Lord of Puluo

Chapter 405 Crazy Craftsman

Three days later, Liao Zihui's secretary Ling Sujun came to Xiaoyaowu with a document in her hand.

The Customs Office responded to Li Qi's request. From now on, the freight for Li Qi's business will be halved.

Ma Wu was so excited that he didn't even bother to seduce Ling Sujun and went directly to Li Qi.

Li Banfeng was very calm: "I guess the big families will come to us soon."

The big families will definitely come. Li Qi has already offered half the price. They can't even get the original price. They must find a way to sell to Li Qi.

Ma Wu had already prepared for this matter: "Those who are close to us can help them ship goods, and we can make a profit from the difference. Sister Xiu is expected to come today. We will discuss how much the difference will be."

Li Banfeng shook his head and said: "We will not charge He Yuxiu for the difference, just charge her a little labor cost."

Ma Wu was stunned: "Why is that?"

"He Yuxiu has made great contributions. She has made great contributions to this success."

He Yuxiu's contributions are indeed great. Not only did she serve as the main force in the battle with Sanyingmen, but more importantly, she helped Li Banfeng attract a large amount of firepower from the defense.

"What about other families?"

"Reward according to merit. The greater the merit, the smaller the difference."

Ma Wu rubbed his forehead. This matter is quite troublesome, but if you think about the contributions of each family carefully, you can trace them.

But Ma Wu was a little worried: "If we do this, the Guanfangshi will suffer a great loss. Will they cause trouble in the future?"

All the major families are selling goods to Li Qi.

"There will be a lot of trouble. As long as the boundary is still in their hands, this matter will not end."

While speaking, Li Banfeng looked at the sweeper at the door.

The sweeper lowered his head, holding a broom, and was carefully cleaning the corner of the corridor.

"What is this?" Li Banfeng asked.

The sweeper was holding the broom nervously, his face full of sweat, and he looked up and asked, "Seventh Master, you mean..."

Li Banfeng touched the puppet on the cleaner's waist: "It's so unique."

"Are you talking about this?" The cleaner took off the puppet, "There is a groceries seller downstairs, I think this thing is good, and it's quite cheap, so I bought it and went back to let the children play."

"You mean downstairs?"

"It's just on the side of the road, there is a small stall, it should still be there now."

Li Banfeng went downstairs and really saw a groceries stall. Most of the stalls were toys. Li Banfeng took a fancy to a wooden train.

"How much is this?"

"Five yuan, no bargaining."

The things were indeed not expensive, Li Banfeng bought the wooden train, and also bought a can of glass beads and two tin frogs.

Back to Xiaoyaowu, Li Banfeng entered Suishenju and went straight to the third room.

"Grandpa, I brought you something." Li Banfeng took out the wooden train and pushed it on the ground.

Suishenju did not respond.

"Here are some glass beads. You said last time that you would use this to relieve boredom. This thing is really fun."

Sui Shen Ju still didn't respond.

Li Ban Feng took out the tin frog, wound it up, and jumped on the ground with a click: "Do you like this?"

"Just say it if you have something to say!" Sui Shen Ju finally spoke.

"I want to ask one thing. What is the principle of the boundary lines between different places?"

After waiting for a long time, Sui Shen Ju replied: "I have studied it, but I haven't studied it thoroughly. I still remember some things, but I have forgotten most of them."

"No way," Li Ban Feng took out the switch to control the boundary line, "Didn't you make this thing?"

"I didn't make this thing, I modified it. Some things can be repaired if they are broken, and some things can be modified if they are not easy to use, but it is not that easy to make a new one."

This is the truth. Making a new thing from scratch is much more difficult than repairing and modifying it.

Suishenju continued, "And this mechanism must be used with caution. It worked once before, but it's hard to say whether it will work next time. People from other states like to use such tricks."

Li Banfeng can understand this point, just like different devices have different passwords.

But Li Banfeng was determined to break the restrictions of the boundary, even if he had to start from scratch, he accepted it: "Can you teach me some construction methods?"

"Why do you learn construction methods? Two businesses are not enough?"

"I want to build a railway, a railway that is not controlled by boundaries. Do you have a way?"

"Hehe~" Suishenju laughed, "Old Train spent so many years just to build such a railway, and he didn't succeed. Do you think you can do it?"

"Old Train?" Li Banfeng laughed, "Are you talking about the Train Grandpa? You call him that too? Then what does he call you?"

"He calls me Little Train."

"Hahahaha," Gloves laughed beside him, "Old man, you are old, and you are still called Little Train, you are really shameless."

A jar flew over, and Gloves dodged it: "Old man, this trick doesn't work, hahaha..."

A vase fell from the table and hit Gloves accurately.

Suishenju sighed, "Ah Qi, you can't do the railway business. The construction method cannot be learned overnight.

I can't do it either. I have forgotten too many things.

Let's see if your wife has this ability. She learns everything very quickly.

She still needs a helper. There is a smart person at home, but he may not be willing to help her."

Which smart person?

Li Banfeng thought for a moment and thought of Jiufang.

"Grandpa, are you talking about Honglian? I'm afraid she still has my old friend in her heart."

The assistant smiled: "Ah Qi, you have spent too little time with Honglian. You really don't understand her character.

I have never met your friend, but I know that Honglian will definitely not be able to accommodate your friend in her heart.

