Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 112: Jingzhou offense and defense

(asking for a red ticket)

At the beginning of the establishment of the Yue Dynasty, there was a fierce war with the early military horses in Jingzhou. After Gaozu struggled to capture Jingzhou, the situation at that time did not allow him to defend Jingzhou, so he razed the cities of Jingzhou.

Most of the cities in Jinghu were rebuilt after the founding of the Yuan Dynasty.

Jingzhou City was rebuilt on the earthen wall of the old city of the former dynasty, built with rammed earth. Compared with cities such as Jiangning, Jingzhou City is far from being a high-risk city.

Although Jingzhou has an important geographical location, it has rarely encountered wars in the past two hundred years. Like many cities in the rich and prosperous areas of the south of the Yangtze River, although it is old and dilapidated, few people think of repairing and strengthening it. In the early years of Chongguan, there was a flood in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. , The river embankments along the banks were all broken, the water rushed in from the west gate of Jingzhou, and most of the Jingzhou city collapsed, and more than 10,000 people drowned.

After that time, Zuo Chengmu was transferred to the prefect of Jingzhou.

At that time, the central finance had become stretched and unsustainable due to border affairs. Although Zuo Chengmu was ordered to rebuild Jingzhou City, the county chief only made 60,000 taels of silver. Zuo Chengmu raised another 110,000 taels of silver from the local government to repair Jingzhou City on the old site.

At that time, the soldiers were not considered, and there was no condition to consider them. It was just that the southern city and the western city of Linshui were re-rammed earth to build the inner wall, and the outside was built with stone and city bricks plastered with mortar. The east city and north city are only repaired on the basis of the old earth wall.

When Zuo Chengmu was appointed as the envoy of Jinghu, the prefect of Jingzhou was Hu Wenmu. When the Jingzhou town army was suppressing bandits, Gong Yucui was defeated. Hu Wenmu organized the defense of the township soldiers, and it was possible to master the military and government of Jingzhou and Jingbei.

At that time, bandits in Jinghu became a disaster, endangering Jingzhou. Zuo Chengmu intends to build an urn city outside the six city gates of Jingzhou, and draw silver to Jingzhou. However, Hu Wenmu did not build an urn city, but built three more imposing towers at the east gate and the north gate and the south gate from the city to the Jiang'an wharf.

In front of the gate tower, there is a stacking wall, and behind the gate tower is a stone fence. The city bricks are covered, and there are horse paths. It is majestic. .

In the ten years of Chongguan, Gong Yucai led 100,000 troops to attack Jingzhou, Hu Wenmu took Jingzhou city to defend, defeated Gong Yucai's troops, killed and wounded more than 10,000 refugee troops, and expelled Gong Yucai from Hanzhong - before Jingzhou city It is not because the Jingzhou city is strong that it can be defended, but because it has not been truly tested.

After Shewenzhuang went to eastern Hubei to supervise the war, Ye Jiluorong left Hu Zongguo on the west bank of the Han River as a staff for attacking Jingzhou City.

Although the Zhejiang-Fujian Army has fought against the Huaidong Army over the past few years, the level of siege tactics is still far higher than that of the Beiyan generals, even Zhou Fan, who once served as the guard of Xuanfu and was famous for defending the city. , In terms of siege tactics, it is still not as good as Hu Zongguo, a veteran of Zhejiang and Fujian.

The Huaidong Army's offensive against Huangpi was extremely fierce, and Ye Jiluorong knew very well the serious drawbacks of the complicated system of the troops and horses in eastern Hubei, and the command may not be able to coordinate. Jingzhou City naturally seized the absolute initiative in the war in Jingxiang; if the Huaidong Army was asked to pierce the Eastern Hubei defense line first, Beiyan would be passive.

There is no time to drive the people and the men to build a siege city, press the troops and horses up, and seize the port outside the southern city first.

Going out of the Nanji Gate of Nancheng and going south for five miles, you arrive at Jingzhou Port. From Jingzhou Port to Nancheng, it is the Jiangbu outside Jingzhou City. In order to keep the contact between Jingzhou City and the outside world from being cut off, the defenders must keep the port in the south of the city from being occupied by Yanhu troops.

Although Hu Wenmu built a fortress outside Nancheng, it was much simpler than Jingzhou City. Faced with the fierce attack of the newly attached troops, the defenders of Nancheng Port Port, after holding on for two days, could not bear to return to Jingzhou City.

Zhou Fan set fire to the shack in Chengnanbugang, and the once prosperous Chengnanbugang burned to the ground in just one night.

