Lord of Puluo

Chapter 396 I know how to adapt

A halo appeared next to Li Banfeng. The halo closed around Li Banfeng. It was neither round nor square. The halo was more than five meters away from Li Banfeng at its farthest point. The closest part of the halo was close to Li Banfeng's face. At the feet, the overall shape is irregular. 【】

Bao Yingchen had never seen a halo of this shape, but he had seen this technique before. The moment he passed through the halo, Bao Yingchen's whole body was covered in blood and flesh, and he almost fell to the ground.

This is the eighth-level technique of home cultivation, closed and closed.

How could this kid use home repair skills?

It is impossible to do travel training at the same time as home training.

It's useless to think too much. Bao Yingchen is already injured and can no longer fight Li Qi.

But where to run? There is still a halo behind him.

With a distance of thousands of miles, you can break the door and close the door.

But Bao Yingchen would not use one thing to distinguish himself from others.

Isn’t he a ninth-level traveling cultivator? Why not use Yibiewanli?

There are allusions here, allusions that Li Qi didn't know.

Bao Yingchen said that his cultivation level was not inferior to that of Lu Dongliang, and he said this everywhere he went, because it was a great shock to his opponents.

He and Lu Dongliang had indeed fought against each other, but he was a traveling cultivator on the eighth floor. With his experience, he had fought with Lu Dongliang on the ninth floor for dozens of times. Lu Dongliang did not want to kill Liang Zi with the Sanying Sect, so he left some room for his subordinates. The two of them could be regarded as Tie.

When Lu Dongjun took action, he didn't think too much and started fighting. Bao Yingchen failed to resist and was defeated by Lu Dongjun.

Fighting against the two heroes of the Lu family alone was the most outstanding achievement in Bao Yingchen's life.

Although there are many versions of the story, there is only one conclusion: Bao Yingchen's cultivation level is not inferior to Lu Dongliang's.

This conclusion is not easy to verify because the cultivation itself is invisible.

Unexpectedly, now is the time to test Bao Yingchen.

Li Qi resorted to closing the door and Bao Yingchen was injured. The only reasonable response was to use a unique skill to escape immediately.

If he doesn't use it, it proves that he doesn't know how to do it, it proves that his cultivation level is less than the ninth level, Li Qi will let go and fight, Bao Yingchen is trapped in the boundary, it is difficult to use the traveling skills, and his life is probably gone.

After all, it was Lao Jianghu. Bao Yingchen was calm in the face of danger. He took a step forward and seemed to push Li Banfeng.

What's the point of pushing Li Banfeng if he doesn't know how to be separated?

This is deterrence, this is tactics.

This is telling Li Banfeng that I am capable of traveling thousands of miles away. I have nine levels of cultivation. Even if I am injured, I still have the strength to fight you!

I can escape easily, and I can push you out and push you to a designated place, leaving you in a desperate situation.

As long as Li Qi is frightened, Bao Yingchen can delay time.

As far as Bao Yingchen knew, closing a house was very draining of physical energy, and with Li Qi's current cultivation level, he certainly wouldn't be able to sustain it for long.

When he couldn't hold on anymore and the boundary disappeared, Bao Yingchen successfully escaped, called the people outside the door in, and then tried to find a way to kill him!

This trick really worked, and it really scared Li Qi.

Li Banfeng was not in a good condition now. His whole body was in terrible pain. He did not dare to fight Bao Yingchen, so he could only retreat quickly.

As he retreated, the halo followed Li Banfeng's retreat and passed under Bao Yingchen's feet.

Before Bao Yingchen could react, his body passed through the halo again.

He was injured twice by the halo once and for all. There were scars all over his body, and the bones were deep.

Bao Yingchen looked up at Li Qi, speechless for a long time.

Isn’t this the eighth level of home cultivation technique?

How can this halo still move?

Bao Yingchen spurted out a mouthful of blood. He could no longer stand this time and lay on his back on the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" Li Banfeng held the sickle and walked forward with concern on his face.

"Don't come over here..." Bao Yingchen put his hands on the ground and moved his body back with difficulty.

Bao Yingchen wanted to call someone, but he didn't.

Li Banfeng walked forward, and the halo followed Li Banfeng and passed through Bao Yingchen again.

The third time.

The halo passed through Bao Yingchen's body for the third time.

After being penetrated by the halo three times, there was not much flesh and blood left on Bao Yingchen's body, and his skeleton and squirming internal organs were all displayed in front of Li Banfeng.

This time Bao Yingchen wouldn't move.

Li Banfeng easily picked him up and took out the keys he brought with him.

