Lord of Puluo

Chapter 443: Autumn Elephant, have a safe journey (Nuclear energy in this chapter)

Qiu Luoye stood in the bath room, shivering from time to time.

He was cold, that's right, a melon's body was cool and crisp, so he must feel cold.

Qiu Luoye moved his shoulders and neck: "What kind of poison is this? I don't think this body is mine."

Li Banfeng also shivered: "I'm cold too. This poison can produce cold air. Take an antidote first, and then soak in hot water."

Li Banfeng gave Qiu Luoye the pill made by Honglian. Qiu Luoye shook his head and said, "I don't need to take this. You two brothers can take it."


"We brothers have it too." Li Banfeng took two more throat-soothing pills, gave one to Ma Wu, and ate one himself.

Seeing this, Qiu Luoye also ate the pill and stared at the flesh and blood on the ground for a long time.

This was his own flesh and blood, and some parts must be familiar.

Li Banfeng wanted to cover it with lime before, but the source of lime is hard to explain.

Now it is covered with plaster from people's bodies, which is reasonable and has no flaws. Qiu Luoye kicked the flesh again: "Is the bath scrubber really dead?"

Li Banfeng said: "The body is here, how can it be fake!"

Ma Wu said beside: "I saw it with my own eyes, Lao Qi blew him up!"

Qiu Luoye looked at Li Banfeng and suddenly felt that there was no need to doubt this matter. He saw the body, so the person must be dead.

"Does the bath scrubber have accomplices?"

Li Qi was waiting for this sentence: "I'll go out and take a look."

Qiu Luoye said: "I'll go with you."

Ma Wu pulled Qiu Luoye: "Brother, you are injured, let me soak in the hot water first."

Qiu Luoye soaked in the hot water, and the coldness on his body was dispelled a lot, but his body was still a little strange.

The skin and flesh were still hard, and it was much slippery than before.

What kind of poison did the bath scrubber use, and why was it so powerful?

Li Banfeng ran to Qiu Luoye’s territory, returned to Suishenju, and said to the record player: “My dear wife, I have passed the first level and taken the medicine. The second level will be passed soon.”

The wife picked up the contract. She had to do three things.

The first thing was to use steam to wash off the blood on the contract. These bloodstains were from Qiu Luoye, but there was still water mist on the contract to maintain the illusion. From the outside, the bloodstains were still there.

Now we must rely on this illusion to deceive Neizhou.

Now that the bloodstains have been washed off, does this contract have nothing to do with Qiu Luoye?


The second thing was that the wife turned the contract to the back, which recorded Qiu Luoye’s life and achievements.

This contract was still related to Qiu Luoye. As long as there was a connection, even if it was just a name, it would be unsafe.

The wife changed Qiu Luoye’s name to Qiu Daxiang one stroke at a time.

The third thing is that there is another melon Qiu Luoye in Suishenju. My wife pierced the hand of melon Qiu Luoye with a record player and spilled the melon juice on the iron deed.

So far, this deed has nothing to do with Qiu Luoye.

Chuanzi, who was guarding the border line, found that something was wrong. The gravel and fallen leaves that fell near the border line turned into ashes in an instant.

The boundaries of Wuqin Township and Qiu Luoye were separated by the border line.

The brothers around him asked: "Brother Chuanzi, what happened?"

Chuanzi couldn't understand it either: "Don't ask too much, keep an eye on the road, and don't let anyone pass!"

Except for Li Banfeng's family, no one knows the inside story.

Qiqiu City is now divided into two, the territory of Wuqin Township belongs to Qiu Luoye, and the territory of Qiu Luoye belongs to Qiu Daxiang.

Who is Qiu Daxiang?

For the deed, whoever spills blood is Qiu Daxiang.

The melon spilled juice, and the melon is Qiu Daxiang.


The record player said to Xianggua Qiuluoye: "You are Qiu Daxiang."

Xianggua Qiuluoye looked at the record player with a dull expression.

Can Xianggua Qiuluoye and this deed have any sense?

The juice of the melon has been sprinkled on it. Whether there is any sense depends on whether Xianggua Qiuluoye knows that he has a nickname called Qiu Daxiang.

Looking at Xianggua's expressionless face, Li Banfeng was unsure.

The record player said: "Husband, let it go. This melon was planted with Qiuluoye's blood. As long as the nickname works, he will definitely have a sense.

Husband must act quickly. The deed has left the house, and the illusion can last for a while, but it will not exceed two minutes. If the matter has not been completed in two minutes, you must take the deed back, otherwise the flaw will be discovered by Neizhou."

