Lord of Puluo

Chapter 412 We are all loyal!

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟔𝟗𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐱.𝐧𝐞𝐭, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters or chapters out of order.

The beggar touched the abscess on his face, his palms trembling uncontrollably, and he spoke incoherently:

"I, I will definitely not let him go again. I promise there will be no next time. Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

"Don't be afraid, it's just a few pimples," Green Water Beggar said with a smile, "You are a beggar, what beggar has never had pimples?

As long as you do things well for me and stop screwing up, these problems will disappear in a blink of an eye. Do you still believe what I say? "

The beggar just hoped that the pimple on his face would disappear now, but the green water beggar didn't want to listen to him anymore.

In his ears, a call was being repeated:

"Great Taoist ancestor, I sincerely pray to you. There is an unwelcome guest in your territory. I will report the news to you immediately and be ready to fight for you."


What is this word?

Lu Huazi frowned, thinking of the few disciples of his Taoist sect.

"Just keep an eye here." Lu Huazi glanced at the beggar, turned around and disappeared.

The beggar was sitting on the roadside, his body shaking uncontrollably.

Li Qi.

Goodbye Li Qi, we must not let him escape.

At Wujie Hospital, Wan Jinxian was sitting in the office, looking at Cui Tik and saying, "What's going on, you have to call me here in such a hurry?"

Cuitike brought a cup of black tea: "Senior brother, please come over and sit down to enhance the friendship between fellow disciples."

Wan Jinxian put the tea cup aside: "Are you full? I ran to the hospital in broad daylight. How do I explain if someone saw me?"

Cuitike smiled and said: "Senior brother, what you said doesn't make sense. Who wouldn't get sick if we eat whole grains?"

Wan Jinxian said angrily: "I am a sick cultivator, how can I get sick easily?"

Tritik pursed his lips and said, "That makes sense. I'll try to choose a more suitable meeting place next time."

"There won't be a next time!" Wan Jinxian was very angry, "Let's make it clear this time. What are you doing with me?"

"Yesterday you came to me and told me that a special person came to Lushui City, the young man who always wore white clothes. You also told He Jiaqing this important news.

I believe what you said is true, but I still can't figure out why this man in white comes here. "

Wan Jinxian said impatiently: "I told you, he is from Sage Peak. He has caused trouble for us before, and he is probably coming for us this time."

Tritic held the tea cup and took a sip: "What's the trouble?"

"You are very forgetful. I told you exactly that he almost killed Shen Rongqing at the Lotus Pond Tea House. Who is Shen Rongqing? I don't need to remind you."

Cui Tike took another sip of tea, pondered for a long time, and shook his head: "I know who Shen Rongqing is. She is a very talented woman, but I feel that the people in white are not here for Shen Rongqing this time, nor are they here for you. ”

Wan Jinxian sneered: "You don't even know the identity of the man in white, how can you guess who he is here for?"

"It's really not easy to guess. I saw Xiaoyaowu recruiting people on the street to open up new lands. I thought it was very interesting and wanted to go and see the excitement.

Among the crowd, I seemed to see the boy in white clothes you mentioned. I'm not sure it's him, but his clothes, appearance and age are all consistent with your description.

Next to him, there was a big shot. I didn't recognize this big shot, but his cultivation level was very high. If it weren't for the strength of the ancestor, I might not have been able to see them.

I always feel that this big man is a bit familiar. I suspect that I have seen it wrong, so I want to confirm with you. "

Wan Jinxian didn't want to hear what Cui Tike had to say. He just wanted to leave the hospital as soon as possible: "I didn't see the two people you saw. You don't know them yourself. Where can I verify them for you?"

Cuitik lowered his palms and said, "Brother, sit down first and don't be so angry. It's really difficult for you to verify it alone. I also found someone to come over and verify it with us."

Wan Jinxian's eyes narrowed: "What do you mean by this?"

Cuitik replied frankly: "I told this person the news you told me. When he comes later, we will analyze the intentions of this man in white."

