Lord of Puluo

Chapter 399 Fighting for the Thieves (please vote for me)

"Xiuling, something is wrong," Shen Rongqing said in a low voice, "Bao Yingchen breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the lobby desperately. He should at least find someone to help him detoxify.

Zhang Xiuling took a notebook and was busy recording this touching scene, and said perfunctorily to Shen Rongqing: "Maybe he was poisoned and there is no cure."

Shen Rongqing shook his head repeatedly and said: "Even if there is no cure, he has returned to his own realm, and he must find someone to try."

Zhang Xiuling wrote faster and faster: "Perhaps Mr. Bao has long taken life and death lightly."

"What a joke, it's life and death! You only have one life, who doesn't want to live? Instead of finishing your last words here, at least give yourself a chance to survive."

Zhang Xiuling laughed and said: "This is the realm, Rong Qing, do you know the realm here?"

Shen Rongqing really couldn't figure it out: "Xiuling, tell me what kind of realm is here? What kind of realm can really belittle life and death?"

"I can't explain the realm," Zhang Xiuling suddenly lowered her voice, "If you haven't looked down on life and death yet, don't talk so much.

You are in business, and you know too little about the gang. If you continue talking, life or death will be uncertain. "

This is the difference between Zhang Xiuling and Shen Rongqing. Both of them are talented women, but Shen Rongqing is a businessman, while Zhang Xiuling is the master of Baihua Sect.

Shen Rongqing still couldn't figure it out: "Xiuling, don't you want to know the truth?"

Zhang Xiuling used the skill of a thousand lines to write a few sentences in a notebook and presented them to Shen Rongqing:

"Rong Qing, the truth is different from the truth. Businessmen value genuine goods, while helpers value seeing is believing.

In the gang, what can be seen is true, and what cannot be seen is false.

Bao Yingchen is dead, you saw it, this is true.

Shen Jinzhong cried, you saw it, it's true.

According to the rules, the second gold seal will now be the big gold seal. The rules are true and the gold seal is also true.

You have seen all this, and if you see it, it is true. It is best not to make blind guesses about things you cannot see. "

After reading these lines, Shen Rongqing became quiet.

The scene that just happened was seen by everyone present, and it was true.

In comparison, all her doubts were meaningless and would only bring her trouble and even death.

Next, Shen Jinzhong has two things to do.

First, bury Bao Yingchen properly. Whether as a sworn brother or a subordinate in the gang, this is Shen Jinzhong's duty.

Second, Bao Yingchen has already finished talking about dealing with the inner ghost, and he has also pointed out that the inner ghost is Dong Kaibin.

Dong Kaibin was still confused and didn't know how to defend himself.

In fact, he doesn't have to worry about defending, because Shen Jinzhong will not give him a chance to defend himself.

Several disciples pressed Dong Kaibin on the table, and Shen Jinzhong directly raised the knife.

This is also Li Qi's advice. There can be no hesitation, no room for leeway, and no moment of disputes or dealings.

Dong Kaibin also has cultivation skills. He is a fifth-level ascetic cultivator.

He also has subordinates, and several of his followers are in the lobby.

He used his skills to get away, but was subdued by Shen Jinzhong on the spot.

He called for his followers, but they all had knives put to their necks.

Dong Kaibin shouted: "I don't know what the Chu family did!"

It was too late to shout anything, Shen Jinzhong chopped off his head with a knife.

Seeing the blood spurting out, He Yuxiu felt sorry.

What a pity for this pot of good lamb.

Someone at the table whispered: "Is this really done by the Chu family?"

Shen Jinzhong gritted his teeth and said, "The Chu family doesn't even dare to come. If he didn't do this, who else could it be?"

Yes, the Chu family did not come.

Shen Jinzhong set up a banquet to eat boiled mutton, but he didn't even invite the Chu family. Why did the Chu family come?

This is not the time to be reasonable, what we are talking about now is affection and atmosphere.

Killing Dong Kaibin and avenging the boss, Shen Jinzhong's affection is enough, and the atmosphere is in place.

It was time to hold the funeral next, so the guests who came to have a meal naturally couldn't break the etiquette and came to the funeral to express their condolences.

As for the autopsy, no one dared to mention it. As Zhang Xiuling said, if Bao Yingchen is dead, he is dead.

Shen Jinzhong was dressed in mourning clothes and was so heartbroken that he almost fainted from crying.

He Yuxiu offered a stick of incense to Bao Yingchen and said to Shen Jinzhong: "The accomplices have been dealt with. Should the mastermind just leave it alone?"

"Sister Xiu, what are you saying?" Shen Jinzhong gritted his teeth and said, "The Sanying Clan and the Chu family are at odds with each other!"

"Okay!" He Yuxiu nodded, "I remember these words. Old Bao has a spirit in heaven and can hear it!"

