Lord of Puluo

Chapter 441 Body Building Techniques (asking for monthly votes)

Sun Tiecheng taught Li Banfeng the essentials of the technique of the ironclad evidence.

"Ironclad evidence is like a mountain. First, the evidence must be ironclad. Second, the decision must be decisive.

Some people cannot produce ironclad evidence. They say that they swear in person and that everything they say is true. This is all nonsense.

The real ironclad evidence must be visible and tangible, and placed in front of the other party.

After the ironclad evidence is produced, the decision must be decisive. Never say that it should be so, and don't say that it is 90% certain.

If you are 90% certain, but the remaining 10% is not stable, others will be suspicious. If there is any doubt, the technique will be broken.

In front of the ironclad evidence, there is no room for ambiguity, no room for defense, and no room for retreat. Only in this way can the ironclad evidence become a mountain. If anyone is dissatisfied, he will be pressed down and unable to move!"

It turned out that Li Banfeng was pressed down by Yan Cui'er and could not move because he was really pressed down by the mountain.

Good technique!

Li Banfeng is very experienced. Using this trick, he can definitely help Qiu Luoye pass the first level.

After thanking him, Li Banfeng wanted to go back to Qiqiu City, but Sun Tiecheng was unhappy.

"Come if you want to, leave when you have learned, what do you think this place is?

Aren't you going to celebrate the New Year? Eat the New Year's Eve dinner first!"

Li Banfeng said: "We will have the New Year's Eve dinner in a few days. I can't forget to thank you, so wait until I finish my business."

Sun Tiecheng disagreed: "Nonsense, is it still called the New Year in a few days? Yanhong, ask the kitchen to prepare a table of wine and food, Yanqing'er, ask the girls to sing songs, Yancui'er, hold him down for me!"

Sun Tiecheng used force, Li Banfeng wanted to run, but his legs were powerless. Just when he reached the door, he was pulled back by Yancui.

Li Banfeng was so anxious that he jumped up and down. The hall was in chaos, and suddenly he heard a shout from the street:

"Foreign soap, vanishing cream, foreign matches, foreign wax, foreign shovels, come and see, come and see, a cart of good goods for you to pick!"


Li Banfeng was overjoyed, thinking he was saved. He was about to rush out, but was stopped by Sun Tiecheng in the house.

"Close the door!" Sun Tiecheng gave the order.

Yanhong quickly closed the door, and Yancui opened the window a crack and looked out to the street.

Sun Tiecheng said to Li Banfeng: "Don't make a sound, don't let him know I'm here."

Li Banfeng was surprised: "Are you so afraid of the peddler?"

Sun Tiecheng shook his head and said: "I'm not afraid of him, he's afraid of me, he looks shabby like this, he doesn't want me to see his shabby appearance."

"Shabby appearance?" Li Banfeng was a little surprised. In Pro Province, there were not many people who dared to say that the peddler was shabby.

Li Banfeng looked out through the crack of the window, and the peddler did look a little shabby.

"Sister, what do you think of this hair tie? Do you take all this bundle? You only give one dollar?"

An old lady bought a bundle of hair ties and gave the peddler one dollar, and the peddler endured it.

"Uncle, do you like this bucket?"

An old man took a fancy to a leather bucket, threw down a dollar, and ran away.

The peddler also endured it.

A young woman came with a bottle to get two tablespoons of vanishing cream, and gave her one dollar for two tablespoons.

Although the peddler sold bulk vanishing cream, it was indeed a genuine and good thing. Hong Ying liked it very much. It was fine and smooth when applied on her body, which made her envious.

Such a good thing was also one dollar.

When did the peddler open a one-dollar store?

Today, is it also one dollar to buy entry-level medicine powder?

An old man rummaged through the peddler's cart for a long time, turning the cart into a mess, but he didn't buy anything, but the peddler was not angry.

A child came over, grabbed a handful of white sugar and stuffed it into his mouth, turned around and ran away, but the peddler was not angry.

