Lord of Secrets

Chapter 40 40. Oil Painting

Ubemo felt his brain wriggling, and his memory suddenly became better. Past memories emerged one after another, memories from books he had read, and the appearance of strangers he had forgotten...

At the same time, there was more knowledge in his mind, which gradually burst Ubemo's mind, just like a balloon with a water pipe inserted into it, water was constantly injected, and the balloon continued to expand and bloat.

Ubemo was in this state at the moment, feeling heavy in the head, almost unable to think, closing his eyes, and could only let the forgotten memories appear in the form of pictures.


At the same time, he kept hearing mumbling in his ears, which made his mind explode even more.

At this time, Ubemo felt a stream of clear water flowing into his mind, and then he became clear, but he also felt that something had grown in his head.

After a while, Ubemo repeated it over and over again and finally his body stopped changing. He could feel that he had a lot of sweat on his body, soaking his white shirt.

Ubemo took a few breaths, then opened his eyes and came to the mirror in the living room:

The head was covered with black mist, with only two golden eyeballs showing, like the sun, and the back was covered with gray feathers, which kept falling off and then turned into smoke and dissipated.

Ubemo knew that this was just a sequelae, and the abnormality of the body would gradually disappear after a while.

Ubemo sat on the sofa and began to sort out the knowledge he had acquired:

Mastered the Guramos language, the Elven language and the Giant language, as well as a lot of common sense knowledge, and at the same time greatly enhanced his comprehension ability, making it easier to master knowledge. The most important thing is that the "Generalist" brings three spell abilities, "Peeping", "Escape" and "Image".

"Peeping" is to use the knowledge and clues you have mastered, and then spy on the secrets you want to know. It's like there is a row of footprints on the ground, and you can spy on the height, weight and even appearance of the owner of the footprints.

But the premise of "peeping" is that you must have enough knowledge and clues. For example, if you want to know the appearance, you may need to know the relationship between the depth of the footprints and weight, and then use the clues such as weight, height, etc. to compare them one by one with the people in the depths of your memory.

Of course, this is the "peeping" in mysticism, that is, you only need to know it once, and you don't have to master it. In other words, you don't have to think for yourself like a detective, but as long as you have seen the face of that person in your memory, even if you just saw it casually on the street, then you will have a feeling of sudden enlightenment, and you will know who the owner of the footprints is instantly.

It's a bit powerful. This is that as long as I know enough, there will be no secrets in the world... Ubermo was a little surprised, and then he felt that the secret medicine was consumed a little.

This ability, combined with the historian's ability to "see through", can be called a detective in the mysterious world... Ubermo instantly sympathized with Bayer Kro. His detective at the 6th position of fate is more inclined to the detective in the real world. He needs to master enough clues and then analyze them himself.

Fortunately, the promotion to "Generalist" has given me a lot of common sense, such as how to judge weight by observation, and how to judge time by the position of the sun. In short, there are a lot of common or rare knowledge... I am more like a polymath now... Ubemo muttered in his heart.

As for "escape" and "image", Ubemo didn't know what to say, and felt like he had entered something.

"Escape" is essentially different from the ability of the prison escapee. "Escape" is a spell ability. Through spirituality, you can build an escape path. This is built using various knowledge and then using rules. Just like if you fall from the fifth floor, you can use wind direction, impact and angle to create a situation that is beneficial to you.

"Escape" is like this, using spirituality to build a path that is beneficial to you.

"So, you can build a path that allows you to use your extreme speed to escape; you can also build a path that allows you to be more flexible and then deal with the enemy; you can also build a path that slows down the enemy... In short, this ability can create infinite possibilities, but I have to master the corresponding knowledge," Ubemo pondered.

"Image" can use the knowledge of light and shadow to create a projection.

These are all uses of knowledge. He is worthy of being a generalist. Just like the ability of "image", he can only use light and shadow at present. When he has more knowledge in the future, such as smoke, objects, hypnosis and other things, the projection will be more powerful... Ubemo sighed.

After sorting out the knowledge he had obtained, Ubemo tested the ability of the historian again and found that the ability to "see through" had been enhanced. Originally, he could only read text information, but now he could read picture information, but it would not be too clear, just like one-third of the whole picture was mosaiced.

After more than ten minutes, the abnormality of Ubemo's body had disappeared. He went to the bathroom to take a bath and put on "Afero's Mask".

Then he meditated into the virtual star sea.

Sitting on a huge chair with complicated and gorgeous lines, Ubemo found that his control over the virtual star sea and the fog had improved a lot.