While the guests were coming and going, a man, wearing a suit and a top hat, entered the mourning hall.

He touched Shen Jinzhong behind him. Without this touch, Shen Jinzhong would not have known that this person was coming.

"Seventh Master," Shen Jinzhong came to the corner and greeted in a low voice, "I have sent people to find what you want. I think we can find it in a while."

Li Banfeng nodded and said, "Is everything going well?"

"It went well. After burying my eldest brother, everything else will be easy to handle."

"Don't wait, keep the funeral simple." Li Banfeng was a little worried. If he kept waiting, Baicai would be in trouble.

Shen Jinzhong was also very anxious: "It won't work tonight. I have told the guests that the burial will be arranged tomorrow."

"He will be buried tomorrow," Zhang Xiuling put away the notebook and sighed, "Shen Jinzhong is really anxious."

Shen Rongqing lowered his voice and said, "If the funeral is so hasty, no one will be suspicious?"

Zhang Xiuling nodded and said: "Yes, and there are more than one, but so what if you are suspicious? Just think about it in your heart,

No matter how much you think about it, it’s useless. You can’t figure it out. Maybe decades or even a hundred years from now, there will still be people who can’t figure it out.

But what can he do if he doesn't understand? The current head of the Sanying Sect is Shen Jinzhong. "

Li Qi and Shen Jinzhong were talking in the mourning hall, and Xie Juncong, the head of the Guishou Sect, came in to offer incense.

"Are you Master Qi?" Xie Juncong stepped forward and said hello.

Li Banfeng was a little surprised. Not many people could notice him immediately.

Shen Jinzhong stepped forward to introduce him: "This is the head of the Guishou Sect, Xie Juncong Xie, the head."

When he heard about the ghost hand door, Li Banfeng wanted to push this kind old man to the ground and beat him up.

The time and occasion were inappropriate, so Li Banfeng endured it for the time being. Xie Juncong sighed: "When Lao Bao left, he said that he recognized you as his friend.

He is a good man, and Xie admires him. From now on, Xie will also recognize you as his friend! "

"Senior Xie, a man of great virtue and respect, whose name I have admired for a long time..." Li Banfeng was very moved, and made up a few lies from the bottom of his heart, and dismissed Xie Juncong.

Bai Wuchuan, the leader of the Baihe Gang, entered the mourning hall. He didn't notice Li Banfeng at first, but when he saw Xie Juncong talking to Li Banfeng, he also stepped forward to chat.

"Master Qi, the Baihe Gang didn't have much contact with you before, but Mr. Bao's friends are my friends from Bai Wuchuan." Li Banfeng returned the salute with his fists raised. After Bai Wuchuan left, Li Banfeng asked: "What is the Baihe Gang?" origin?"

Shen Jinzhong said: "In Puluo Prefecture, the White Crane Gang is also a big sect. This sect is all about body cultivation. There are two factions of body cultivation and transformation body cultivation within the gang."

Li Banfeng didn't know much about body cultivation, so he asked: "What are body transformation and body cultivation?"

"To put it simply, body transformation is when a person becomes an animal, and body transformation is when an animal becomes a human.

Bai Wuchuan is a body-changing cultivator who just took over the position last year. Logically speaking, this position of gang leader was originally not for him.

He has a senior brother who has transformed into a human body. He is a person transformed into a crane. It is said that he has practiced in seclusion for twenty years and has achieved great success.

A year ago, his senior brother was released from seclusion and was preparing to take over the position of gang leader, but unexpectedly he disappeared in the Yaowanggou area. "

A crane disappeared in Yaowanggou.

Li Banfeng felt as if he had seen this person before.

The man seemed to have hit the border and was wiped out!

To be able to be a gang leader, this person has a good level of cultivation.

It seems that I should try not to retreat in the future. Being in retreat for too long may make people do some crazy things.

While thinking, Li Haoyun, the head of Furongzhai, entered the mourning hall. Just then he saw Bai Wuchuan talking to Li Qi, and he also came up to say hello.

"Seventh Master, we are our family, please take good care of us from now on!"

After a few polite words, Li Haoyun left, and Li Banfeng asked: "What kind of business does Furongzhai do?"

"Book apartment business," Shen Jinzhong shrugged his eyebrows, "Thirty percent of the book apartments in Lushui City belong to Furongzhai. There is also a lot of business in Furongzhai."

Furongzhai, Li Haoyun.

Li Banfeng felt that this man was a bit friendly for some reason.

Several more guests came, and one of his subordinates came to Shen Jinzhong and handed a mahogany box to Shen Jinzhong.

Shen Jinzhong detached his men and handed the mahogany box to Li Banfeng: "Master Qi, I got what you asked for."

Li Banfeng took the box and opened it. There was a pair of judge pens in the box.

Is this the good thing Chu Huaijun gave Bao Yingchen?