Zhou Fan built a camp in the southeast and southwest corners of Jingzhou City to prevent reinforcements from entering Jingzhou from the Yangtze River.

The mistake made by the defenders of Jingzhou was the same as that of Sun Jichang guarding Huangpi, that is, they concentrated their troops and horses in the city. Although there are six gates in Jingzhou, but after all six gates are blocked by Yan Hu, they can only be trapped in the city and lose the initiative to fight back out of the city.

Although the counterweight and torsional catapults used by Huaidong played a great threat, neither the Shejia nor Yanhu could capture the real thing from the Huaidong Army on the battlefield, so the original Zhejiang and Fujian Army and The craftsmen under the jurisdiction of Beiyan can only make traditional human catapults.

Although the human catapult is cumbersome, and it requires dozens or even hundreds of people to use, even a mule and horse with considerable pulling force is pulled behind the tip of the catapult, but Yanhu plunders the population from around Jingzhou. However, there is no shortage of manpower. More than 20 catapults were erected outside Jingzhou North City in early October, posing a great threat to Jingzhou City.

Hu Wenmu also built a large catapult in Jingzhou city to fight against Yanhu's soldiers and horses, but because he could only build this kind of cumbersome catapult in the city, and the space in the city was narrower, which was not conducive to display, so he smashed the catapult. Among them, the Jingzhou defenders were at a disadvantage.

In particular, to throw a boulder of more than 100 kilograms out, it requires one or two hundred people to work together, and the force cable is two or three hundred meters long.

The slings and crossbows smashed endlessly, and Zhou Fan made the supervising team draw swords and axes, forcibly coercing the civilians who were drawn from the periphery of Jingzhou, braved the arrows to fill in the trenches to protect the city, fill in and out of the passageway under the city, and ordered Nanzhang, Zhong The soldiers of Yi, Jingmen, Dangyang, Changlin and other cities hid under the half-cut boats and cave houses, approached the city, and took shovels and shovels to dig the foot of the city wall.

The density and frequency of Yanhu's catapults could not be compared with the Huaidong Army who organized the siege.

Hu Wenmu used thick wood to build a battle shed and a building at the head of the city. As long as he did not hit the stone bullets weighing more than 100 catties directly, he could hide the guards under them to block the attacks of small and medium-sized stone bullets.

Yanhu drove the civilians and the soldiers near the city, and the defenders came out of the battle shed and the towers, walked to the stacking wall, shot arrows, and threw down the bricks and stones from the demolished houses and pieces of sawn wood, and burned them. Got to pour the boiling dung water down...

The people who filled the trenches with earth under the city had the least shelter, and in the rain of locust arrows, they fell to their death with arrows. Although the soldiers had half boats and chariots to cover their heads, half of the ships and chariots were covered with cooked cowhide. The effect of shielding against arrow rain and hot oil is good, and it is also good against masonry, but if you hit the long and short wood on the zhang, it will fall apart. Arrow rain shoots directly...

The war supervisor of the newly attached army was behind the battle with the sword and the axe, and the civilians and the soldiers retreated slightly, that is, the sword and the axe were added, and the bow and crossbow were shot without mercy; further, the battalion of the newly attached army was also in order. , Stand ready, and be prepared to destroy the rebels and deserters at any time.

Compared with consuming the soldiers and horses of the direct line, even if nearly 20,000 soldiers are consumed under the city, Zhou Fan will not have the slightest reluctance and heartache, and it will not damage the morale of the newly attached troops. The generals of the newly-affiliated Han army also knew in their hearts that letting the subdued soldiers and the captive villagers consume the attack power of the defenders at the city head would reduce the casualties of their subsequent siege of the city.

For those surrendered soldiers who were forced to attack the city, at this time they might realize that the previous surrender was a mistake, but it was too late. A little retreat is death, and they can only rush down the city numbly, hoping only for half a boat and a hole. The house car can be stronger, and I hope that the stone and wood that fell from the top of the city will have longer eyes. Qi Pan can quickly dig a big hole at the foot of the city wall, so that he can hide in and continue digging.

Jingzhou Dongcheng and Beicheng, the rammed earth walls are old, the rammed earth is soft, the soldiers risked their lives to dig the soil wall foundation, and a large number of stone throwing crossbows were smashed from the front. On the fourth day of the official siege, the Dongcheng collapsed for two days. place.

When the city wall collapsed, the defenders on the city couldn't avoid it, and they descended with the bricks and stones. There were also soldiers and people who were digging the walls below the city, and they were buried under the bricks and stones together.