Wan Jinxian was furious: "You told others the news I told you? And you asked this person to come to me? Do you want to kill me?"

"Brother, calm down," Tritik advised, "this person is not an outsider."

Wan Jinxian pushed Cui Tike away and shouted angrily: "I don't care who he is! If he dares to appear in front of me, I will kill him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Green Water Beggar appeared in front of Wan Jinxian.

Wan Jinxian looked at the beggar in front of him.

He was covered in abscesses with green pus coming out of them.

Wan Jinxian had never seen Green Water Beggar, but at this moment he could guess his identity.

Green Water Beggar looked at Wan Jinxian and said, "You want to kill me?"

Wan Jinxian took a breath and replied calmly: "No."

After saying that, he lay on the ground, trying to maintain a kneeling posture, but his knees were shaking and he couldn't kneel up, so he just kept lying there.

Tritik was much more calm. After all, it was not the first time they met.

He was about to salute Green Water Beggar when Green Water Beggar waved his hand and said, "No need, tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Senior brother saw a man in Green Water City. He was wearing white clothes and came from Sage Peak. I also saw this man..." Cuitike recounted the story.

After listening to this, Lu Huazi frowned and asked, "Are you talking about Zhong Huaien on Sage Peak? Why do you have to tell me this?"

Cuitik replied: "To show my loyalty to the ancestor."

Luhuazi smiled when he heard this: "Where is your loyalty? Can I see it?"

"You can see it!" Cuitike unbuttoned his clothes and revealed the tattoo on his chest - I love the Patriarch.

If Green Water Beggar hadn't been right in front of him, Wan Jinxian would have laughed.

This madman, what's the use of showing this thing.

"Very good," Green Water Beggar nodded with satisfaction, then turned to look at Wan Jinxian, "What about you? Are you loyal to me?"

This is how to do?

Wan Jinxian was dumbfounded.

He has no tattoos.

"My loyalty to my ancestor is in my heart!" Although the answer was not smooth, this was the best answer Wan Jinxian could think of.

"Really? Let me see what your heart looks like." Green Water Beggar waved his hand, and a piece of green pus stuck to Wan Jinxian's chest, disappeared from the skin, and penetrated into Wan Jinxian's chest. .

Wan Jinxian covered his chest and felt countless creatures wandering in and out of his chest.

"Master Patriarch, please spare me, I am loyal to you." Wan Jinxian begged with difficulty.

"Hehehe~" Luhuazi squatted in front of Wan Jinxian and looked at Wan Jinxian's face carefully, "Your face is white, but I think your heart is dark. You don't seem that loyal."

"I'm loyal!" Wan Jinxian couldn't think of any other words.

"I believe you," Green Water Beggar touched Wan Jinxian's head, "I will give you a task. It shouldn't be too difficult to find out Zhong Huaien's intention of coming here."

"Disciple, do your best!"

"You tried your best?" Green Water Beggar was not satisfied with the answer. "If this thing cannot be done, you will die."

Wan Jinxian didn't know how to answer.

Green Water Beggar stood up, looked at Cuitike and said, "The same goes for you. Although you are very loyal, I hate loyal useless people.

Tell me first, apart from showing loyalty, what other purpose do you have for finding me? "

Tritik answered truthfully: "I long for power."

Green Water Beggar frowned and said, "It's hard for me to listen to you. You want to cultivate, right?"

Cuitike nodded and said: "I long for the ancestor to give me a higher level of cultivation."

"What do you want to cultivate for? Do you want to live longer?"

Cuitik shook his head and said: "I am not trying to prolong my own life, I am trying to shorten the lives of others."

Luhuazi stared at Cuitik for a moment: "You and I are really similar. I will also give you an errand. You go to Lanyang Village and find a beggar on the road leading to Xindi. Stare at him. What did he do? If he was killed, or if he killed someone else, tell me immediately."

Tritik asked, "What are the characteristics of this beggar?"