Some people came up and robbed openly, but the peddler was not angry.

What was the reason?

When the cart of goods was robbed, the peddler pushed the cart away.

He left quietly because the rattle was also robbed.

Looking at the peddler's back, Li Banfeng couldn't figure out the reason.

The peddler once reminded Li Banfeng to stay away from Yu Xiu, but he didn't expect the peddler to run to Yu Ren City and suffer such a big loss in Yu Ren City.

Li Banfeng looked at Sun Tiecheng: "Brother Sun, did the peddler lose the bet with you?"

Sun Tiecheng shook his head and said, "I haven't made a bet with him."

Li Banfeng said again: "Did he fight with you and lose?"

Sun Tiecheng smiled: "In Pro Province, I am not afraid of anyone in a fight, but I can't beat this peddler."

Li Banfeng couldn't understand: "It's not a bet, nor a war, why did he come here to suffer a loss?"

Sun Tiecheng's smile was filled with a trace of resentment: "Because he owes me!"

What did the peddler owe him?

Sun Tiecheng didn't want to continue talking.

Li Banfeng never asked about things that others didn't want to talk about.

Sun Tiecheng talked about Qiu Luoye again: "You came to me to learn the technique because you wanted to destroy Qiu Luoye's cloud cultivation and then help him get it back."

Li Banfeng was shocked: "You know all this?"

Sun Tiecheng was quite proud: "What is my identity? Who am I? When you entered the city and made trouble, I guessed it at that time.

You learned the technique of ironclad evidence. This technique is correct, but you only learned a little bit of fur. This little fur can't save Qiu Luoye.

Qiu Luoye has some reputation among the local gods. This reputation is not blown out by his long nose. This is earned by his real ability.

If you don't master the technique, you can't fool him at all. Stay here for two days and let the girls help you to hammer the chain and practice. Your foolish cultivation technique is far worse than theirs."

Li Banfeng shook his head and said: "I also want to learn the techniques, but I don't have the time. Neizhou might start today."

"No!" Sun Tiecheng was very confident, "Neizhou has finally secured a good piece of land, how can we easily kill Qiu Luoye? We will definitely have to wait three to five days.

You should learn the techniques from me steadily and wait until you really learn them before you start. You will succeed in this matter. Once you fail, you will have no chance to try again.

There is another thing you need to pay attention to. Before Qiu Luo Ye grows flesh and blood, you must not tell him that he has become a soul, otherwise the technique will be broken.

After he is separated from flesh and blood, you must immediately find another pair of flesh and blood to attach to him as a temporary replacement. This replacement flesh and blood cannot be taken off until he grows flesh and blood himself. "

To take off the original flesh and blood and grow your own flesh and blood, there must be a transitional flesh and blood in the middle.

This is a bit difficult.

Li Banfeng asked: "How can we put flesh and blood on Qiu Luoye's body?"

Sun Tiecheng said: "This is the skill of body building. I will let Yan Cui'er teach you. When you learn it, don't talk nonsense or hurt Cui'er's heart.

You must remember that the evidence must be iron-clad, and the flesh and blood on your body must look like him in order to stabilize him, and you must not let him have doubts, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted. "

Li Banfeng asked: "Brother Sun, do you admire Brother Qiu very much?"

Sun Tiecheng said nothing.

Li Banfeng said: "Brother Sun, if you think Brother Qiu is worth saving, are you willing to go there yourself? The reward is easy to talk about, I will find a way."

Sun Tiecheng looked at Li Banfeng and asked a key question: "You said you are my closed disciple, why do you call me eldest brother? What are the rules?"

Li Banfeng folded his hands and said with a smile: "We are all members of the same family. We can call each other as we please. There are not so many rules."

Sun Tiecheng smiled and shouted: "Yan Cui'er, hold him down, I'll get a knife and chop him up!"