The wall collapsed to form a gap, so Zhou Fan sent his direct troops to attack from the collapsed gap; Hu Wenmu also made preparations in the city. The gap, occasionally not enough, is also to send soldiers to fight, be sure to stop the enemy outside the city...

Ye Jiluo Rong's order to slaughter the city has been issued, and the defenders have been defending the city for three days. It is impossible to escape the slaughter even if they surrender, which makes the defenders' determination and no longer think about surrender. Furthermore, the defending generals were told that the Huaidong Army and Chizhou's battles in Huangpi, Hanjin, and Qichunbei were progressing smoothly. After the battle is over, what is the difficulty of defending Jingzhou for more than ten days?

If there is hope of victory, there will be will to persevere - this also applies to the defenders of Jingzhou.

Although Yanhu had assembled 100,000 troops under the Jingzhou city, while the defenders were only 30,000, the brutal siege of the city did not stop during the first half of October.

By the middle of the month, almost all of the 20,000 soldiers and 40,000 to 50,000 men and women who had been attacked by Yan Huwei were killed under the Jingzhou city as consumables. By this time, Zhou Fan's newly attached Han army had accumulated more casualties, and Jingzhou City was still unable to be captured.

However, on the 15th, the east and north walls of Jingzhou City collapsed almost as a whole, and a complete section of the city wall could no longer be seen. Although Hu Wenmu replaced the original rammed-earth city wall with a wooden fence from the inside of the city, it was only weaker and shorter than the previous rammed-earth city wall.

The collapsed masonry formed a **** in front of the wooden fence wall, and after being solid, it became a convenient passage for the Yanhu soldiers and horses to attack the city.

The defenders could not stand at the front of the city to defend, they could only wait for the Yanhu soldiers and horses to break through the gap in the wooden fence wall to attack, and fight back in hand-to-hand combat. casualties.

Due to the collapse of the city wall, the role of the civilians who assisted in defending the city has been greatly reduced. If they fill the defense, except for a few daring and **** young adults who can fight together with guns, most civilians will only bring more benefits. of panic.

At this point in the war, it became more difficult for the Jingzhou defenders to defend the city, and the battle became more bloody~www.readwn.com~ Ye Jiluorong ordered Tian Chang and Han Li to lead the troops to attack Jingzhou Dongcheng. To make Zhou Fan only responsible for attacking the North City is also to give Zhou Fan's department a chance to breathe and rest. At the same time, according to the experience of attacking Nanyang, Ye Jiluorong recruited all the king tent warriors who were good at foot combat in his own army, and gathered three battalions of elite soldiers for the final attack on Jingzhou City.

There were only 30,000 defenders in Jingzhou, and they accumulated more than 10,000 casualties without breaking down, but they saw that the Huaidong Army's offensive in Huangpi lasted for more than ten days and was fierce.

At present, Shewenzhuang can still be supported in eastern Hubei. Although there is no way to curb the offensive of the Huaidong Army to attack the morale of the Jingzhou defenders, but in Ye Jiluorong's view, it is impossible to fight and fill it in Jingzhou. Wan Jingrui, do not believe that Hu Wenmu can still defend Jingzhou City?

After Ye Jiluorong ordered Zhou Fan and Tian Chang to send troops and horses into Jingzhou City, they must not retreat, and must not use the tactics of repeated tug-of-war to deplete the strength and fighting spirit of the Jingzhou defenders. Time is running out. Like an iron nail, if you keep going in, no matter how hard the stone is, you have to drill, drill through, smash, and smash, and you can't fall short.

Zhou Fan thought that the capture of Jingzhou was just around the corner, and his troops had suffered more than 10,000 casualties in the early stage. It was difficult to achieve such a situation, but he had to let Dongcheng out and let Tian Chang top it, which was somewhat disappointing for Tian Chang to pick peaches. That's why Zhou Fan didn't even want to let Tian Chang share the merits of the final capture of Jingzhou City.

Seeing that the day of the capture of Jingzhou City is just around the corner, after the capture of Jingzhou City, the main force of Beiyan's troops and horses will be able to escape from the west bank of the Han River to strengthen Eastern Hubei, which will lock the victory of the Battle of Jingxiang. Tian Chang naturally knows that it is no longer possible. It's time to be stingy with troops, otherwise, how can these new Han generals be able to compete with generals like Zhou Fan, Yuan Lishan, and Chen Zhihu? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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