Lord of Puluo

Chapter 417 The Escaped Sinner

Zhong Huai'en soaked in the bucket for three days, fighting against the disease of Lu Huazi for three whole days.

In the end, he lost the fight and died in the bucket.

Old Xu looked at Zhong Huai'en and sighed: "What a pity,

What a pity for this good bucket, what a pity for this bucket of good golden juice."

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Old Xu has never had a good impression of the disciples of Shengxian Peak, but the dead are the greatest, and Old Xu couldn't bear to let Zhong Huai'en die in a foreign land.

He planted two eggplant people, made a stretcher, and sent Zhong Huai'en back to Shengxian Peak.

In terms of planting eggplant people, Old Xu and Zhang Wanlong are slightly different.

In terms of exquisite appearance, Old Xu is really not as good as Zhang Wanlong. The eggplant people he made all look the same, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, wide nose, square lips, and dark skin. At first glance, they are rough men who have been through a lot.

But in terms of combat power, these two eggplant people are extraordinary. They carried Zhong Huai'en's body, walked through Xindi, and waded through mountains and rivers all the way, and really sent Zhong Huai'en back to the bitch post.

In the mansion, the saint was practicing. At the critical moment, a strong breath drifted into the bedroom. The saint immediately lost control and lost the interest to continue practicing.

After driving away the woman in the bed curtain, the saint came to the door of the mansion and saw Zhong Huai'en's body.

A group of people knelt in front of the door, waiting to become the saint's apprentice. Because of Zhong Huai'en's appearance, these people are now very entangled.

They have been kneeling for a long time. Will they get up now?

This is probably a test given to them by the saint. If they get up now, their previous efforts will fail.

But if they don't get up, this taste is really a bit unbearable.

Several disciples of the saint also smelled the smell in other houses and came forward to watch. When they saw the golden Zhong Huai'en, they covered their mouths and shed tears.

They covered their mouths not because they dared not cry out loud, but because they could cover their noses at the same time.

The tears came from the heart, and the smell was really choking.

The saint looked at the two eggplant people, who were carrying a stretcher. It was obvious that they were the ones who sent Zhong Huai'en back.

The person was sent, and the heart had to be brought. The two little people looked at the saint and sang a little tune to see Zhong Huai'en off:

"Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!

You are so annoying, hi! You are so annoying, hi! You are so annoying, hi! You are so annoying, hi!"

This little tune has a strong local accent, and the two eggplant people have loud voices and cooperate very well.

After singing it twice, the saint's veins jumped.

The disciples were trembling with fear. They knew the consequences of the saint's anger. The two men of unknown origin would definitely die.

The saint raised his eyebrows, and an eggplant man exploded on the spot!

The golden juice in the eggplant man's body gushed out, spraying the saint all over!

The consequences were indeed serious, and the saint's clothes were soaked.

The disciples were not spared, and each of them had a golden light on their bodies, with different shades.

One of the disciples was called Gong Ziming, who was quite prestigious among his fellow disciples. He first wiped his face with a silk handkerchief, and then took out a new silk handkerchief to wipe his master.

When the saint raised his hand, Gong Ziming did not dare to step forward, and everyone did not dare to speak.

But the remaining eggplant man did not listen to him. He continued to shake his head, looking at the saint, and singing a tune in his local accent: "Ni Ge Gua Se! Ni Ge Gua Se..."

The disciples and the people who came to worship him were watching from the side.

A wave of pressure came, and the idle people retreated one after another, leaving only a few trusted disciples who followed the saint into the house.

The saint stood in the middle of the courtyard and said in a hoarse voice: "Xu Han must have a purpose for being so provocative. Who is willing to go to Yaowanggou to see what this old thief is doing?"

The disciples bowed their heads and said nothing. The saint looked at Gong Ziming: "This is your specialty. I will send you on this trip."

Gong Ziming didn't know how to shirk.

It was not difficult for him to get information. He had gone to Neizhou to get information.

But if he went to get information about Xu Han and wanted to get out of it, it would not be so easy.

Can the saint not focus on Xu Han?

Gong Ziming bowed and saluted: "Master, I heard that my junior brother was injured by the Green Water Beggar."

This is serious. Zhong Huai'en died at the hands of the Green Water Beggar. If there is any investigation, it should be the Green Water Beggar. Gong Ziming would rather focus on the Green Water Beggar than to cause trouble for Xu Han.

The saint also took this into consideration. He arranged for his disciple Xing Zhongquan to go to Green Water City: "After arriving at Green Water City, first find your senior brother Bai Jin and do the things arranged by Chu Shaoqiang.

As for the Green Water Beggar, you should follow Chu Shaoqiang's instructions and temporarily cut off contact with the outside states. Don't let Chu Shaoqiang get suspicious, let alone cause misunderstandings in the inner states.

It's better to let Ziming go to Yaowanggou. Xu Han must keep a close eye on him to prevent him from making any moves in Yaowanggou..."

The saint was still arranging tasks, and the singing of the eggplant man outside the door had not stopped: "You idiot..."

The saint glanced at Gong Ziming: "You go and deal with him."

Looking at the eggplant man outside the door, Gong Ziming didn't know how to start.


In the Guanfang Hall, Liao Zihui was listening to the investigation report of Deputy General Envoy Tang Huanjie. The bodies of the four people who were sent to Xiaoyaowu before were found.

Through the autopsy alone, we only know that the four people had broken limbs and died of excessive blood loss, but who did it and what means were used, there is no way to check for the time being.