The lady was talking to her attendant: "Old man, I feel something is wrong. There was a force that left the house just now. Could it be..."

The attendant coughed and said, "That should be it."

"Eight-level skills?" The record player's voice was trembling.

Suiju sighed and said: "You two know the basics. You really can't let this kid learn the technique secretly. After he learned it, he really dared to use it!"

"How did he use it?"

"You know your man opened two doors to do business. He used a single-minded technique to raise his own level, and then used it forcefully."

The record player didn't believe it: "Old man, don't tell me a joke. If you want to use the technique of closing the door, you have to stay in the house for at least several months without leaving the house to practice the technique. He is running outside every day, how can he have time to practice the technique? ?”

"I ran after the key. The key was always on him. Although he is not in the house, he is next to the house. The situation is not much different."

"Is this possible?"

The attendant was silent for a moment and said, "I am not a person who doesn't know how to adapt."

"Then when did he spill the blood?"

"Just sprinkled it."

"After you spill the blood, you have to practice for a few more months before you can feel it. Does the blood just spilled count?"

The traveler pondered for a moment and said: "I have a good rapport with this madman. I can work around this kind of thing..."

"Old man!" the record player yelled, "You can't be flexible at will. Using techniques across layers will kill someone!"

The assistant said helplessly: "Girl, you can't see. The situation was critical just now. If we don't find some way..."


Li Banfeng threw Bao Yingchen into his home.

The record player shouted: "Ms. sir, sir, listen to me..."


Li Banfeng didn't come in, so he closed the door.

There are more than thirty ruthless people from the Sanying Sect outside the door, and there are more than a hundred people from Xiaoyaowu in the background. Li Banfeng cannot come back yet.

After looking at Bao Yingchen's injuries, he determined that Li Banfeng had used the eighth-level home repair technique.

"Old man, what should I do?"

"I'll find a way to call him back."

Woohoo~ Suiju blew the whistle.

Li Banfeng didn't respond.

Under the severe pain, Li Banfeng was a little confused and did not hear the whistle.

The record player shouted: "Open the door, I'll tell him to come back!"

The traveler got angry: "This is not a station. You opened the door when you said it would?"

"Do you want to open the door?" A disciple of the Sanying Sect asked Yang Xingbo, the third master.

Yang Xingbo was also a little hesitant. After the master went in for a while, there was suddenly no movement inside.

A spy cultivator lowered his voice and said, "I heard someone saying not to come over. It seemed to be the voice of the master."

Yang Xingbo was anxious: "Brothers, you are all the pillars in the gang. At the critical moment, the pillars must not be soft. Come with me and fight through the door."

While speaking, Yang Xingbo glanced at everyone.

Everyone's veins stood out and their fighting spirit was high.

This is Huanxiu's motivational technique, and a group of people are ready to rush through the door.

Inside the door, Li Banfeng looked calm and looked at the halo under his feet.

Although I still can't figure out the origin of this halo, it is certainly no problem that this halo can subdue Bao Yingchen and resist the people outside the door.

The halo flashed and went out.

Li Banfeng was no longer calm.

How come it was destroyed?

The technique of closing doors consumes a huge amount of money. Naturally, Li Banfeng's technique cannot sustain it for long in this state.

People from outside are about to rush in, what should I do?

Li Banfeng can enter the house. If he is worried that he cannot hide, he can also find a way to escape through the wall. Bao Yingchen is gone, leaving Li Banfeng with many choices.

But Li Banfeng never thought of leaving behind the more than 100 people backstage.

He counted the magic weapons on his body one by one, and was thinking about tactics when he suddenly heard a shout from outside: "You broke into someone's house in the middle of the night, are you stealing something, or are you trying to rob it openly? Sanyingmen can be considered a respectable person, why do you always do such a shameful thing?" matter!"

The voice sounds like that of an old lady.

The scolding woman is here!

The old lady tremblingly went upstairs. She looked very young and could not walk steadily, but she was cursing quite loudly.

Yang Xingbo was shocked and knew that this old lady was not a mortal. He planned to ask the old lady about her origin first, but the old lady kept yelling and scolding, but Yang Xingbo became angry and cursed.

Why does she curse so harshly?

Don't be reckless, she has skills!

Yang Xingbo was still trying his best to stay calm when an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Hit her, she scolded him like that, but he still won't beat her? With so many of his brothers watching, how can he hold his head high in the future?"

"Look at his virtuous behavior. He is so timid that he wants to hide himself in a hole in the ground. His courage is scared out of his mind. How can he dare to fight!"

A handsome woman, in her mid-twenties, was talking to herself next to the street woman.

Li Banfeng laughed when he heard the sound.

