Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 103: Make a decision

Listening to Yue Lengqiu saying that Confucian scholars who join the camp can make up for the officials by accumulating merit, Liu Tingzhou was stunned there.

Liu Tingzhou gestured and asked Yue Lengqiu to enter the cabin to speak.

In the dim cabin, looking out the window, the river is as clear as blue, and the boats on the left and right are as dense as forests.

Liu Tingzhou looked at Yue Lengqiu and said, "Since the beginning of Yue, the imperial family, the nobles, and the scholar-bureaucrats have ruled the world. The interruption made it difficult to select officials to supplement officials. At present, the officials were selected from the scholars who had graduated from the imperial examination before the Yongxing year, and most of them were recruited into the six central departments, while the officials of the prefectures and counties were in charge. Although it was said that expedient measures had to be taken during the war, the selection of officials must be in the hands of the Ministry of Personnel, and then the legal system should be followed. Where?"

Yue Lengqiu was silent.

Liu Tingzhou asked again: "There are rumors that the Privy Council will replace the Political Office, is this true?"

Yue Lengqiu smiled and said, "In the battle of Jingxiang, I don't know how much flesh and blood will be filled in. Is Tingzhou overthinking it?"

Liu Tingzhou frowned and thought about Yue Lengqiu's words.

With the current stance, Lin Tie could not be a fake fight in Eastern Hubei. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, as well as the same number of soldiers and civilians, will cross the river and gather in Qichun and Huangzhou as the centers. It is impossible for Lin Fu to fake fights.

Yan Hu's main force will inevitably be attracted to the southern line.

Unexpectedly, the war between the two armies in the Jingxiang area will develop into an extremely cruel tug-of-war.

Lin Fu may have expected this, so he did everything possible to mobilize more troops to cross the river to participate in the war.

Lin Fu's request for the Privy Council to have greater powers of war mobilization, including the order to grant land and the order to recruit Confucian scholars into the army, were issued against this background, and everything seemed reasonable.

When the rebels attacked Jiangning, Emperor Yongxing and his civil and military officials abandoned Jiangning and fled north. When the Western Army, Jinghu Army, and Xiangtan Army did nothing, it was Lin Fu who led Huaidong's elites to pacify Jiangxi and completely eliminate the threat of Jiangning's flank. A little bit in order to better command the whole battle situation, who can refuse?

Emperor Yongxing could not refuse, and the queen mother could not refuse. Liu Tingzhou knew that he had no position to stand up and make irresponsible remarks.

On the other hand, the more brutal the tug-of-war in the Jingxiang area and the longer the time stretch, the more beneficial it will be to Huaixi.

Of course, this is what Yue Lengqiu meant.

Liu Tingzhou turned his head to look at the river outside the window, another thought occurred to him, and he asked Yue Lengqiu, "If Duke Chongguo wins another great victory in Jingxiang, what should we do?"

"Won another victory?" Yue Lengqiu listened to Liu Tingzhou's question, and then his eyes looked at the river outside the window, but his heart was filled with waves: Could it be that, as Liu Tingzhou expected, recruiting the soldiers into the army camp was a move of Lin Fudaiyuan's self-reliance?

The imperial tradition was continued and the legal system was established. Scholars all over the world supported the imperial tradition and the legal system, because only in this way would the passage of scholars to enter officialdom through the imperial examination would be smooth.

If Lin Fu really wanted to usurp the country and become self-reliant on behalf of Yuan, for farmers, it would be just the same rent and payment; and the emerging industrial and mining merchants before Jianghuai probably hoped that Lin Fu would be able to become self-reliant on behalf of Yuan; but the world They are looking forward to the scholars who have passed the imperial examination and can cross the Dragon Gate. They have seen that Huaidong has absorbed too many different types of officials and officials over the years, and they have done their best to destroy the discipline system of the imperial examination. For them, how could they hope to see Lin Fu stand on his own?

However, Lin Fu recruited Confucian students to join the army camp this time, hoping to make up for the officials by accumulating merit. On the surface, he absorbed some enthusiastic scholars to join the army and fill up the shortage of soldiers. A group of scholars supported him to establish himself in the Yuan Dynasty...

"If a tug-of-war can be formed, the situation will not be bad." Although Yue Lengqiu thought about it a lot, he didn't want to say anything at this time. Great victory, difficult!"

Liu Tingzhou also felt a little overly concerned. The whole battle situation seemed difficult and dangerous. The Chizhou army was in Qichun, but in fact it was still protected on the inside. There was not much military pressure. Tiemenshan's attack almost took most of the pressure on the entire Eastern Hubei defense line.

