong Lingzhu reported an emergency: "Envoy Cheng, the Jiang Xiang Gang has lost contact."

"Who has lost contact?" Cheng Mingke thought that his subordinates were talking about the new hall master Fu Botai. Fu Botai had to contact the saint on Sage Peak in the past two days. It was normal that he was not at the entrance of the hall.

But Tong Lingzhu was not talking about the hall master Fu Botai: "The entire hall has lost contact, no one can be found, the two steering ports in the city have also lost contact, and only one steering port outside the city is still alive. Someone."

Cheng Mingke said in astonishment: "What do you say about the helm outside the city?"

"They don't know anything."

The helmsman outside the city did not lie about this. There was only one helmsman and one man at the helm.

No need to ask too much, just think about the status of these two people. They were the most unpopular among the people and were sent to the outside of the city.

He is not popular in the gang, but he is favored by fate. Yesterday, the church received news that everyone should go to Okura and contact the saint together with the church leader.

This is a great opportunity to make meritorious deeds. Who would think of these two people with such a great opportunity?

Just because they didn't think of them, these two people saved their lives.

Cheng Mingke, the customs envoy, looked solemn. He immediately ordered that all external traffic to Heishipo be stopped, and the entire city was searched for members of Heishitang.

As soon as the order was issued, trains and ferries were suspended, and all checkpoints on the border were closed. This is the strength of the customs defense envoys.

There are boundaries all over the Prefecture, and there are roads to guide you when going out. There are very few people going out, so it stands to reason that the traffic closure will not have much impact.

If this were Yaowanggou, it would not be a problem to close it for a period of time.

But Heishipo is very special. It is a very pure industrial city.

Products from various factories are waiting to be shipped, and they are all piled up at the station.

Some raw materials are not produced in Heishipo and need to be transported from outside. Now transportation is cut off and many factories have stopped production.

This is not the most important thing.

The food in Heishipo is limited. There are several villages in the outer suburbs of the city. They grow the little food and are basically self-sufficient. The food in Heishipo is all bought from outside.

Once transportation is cut off, Heishipo's food source is cut off.

In such a big city, doesn’t there be any food stored?

Yes, but these stored grains are not in the hands of the residents.

The residents of Heishipo did not store food at home. They usually ate in the factory canteen. They had a lot of money and a group of people went out to eat out. Now they have no source of food. The canteen is closed and the restaurants are closed. Many people have to suffer. hungry.

Customs envoy Cheng Mingke had just arrived in Heishipo not long ago. Secretary Tong Lingzhu was worried that he did not understand the situation and reminded him: "Envoy Cheng, the traffic in Heishipo cannot be interrupted for too long. This city is different from other places."

Cheng Mingke said calmly: "I know transportation is very important to Heishipo. Just because it is important, they should learn to cherish it.

An entire person in the hall has disappeared like this. I don’t believe that no one knows the clues, but the notice has been posted for so many days and there is no response at all. This proves that they don’t pay attention to the Customs and Defense Department at all. "

Tong Lingzhu didn't dare to persuade her, but how could the clues be so easy to find?

The Jiang Xiang Gang has no sense of presence in Heishipo, and they usually act very secretively. Most of the gang members pretend to be magic sticks, temple blessings, vegetarians, fortune tellers, and medicine sellers. How can ordinary people know them?

What's even worse is that the Customs and Defense Department doesn't want to have anything to do with Jiang Xianggang. The notice is very vague, only saying that Fu Botai and others are missing. The people look at the photos on the notice and are confused. No one knows. Who is Fu Botai?

But Cheng Mingke was very confident. He firmly believed that this matter would be able to get to the bottom of the matter.

The situation in the city was tense, and it was also affected outside the city. The business of many big families could not do without Heishipo.

The Lu family's business in Heishipo was handed over to Li Banfeng and Ma Wu, but Ma Wu was not in the mood to take care of the business now.

He was concentrating on cutting film in Freewood.

