Lord of Puluo

Chapter 420 Home

"The sinners in Sinner City, what are their crimes?" Li Banfeng was unfamiliar with these terms.

Qiu Luoye shook his head and said, "I can't explain this clearly. In short, these people are not good. It is said that they are also involved with other states."

"What does it have to do with other states? Are they sent from other states?" Li Banfeng immediately put himself on guard. If they are sent from other states, they must not be allowed to step into the land.

Qiu Luoye said: "The news spread by the customs envoys in other states said that no one is allowed to take in those who have escaped from Sinner City. If they stay, they will have trouble with the customs envoys.

If you can't get through, you can't get through. I'm not afraid of the guards, but these monsters are difficult to deal with. I have to take action early.

Those who open up wasteland should be more careful during these days. Those three-headed monsters are all on the east side of the boundary, so our people should avoid going there. "

Qiu Luoye was about to leave again, Li Banfeng said: "Brother Qiu, let's switch. You stay here and keep an eye on the land reclamation. I'll go check on those people."

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We are in urgent need now. As long as people from other states and inner states are not sent to cause trouble, we should try not to use force. "

Qiu Luoye waved his hands and said: "I think they are here to cause trouble! It is safest to leave their lives here!"

Unable to persuade Qiu Luoye with ordinary methods, Li Banfeng changed his strategy.

"Brother Qiu, there are hundreds of people clearing wasteland every day, how do you want me to keep an eye on them? Can I collect offerings, or can I send people to take exams?"

In fact, Li Banfeng can do all these things, but Qiu Luoye doesn't know.

"Brother, I'm not making things difficult for you..."

Li Banfeng said: "I can't deal with the matter of the Earth God. I'm going to talk to someone outside and see what the situation is first. I can still handle this matter clearly."

Qiu Luoye was worried: "I can beat the monsters from Sinner City. I'm afraid something will happen to you, so I asked them to send people to our territory to negotiate."

"That won't work," Li Banfeng was worried, "If one of them comes in, it's okay, but what if a group of them comes in? I just go alone. Even if something happens, there is a way to get out."

"Lao Qi, why don't we do some writing with them?" Qiu Luoye planned to write a letter and ask Li Banfeng to take it with him to give the other party a little shock.

Thinking about the deed written by Qiu Luoye to the weirdos, I decided not to write the letter for the time being because of my literary talent.

Li Banfeng went directly to the east of the boundary and saw Juanzi waiting on the roadside from a distance.

This man looks quite decent.

After living in Puozhou for a year and a half, Li Banfeng saw so many things that he didn't find anything unacceptable about the three-headed man.

A tiger under Qiu Luoye was negotiating with Juanzi: "I'm telling you, don't be ungrateful. Lord Qiu wants you to get out of here. If you don't get out, I won't be polite."

Juanzi said politely: "It doesn't matter if you don't accept us. Can you give us something to eat?"

"Where can I give you so much food? Get out of here quickly, don't force me to get rough with you!"

Mengzi got angry: "Why do you use force? I'm afraid you won't do it!"

The two sides were about to start a fight, but when they saw Li Banfeng coming, Tiger quickly stepped aside.

Li Qi looked at Juanzi, then at Mengzi, and then at Xiaoshan, and asked: "Which one of you is in charge?"

Juanzi said: "It's me."

Juanzi was over two meters tall. Li Banfeng found it difficult to raise his neck, so he pointed to the stones on the roadside and said, "Can we sit down and talk?"

Juanzi nodded. As soon as he sat down, he was knocked and stood up again.

Shitou spoke, and it was an old man's voice: "Master Qi, I was called by Master Qiu to talk about something. I haven't opened my mouth for a long time, and this girl sat on my face.

When I was young, I would just sit down. Now that I am older, this girl is quite heavy and I can't bear it. "

Li Banfeng nodded, sat face to face with Juanzi on the ground, and asked directly: "What do you want to do here?"

Juanzi said: "We want to find a place to settle down, and we want to ask the local god here if he is willing to take us in."

"If you want to settle down in a new land, can't you just open up wasteland? What else is there to ask?"

The three heads looked at each other, and the person in front of them didn't seem to know much about them.

Juanzi heard Shitou calling Li Banfeng Qiye just now, and she also called him: "Qiye, we can't open up wasteland, the gods of the land cannot tolerate us."