Yan Cuier actually came up and held down Li Banfeng.

Tang Changfa advised: "You need to calm down!"

Sun Tiecheng pushed Tang Changfa away: "No, I have to chop him up!"

For three days, Li Banfeng was trained day and night by a group of girls, and his skills improved a lot.

Just as Sun Tiecheng came, Li Banfeng made Sun Tiecheng a pot of tea.

It was rare for Li Banfeng to be so disciplined. Sun Tiecheng was very happy. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip. It tasted good and asked, "Is this tea a little weak?"

Li Banfeng said: "Light tea is good. Light tea doesn't hurt the stomach."

Sun Tiecheng took another sip, tasted it for a while and said, "It's really not harmful to the stomach. This is obviously water. Why do you have to say it's tea?"

Li Banfeng was startled: "How can it be pure water? This is brewed in a teapot! What is brewed in a teapot is naturally tea. There is a mountain of ironclad evidence!"

Sun Tiecheng said: "But if there are no tea leaves in your pot, isn't it still water?"

"There are tea leaves!" Li Banfeng picked up a bag of tea leaves on the tea tray, "Isn't this the case with tea leaves? There is irrefutable proof!"

"Then did you put the tea leaves in the pot?"

Li Banfeng looked at Yan Cui'er, who nodded and said, "The shopkeeper put it in personally. I saw it."

Sun Tiecheng was surprised: "Did you see it?"

Yan Cuier nodded vigorously.

Li Banfeng said: "There are all the witnesses and physical evidence!"

Sun Tiecheng picked up the tea cup and took another sip. Not to mention, this sip really tasted like tea.

Stupidly practicing techniques and ignoring levels, Sun Tiecheng tasted the tea after drinking it, which proved that Li Banfeng had really mastered the techniques.

"Good boy, you have some skills!" Sun Tiecheng was very satisfied, "How are you learning the body-building skills?"

Yan Cuier blushed and said, "You have learned so well."

Sun Tiecheng was stunned: "Tui'er, when did you blush?"

Li Banfeng frowned and said, "Can I ask this casually? Doesn't this hurt Cui'er's heart?"

Sun Tiecheng smiled, he had already seen the basis of the method.

In fact, this method is not difficult. Li Banfeng took out some stored blood from the blood-containing pendulum and injected it into Yan Cuier's body using body building skills. With blood in the body, her face would naturally turn red.

In fact, not only her face was red, but other parts of her body were also rosy, but Yan Cuier didn't let others see it. She said that no one would be allowed to see it except Li Qi from now on.

Tang Changfa snorted: "If you don't let me see it, how will the bookstore's business be done in the future?"

Yan Cuier snorted: "Has our book apartment really had any business? Have I ever done any business in my life? Why don't I remember?"

Tang Changfa's face became distorted and he stopped talking.

Everyone who came to this study apartment from outside the city had their flesh and blood shaved off.

Even in Fool's City, no one dares to come to Shuyu for entertainment.

The book apartment has never done business.

If you dress up beautifully and go out to welcome guests, can you really welcome them in?

They practice singing and making tea every day. At night, the sisters compete with each other on their bed skills. Are these really useful?

Not to mention them, how much business can restaurants and hotels outside do throughout the year?

There is a sign hanging outside the door, which is to make a living.

I came up with such a useless business just for my thoughts.

One thought is to firmly believe that I am still alive.

This matter must not be revealed. If even this was revealed, Tang Changfa would not be able to withstand such a high level of cultivation.

Yan Cui'er has become more beautiful, and both Yan Hong and Yan Qing'er are extremely envious. However, how long this blood can live depends on how Yan Cui'er maintains it.

Having received a lot of care from Yan Cui'er these days, Li Banfeng promised that he would bring more blood to Yan Cui'er next time he came.

Sun Tiecheng was quite satisfied with Li Banfeng's skills: "Go find Qiu Luoye, you should be able to pass the Soul Separation Pass, but don't rush to do it.

