Lord of Puluo

Chapter 379 There really is a solution to both problems

He Yuxiu fought for three days and easily opened up the land.

Li Banfeng hired several people from Meng Yuchun's property to help He Yuxiu build a house. He also bought food and wine from the cook and set up a table in the tent to celebrate He Yuxiu's victory.

He Yuxiu picked up the sheep's head, took a bite, and praised continuously: "This cook's skills are really good. Kitchen repairmen are not common anymore. If he is not from Xindi, I really want to take him back to Lushui City."

After all, he is from a famous family. Although He Yuxiu is reckless, he has a lot of experience and can understand the origin of this food and wine.

Although he was satisfied with the food and drink, He Yuxiu frowned slightly when looking at the wooden house being built: "Brother, do I really want to live here forever?"

When there are outsiders, He Yuxiu calls brother Li Banfeng, which is what the two agreed.

Li Banfeng nodded: "It can last for a few months at least."

He Yuxiu sighed and said: "When I was young, I didn't want to come to Xindi. This place was always dark, with a lot of talking birds and animals, but not many people who could talk. After a long time, I can really People are suffocated to death.”

Nectarine said beside her: "Sister, if you have anything to say, just tell me."

He Yuxiu ticked the bridge of Nectarine's nose and smiled without saying a word.

Nectarine knew that He Yuxiu might have some personal matters to discuss with Li Baisha, so she found an excuse and left the tent. He Yuxiu lowered her voice and asked, "Is there any news from Green Water City?"

Li Banfeng actually got some information through Luo Zhengnan: "The bad news is that the customs envoys are still targeting the He family. The He family's business is getting worse day by day.

The good news is that no one in the He family is stirring up trouble, and the family is relatively peaceful for the time being. "

He Yuxiu nodded and said: "Haiqin acted ruthlessly and got rid of all the ruthless people in Bianzhi. Bianzhi obeyed, but when things really happened, they were really useless and none of them could stand up to him.

Now that Hai Qin is gone and Hai Sheng is out of state, if I don't show up, the He family will probably be doomed. "

Li Banfeng said: "If you showed up and fell directly into the hands of the customs officer, wouldn't the He family be finished faster?"

"It may not be safe to hide in the new land." He Yuxiu looked outside the tent, "I have seen a lot of cultivators, but this is the first time I have seen such an evil person. Look at his land, it doesn't look like the new land. ”

The plot of land opened by Zhang Wanlong does not look like new land. The one-mile radius of the land is crisscrossed with criss-crossing lines, and the crops grow very luxuriantly. Even before the land is cleared, he has already managed it in an orderly manner.

On the afternoon of the next day, three days were up. Zhang Wanlong successfully opened up wasteland, and there was no doubt about the result.

Li Banfeng brought some food and wine to the plot and congratulated the two of them. They were busy and couldn't think of eating for the moment.

Zhang Wanlong planted several acres of crops, not for people to eat, but specifically for monsters to eat.

Groups of two-faced sheep, headless cows, donkey-headed maggots, and eight-legged rabbits came to Li Banfeng's boundary.

These weirdos are not here to cause trouble, they are here to eat.

The crops Zhang Wanlong planted for them were non-toxic, harmless, and quite delicious. The only purpose of letting them eat these crops was to let them eat them while making ingredients for golden juice from the roots.

He no longer has to carry a spoon and fork around to find gold. There are piles of gold mountains in front of him for him to take.

Li Banfeng held the food box and sighed secretly, no matter how skillful the chef was, the aroma of the wine and food could not compare with the power of Jinshan.

Zhang Wanlong smiled and said: "Master Qi, this is not a place to eat. Please wait a moment while I clean up another place."

The one-mile plot of land is either large or small. In addition to Jinshan and farmland, Zhang Wanlong also specially built a garden.

Set up a dining table among the flowers, and the meal will be full of flavor.

After drinking two glasses of wine, Li Banfeng asked Zhang Wanlong: "With your ability, it won't be a problem to open a new land three to five miles away, right?"

Zhang Wanlong shook his head and said: "We are not here to buy land. We are really here to practice. There are too many realms. If the popularity cannot rise, doesn't it mean that it is causing trouble for other people's local gods?"

