Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 116: behead

(Third, ask for a red ticket)

Appointed by Zhou Bin, Gao Hu and Zhou Ta, who first led their troops to attack the east gate of Fancheng to kill the retreating defenders, were the battalion generals and sentry generals of the Chaishan Brigade under Tang Fuguan, the second town commander of Chongcheng in Huaidong City. They were also the first to sneak in with Zhou Bin. Chai Shan, the military attache who formed the Chai Shan Brigade.

Zhou Ta first went to the gate of the city to deal with the defenders, and Gao Hu then came with 600 troops.

In a hurry, the generals were unable to wear all the armor. They picked up swords, shields, swords, and crossbows, and rushed to the east gate of Fancheng across their horses. On the inner side of the city gate, a large shield was used to block the arrow stones from the city head, and they stormed the way to the city...

Yan Hu established his family and his country by fighting. Since he descended from Hulun Mountain, there has been almost no truce in the war for a year, so that the blood of the old soldiers of Yan Hu is flowing with fighting and murderous blood. to strain.

When the East Gate was attacked, the defenders were mostly in the barracks in the city, and the military attachés caught up with the rest and walked into the prostitutes' village at dusk to prepare to have fun. There were not many defenders who were still guarding the East Gate Tower at night. , there were only a team of sixty people, and they were suddenly returned to the more than ten people who were attacked and killed by Zhou Ta and his troops in the city gate cave, but most of the defenders on the tower were veterans of Yanhu Jiuli's battlefield, occupying the tower's commanding advantage. The blockade of the Ascension Road was very tenacious, and he did not panic because of the temporary loss of the city gate.

Fortunately for Gaohu and Zhouta, the defenders did not consider that the city gate would be captured so easily. Although the defenders of the city tower organized crossbowmen to shoot arrows against the stone railings inside the city tower, they wanted to block the gates inside the city gate. Ascend the city road, but the rolling stones, wood and iron pots filled with kerosene that can really pose a threat to the big shield are all deployed on the outside of the city tower. If they can't move over for a while, they call the Huaidong army to force the city head. Some of the defenders retreated to the city towers to resist stubbornly, and some of the defenders retreated to the city fronts on both sides, converging to come from the southern city and the northern city towers for reinforcements, to push back the Huaidong Army...

The defender Puama didn't hesitate too much, and only ordered the gates of the other three cities to be closed. While ringing the big bell to gather the entire city's defenders, he personally led the more than 100 soldiers who were guarding the mansion, also Punacha. The clan's elite soldiers, well-dressed in battle armor, straddled their horses and headed straight for the East City Gate, attacking the Huaidong Army who had just established a foothold on the inside of the city gate along the street.

Shewenzhuang once guarded Xiangfan for a period of time. In addition to the two pontoon bridges built over the Han River, the city defenses of Xiangyang and Fancheng have also been improved. The most obvious thing in Fancheng is that next to the inner side of the city wall, an extra inner chariot was dug out, and a wooden inner chariot bridge was built in the east gate to connect the city gate and the main street in the city.

Zhou Ta had just ordered two carriages to be placed at the other end of the Neihao Bridge. He wanted to block the counterattack of the defenders and stabilize his position. Puama rushed over. He straddled the horse, held a large lance, and waved it left and right, when the two carriages that were about to block in front of him overturned.

Although the trolleys are empty, each has a net weight of four or five hundred pounds. Puama can pick up the trolleys several times with his lance, and the strength of his arms can be seen...

The generals of the Huaidong Army who were hiding behind the carriages at the bridge head couldn't keep up, so they asked Puama to bring the horses in, and the sweeping and killing was enough to suppress the horses. celebrity hands.

If Puama captured Neihao Bridge and could hold the gap in Neihao Bridge and organize defenders to fight back, it would be very difficult for the Huaidong Army to enter the city and capture the entire Fancheng before the reinforcements from the south bank arrived. ——However, Puama, who regarded himself as brave and outstanding, was dissatisfied with the return of the Huaidong Army from the Neihao Bridge, and intended to take back the Dongcheng Gate in one go.