Once the main force of Yanhu abandons Jingzhou and rushes to the east of Hubei along the east bank of the Han River, the Huaidong Army is also in the main direction of its attack.


"Yanxi's general Meng Anchan led 10,000 cavalry and Su Tingzhan led 20,000 infantry into Shicheng, but there was no movement," Lin Fu stretched out his hand and moved the cavalry logo on the sand table to indicate that the enemy troops were in The latest distribution of the Jingxiang area, "Ye Ji Luorong's cavalry and Zhou Fan and Tian Chang's troops and horses are still in the front line of Xiangyang and have not gone south..."

"In the current situation, do we directly order Hu Wenmu to abandon Jingmen," Fu Qinghe asked, "Let Ye Jiluorong lead the main force to cross the Han River directly from Fancheng, and go to Jingzhou through Jingmen?"

Lin Fu looked at the people surrounding the sand table. Cao Zi'ang had just arrived in Luzhou. Gao Zongting, Song Fu, Ao Canghai, Ge Cunxiong, and Song Jia, who was wearing a Confucian shirt and attending the military meeting, were the core decision-makers in the battle of Jingxiang.

If they did not give up Jingmen, the main force of Yanhu could not quickly take down Jingmen, so they could only go south from the east bank of the Han River to Shicheng and then cross the Han River to attack Jingzhou.

That Shicheng will inevitably become the core relay point for the Yanhu troops and horses to expand to the south, especially in the siege of Jingzhou City, the infantry will be the main force of the siege, Ye Jiluorong will inevitably leave a large number of cavalry in Shicheng to monitor the battle situation.

Shicheng and Jingmen stand across the river. It can be said that they are both located in the geographic center of Jingxiang area, and the straight-line distance from Hanjin is about 300 miles.

The biggest difference is that Jingmen is on the west bank of the Han River, and Shicheng is on the east bank of the Han River.

When Ye Jiluorong attacked Jingzhou City, Zhou Fan, Tian Chang, etc. must be the main force in the camp, leaving the field decision forces at a later position to monitor the entire battlefield.

If the main force of Ye Ji Luorong's cavalry was stationed in Jingmen, separated by a Han River, the control of the battle situation on the east bank of the Han River would be much weaker - this is exactly what Lin Fu and the others hoped to see.

Song Fu said: "If we have no binding force on Jinghu, then Hu Wenmu voluntarily gives up Jingmen, which is Hu Wenmu's business. Now I am afraid that something is wrong. The reason for the lord to give up Jingmen is somewhat reluctant. Once he gives up Jingmen, it may lead to Ye Ji. The vigilance of Luo Rong and Shewenzhuang. I thought that Jingmen was the key point west of the Han River, connecting Xiangyang and Jingzhou. In the upper reaches of the Han River, Xiangyang and Fancheng stand across the river. Xiangyang is a big city, and Fancheng is much less. And Xiangyang The river crossing channel with Fancheng is ready-made. When Luo Xiancheng took over Xiangfan, he built a floating bridge between the two rivers. Although the existing Xiangfan bridge is insufficient, it can be quickly strengthened. I did it. With the supply of supplies from the Yanlu being so tight, I think they would rather fill in tens of thousands of lives for the attack on Jingmen than give up the ready-made river crossing in Xiangfan..."

"This still depends on how Ye Jiluorong weighs the benefits between storming Jingmen and taking a detour from Shicheng," Lin Fu said, "but from the whole battle situation, Yejiluorong's storming of Jingmen is not difficult. In addition, Whether Jingmen falls or collapses, it has no fundamental impact on us. The Jingmen side can also be left alone. When the war situation promotes, we can only follow the changes according to the situation. Otherwise, if I ask everyone to have a few more white hairs on their heads in a fight, my sins will be bigger..."

Everyone laughed.

Cao Zi'ang said: "If Ye Jiluorong is asked to successfully capture Jingzhou, and his main force on the west bank of the Han River moves forward to the area south of Jingmen, then the distribution of their troops on the supply route will definitely be important in the Xiangfan area. In Xiangyang, and in Qingfan City..."

"Directly attack Fancheng?" Gao Zongting asked, "Send troops from Chaishan to Fancheng, although the main force of the enemy can be avoided, but there are seven hundred miles between the two places, how can we ensure that the enemy will not notice?"