Tang Huanjie said: "I suspect that this is Chu Shaoqiang's doing, but there is no substantial evidence yet."

"Evidence is not important," Liao Zihui put down the report, "What I care about now is Chu Shaoqiang's intentions."

"Do you think he came for us?"

Liao Zihui thought for a long time and said: "It shouldn't be obvious. Chu Shaoqiang is from Neizhou. Neizhou probably doesn't want to break up with us yet.

But Chu Shaoqiang has a deep personal grudge with us, and it’s hard to say what he will do personally. "

Tang Huanjie also felt that this matter was a bit difficult to handle: "Neizhou doesn't want to break up with us, and we can't go to war with Neizhou, at least we can't attack Chu Shaoqiang directly."

Liao Zihui reviewed the whole story: "In Xiaoyaowu, these four people lost contact with us. This matter is inseparable from Li Qi."

"Do you suspect that Li Qi and Chu Shaoqiang are related?"

"I suspect that Chu Shaoqiang was in Xiaoyaowu at that time, and I suspect that they were originally accomplices!

Li Qi is not from Neizhou, so attacking him does not count as turning against Neizhou. I also want to give this person a beating. "

Tang Huanjie said: "But Li Qi is not easy to deal with either."

"We need to mobilize more manpower. Li Qi has caused us a lot of losses in freight. Just because of this, the superiors will support our action.

After taking care of Li Qi, Chu Shaoqiang will naturally restrain himself. When the time comes, he will send out balancers to ease the relationship with Chu Shaoqiang through Sage Peak. The whole incident will surely calm down quickly.

You work hard today and draft a plan first. We will have a meeting tomorrow to finalize this action. "

The next morning, Liao Zihui was having a meeting with several deputy envoys. Secretary Ling Sujun entered the meeting place and reported an important situation to Liao Zihui: "There is a situation in the Three-Headed Fork Sinner City, and more than 3,000 people have fled outside the city."

Liao Zihui frowned and said, "Is it because of the dark matter flow?"

Ling Sujun nodded.

Deputy Chief Du Liyong said: "Two days ago, I sent someone to take a look at Sinner City. The situation there is indeed serious. Many people die every day."

Liao Zihui knew the situation in Sinner City, but that was not what he cared about. He was concerned about the escapees: "How did these more than 3,000 people escape? There is a boundary outside Sinner City."

Ling Sujun submitted a report: "According to the current information, they should have escaped through Xindi."

Liao Zihui was relieved: "Let them fend for themselves. There is no exit from the new land of Sinner City."

Everyone continued to discuss the action against Li Qi. In the afternoon, as soon as the action plan was finalized, Ling Sujun entered Liao Zihui's office:

"Envoy Liao, the escapee from Guilin City appeared near Haichi Ridge."

Liao Zihui was shocked: "Impossible, how did they get to Haichiling? The new land of Sinner City is not accessible from Haichiling!"

Ling Sujun shook his head and said, "The reason is unknown."

Liao Zihui couldn't sit still, something was going to happen now: "Arrange key personnel to go to Haichiling and try to persuade the escapees to come back."

"Then Li Qi's side..."

"The action is postponed and we will resolve the matters in Sinner City first."

On the edge of Haichi Ridge and Sandao Ridge, a man stood near the boundary of Xindi, anxiously waiting for news.

It's hard to say whether this person is a boy or a girl. He is over two meters tall, with extremely broad shoulders. He has three heads on his shoulders. The middle head is a woman, the left head is a man, and the right head is a child.

The cold wind was biting, and the man shivered. The child on the right said carefully: "Sister, I'm hungry."

The woman said: "Be patient, we will arrive at Haichiling in a while, and there will be some delicious food."

The man on the left said: "We only have so little money, what can we eat?"

"We can eat it ourselves. It should be enough." The woman turned back and looked at the forest behind her.

There are many people in the woods, also waiting to eat.

The man sighed. He, or perhaps it should be said, they, just waited quietly in the snow.

After waiting for more than an hour, Pan Dehai's figure slowly emerged in front of them: "Everyone, you have suffered and been tired. I brought you some food and some kindness. Don't dislike it."

More than a dozen sacks of grain appeared on the ground, estimated to weigh more than two thousand kilograms.

The child was very excited when he saw the food. The woman looked up at Pan Dehai and said, "Master Pan, can we go into the sea and eat ridge now?"

Pan Dehai shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't work now."

The man asked: "When can it be done?"

Pan Dehai was silent for a moment and said: "I am a virtuous person, and I don't want to hide some things from you. I can't go into the sea and eat ridges at any time. After this meal, you can find another way out."

The woman said in shock: "Master Pan, you promised us before..."

Pan Dehai sighed and said: "I agreed before because I was afraid that you would be desperate and become discouraged. I am a virtuous person, but I really can't bear it."

What this means when translated is that if I told you the truth before, I was afraid that you would do something drastic in a desperate situation.

The woman looked confused: "Master Pan, what is this for?"

"Because Haichiling has just had a peaceful life for a few days, and we don't want to have any more friction with other states. Everyone, please listen to my advice. You should go back to where you came from. No one in Puozhou dares to take you in."

The man gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Pan, it's your fault for going back on your word. We have been waiting here for two whole days and we are almost falling apart from hunger. If you don't give us an explanation, we will definitely not leave today."

Pan Dehai smiled and said, "You know you have been hungry for two days. To be honest, if you don't leave, I can also find a way to send you away."

PS: The City of Sinners is part of the Trident, and this three-headed man has appeared before.

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