Li Banfeng nodded, took the iron deed and the prepared paper deed, along with the remaining Xianggua Qiuluoye, and left Suishenju.

Standing on Qiu Luoye's territory, Li Banfeng unfolded the paper contract, on which was written a line of words: "Qiu Luoye is better than Qiu Daxiang, Qiu Daxiang gives Qiu Luoye a hundred miles of land in the whole territory."

Li Banfeng glanced at Xianggua Qiu Luoye and asked: "Qiu Daxiang, do you agree?"

Xianggua Qiu Luoye nodded to show his agreement.

Li Banfeng handed the paper contract to Xianggua Qiu Daxiang, who took the contract and dripped the melon juice on the contract.

Li Banfeng took out a small bottle and sprinkled the remaining blood of Qiu Luoye on the paper contract.

Qiu Luoye and Qiu Daxiang's blood sprinkled on the same paper contract, whether it can take effect depends on whether there is any reaction on the iron contract.

He turned over the iron contract, and there was no reaction.

Not working?

The melon and the contract have no induction?

What should I do?

Although the contract has nothing to do with Qiu Luoye, Qiu Luoye is now just a local god without relatives.

But Qiu Luoye was unfamiliar with Wuqin Township, and the land in Wuqin Township was not large enough. In this case, he could not stabilize his status and cultivation through his own land, and he could not pass the third level.

Li Banfeng was very nervous. The two minutes were about to expire. Why had the contract not changed?


I almost forgot that there was an illusion on the contract!

Li Banfeng used the Golden Eyes Autumn Hair Skill to look at the contract again

He saw a line of text at the bottom of the contract.

Qiu Luoye is better than Qiu Daxiang, Qiu Daxiang cuts off the entire territory of 100 miles and 10,000 square kilometers for Qiu Luoye.

It's done!

It's done!

Li Banfeng looked at Xianggua and laughed loudly: "It's done, Qiu Daxiang, have a good journey."

As soon as the voice fell, Li Banfeng stepped on Wanchuan with one foot, and Xianggua Qiu Daxiang exploded immediately.

Li Banfeng immediately opened the portable residence and handed the contract to the record player: "My wife, it's done."

The record player said: "Hurry up and give the contract to the old man!"

Li Banfeng took the contract to the third room and put the contract on the ground.

"Old man, destroy this contract."

"Is it true that this contract has nothing to do with Qiu Luoye?"

Li Banfeng nodded: "No."

"Then I'll do it!"

The contract on the ground originally had residual steam. A gust of cold wind blew from the third room, dispelling all the steam and revealing the original appearance of the contract.

"What are you doing?"

"Hehehe, play with them!" Suishenju laughed grimly.

The contract on the ground flickered slightly, and Li Banfeng didn't understand Suishenju's intention.

Swish, a puff of green smoke rose from the contract.

Li Banfeng didn't know where the smoke came from, Suishenju said: "You use the skill of understanding spiritual sound to listen, let's listen together and see if we can hear their movements, their movements are very nice!"

With the help of Suishenju, Li Banfeng used the skill of understanding spiritual sound to hear a scream on the contract.

The voice was deep and deep, it was a man.

Li Banfeng asked, "Who is this man?"

"This is the man who guards the deeds in Neizhou. He touched my fire. Hehehe~" Suishenju laughed even more sinisterly, "Listen, it seems like another one has come!"

Another scream came from the deeds. It was also a man's voice, much hoarser than the first one.

"Okay, let him be naughty and come over to touch it. If he touches my fire, he must die. Burn these bastards to death.

Aqi, you don't know that the people guarding the deeds are not lackeys, but pure Neizhou people.

In the past, Laohuo liked to kill these pure Neizhou people. These bastards are the worst. Killing them is the most satisfying!"


Li Banfeng also became excited: "A pure-blooded Neizhou person is Chu Shaoqiang's master?"

"Yes, the master of those lackeys!"

"Where did they come from?"

"Lao Huoche has been investigating, but he has not found out. They are not from our world!"

Li Banfeng gritted his teeth and said, "If only I could kill one of them myself!"

Sui Shenju laughed, "Aqi, you killed these two with your own hands. You thought of the idea and did the work. At least 70% of the credit belongs to you!"

"Good! I like to hear that!" Li Banfeng was just happy when he heard another scream from the deed.

"Another one, hahahaha!"

The old man and Li Banfeng laughed together, and the laughter echoed in Sui Shenju.

The old man sighed and said, "It's a pity that this deed can't hold up, otherwise I can catch a few more."