"Divided troops to attack!" Cao Zi'ang said, "With the cooperation of the king, first send three or five thousand elites to attack Fancheng, and the other troops and horses will enter later, so that the enemy's eyes can be hidden..."

"If you want to hide the current situation, the main force of Chaishan's troops must be delayed for three to four days before they can be dispatched," Gao Zongting asked, "and three or five thousand troops and horses were sent to attack Fancheng Yi in advance, but then they would immediately face the enemy from Xiangyang and Nanyang. With a fierce attack, can the main force of the troops and horses be able to defend to Chaishan? And within three or four days, it is enough for Ye Jiluorong to transfer some troops from Jingmen to Xiangfan, and Chen Zhihu may also transfer troops from Nanyang to the south. The Xiang area will be involved in the battle group. Even if the main force of Chaishan troops and horses can enter Fancheng smoothly, they can't just defend the city, but also control the area from the east of Fancheng to the north of Zaoyang, in order to achieve the goal of closing the door..."

Cao Zi'ang said: "This depends on how fast the lord and you can open the gap in Hanjin and head north. As long as the positions of Yanhu's troops and horses south of Xiangfan are disrupted, even the soldiers and horses of Chaishan will sacrifice for this. , is also worth it!"

Everyone looked at Lin Fu.

Fancheng is the base of the entire Jingxiang area, but it is not enough to occupy Fancheng.

If Cao Ziang led Chaishan troops and horses to attack Fancheng, but sealed Chen Zhihu, who was heading south quickly from the north line, in the city, Yanhu troops and horses could cross the Han River from Xiangyang and withdraw from the open area between Fancheng and Zaoyang.

To achieve the goal of closing the door and fighting the dogs, the Chaishan soldiers and horses must completely control the area around Fancheng. However, under the attack of Chen Zhihu and the main force of Yanhu cavalry from Jingmen and other places, it was a great test that Chaishan's troops could defend in Fancheng for a few days.

In Cao Zi'ang's words, in the worst case, the whole of Chai Shan's partial division might be sacrificed.

The soldiers and horses that have already entered Chaishan are the main forces of the two town divisions of the Chongcheng Army plus Sun Zhuang, Huang Zuyu and Chaishan Zhou Bin. Including five thousand light knights.

Song Jia stood by Lin Fu's side, reached out and picked up the Feng Lijun logo from the sand table in front of him~www.readwn.com~ and placed it directly in Zhengyang's place, and asked, "Will it be better?"

"Let Ning Zechen lead Fengli's army into Huaixi quickly, and force Dong Yuan to cooperate to attack Biyang from the west of Zhengyang." Everyone present could see what Song Jia was going to say, and Gao Zongting frowned lightly and said, "Then It is possible to attract Chen Zhihu's troops from Queshan and harass the north of Zhengyang, which can delay the time for Chen Zhihu to lead his troops to help Fancheng, but to keep Fengli's army away from Shanyang and enter the hinterland of Huaixi to fight, Dong Yuan has to do something. Feng Li's army will be in danger..."

Dong Yuan wants to do something, so he won't have the courage to directly attack Feng Li's army, but as long as he intentionally makes Feng Li's army fall into the siege of Chen Zhihu and Tu An, the situation of Feng Li's army will be dangerous.

"I think it's feasible," said Cao Zi'ang, "Before Chaishan troops and horses attacked, it was impossible for Dong Yuan to guess our deployment in Jingxiang, so he wouldn't do anything to Fengli's army in advance; Fan Cheng, Dong Yuan wants to do something, time is also urgent..."

Fu Qinghe said: "To be safe, ask Ning Zechen to lead his troops to attack the west, but after reaching the territory of Xinyang Mansion, they will not go from Zhengyang to Biyang, but from Xinyang City to the south to fight Luo Xiancheng to form troops and horses at the northern foot of Huaishan Mountain. With the Cai family in Xinyang City, it is much more difficult for Dong Yuan to do anything..."

Lin Bie nodded and said to Cao Zi'ang: "Chaishan soldiers and horses, still take the opportunity first, Fancheng cannot be taken, and must not be taken by force. If you can lead the Chaishan soldiers and horses to enter the front line of Dahongshan, it will be enough to ensure our invincibility..."

After Dahong Mountain is on the side of the Eastern Hubei defense line, there are 40,000 to 50,000 soldiers directly inserted into Dahong Mountain, and the enemy's defenders in Huangpi and Tiemen Mountain will cut off their retreat, and their positions will be in chaos.

At this time, a guard came in and said, "Master Yue and Huaixi Liu Tingzhou have entered the city..." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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