There can be no mistakes in the Resurrection Pass and the Land Defense Pass. Try to prepare as thoroughly as possible, and don't be careless about the details.

But you can be thorough, but don't delay too long. Now three days have passed. It is estimated that Neizhou will come up with some new tricks within one or two days."

Sun Tiecheng is very clear about the process of passing the three levels.

Li Banfeng never asks people to do things for nothing. Before, Sun Tiecheng taught him the skills, which was considered a reward for passing the test. This time, the price for teaching the skills should be calculated separately.

He bowed deeply and said, "Brother Sun, is there anything I can do for you? If one thing is not enough, just say a few more."

Sun Tiecheng really wanted Li Banfeng to do something. He looked at the people in the book house: "Who of you wants to go out and broaden your horizons?"

Li Banfeng immediately understood: "If you want to go out, follow me."

Tang Changfa lowered his head and said nothing, and the girls didn't speak either.

Sun Tiecheng looked at Yan Cui'er, who bit her lip. She wanted to follow Li Qi, but after thinking for a long time, she still didn't speak.

They all wanted to go out and take a look, but they were afraid to go out.

Sun Tiecheng sighed: "You bunch of useless people, what will you do when you get there?

Old Qi, when fighting with Neizhou, you must always be careful and never be careless. You should be more careful."

"Thank you, brother, for reminding me. I will remember this friendship in my heart. When it's time to repay, I will never be vague."

Li Banfeng ran all the way back to Qiqiu City from Xindi.

Ma Wu had already prepared the medicinal materials, and Li Banfeng sent them all to Suishenju, asking Tonglianhua to make the elixir.

It was agreed to be two days before, but Li Banfeng spent three days learning the skills and nearly one day on the road. In four days, Qiu Luoye should have been familiar with the territory of Wuqin Township.

Qiu Luoye was also very confident: "I can remember all the places I have been to."

Li Banfeng took Qiu Luoye around, and as soon as he left Junyang Avenue, Qiu Luoye felt something was wrong.

"There is an alley here, and there is a river across the alley. There is a soy milk seller across the river. His soy milk tastes good."

Li Banfeng looked at the alley Qiu Luoye mentioned: "Brother, did you take this road to drink soy milk across the river?"

Qiu Luoye nodded: "It is this alley, no mistake."

"Brother, this is a dead end."

"Did you remember it wrong? Is it the alley next door?" Qiu Luoye scratched his scalp, sweating on his face.

It's not that he doesn't care. He has been wandering around Wuqin Township these days, but he really can't remember the way.

When he left the town, Qiu Luoye began to turn.

Li Banfeng recalled some popular science programs he saw in other states. In those programs, it was said that elephants have very good memory, especially good at remembering roads.

Qiu Luoye is not very similar to elephants in this respect.

Li Banfeng returned to Suishenju, and Honglian had already refined the elixir for growing flesh and blood.

The first and second levels were ready, and the third level turned out to be the most serious problem. Li Banfeng told the record player about Qiu Luoye's situation, and the record player gave a direct conclusion:

"My dear husband, in this situation, even if he passes the first two levels, it will be useless. He is not familiar with his own territory, and the territory itself is not large. Even if he recovers his cultivation, he can't stay stable. When his cultivation is recovered, if he falls again, Qiu Luoye will definitely die on the spot."

Let Qiu Luoye turn for two more days?

Two days may not help. Let him turn for a month or so, maybe there will be some improvement.

Li Banfeng still remembered Sun Tiecheng's instructions. He seemed to know Neizhou very well. He said there was no rush. Qiu Luoye was indeed fine. He said he couldn't delay too long. Neizhou was probably going to take action.

The knife was on his neck. How long could he wait?

Li Banfeng pondered for a long time and said, "No more waiting. Take action tonight."

PS: What did the peddler owe Sun Tiecheng? Why was it such a coincidence that Li Banfeng met him?

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