"Why can't it be tolerated?"

"We are sinners, sinners from the City of Sinners." When speaking, Juanzi was very honest and calm. They couldn't hide this matter because the marks on her body were too obvious.

"What are you guilty of?"

Mengzi asked: "Don't you know Sinner City?"

Juanzi glared at Mengzi: "Don't interrupt!"

Li Banfeng said to Juanzi: "Although you are the one who makes the decision, you have to let others speak. In my case, everyone can speak."

Juanzi didn't quite understand. What did he mean by being able to speak?

And this man's attitude is also strange.

He knew nothing about Sinner City, but when he saw the three-headed man, it didn't look like he was looking at a monster.

Juanzi saw hope in Li Qi: "Master Qi, those who come out of the Sinner City are all guilty people. If the land god is willing to give us food, we are willing to work as cattle and horses. We will never dare to open up wasteland." Thought."

"What crime are you guilty of?"

"In Sinner City, people are divided into two categories. One type is those who came to San Toucha from outside, failed to enter the Tao, failed to transform into physical cultivation, and turned into three-headed monsters. Such people are guilty and will be sent to Sinner City. ,

The other type is people born in the City of Sinners. According to the rules of the City of Sinners, three-headed monsters cannot marry and have children, but some people still give birth to children.

These children originally had only one head, but they were born guilty and had to stay in the City of Sinners. Gradually, they all grew into three heads and became monsters..."

"Don't always say monsters," Li Banfeng frowned slightly, "It sounds harsh."

Juanzi looked at Li Banfeng for a moment. Although she hadn't eaten for a few days, she was a little more confident and spoke a little louder:

"The skylight in the City of Sinners is constantly shining. This year, it is particularly fierce. When it is less, it happens at least once in three days, and when it is more, it happens two or three times a day.

When the skylight shines on people, it will explode in a few hours. You may not have seen that scene, and I don't know how to describe it. "

Li Banfeng nodded and said, "I understand, I almost saw it. "

Juanzi continued, "We don't know how many people died in the city, and we don't know how long we can live. There is a boundary outside the city of sinners, and we can't get out. Later, a benefactor came and showed us a way to survive."

"Which benefactor?"

"The benefactor didn't let us reveal his identity. He gave us a map and asked us to find it along the map. He said that we would definitely find someone willing to take us in.

Seventh Master, we can survive here. Every step we take is covered with blood. Please tell Master Qiu that if he is willing to take us in, we will be grateful.

If he is not willing to take us in, it doesn't matter. We only ask Master Qiu to give us something to eat, even a meal will do."

Li Banfeng was silent for a moment and asked, "There is something I don't understand. When you say take us in, do you mean give you food and drink every day and support you?"

Juanzi shook her head and said, "We just want a place to live together. We will find a way to make a living. As long as we are needed, we will agree to do anything we are asked to do."

Li Banfeng looked at Mengzi, "What do you say? "

Mengzi lowered his head and said, "My sister said what I said."

Li Banfeng looked at Xiaoshan again: "What about you?"

Xiaoshan said in a low voice: "I listen to my sister."

The three of them spoke in turn, which made Li Banfeng feel familiar.

"It's not enough to just talk, you have to do something."

Mengzi heard this and raised his guard. They had just suffered a loss.

"What do you want us to do?"

Li Banfeng pointed to a forest in the distance and said, "Go cut some trees and build some houses first."

Mengzi sneered: "It's the same routine again."

Li Banfeng frowned and said, "What routine?"

Juanzi bit her lip and raised her head and said, "We agree."

Why do you agree after being fooled?

Because there is no choice.

I haven't eaten for a few days. Even if I can get a meal, I will accept being a laborer.

"It's not enough to have a house. You have to farm. Do you know how to do farm work? "

Mengzi laughed. The tricks are all the same.

Juanzi nodded and said, "You can do farm work too."

"You are the people of this land from now on. If you encounter problems, you have to go!"

"We will do whatever Master Qi tells us to do."

"It's settled. When I write a contract, you all have to put your fingerprints on it."

Li Banfeng left.

Mengzi gritted his teeth and said, "What kind of contract is this? You are telling lies in a very convincing way."

Juanzi advised, "It's okay if you have a stutter. Don't say more."

"We should listen to Aunt Fang about this matter. We should go and rob it."

"Don't make a fuss. The benefactor said that we can't do that kind of thing!"


