Except for Stryker, who had a gloomy face, everyone else was silent.

They don't care about West Point or the Secret Service Academy, they create a Captain America on their own terms!

It's no secret that the American people have a great admiration for individualistic heroes, and World War II veteran Steve Rogers is almost a household name in the country.

What can they do if there is a hero like this to support them?

Maybe it's the easy re-election, maybe it's the unimpeded policy flow, or maybe it's the fifth statue on the Presidential Hill!

Seeing that Mr. President seemed to be convinced, Stryker was a little anxious: "Mr. President, I have the technology to directly control mutants!"

We don't need to spend a lot of money to build any academy, just give them to me and I will make them obey any of your orders. "

So Mr. Stryker, can you tell us how you control mutants?

Also, if what you say is true, can you hand over this technology to the state?

Vane smiled as he looked at an anxious Colonel Stryker.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Mr. President, Director Brennan, and Congressman Kelly all looked at Stryker.

His face instantly became ugly, and he cursed in his heart: What is the origin of this guy named Vane, who seems to know his own affairs from the beginning, could it be that Brennan told him?

But Brennan doesn't know about the Lake Eklay base either, is there a mole?

Stryker was silent for a moment, and could only say vaguely: "At present, this technology is not mature, and only I can control these mutants for the time being." "

The president's face instantly turned bad.

Van shook his head and looked at Stryker with a look of "you're not angry."

It wasn't until the latter's face turned purple that he shook his head and said, "Mr. President, with all due respect, I don't agree with Colonel Stryker's approach.

It is foolish to transfer power or power from the hands of a group of people to one person – especially not yours.

Since we can lead armies, we can lead mutants in much the same way!

Stryker felt that he was being targeted harshly, and couldn't help but mock: "Blindly believing in mutants is a stupid idea!"

Even though, as you say, most mutants are willing to accept the government's goodwill.

But some of them are evil elements who oppose the government and even against humanity, and they have great personal power that we can't stop!

You may not imagine it, Mr. President, but some of them, some of them can change their appearance, some of them can pass through walls, they can go in and out of any place and get anything at will!

Imagine if they carried out an assassination?

Who can stop them?

Can the Secret Service spot invisible enemies?

What if someone teleports directly to the Oval Office?

What if someone transforms into someone close to you?

All these forces must be restrained by the government!

By the end, Stryker almost snarled.

The president and Brennan change color, reminiscent of tonight's crisis, which is indeed quite a serious problem.

Van didn't intend to let the situation develop, and said calmly: "Mr. President, in fact, the issue we discussed tonight has always been how to restrain the power of mutants under the power of the government, but in a different way.

I chose a kinder, more just, and more long-lasting solution!

Stryker gave him a disdainful look and asked, "And how do you solve the problem of mutant attacks and Mr. President's security?"

Van smiled slightly in his heart, and after so many words, he finally got to the point.

He stood up and raised his voice a little louder: "Mr. President, I solemnly introduce to you that FDSW, the company of future defense and individual weapons, is the first company to specialize in dealing with all

threats, including mutant threats.

Stryker was stunned for a moment, and made a fuss for a long time, it turns out that you are an arms dealer?

But when did the arms dealers become so capable and teach the president directly?

Vane pulls out something like a fountain pen and projects it directly on the wall, showing a transparent barrier with a very sci-fi feel.

"Mr. President, this is a high-energy particle shield that we have successfully experimented with, and it can block almost any form of attack, including the ability of mutants!

As long as the energy is flowing, it can stick to it.

We've done hundreds of simulations, and if the energy source is strong enough, it can even resist the power of a small-yield nuclear explosion!

This advanced technology obviously shocked everyone, and CIA Director Brennan even whispered: "I didn't know we still had this technology..."

Mr. President quickly got to the point.

"It can be used in quite a few scenarios.

The White House, Congress, the Pentagon, if you want, I can install it right away.

However, due to the size of the generator, it can be installed on Air Force One at most, and Army One and Marine One are difficult to carry its volume.

However, we can build a dedicated shield vehicle or shield helicopter on its own, and let them join the convoy or flight formation to provide support.

With these shields, Mr. President's security will be tenfold higher than it is now!

It's going to be an all-round guard! "

After listening to Vane's introduction, the president has already made up his mind that he must buy it!

What's wrong with working hard for the country and buying something to defend yourself?

This is also for the stability and long-term peace and stability of the country!

Stryker quickly recovered from his shock, still unconvinced, and shouted, "The shield technology is indeed powerful, but it can't achieve all-round protection, and it is only against external threats.

As I said, mutants can easily sneak into us!

Vane was not angry, with a faint smile on his face: "At present, we have only developed the first generation of shield technology, but I have already ordered people to fully develop the second generation of technology, the

single portable shield technology.

I believe that if the government can provide human and financial support, we will be able to achieve this technology faster.

When the time comes, all threats will not be a problem.

Stryker wanted to say something, but Vane didn't give him a chance to speak.

He continued to show a projection of a single weapon, slightly larger than an assault rifle, with a thick barrel but a muzzle like a horn.

"Although mutants are powerful, they still belong to humans, so the weakness of humans is also their weakness.

This is our latest Sonic Gun, which can be equipped with individual weapons, and although it is not lethal, it will be difficult for most mutants to use their abilities.

It's an area-of-effect attack that doesn't require precise aiming, so it can also deal with speed mutants.

In addition, we are currently conducting research on neurosuppressors and variant inhibitory fields.

If successfully completed, we will be able to suppress the mobility of mutants and even anyone from hundreds of meters or even kilometers!

At that time, it will be no more difficult to defend against them than against ordinary people with guns!

The president nodded slowly, in fact, what he valued most was not just the defense against mutants, but the whole set of techniques that could be used against any threat.

Including ordinary people.

The assassination of the president of the United States will become an eternal historical event.

Expand on it a little more, this is all real future war technology, and there may still be various flaws, but that's what science fiction is all about!

Mastering these technologies can allow the United States to continue to be great and rule the world for a hundred years!

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