There is nothing wrong with what you say, and there is nothing wrong with what you do.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Wanlong and Genzi were busy with their own affairs. Li Banfeng walked around the field. The fields were full of serious crops, and the eggplant version of "Zhang Wanlong" that he had planted before was gone.

Where are all those eggplant people?

When Li Banfeng was about to walk out of the plot, he saw several "Zhang Wanlong" coming back.

They carry baskets behind their backs, and there are all kinds of herbs in the baskets.

Li Banfeng looked at the real Zhang Wanlong and said, "It seems that the good things you have are not only able to relieve boredom, but can also do a lot of work."

Zhang Wanlong shook his head and said: "I can only do some menial work. Master Qi, look at the medicinal materials in this basket. Nine out of ten of them are useless.

I found the long-leafed one with short leaves, and the flowered one with thorns. I finally found the right ginseng tree. These idiots couldn't dig up the roots and brought me the leaves. What's the use of it? "

It seems to be quite useful.

Li Banfeng repeatedly compared the planted "Zhang Wanlong" and found that they were slightly different from the original owners, but he couldn't tell without careful observation.

"Can you sell me some of these seeds?"

"That's easy to say!" Zhang Wanlong immediately took a small bag of seeds and gave it to Li Banfeng.

Li Banfeng took the seeds and said, "Will these things look the same as you after they are planted?"

Zhang Wanlong said with a smile: "Master Qi is really good at telling jokes. He looks just like me. What's the use of growing it?"

What kind of fruit is grown depends on whose blood is used to breed it.

Before this kind of seed is put into the ground, it must drink a drop of blood. Whose blood it drinks, the fruit it produces will be like that. "

Li Banfeng said in surprise: "Just a drop of blood?"

"Just a drop of blood."

"How much does this bag of seeds cost?"

"When it comes to money, I'm a heretic. I want to make you a friend, so I give you this gift."

Li Banfeng shook his head and said, "I don't accept things for nothing. If you don't ask for a price, you can only give them back the originals."

Zhang Wanlong nodded and said: "Master Qi said this so cheerfully. Since I want to give it sincerely, I won't ask you for more. This bag of seeds costs a thousand dollars."

In terms of the function of this kind of seed, a thousand oceans is really not expensive, it can even be said to be ridiculously cheap.

Li Banfeng asked: "Is the price too low?"

Zhang Wanlong smiled: "If it were anyone else, I might not be willing to sell it no matter how much you pay, but Master Qi is different. Whenever you come to me to buy it, seeds of this quality will be sold at this price."

"Okay, I'll take note of this sincerity. I'll accept the seeds first and send the money tomorrow."

Li Banfeng took the seeds back to his home, took out one of them, put it on the table, unscrewed the screw of the blood-containing pendulum, and sprinkled a drop of blood on the seeds.

The record player picked up a seed with its needle and observed it for a moment, seeming to see something special.

"What a powerful method, this method is of great use! Maybe it can, maybe it can..."

"Maybe?" Li Banfeng didn't understand why his wife was so excited.

The lady paused and sang: "Hey, sir, my little slave is talking nonsense for a while, sir, don't worry about it."

Li Banfeng buried the seeds in the plot of land opened by He Yuxiu. He did not have Zhang Wanlong's skills, so the seeds grew much slower. After waiting for more than an hour, the roots just grew out.

Li Banfeng went back to his home to sleep.

The next morning, I saw a cabbage over one meter tall growing out of the ground.

How did it become cabbage?

Shouldn't it be eggplant?

Could it be said that eggplant people and cabbage people have different functions?

Li Banfeng cut open the cabbage with a knife, and a man emerged from the cabbage.

He Yuxiu had just come out of the tent and was about to wash up. When she saw this man, she almost made a move.

She knew this man. He was a disciple of Jiang Xiangbang Soda Drink Hall. He died at the hands of Li Banfeng. Before his death, he was sucked a lot of blood by the bloody pendulum.

Fortunately, He Yuxiu was well-informed. When he saw the cabbage cut open next to him, and then looked at the man with dull eyes, he realized that it must have been grown by the evil cultivator.

"This is a good thing!" He Yuxiu stared at the cabbage man several times and couldn't help but admired, "It's exactly the same as the real thing."