Li Banfeng returned to Suishenju, took out a large piece of paper, and wrote a contract.

The record player said, "My dear husband, you don't need such a large piece of paper to write a contract, right?"

"My dear wife, if you use small paper, you have to write three thousand copies."

"Three thousand? "Hong Ying was stunned, "Husband, what kind of contract requires three thousand?"

Hong Ying shivered in a ball of steam. Li Banfeng did not explain, wrote the contract, and left Suishenju.

Juke saw the content of the contract: "Husband, you have found three thousand people to live here permanently. Do you really want to turn the new land into a legitimate land?"

Hong Ying sighed: "Our husband is a capable man!"

Juke swung the board and said: "If I don't tear your mouth today, it means my family law is not strict!"

Hong Ying covered Taozi and said: "Tear your mouth if you want to, why do you always hit Taozi?"

"Do you have a mouth, you bitch!"


Li Banfeng put the contract in front of Juanzi and watched her press her handprint: "Let your people press their handprints."

Juanzi said: "They all listen to me..."

"That won't work. They must all press their handprints. Not one less will do. The three heads must discuss it. If one head disagrees, the person is not allowed to enter the land. "

Li Banfeng was sitting here, watching more than 3,000 people press their fingerprints one by one, and a large piece of paper was filled with fingerprints.

With more than 3,000 three-headed people standing in front of him, the tigers sent by Qiu Luoye were trembling.

"Seventh Master is really not an ordinary person. Why doesn't he know how to be afraid?"

Li Banfeng was really not afraid.

What's wrong with three heads? Isn't it good to discuss things together, give advice, chat, and play cards?

Aunt Fang looked at the contract and sighed: "Juanzi, why don't you learn from your mistakes."

Juanzi lowered her head and said: "Aunt Fang, say less and get everyone something to eat first."

Li Banfeng had prepared the food, 2,000 oranges, bought from the orange orchard: "This is good stuff, two people can eat one, and it can also be full. The meal money for the past few days will be put on my account, and you must pay it back later!"

Auntie Fang sneered: "They tricked us into doing hard labor and asked us for meal money. It's more cruel than two needles!"

That being said, after being hungry for so many days, everyone ate all 2,000 oranges in a short time.

"Eat full and work!"

Li Banfeng drew a boundary and asked three people to build houses and cultivate land on this piece of land.

Qiu Luoye was very nervous: "Brother, you bring them all in, will this work?"

"Don't worry, Brother Qiu, isn't the popularity of our plot coming?"

A supporter whispered: "Such monsters are also considered human beings?"

Zuo Wugang glared at the supporter: "Don't call them monsters in the future, Qi Ye doesn't like it!"


Li Banfeng passed the station and returned to his own territory. He found Zhang Wanlong, bought a few bags of quick seeds, and handed them to Juanzi.

"If you sow these seeds, you will have a harvest in three days, but you can only use this crop, otherwise the soil will be damaged. Let's get through this year first. You have to plant real seeds in the spring of next year."

Li Banfeng left, and several three-headed people laughed: "What are you talking about next year? After planting this crop of grain, it's time for us to get out."

Juanzi didn't say much, and took people to plant the seeds, water and fertilize. Three days later, the harvest was ready. Juanzi took people to collect the grain and put it in bags. She found Li Banfeng and asked: "Seventh Master, how much do you think we can take away?"

All the three-headed people were ready to be driven away.

Li Banfeng looked at the grain and said: "These are all yours, take them back and eat."

"Take it back..." Juanzi didn't understand.

Li Banfeng pointed to the wooden house: "That's your home, go home and eat."


This word is too unfamiliar.

A group of three-headed people stared at Li Banfeng blankly.

Mengzi looked at Aunt Fang, and Aunt Fang couldn't speak for a long time.

Juanzi couldn't believe it was true, and asked: "Seventh Master, is there any work for us to do?"

Li Banfeng pointed at the people who were reclaiming the land and said: "Ask them if they need to hire workers, make more money, and remember to pay me back for the seeds and oranges."

After that, Li Banfeng lowered the brim of his hat and left.

The three people kept looking at Li Banfeng's back, watching him walk far away.

This new land is different, there is a lot of sunlight here, it is very bright, and you can see far away.

PS: Sala likes to talk and chat with other Sala, what a lively thing.

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