Cutting film is a technical job, and you need to be able to cut and glue it. Ma Wu is not an expert in this area, but he must cut this roll of film because it is the film Li Banfeng brought back.

The film recorded the whole process of the foreign movie man abducting a child in Liutang Village and meeting the leader of the Jiangxiang Gang, Fu Botai.

That's right, this hall leader is Fu Botai.

Ma Wu compared it repeatedly with the photo on the notice.

The reason why he had to edit it himself was because Ma Wu didn't want to leak Li Banfeng's whereabouts.

Three members of the Jiang Xiang Gang were killed one after another. I really didn’t expect that it was Lao Qi who did this.

It was a bit crazy to do this, but since it was done, Ma Wu naturally had to follow Lao Qi to the end.

After cutting the film, Ma Wu copied a copy and gave it to Shen Rongqing.

Shen Rongqing saw the film and his veins jumped.

The film had no sound, but Shen Rongqing could see Fu Botai's mouth shape.

"He said he couldn't see it, okay, this time the whole Prozhou can see it! In the next few days, the newspaper will be printed!"

"Print more newspapers!" Bai Qiusheng gave an order to the editor of "Ye Lai Xiang", "Expose Fu Botai's old background, and expose everything that Jiang Xiang's gang has done over the years!"

Yu Wenqi was a little worried: "Many people are now almost out of food. The price of rice has skyrocketed. How many people can afford to buy newspapers?"

"No payment!" Bai Qiusheng slapped the newspaper on the table, "We are giving it away for free, we must make this clear!"

Cheng Mingke, the customs envoy, slapped the newspaper on the table and said, "There are really those who are provoking trouble, so we have blocked this newspaper."

Tong Lingzhu hurriedly dissuaded: "Mr. Cheng, we cannot interfere in this matter. There is no precedent in Heishipo and there is no precedent in the entire Puo Prefecture."

"They must learn to be in awe, and the precedent starts with me." Cheng Mingke remained calm and looked out the window silently.

Downstairs of the Customs and Defense Department, Li Banfeng looked up at the building, lowered the brim of his hat, and left quietly.

That night, many people in the city received a small bag of rice.

There was not much rice, barely enough to last for two or three days. Everyone was talking about who sent the rice, and some people actually saw the person who sent the rice.

"He said his surname was En, and his name was En Gong."

But where did this rice come from?

At dawn the next day, before Cheng Mingke woke up, someone knocked on the door again.

He thought it was secretary Tong Lingzhu. Before opening the door, he tidied up his appearance a little. When he opened the door, he saw it was Du Chaohui, the deputy customs envoy in charge of logistics.

"Mr. Cheng, our canteen has been stolen."

The canteen was stolen?

Cheng Mingke looked at Du Chaohui in surprise, what could this mean?

"Did someone steal some food? If so, just steal it. Be more careful in the future."

"It wasn't just a little bit of food that was stolen. All the food in our canteen was stolen."

Cheng Mingke was stunned and went to the warehouse of the cafeteria.

The oil, salt, sauce and vinegar were not touched, and no food was left at all.

An entire warehouse of food was stolen?

Cheng Mingke was a little annoyed: "How did you move so much food out? What did your people do?"

Du Chaohui was also aggrieved: "I checked the warehouse last night..."

"Stop talking and quickly ask someone to purchase food."

Du Chaohui personally took people to Mihang. The owner of Mihang smiled and said, "Master Du, are you here to buy food? Do you want to eat too? This is really new.

I don’t have any rice here, so look for somewhere else. "

Du Chaohui was very angry, but he had stayed in Heishipo for many years and knew that the people in Heishipo brought seeds. In this case, he could not force the purchase, otherwise it would cause trouble.

But after visiting more than a dozen rice stores, he couldn't buy a single bag of rice. No matter how much he bid, every rice store said they had no rice.

Although the rice was not bought back, Cheng Mingke was still not worried: "I will send canned food and biscuits tonight. A truckload of grain will arrive at the station early tomorrow morning. I will send someone to send the grain back and ask your people to guard the warehouse."