Surrounded by five cavalry, Puama rushed across the Neihao Bridge and headed for the Chengmen Cave.

The Neihao Bridge is only more than three feet wide, and it is already crowded with four or five horses at a time. Only Pua horses are called to grab six horses at a time.

The generals sent by the Huaidong Army to capture the east gate of Fancheng, although there were no generals who could compete with Puama, were mostly bloody, brave and unafraid of death. But seeing Puama rushing forward recklessly, Zhou Ta knew that if he could not stop Puama's charge, and asked him to kill him, and then asked more than 100 Jianrui behind him to kill the Neihao Bridge, the array on the Chengmendong side was very likely. If you are in a mess and have to withdraw from the east gate, the victory of the previous attack on the city gate will be in vain.

Zhou Tahu roared and swung his sword to block the horse's head. At the same time, seven or eight armored soldiers, completely forgetting to die, rushed up from both sides to block the gap.

The whistleblower Zhou Ta failed to seal the big lance that Puama had smashed. He heard the clicking sound of the left shoulder, and the pain came, and the whole person actually smashed the left shoulder of Da Shuo, and passed out with a living pain. Zhou Ta fainted, but people stood in front of the horse and kicked the warhorse under Puama's crotch to roll away - but Puama charged too far ahead, and the five cavalry who came across the bridge with him were blocked. At the back, a Mo Dao slashed horizontally, severing Puama's right flank armor, and making a **** mouth.

Pua Ma screamed in pain, but he couldn't allow him to restrain his horse and adjust his posture to continue the fight. More Huaidong Jia soldiers came to their senses, rushed to the vicinity, and entangled him together, and one of them directly put Pua. The long lance of the horse was wrapped under the armpit and hugged desperately, and the blade of the front end of the long lance was cut with blood under the armpit without any fear...

In the blink of an eye, the five cavalry that rushed across the bridge with Puama fell behind a little, and two of them had already killed their horses. I can see that Puama himself is also entangled in the bridge, unable to advance or retreat.

Gao Hu, who was besieging the enemy building at the head of the city, saw the opportunity, jumped down from the stone fence, slashed straight down with the sharp saber, and cut Puama's head in half with the iron helmet...

Puama was also a well-known brave general in the Beiyan Army. Unexpectedly, he was killed by a group of unknown soldiers in Huaidong, and half of his heads fell off. Puama's death in battle was a huge blow to the morale of the defenders who fought back at Dongchengmen and stubbornly defended. , defeated in one fell swoop...


The Qiaodu defenders still occupied the bridgehead on the north bank and were not defeated. The troops and horses from the south bank rushed to the north bank on the pontoon. Soon, they didn't need half a stick of incense. The bow and crossbow were blocked, and the defenders were firmly pressed on the bridge and could not rush out.

At the back, after smashing the wheels of more than a dozen carriages covered with iron plates, they crossed the bridge to block the defenders from rushing out, and they drove piles behind the carriages to stop the carriages, and told the guards to risk arrows. He rushed to the nearest place, but he couldn't push the carriage away or push out an attack channel.

To build a pontoon bridge, it is necessary to choose a stable shore foundation. It is necessary to drill the rock as a lock, and put on an iron cable to fix the boat bridge.

The two pontoon bridges across the Han River in the south of Fancheng City are built on Feiyu Cape. It is a huge rock that protrudes from the tip of the north bank like a protruding beak. The three iron cables in the middle of the two pontoon bridges are parallel to Feiyu on the promontory.

Feiyu Cape is more than 200 steps in depth. It is regarded as the approach part of the pontoon bridge. It is not short, but the front is only 40 or 50 steps wide. Both sides are even more steep cliffs that are difficult for orangutans to climb. Eight feet deep.

There is such a bridge, once the front is blocked, it is difficult to rush out.

The defenders couldn't get out, but they also held on to the bridgehead on the north bank and did not retreat. They didn't give the Huaidong Army a chance to get close to the bridgehead and burn the pontoon bridge. They used the horse-rejecting and antlers to circle more than a hundred paces in front of Feiyu Cape. The inside is even more intensively defended with large shields, blocking the pace of the Huaidong Army's attack and the rain of arrows that are shooting more and more intensively.

