Lord of Puluo

Chapter 407 History of Prosperity

Qiu Luoye agreed to open up wasteland, and Li Banfeng took people to Qiu Luoye's territory that day.

More than a thousand people are opening up wasteland. If they are left alone, the chaos will be huge. Fighting can occur just by selecting a land plot.

But Li Banfeng had already planned. He distributed a map to everyone on the road. The plots of land were already drawn on the map. He also used a projector to show the images to everyone. He gave everyone three days to choose the site. The selection was repeated, and the first was chosen first. have to.

I have seen pictures and videos, and everything that needs to be said has been explained clearly. When we got to the land boundary, there were still people who wanted to change the land.

Can it be replaced?

Yes, outside of the plots drawn by Li Banfeng, you can choose a piece of land yourself and go to the local owner yourself. If there is no reward, you will pay for the land reclamation cost yourself.

The plot of land was selected, the offerings were prepared that day, the autumn leaves responded one by one, and the school exams began the next day.

These more than 1,000 people cannot open more than 1,000 pieces of land.

There are three or five people who get together to open a one-mile plot, and there are also thirty, fifty or even hundreds of people who get together to open a three-mile plot.

No matter how you form a team, Li Banfeng will reward you according to the location. How to divide the money afterward is the business of the pioneers themselves.

But we must also beware of those who have no real ability and come over to cause trouble.

There were a few people who had little cultivation and still had to drive three miles alone. Li Banfeng sent all these people back halfway, and he had no time to waste time with them.

Some of them refused to leave and insisted on arguing with Li Banfeng. Li Banfeng sent such people directly to Xiaohuanquan to give some live food to the dead souls.

During this exam, Qiu Luoye gave an order to his subordinates to try their best to contain the weirdos, and strive to make them successful in pioneering wasteland.

The first day went smoothly, and all the pioneers passed the test smoothly.

By the morning of the next day, more than 100 people had failed to open up wasteland and were forced out of the land.

Li Banfeng has seen more than a hundred people, many of whom are good at pioneering wasteland.

These good players were not greedy. Five good players formed a team and opened a one-mile radius, and were defeated by an aberration in less than five minutes.

Li Banfeng called the leaders of the five pioneers over, secretly gave them some reward money, and asked them what happened.

The leader was named Zhao Yongtian, who was in his early forties. He said to Li Banfeng: "I have a third-level cultivation. I have one second-level and three first-level men under me. It is more than enough to open a mile of land.

We want to get things done first and protect our capital. If Master Qi thinks highly of us, we can open a few more pieces of land and make more money.

Who would have thought that a jujube tree came into the field this morning and struck at it with its branches. None of us could bear it at once.

I told you for five minutes because I was afraid that you would laugh at us and beat us all out in less than half a minute. "

What kind of cultivation is this jujube tree?

I'm afraid it's more than four floors, right?

Meng Yuchun once said that monsters who have barely reached the fourth level of cultivation can go to the one-mile plot to take the exam, but this is a situation where the land god especially hates the land developer.

No matter how high-level people are, they cannot enter the land to take exams, otherwise it will be considered a violation of the contract.

Which part of "Autumn Falling Leaves" is this? Deliberately asking people from the fourth floor up to come and take exams? Doesn't he want to make things happen?

Li Banfeng frowned and went directly to find Qiu Xiangxiang. When he arrived at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain, where Qiu Luoye lived, he saw Qiu Luoye grabbing a jujube tree and cursing, and there were many strange things around him.

"Brother Qiu, what happened?" Li Banfeng stepped forward and asked.

Qiu Luoye gritted his teeth and said, "Old Qi, don't worry about this. I'm going to chop up this bastard."

Zaoshu said unambiguously: "Come on, chop it up, Mr. Qiu, I have been with you for so many years, don't be soft-hearted."

Qiu Luoye really wanted to take action, but Li Banfeng persuaded him: "First explain the whole matter clearly."

"Needless to say!" Qiu Luoye said angrily, "This bird tree has a fifth-level cultivation level. He went to a mile of land to take the school exam. Doesn't he mean to undermine me?"

Li Banfeng asked Zaoshu: "Why did you do this?"

"To survive!" Zaoshu shouted, "the land has been given to them, how can we survive?"

Shui Yongquan, who was watching the excitement from the side, sighed: "It's too hasty."

He was right about this. This situation was indeed caused by too fast land reclamation.