At eight o'clock in the morning, a train arrived at the station that had been out of service for many days.

The train carried grain, coal, and medicine, all specially prepared for the Customs and Defense Department.

Li Banfeng pretended to be a loader, relying on his easily overlooked talent as a house builder, hiding in a corner of the platform, waiting for the opportunity to take action.

This is the news Luo Zhengnan sent to Li Banfeng. He just found out yesterday that a batch of supplies was going to Heishipo.

Li Banfeng had been waiting at the station last night, but he didn't expect the train to arrive at this time.

The previous time he stole food from the cafeteria, Li Banfeng sneaked into the warehouse at night, asked his gloves to unlock the door, sent the food into his pocket, and took it out easily.

It was now broad daylight and the area around the station was heavily guarded.

The small train is waiting at the entrance of the station. When the train is unloaded on the platform, the loaders load it directly onto the small train and transport it to the Customs and Defense Department.

It would be difficult to steal the food after it was delivered to the Customs and Defense Department. The other party had suffered a loss once, so they must have taken adequate precautions this time.

Li Banfeng needs to make a decision as soon as possible whether to take action at the station or during transportation.

He was observing the situation, but found that something was not right about the train.

Steam trains are not easy to brake. The train should slow down long before entering the station.

But this train is driving very powerfully, wheeze! Whoops! It kept making noises and seemed to have no intention of stopping.

Where is this going?

Not only Li Banfeng couldn't figure it out, but other station staff couldn't figure it out either.

The flag bearer kept waving the flag to signal the driver to stop.

The driver was so frightened that he kept waving to the platform from the cab.

This train is out of control!

There were several cultivators sent by the Customs and Defense Department near the platform. One of them, a strong man, jumped onto the railway track in two steps. He roared and doubled in size. He put his hands on the front of the car and tried to force the train to stop.

"It's quite powerful," a person said beside Li Banfeng, "This is a bear."


Li Banfeng was shocked.

Why did he suddenly appear next to me?

Judging from his face, the man was a man in his forties, and judging from his clothes, he looked like a mechanic.

He raised his eyebrows at Li Banfeng, indicating that he didn't need to worry.

His judgment was correct. The strong man who rushed onto the railway track was a self-trained cultivator. He was really a bear.

The strong man slid dozens of meters, but the train not only didn't stop, it didn't even slow down.

The strong man jumped off the rails, he couldn't hold on anymore.

The arm bones in both arms were broken. If he continued to hold on, he would be crushed under the wheels of the train.

As the train left the station, the middle-aged man and Li Banfeng also left quietly.

When they arrived outside the station, the middle-aged man took Li Banfeng and chased the train together. The two jumped up and boarded the train one after the other.

Sitting in the carriage, the middle-aged man said to Li Banfeng: "Little brother, you must be my benefactor."

Li Banfeng didn't answer.

He didn't know the identity of the other party, but he could tell that this was a senior with no malicious intent. If the other party had any malicious intent, Li Banfeng would already be dead.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "I know your benefactor is not your real name. I should call you Boss Ye."

Does he also know this identity?

Li Banfeng became more and more surprised when he heard the middle-aged man say: "My surname is Tang, and my name is Tang Shijiang. I like people who are breeders. If you think highly of me, just call me Brother Tang."

While he was talking, the train had already traveled seven or eight miles, which was not like the speed of a steam train.

Tang Shijiang took out a large handful of screws from his arms, and each screw moved. Each screw was nailed to a sack containing grain, and he flew out of the carriage with the sack and flew far away on the railway track.

He wants to distribute the food.

Li Banfeng said: "Brother Tang, these grains belong to the Customs and Defense Department. The Customs and Defense Department must trace them one by one. If you just throw the grains out without even changing the sacks, will anyone dare to pick them up?"

"How dare you!" Tang Shijiang said with a smile, "Everyone in my land carries seeds. Those who dare not pick them up are not worthy of living on Heishipo!"

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