Li Banfeng picked up the judge's pen and fumbled with it.

It is indeed a good weapon, and the workmanship and materials used are very exquisite.

But after listening for a moment, Li Banfeng didn't hear any sound.

He has the ability to discern spiritual sounds. If he can't hear any sound, it proves that the judge's pen has no spirituality at all.

"Is such a pair of weapons worth fighting for Bao Yingchen?" Li Banfeng didn't quite believe it.

When Shen Jinzhong saw that Li Banfeng looked wrong, he quickly explained: "Master Qi, we have to make things clear. This thing was given to you as soon as it was found. I haven't touched it."

Li Banfeng looked at the yard and saw Xie Juncong, the head of the Guishou Sect, walking out the door.

"How is the relationship between Sanyingmen and Guishoumen?"

Shen Jinzhong sighed and said, "How can I say this with such a helper?

If you offend him, you will easily get into trouble. If you get closer to them, the trouble will be even greater. Just get along with them and avoid falling out, so that's it. "

Li Banfeng came up behind Xie Juncong in two steps and asked, "Senior Xie, are you going back, shall I give you a ride?"

Xie Juncong shook his head and said, "I won't leave tonight. I want to see Old Bao off on his last journey."

He said he wasn't leaving.

Didn't he take the thing?

Li Banfeng turned and left without asking any more questions.

Seeing Li Banfeng walking away, Xie Juncong took out a white glove from his sleeve.

He took this glove from Li Banfeng. Although he didn't know what the glove was used for, he knew that it was a very valuable magic weapon because the thieves knew how to identify it.

Xie Juncong sighed secretly: "Young man, he seems to be somewhat smart if he can suspect me, but he dares to test me so casually. After all, he lacks some experience."

Xie Juncong looked at the time and waited until after two o'clock in the morning. Taking advantage of everyone's sleepiness, he found an opportunity and left the Jinyin Hall.

When pirates take action, it all depends on the timing.

What kind of timing is most appropriate?

The Golden Seal Hall of Sanying Gate is heavily guarded. Even Xie Juncong doesn't dare to say that he is completely sure if he wants to sneak in.

Now Shen Jinzhong invited him to eat hot-boiled mutton and walked into the lobby blatantly. This was the perfect time.

As for whether Shen Jinzhong will find someone to blame after the incident, it is difficult to say, but Xie Juncong can distinguish the priorities, and the tasks assigned by He Jiaqing are more important to him.

Youdao is about catching thieves and stealing stolen goods, and there is no basis for it. Even if they are found, Xie Juncong will not admit it.

Moreover, Shen Jinzhong had just become the Great Golden Seal and his foothold was not yet stable, so Xie Juncong was not afraid of him breaking his skin.

After returning to the old house next to the Houtang City God's Temple, Xie Juncong took out a pair of judge pens and was about to contact Wan Jinxian and hand over the treasure to He Jiaqing when he suddenly felt that the judge pens looked familiar.

It's not as simple as it looks familiar, this is the Judge's Pen that he found someone to make, the Judge's Pen that he uses to drop bags in the Golden Seal Hall!

Why was he transferred back again?

Where did the real thing go?

Xie Juncong was stunned for a moment, touched his inner pocket, and found that the gloves he took from Li Banfeng were also missing.

Carrying Curie with him, he spat out the judge's pen with his gloves and sneered: "This bad old man, he dares to take any object. After living a long time, he is still so unstable in doing things.

Master, take a look, how is the quality of this thing? "

Li Banfeng smiled: "You are an expert, and you will definitely be right in what you are looking for."

He took a pair of judge pens, came to his own judge pen, and called softly: "Abi, your two brothers came to see you. I think you all look the same, so I won't give you another name.

From now on, this one is called Erbi, and the other is called Sanbi. You still call it Jiebi, do you think that’s okay? "

Judge Bi was sleeping and ignored Li Banfeng.

Judge Bi, who was ranked second, took the initiative to change positions with Judge Bi, who was ranked third. He didn't want to make a second move.

After waiting for a long time, the two new pens seemed to have no resonance with the original judge pens.

Li Banfeng frowned and said, "What's the point?"


The assistant suddenly spoke: "Ah Qi, bring this thing to the third room and let me take a look at it for you."

Li Banfeng came to the third room with the judge's pen.

The resident said in a serious tone: "Ah Qi, put down the pen first and let me look at it carefully!"

"Put it down..." Gloves was a little nervous.

"A Tao, don't talk too much!" Biju's tone became more serious.

Li Banfeng placed a pair of judge pens on the ground.

"What a good thing, hahahaha!" Suiju laughed loudly, and a pair of judge pens melted instantly, penetrated into the ground, and disappeared.

Li Banfeng was stunned for a long time and said angrily: "Old thief, where did you rob?"

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