Assuming that a land is cleared ten times a year, this problem is not a big problem. The careful land gods will slightly control the number of monsters and send some monsters to other lands one after another. Other monsters will hardly notice anything. Variety.

But Qiu Luoye's land was cleared thousands of times a year, and this time more than a thousand people came. The number of aberrations on his land was dense, and too much living space was occupied at once. These aberrations were bound to rise up and resist.

Qiu Luoye didn't care so much, so he chopped up the jujube trees and killed the chickens to scare the monkeys.

But other aberrations didn't accept this trick: "Master Qiu, if you want to kill him, kill us together!"

After talking in a hurry, Qiu Luoye shouted angrily: "Okay, I will help you today! I will send you all on your way!"

Li Banfeng once again persuaded Qiu Luoye and asked: "If the entire land is successfully cleared, how will the weird things on the land be dealt with?"

Li Banfeng has always been concerned about this matter, and he will face the same problem in the future.

The entire land has been opened up successfully, and the new land will become a normal land, and there will be no strange things on the regular land.

Qiu Luoye said: "I will arrange a place for them!"

Shui Yongquan shook his head and said: "How do you arrange it? If we divide it into one hundred and eighty years and send them out slowly, this matter will be easier to talk about.

You have opened more than 30% of the land this year. Where can you send them? Give me that? I can't feed you! "

Qiu Luoye spat and said, "Zuilian, who said I want to give it to you? I have too many friends, so I can't give it to anyone."

Shui Yongquan smiled and said: "You give me a try? Let's see if they dare to accept you? You take hundreds of thousands of subordinates to other people's territory. Who knows what you are thinking about? Once the day comes when you fall out, who is not afraid? Are you cooperating inside and outside?"

Qiu Luoye shook his nose, very annoyed.

Whenever he got angry, his mind would stop working. He grabbed the jujube tree and was about to kill it. Li Banfeng stepped forward and whispered a few words.

Qiu Luoye was stunned: "Old Qi, is there really such a place?"

"Yes, just leave this matter to me."

Qiu Luoye shook her nose: "Okay, you can tell them."

Li Banfeng said to the weirdos: "Everyone, listen to my advice. I will give you a place to settle, and you will not be wronged! If you are willing to come with me, we will set off in three days. If you are not willing to follow me, Qiu Brother will not treat you badly."

This is the best of both worlds for Li Banfeng and Qiu Luoye. There is a shortage of aberrations in his land, and now he can make a big profit.

It depends on how the monsters weigh this matter.

Looking at Qiu Luoye's posture, it was obvious that he was heading for the right place. If these weirdos had made plans early, they would have followed Li Banfeng to choose a good place.

But it's not impossible to stay. Although the living space is squeezed, there are more opportunities to take exams and earn cultivation. As long as you follow the rules, Qiu Luoye is never stingy in rewarding cultivation.

At least there was a way out, and the weirdos dispersed one after another, going home to consider their future.

Two days later, after the school examination was over, more than a thousand people had opened more than 100 pieces of land. Li Banfeng immediately cashed in the reward and offered that those who were willing to make money could stay and open up land.

Nearly 20% of the people who opened up wasteland left, and more than 80% of them stayed.

It's hard to make money for land reclamation, and it's hard to make money.

But Li Qi gave a lot, and they all came here, and they all wanted to make more money!

Qiu Luoye asked Li Banfeng: "Old Qi, can you withstand it? Although I haven't been involved in this secular world for many years, this method of yours will really cost a lot of money."

"It's okay, I can handle it!" When he said these words, Li Banfeng's cheeks trembled.

This thing is really expensive! A lot of foreign money was spent in vain, truck after truck was transported to the border. If the business situation was not good, Li Banfeng would not dare to do this.

The remaining people continued to open up wasteland, and Li Banfeng took more than a hundred monsters to his own land.

These weirdos are usually very laid-back. They don't want to earn cultivation by taking exams. They just want to find a quiet place to hang out, so they have already made plans.

But Li Banfeng's place was too remote, and these weirdos kept nagging him all the way.

"Master Qi, where are you taking us? Isn't it the Borderlands?

We won't go to a deserted land, because no one will give us cultivation in that kind of place. "

Li Banfeng smiled and said: "If you have a master, the land god there is so kind, generous and kind!"

When they arrived at the realm, Li Banfeng first asked the group of monsters to find their own places to settle down.

This group of weirdos didn't move anywhere.

"Master Qi, where is the Earth God? Please invite him out and sign a contract with us first."

This is easy to talk about, but how should I write the deed?