Although walking on the pontoon bridge is fast, the bridge head is fixed there, and it is only so wide. Once it is blocked, the front line that can be unfolded is only dozens of steps wide, and the front is still under the blockade of Huaidong bows and crossbows. Even with 100,000 reinforcements, there is no way to expand and rush over the superiority of the force.

To help the North Bank, now we can only cross the river by boat.

Although the location of the iron pile wharf is located in a low-sinking river beach area, the passage from the shore to the river beach to enter the wharf is also easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there are more than a hundred soldiers standing firm.

Even if the iron pile wharf is lost, the navy's warships are relatively shallow and small, and they can find a place to dock on the north bank. blocked...

Azige organized troops and horses to help Fancheng on the south bank. The speed was not slow. The first thousand troops and horses landed from the iron pile wharf in less than half an hour.

Although Huang Zuyu led the elites equipped with armour to the Fancheng city at this time, but the most important thing is to take Fancheng in one go, and only assign a battalion of soldiers to strengthen the combat power of the iron pile wharf and intercept Xiangyang reinforcements from here. shore.

In such a short time, there is no way to cross the war horse to the north shore.

Azige and more than a thousand elites all dismounted to fight on foot. Azige was wearing heavy armor, wielding a saber and fighting in front of his soldiers, occupying the iron pile pier and forcibly breaking through to the north, ignoring the dense rain of arrows from the Huaidong Army. He only wanted to join up with Puama before Fancheng fell, and repel the Huaidong Army who had attacked Fancheng.

The Huaidong Army, which had beaten the iron pile pier outside, had quite a few generals without armor, and their numbers were small. The soldiers and horses restrained Aziger from left and right, and did not give him a chance to approach Fancheng.

Although Fancheng was not built near the water, it was only two miles away from the iron pile wharf, not to mention that by driving up from the iron pile wharf, the siege of the bridge head could be solved first—open the gap there, and the reinforcements on the south bank would not be able to withstand it. A steady stream of blockages continue to enter the North Shore...

Seeing that there were more than 300 reinforcements coming from seven or eight ships behind Azige, he thought that as long as reinforcements could cross the river~www.readwn.com~ and Puama could hold a place in Fancheng, then This attack will be able to repel the enemy-Azige is standing on the pier with a slightly lower terrain, and he can't see the situation on Fancheng's side. He can only vaguely hear the sound of fighting on Fancheng's side. ...

At this time, a ship transported seven or eight war horses. Azige, who was surrounded by heavy armor, stepped on the horse and rushed to the periphery. When Azige rushed out of the low-lying dock area, the first When I saw the city of Fancheng, I only saw that the defenders of the tower were smashed to pieces. Under the sky-high fireworks, more than a dozen defenders had no way to retreat, and they were squeezed from the crenel wall and fell under the city...

Azige's back is cold: In such a short time, the South Gate also fell! Puama is known as the first hero of the Punaza clan, what kind of **** is he eating!

At this time, Azige didn't know that Puama was beheaded before the battle at the Dongcheng Gate. It was because of Puama's death that the morale of the defenders of Fancheng was frustrated, and because there was no unified command, he rushed into the city. The Huaidong Army in the area quickly defeated them one by one.

The Huaidong Army captured Nancheng and opened the gate of Nancheng, and directly connected the south gate of Fancheng with Qiaodu District and Qiaodu East Base, and a thousand soldiers poured out directly from Nancheng to support Qiaodu East Base. Come directly to the reinforcements led by Azig who landed from the Iron Pile Pier...

Seeing that the attacking enemy had enough strength to divide troops from the city to support the Qiaodu District, Azige's heart was completely cold.

It would take an hour for the next wave of reinforcements to come. There were more than a thousand soldiers behind him, and there was no particularly dangerous terrain to defend around the iron pile pier. It was impossible to block the counterattack of more than twice as many as the enemy. However, if you go back to the iron pile pier and stick to it, then what is the difference from the situation at the bridge head? Isn't the attacking enemy pressed in a narrow area, and more reinforcements can't be spread out? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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