Others thought he was talking to himself, but in fact Li Banfeng knew clearly that it was two people talking.

Liangwucai is here, the two sisters have one body and two heads, each talking about his own things, but their true appearance is obscured by the ever-changing water flow.

Yang Xingbo is a seventh-level Huan cultivator and has a certain resistance.

But under the double instigation of the scolding street woman and Liang Wucai, Yang Xingbo could no longer suppress his anger.

In fact, his choice was not wrong. The two women, the old and the young, were obviously not good at each other. They would fight early in the morning and late in the evening. There was no disadvantage in attacking first.

He first glanced at the scolding woman and Liang Wucai.

The street-swearing woman is old and doesn't think about those things anymore, so she is not affected too much.

When Liang Wucai was in his prime, he took a look at her, and her body trembled, and her legs couldn't help but tighten.

Yang Xingbo shouted: "Come on!"

A dozen of his men rushed towards the scolding woman and Liangwucai. The old lady waved her cane and started to fight. Liangwucai held a long sword in his left hand and a machete in his right hand.

These three people are not only good at talking, but also have real skills in their hands. A fourth-level body cultivator was directly stabbed to death by a scolding woman with a cane as soon as he got close.

A fifth-level body cultivator transformed into an emerald green caterpillar with burrs all over his body, and squirmed in front of Liang Wucai.

Liang Wucai knows this insect, its scientific name is thorn moth, and it is usually called spicy moth. Be sure not to let it get on your body. If it gets stuck on the burrs, it will cause severe pain.

Even though this foreign guy was not squirming very fast, he was not slow in his moves. A pair of fangs kept biting at Liang Wucai as his head moved forward and back.

But he couldn't bite him. Liang Wu guessed that it was Nian Xiu who could always distract Yang Lazi at critical moments.

Moreover, Liang Wucai's moves were also weird. The long sword in his left hand and the scimitar in his right hand had no connection at all in the moves. Yang Lazi was tired of parrying and was slashed several times by Liang Wucai.

There is no advantage in fighting like this. The foreign spicy guy stopped fighting and took half a step back. His body trembled and burrs all over his body stood up.

He took a deep breath, and his huge body began to shake. All the disciples of the Sanying Sect around him moved away, and the burrs on Yang Lazi's body were about to fly out.

Liang Wucai was also a little scared. Even if he killed Yang Lazi with a knife and covered him with burrs, he would still feel uncomfortable for a long time.

Seeing that the spicy guy was shaking faster and faster, a strong woman stood in front of Liang Wucai, opened her big mouth, and swallowed the spicy guy.

The size of this worm was about the same as that of a normal person. No one around could understand how this woman managed to eat such a big worm.

"It's spicy! It's so spicy!" The food cultivator came to eat Liuhe. She licked the burrs around her mouth, but she still felt it was not very satisfying!

Nightmare Xiu Duan Wuqiu also came, accompanied by more than twenty ghost servants who shuttled back and forth among the people.

A martial arts cultivator stepped forward and chopped off Duan Wuchiu's head. Duan Wuchiu ignored him and controlled the ghost servant to continue fighting.

That wasn't her head originally. She had no head. It was a deception created by Shui Yongquan using his ever-changing skills. Drink more water and it would grow back again.

Baishou Company held a pair of axes and fought with the crowd. When the axes were held up, he took out a pair of hammers. When the hammers were held up, he took out a pair of maces...

There was a melee in the corridor. Yang Xingbo, the third leader of the Sanying Clan, was looking for an opportunity to take action. He Yuxiu jumped in from the corridor window and grabbed his hair.

"Lao Qi!" He Yuxiu shouted, "Is everything okay?"

"It's okay, nothing happened." Li Banfeng stood in the middle of the big dance floor and let out a sigh of relief.

He took out the key, opened the door to his roommate, stumbled back to the house, and threw himself on the bed.

The record player said eagerly: "My husband, my husband, I don't let you learn techniques secretly, why don't you listen?"

Hong Ying murmured: "I seem to know what two doors are open."

"What are you talking about?" the record player said angrily, "Help me, I have to let him get promoted!"

Hong Ying said: "He has just been promoted to the seventh floor, and now he has been promoted to the eighth floor. Can he handle it?"

"What else can we do? He used a technique across levels. If he doesn't get promoted, he will die!"

Hong Ying helped Li Banfeng up, and the record player sang softly: "My dear husband, bear with the pain, it's time to get promoted."

Li Banfeng didn't understand.

"It's a good thing that I gave birth. Why did I endure the pain?"

PS: Dear readers, all your monthly votes go to Salad!

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