Li Banfeng had never written anything before, and he was afraid that he would show his cowardice, so he went to Meng Yuchun's house and learned it from Meng Yuchun.

The content of this deed is really complicated. The first part is about the causes and consequences. On such a certain day of a certain year and a certain month, why did so and so come to this place.

The second part is about the obligations of the monsters. It is mainly divided into two points. One is to abide by the rules on the land and cannot leave the land at will. The other is to obey the orders of the Earth God. When necessary, Fight for the Earth God.

The third part is about the rights of aberrations, that is, under what circumstances, cultivation can be distributed to aberrations.

Among the deeds written by Meng Yuchun to other weirdos, Li Banfeng saw one of them: Those who are good at fighting in front of the mirror will be heavily rewarded.

Li Banfeng asked Meng Yuchun: "What does it mean to be good at fighting in front of the mirror?"

Meng Yuchun shook his head and said, "You don't have to write this."

Li Banfeng followed the instructions and wrote a deed. When he returned home, he asked others to copy it.

Hong Ying was blind, but her calligraphy was quite good. While her wife was reading, Hong Ying picked up her pen and wrote more than a dozen pages in an instant.

Gloves also allow me to write quickly. Although my handwriting is a little more sloppy, I can write thirty or fifty pages in a blink of an eye.

Li Banfeng really wanted to see the calligraphy of Judge Bi, and Judge Bi also wanted to show it.

He struggled to stand up, flew to the table, unfolded a piece of deed paper, dipped it in ink, and was about to put pen to paper when Gauntlet and Hong Ying had already finished writing all the deeds.

Li Banfeng looked at the judge's pen and said, "Don't worry, you can write slowly."

"Hmph~" The judge wiped the ink on his body and took a rest.

Li Banfeng couldn't let him rest, he had to meet these new subordinates.

First use the projector to set up the scene, something the projector is familiar with.

If we borrow some power from Hong Ying, as long as we agree in advance, there will be no problem with Hong Ying.

Li Banfeng first notified a group of weirdos to wait at the designated location.

Taking advantage of his traveling experience, he arrived at the designated location first, hid his figure, and let the wine gourd slowly spray wine, creating a ball of green fire to serve as the image of the earth god.

When everything was ready, Li Banfeng gave the order to the judge: "Fly."

Half an hour later, Li Banfeng finally flew up, less than a foot above the ground.

Li Banfeng didn't speak as he flew in front of everyone. He would easily show his timidity if he spoke too much.

He took out a contract from his arms and threw it accurately to the jujube tree that liked to make trouble. He never missed within five meters. This contract was thrown very accurately.

All the contracts were distributed in this way. No one had any objection. Only a bull-headed man shook his head and said, "This contract is wrong. It is different from Master Qiu's!"

Li Banfeng didn't want to talk, but he met such a troublemaker.

Isn't it normal for there to be a slight deviation between contracts? Why does this person have to be so serious?

Li Banfeng asked the bull-headed man in a hoarse voice: "What do you say is different?"

"The quality is too different!" The bull-headed man took out a contract from his arms. This was returned to him by Qiu Luoye.

Li Banfeng took the contract. This contract has a scroll, the materials are very particular, and the appearance is also very delicate.

I didn't expect that the rough Qiu Luoye was so attentive to the contract, and the content must be much richer than what Li Banfeng wrote.

Li Banfeng unfolded the scroll and saw that there were only eight characters written on it: "Follow me Qiu Luoye from now on!"

Below the eight characters, there were blood hoof prints left by the bull-headed man.

The bull-headed man shouted: "I know the character Ye in Qiu Ye's contract, but I don't recognize any character in your contract. Your contract is obviously not good. You won't cheat us, right?"

Is it great to know just one character?

Li Banfeng looked at the jujube tree and asked: "Who else among you can read?"

The jujube tree snorted coldly: "Old Niu is still good at this. I don't recognize the character Ye."

Everyone nodded repeatedly and praised Old Niu for being good.

Li Banfeng had no choice but to read the contract again.


All the contracts were signed, and Li Banfeng took the contracts back to Suishenju.

The wife looked at the contracts and said to Li Banfeng: "My husband, these monsters who signed the contracts are not only the popularity of the local area, but also the combat power of the local area. When they reach the clouds, they will be the foundation of your husband. But more than a hundred are too few. My husband needs to find more." Find more? That's fine! Anyway, there is no place to put the fallen leaves, so let's collect them all. PS: Thanks to the leader Hejian_Shouhu, thank you for your strong support.

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