While speaking, Qiu Daxiang's deed had melted into molten iron and quickly evaporated and disappeared.

Li Banfeng said: "Don't worry, we still have plenty of opportunities. We will kill these bastards so that they will never dare to reach out to Prozhou again!"

"Good boy!"

"Haha!" The laughter of two people came from the living room again.

Hong Ying shuddered: "These two people are so creepy when they laugh!"

After saying that, Hong Ying shuddered again.

No, this is to avoid danger.

Something is going to happen!

Hong Ying couldn't see it, but she felt a little cold light on her back.

The record player was behind her, and while Hong Ying was not paying attention, it injected a section of steam into Hong Ying's body.

Hong Ying would not move.

The record player sent her to the second room.

Hong Ying gritted her teeth and said: "What are you going to do?"

The record player took out a wooden box: "That madman is so happy, I will definitely not be able to escape tonight.

We sisters have fought and fought all our lives, and I can't suffer alone tonight!"

Hong Ying wanted to shout: "God damn evil woman..."

The record player blocked Hong Ying's mouth and stuffed Hong Ying into the box, making a fake record player.

The record player looked around and had to hide Huan Tu, otherwise Hong Ying, the bitch, would not be able to hold on for too long.

Li Banfeng left Suishenju and quickly rushed to the bathhouse. Halfway through, he was stopped by Chuanzi's men.

"Seventh Master, you can't go over. This boundary has appeared again."

Li Banfeng picked up a stone from the ground and threw it over the boundary.

The stone flew over intact.

Everyone was stunned. The boundary had clearly appeared just now, how could it disappear again?

Li Banfeng lowered the brim of his hat and smiled, "There will be no boundary in the future. There will only be one piece of land in the future. There is only Qiqiu City here!"

In the bathhouse, Qiu Luoye felt more and more that something was wrong with his flesh and blood: "Old Five, why do I seem to be wearing clothes on my body?"

Ma Wu shook his head and said, "Without clothes, how can I wear clothes to take a bath?"

"There's something wrong with me. I feel so uncomfortable." Qiu Luoye kept scratching his skin.

Ma Wu dissuaded him, "Brother Qiu, you are poisoned. Don't scratch randomly. Just bear with it for a while. It will be fine in a while."

Qiu Luoye couldn't help it: "This is not my body. This is definitely not my body. Lao Wu, what happened? Are you hiding something from me?"

Li Banfeng was not here, and the ironclad evidence was ineffective. Qiu Luoye gradually woke up.

He kept hitting his skin, and the skin began to swell slowly.

"Brother Qiu, don't, listen to me, wait a minute..."


Qiu Luoye exploded, and Ma Wu's face was covered with melon pulp.

"Brother Qiu, Brother Qiu..." Ma Wu wiped off the melon pulp and saw a thin man standing in front of him, without skin, and his flesh and blood were all exposed.

The man turned to look at Ma Wu.

Ma Wu was stunned for a long time, and called out tentatively: "Brother Qiu, is that you?"

Qiu Luoye touched his flesh and blood, but still couldn't figure it out: "Is it me? Where is the skin?"

Passed the second level?

He grew his own flesh and blood!

Ma Wu was surprised, but found that Qiu Luoye was in a bad condition.

His thoughts gradually fell into chaos, Qiu Luoye's body shook, and he fell into the water.

Ma Wu helped Qiu Luoye up, which was a sign of unstable soul.

Ma Wu carried Qiu Luoye out of the water and put him on the recliner. He didn't know what to do now, so he could only wait for Li Qi to come back.

A few minutes later, Li Banfeng rushed into the bathhouse and saw Qiu Luoye, who had no skin, dying.

"Brother Qiu, think about your own territory and stabilize your soul!"

"Territory? Do you mean Wuqinxiang?" Qiu Luoye was a little dazed, he couldn't remember anything.

"Don't think about Wuqinxiang, just think about your own territory, the territory you have guarded for so many years!"

"My own territory..." Qiu Luoye didn't understand.

"Think carefully about the territory you are most familiar with!"

After thinking for a while, Qiu Luoye opened his eyes wide, and his territory slowly reappeared in his mind.

From the mountains and rivers to the grass and trees, he was very familiar with the place.

The more he thought about it, the clearer his thoughts became, and he regained some strength.

Qiu Luoye sat up, and his soul stabilized.

The third level, passed.

PS: Dear readers, such a good book "Lord of Pro" is ranked in the top 30 on the monthly ticket list.

Dear readers, Sala is so wronged, give Sala a word of comfort.

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