"There are no characteristics, just like an ordinary beggar, but you can definitely identify him because I left a mark on his face."

"How high is his cultivation level?"

"Not on the ground, but above the clouds."

"Master Patriarch, I don't dare to negotiate terms with you, but if his cultivation level is above the clouds, I'm afraid I won't be able to complete the task of monitoring him."

"I'll help you. Don't you want power? I'll give it to you! Stretch out your hand." Luhuazi tapped Cuitik's palm, and some tiny creatures penetrated Cuitik's flesh.

"Thank you, Master Patriarch, for the reward!" Cuitike saluted again.

Lu Huazi looked at the two of them, nodded and said: "My disciples, maybe I shouldn't kill you all. Keeping you may be of some use."

After saying that, the green water beggar disappeared.

Wan Jinxian got up, grabbed Cui Tike and said: "Damn foreign devil, did you call the ancestor here?"

Cuitike said: "Brother, don't be so excited. I just used the power left to us by our ancestor and prayed to him.

You also have his power in your body, which is the herpes I left for you. This power is very powerful. As long as you focus on the herpes, you can also contact the ancestor. "

"That's not what I'm asking!" Wan Jinxian said angrily, "Why did you call the Patriarch here?"

"I'm here to help you, senior brother. I know you also want to become stronger. Don't you follow He Jiaqing to become stronger?"

"I follow him for the sake of the new Prozhou!"

Cuitik shook his head and said: "You can deceive me, but you can't deceive yourself.

In order to become stronger, you would obey the orders of a young man.

After all, the power He Jiaqing gives you is limited, but Grandmaster can give you endless power. Join me and fall into the arms of Grandmaster! "

After saying that, Tritik took out a needle.

Wan Jinxian was shocked: "What are you going to do?"

Cuitik said in a calm tone: "Relax a little. I want to leave you a tattoo, which also says I love the Patriarch. The next time you see the Patriarch, you can prove your loyalty to him."

"What a shame!" Wan Jinxian pushed Cui Tike away.

Cuitik was not angry: "Brother, let me remind you, if you want to find the boy in white and his friends, go to Xiaoyaowu. They seem to be waiting for someone outside Xiaoyaowu."

Wan Jinxian stumbled to the door of Xiaoyaowu. Cui Tike was indeed right. He saw the person he was looking for, the boy in white, Zhong Huaien.

What did he do in Xiaoyaowu? Want to find Li Qi and Ma Wu?

There was another man next to him, wearing a gray-white coat and a gray-white hat on his head. From the back, Wan Jinxian also felt that he looked a little familiar.

He talked with the young man in white clothes next to him from time to time. Wan Jinxian stared at his side face for a long time, but he still couldn't see who the other person was.

People came and went around, and they couldn't see the two people.

Logically speaking, Wan Jinxian couldn't see them either. The man's cultivation was very high, and he hid the figure of the young man in white clothes and himself.

But Wan Jinxian had the power of the Green Water Beggar in his body, which allowed him to see the two people and successfully hide himself.

The voices of the two were very low, and Wan Jinxian could barely hear some of the conversation.

"Mr. Chu, you don't need to be here. I'll let the people from the Qingshou Society come over to watch."

"The people from the Qingshou Society may not be able to do it. Wait a little longer, I feel it's about right."

As he spoke, the young man in white clothes, Zhong Huai'en, suddenly glanced at Wan Jinxian.

Wan Jinxian thought he was exposed and quickly hid far away.

In fact, Zhong Huai'en didn't see Wan Jinxian, he saw Chu Huaiyuan.

Chu Huaiyuan brought a dozen people from the street corner to Xiaoyaowu.

Zhong Huai'en asked the man: "Mr. Chu, do you want to go over and take a look?"

The man was silent for a moment and said: "I'll go over and take a look, you wait here."

PS: Except for the saint, the young man in white is arrogant to everyone, but he calls this man Mr. Chu. It's rare that he respects someone so much.

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