Li Banfeng nodded: "If it stays in our hands, it will indeed be a good thing."

He Yuxiu touched the cabbage man's clothes: "He is also wearing a white coat. Brother Qi, did you prepare this for him?"

Li Banfeng shook his head. He didn't prepare any clothes for Baicai Man. He brought the coat and trousers from Baicai Man.

He Yuxiu also discovered the problem: "This doesn't seem to be clothes, it feels like a cabbage gang."

It feels unreal, but it looks flawless.

Li Banfeng tapped the "cabbage man" on the face with a sickle, but the "cabbage man" showed no reaction.

He knows no fear.

Li Banfeng asked the "cabbage man" again: "What's your name?"

The cabbage man didn't answer, and it seemed like he couldn't speak.

Li Banfeng asked him to move, but the "cabbage man" couldn't understand the order.

He Yuxiu shook her head and said, "If this thing can't move, it's of little use."

Li Banfeng thought for a long time and remembered his experience in dealing with the Watermelon Man.

He cut off two pieces of cabbage with a knife and chewed them.

The cabbage buns were very crisp and sweet, but like watermelon, they were very astringent. Li Banfeng was so astringent that he sweated all over, and there was a fishy smell of cabbage in his sweat.

The cabbage man turned towards Li Banfeng and seemed to feel something about Li Banfeng.

Li Banfeng shouted: "Let's go!"

The cabbage man walked forward slowly.


The cabbage man immediately quickened his pace.


The cabbage man turned around and rushed towards He Yuxiu, because apart from Li Banfeng, He Yuxiu was the only one present. Li Banfeng smelled of cabbage, and the cabbage man would not attack the cabbage.

He Yuxiu was naturally not afraid of this cabbage and punched the cabbage's head to pieces.

But the remaining body of the cabbage was still torn on He Yuxiu. He Yuxiu raised his fist and beat the "cabbage man" into a rotten gangster. Even if there were some remaining limbs, the cabbage man would continue to fight with He Yuxiu.

He Yuxiu shook off the cabbage juice on her hand and said to Li Banfeng: "Brother Qi, you can't underestimate this cabbage. It's easy to deal with two of them, but it's really troublesome to deal with thousands of them. If there are more, If the number reaches tens of thousands, they should be able to travel sideways in Puzhou."

Li Banfeng looked at Zhang Wanlong's land, looked at the lush crops in the farmland, and murmured to himself: "It is indeed a troublesome thing, but this is indeed a good thing."

Back at his home, Li Banfeng sat by the bed in a daze.

The record player asked: "Hey, sir, what are you unhappy about again?"

Li Banfeng said: "I don't want to stay in Xindi forever, but there are some things in the world that must be dealt with carefully. Once there are changes, I have to come back and take a look."


"My husband, you are putting this little slave in trouble. Your land is still so remote. If my husband goes to Lushui City and something happens on the land, even if my husband senses it, he won't be able to run back.

You don't want to stay on the earth, but you also want to take care of things on the earth. This is a way to get the best of both worlds, and Xiaonu really can't think of it. "

Li Banfeng thought for a long time, but couldn't think of any good solution.

Once there is a feeling on the ground, can you use your own thoughts to directly ask the avatar to take you back to the land?

The person can come back, but the key cannot. After leaving the land, Li Banfeng will not be able to return home in a short time.

Now he is a seven-story house builder, and he has the skills to live and work in peace and contentment. If he does not go home for a long time, his fortune will be seriously affected.


Suiju suddenly trembled, and an old voice sounded in Li Banfeng's ears:

"There is a way. Build a train station here."

"What's the use of building a station?" Li Banfeng didn't understand what it meant to live with him.

"With the station, I can park my car." Bianju answered.

“Where can’t you park?”

"It's different. Parking at a station is called normal parking, and parking elsewhere is called temporary parking."

"What difference does it make?"

"The difference is that when parking temporarily, the door is closed, but when parking at the station, the door is open."

"Then... just wait!" Li Banfeng suddenly realized, "In other words, I am building a station on this land, and you can bring me over without closing the door."

"As long as the doors are open during normal stop times."

PS: Stop time is key!

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