At this time, he saw two other stars flashing in the dome star sea, one emitting grass green light and the other emitting light golden light.

Ubermo then communicated with the two stars, ready to check on the other party, and if it was suitable, he would directly pull them in. He was a little tired of the gathering with only Scarlett and Rebettina.


In the dense forest, a man in a black cloak looked east and said.

He picked up the flute made of tiny wheat ears with green willows woven on it, then moved it to his wet lips and blew gently, and the melodious melody spread.

A few seconds later, many animals appeared around him, rabbits, mice, wolves... all surrounded him quietly.

As if there was a magic driving them to do this, he pointed to the white rabbit, then smiled and said in a soft and neutral tone: "It's you!"

"Tonight's dinner!"

The other animals left in an instant, leaving only the white rabbit.

"I am a poet!"

"I am also a gourmet!"

"I gently peeled off the little white rabbit's sweater, gave it a bath, and handed it the branch, and it happily accepted it."

"The flame warmed us, and it began to dance."

"Slowly, it got tired of turning, returned to the arms of the mother goddess, and gave me a sumptuous dinner."

The black-robed man sang briskly, his voice was as clear and pleasant as an oriole, he extinguished the flame, and a wisp of gray smoke came out of the charred wood.

Then he drew an arc from bottom to top on his chest, then pointed at the heart, and then read: "The destination of life, the pillar of the earth, the noble mother."

"Bless you, great mother of the earth."

"Thank you for your generosity, may it return to your arms."

After praying, he began to enjoy the food with respect.


Ubemo's mouth twitched slightly, and he muttered: "Is this the doctrine of the Church of the Earth? Isn't it believed in 'life first, be tolerant, and face everything with a smile'?"

What should I do? Should I pull him? But his behavior feels so scary... A beautiful figure suddenly appeared in Ubemo's mind, and then he looked at him with a smile, his eyes full of respect, and sang: "Shave the hair, rinse it with water, string the branches, and then light it, turn it in circles, heat it evenly, and the fragrance is fragrant, let me eat you!"

It's scary to think about it... Ubemo was instantly shocked, and then said: "Let's look at another one first!"


This is a luxurious room, with various oil paintings hanging on the walls, and a crystal chandelier with hollow reliefs and other complicated floral decorations hanging vertically from the ceiling.

Several meters high bookshelves, large dressing tables, gorgeous mirrors, pink quilts embroidered with various complicated patterns, huge wooden beds...

All of this shows the other party's nobility.

"Why does it look familiar!" Ubemo muttered.

Then he looked at the figure lying on the bed in the picture, with beautiful blonde hair.

"Well, my God, why do you play me like this!" Ubermo howled, and then calmed down.

"Gallia, Rebettina and Scarlett, it's okay, can't you find some people who have nothing to do with me?" Ubermo complained.

"Mr. 'Food Troll', it seems that the party can't be without you."

Even if he agreed with the other party, Ubermo still planned to observe for a day or two.

At this time, Ubermo picked up the "Babiru Code" from the mist. He didn't dare to use the ability of a historian to read the information, which was still a bit dangerous.

Then, he opened the code and started from the last page.

"The miracle failed!"

There was only this sentence on this page.

Ubermo frowned. Although he called himself "the dream weaver who controls miracles", he couldn't understand the meaning of "miracle" here at all.

Immediately, Ubermo continued to open the code.

"We betrayed Him!"

Ubermo sat in silence on the huge chair, then rhythmically tapped the cold armrests.

Ubermo didn't know what tone and mood He wrote these words in.

The fog was boiling, and Ubermo sent the "Babiulen Code" into the fog, so he could only turn these two pages.

And the oil painting...Ubermo immediately remembered the painting that Scarlett was asked to take away.

Ubermo's pupils shrank slightly, and he used the ability of a historian to look at the oil painting, while mobilizing the power here, and the fog began to cover and burst, and the starry sea above was blooming with starlight.

The oil painting seemed to come alive. Ubermo could see the black-haired woman in the oil painting stand up, drink the red liquid in the goblet in her hand, and then her whole body began to rot, and she kept facing Ubermo sideways, and then slowly walked up to the seat on the stairs, and every step she took, a part of her body would rot.

Her body had almost turned into white bones. She sat on the high-back chair with only a mouth left. Suddenly, she turned her head and looked at Ubermo. Ubermo was shocked when he saw this scene. Then she said to herself, "The end of life is death, so let's die!"

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