She only has that person in the sky in her heart, and she can't hold anyone else in her heart except that person. "

The one in heaven?

Li Banfeng heard his wife say it.

"Is he the one who let me shine in the sky?"

"Yes, in Puluozhou, as long as you touch the red lotus, the red lotus will send a message to the sky, and the sky will shine down.

But here, Honglian can't send a message to the sky. She is anxious. Seeing her anxious look makes me feel so happy. "

Li Banfeng was silent for a long time, and he and his companion showed a knowing smile.

After laughing, Li Banfeng thought of the old train again: "Where is the old train now?"

Suiju said: "Don't think about him now. You can't go where he goes."

"Who is he trapped by?"

Suiju sighed: "I forgot. It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I really forgot.

When I followed the old train and fought with them, I lost most of my combat power and most of my memory.

If I meet them again, I have no chance of taking you out alive. "

"Then what should we do? You forgot the construction method of the boundary line. We haven't found the old train yet, so we expect my wife to figure it out by herself. How long will it take to figure it out?"

Fanju remained silent as he couldn't think of a good solution.

Li Banfeng raised his head and asked, "I have an idea and I've already started working on it, but I don't know if it will work.

If you were allowed to see the new boundary line, would it help you retrieve some of your memories? "

The attendant was silent for a long time and said, "You might as well give it a try."

Li Banfeng returned to the main room and made out with his wife twice.

The lady gritted her teeth and said with sweat: "It's okay if you don't eat Huan Tu. The slave family can still bear it."

Mittens crawled out from under the vase and found that the wooden train, glass beads and iron frogs on the ground had all disappeared.

Li Banfeng left Suiju.

In the main room, Hong Ying couldn't hear what her husband said just now, but she could hear what Li Banfeng and Glove said.

While Li Banfeng was away, Hong Ying whispered to the record player: "Wicked woman, I heard that mad man and that bitch talking about old trains and small trains. They weren't talking about the mad craftsman and his train."

The record player sneered and said: "What do you mean by a crazy craftsman who doesn't know any etiquette? That's an elder of your Taoist sect."

Hong Ying said in shock: "I should have thought that we would fall into that madman's train. Zhao Xiaowan, why are you not afraid at all?"

"What are you afraid of? Isn't this senior very kind to us?"

"Have you forgotten what they looked like on the battlefield? Apart from the grocery seller, it was the old craftsman and his train who were the most ruthless."


The record player sang slowly: "Hey bitch, you have been deaf and blind for many years. Times have changed a long time ago. Please don't turn out those old almanacs again."

Hong Ying snorted coldly and said, "If we don't turn over the almanac, will our hatred be over?"

"Hey bitch, you are really overthinking. Even if you fall into the eighteenth level of hell, we will never be able to get over this grudge."

He Jiaqing was sitting in the tavern, eating mutton skewers, drinking beer, and reading the newspaper.

This tavern was not very popular, and He Jiaqing came here simply to eat.

It was just the news in the newspaper that made him a little off-putting. This was a newspaper from Provincial Prefecture. The news was from three days ago. The headline was "The seventy-year-old ghost-hand sect owner ran naked in the street. What's the secret behind it".

He Jiaqing tried his best to remain calm and read the entire news.

He had a new understanding of Xie Juncong.

After eating, He Jiaqing walked to the stadium. On the way, Shen Rongqing sent a message.

"Jia Qing, the customs envoy has reduced Li Qi's freight by half, so Li Qi doesn't need us to ship the goods."

He Jiaqing smiled: "We can ask him to ship the goods. Is it a business? How can we make money?"

Shen Rongqing sighed: "I went to talk to Ma Wu, but he was not willing to see me yet. He said that this matter does not depend on friendship, but rewards based on merit. We can reduce our shipping costs by up to 20%."

"Twenty percent is not a lot. We have to let Li Qi earn some of the difference and continue the business first."

Shen Rongqing was still unconvinced: "Jia Qing, He Yuxiu's business, Li Qi reduced the shipping fee by half, and only charged some labor money. Li Qi didn't make the difference from her."

"What's the reason for this?" He Jiaqing was stunned for a moment and suddenly asked, "What's the relationship between Li Qi and my aunt?"

"I heard from rumors that they are very close. You also know your aunt's temperament. When she sees the man she likes, she will..."

"Dare!" He Jiaqing was anxious, "If Li Qi dares to sleep with my aunt, I will give him..."

What can I do to him?

He Jiaqing is in a critical period and cannot return to Puzhou now.

Shen Rongqing asked: "Jia Qing, are you still doing business with Li Qi?"

"Let's do it. Aren't we going to be rewarded based on our merits? It's our turn to make money, so why not!"

This business won't last long. The customs officer promised him 50% of the freight today, but it may increase to five times tomorrow. He should hurry up and ship the goods quickly, and he can make more money. "

Ma Wu recruited nearly a thousand pioneers from all over Green Water Bay and gathered in Lanyang Village.

Li Banfeng held a land reclamation conference and placed the rewards for land reclamation directly in front of the land reclamation people:

"You know the rules of land reclamation, and you also know the rules here. The white ocean is here, and you will receive reward according to the size of the plot. The carriages and horses have been prepared. Pack your things and hit the road."

PS: How can we see the new boundary line?

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