Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 127: prisoner

Twenty-first, early morning.

Luo Wenhu buried the stove to cook rice, and made the final preparations before the camp. Zhou Sheng rushed back to meet, and also brought the liaison officer sent by Liu Zhenzhi.

After seeing the whole picture of the troops and horses of Chaishan who crossed Huaishan and sneaked into the hinterland of Jingxiang, almost all the generals of the Lishan defenders chose to join Huaidong with Luo Wenhu, and only a few were cleared out.

Ordinary guards ate two meals of wheat cakes and salted meat and wild vegetable soup in succession. I heard that such delicacies were common in the Huaidong Army, and that accumulated merit, injuries, and children in the battlefield had pensions. When guarding the mountain castle, he stood up straight. Even if they were to join the army westward to join the war, few people flinched.

The Lishan garrison was temporarily organized into a brigade, with Luo Wenhu as the brigade commander. Cao Ziang sent his personal guard Cao Peng to give Luo Wenhu the command to join the army. Go west to fight.

Cao Ziang originally transferred Luo Wenhu to Tang Fuguan's jurisdiction, but at this time he temporarily adjusted it to Liu Zhenzhi.

Liu Zhenzhi controlled six brigades, but the elites of two brigades were selected for Cao Zi'ang and Zhou Tong as reserve teams. At this time, the four brigades in Changgou, ten miles south of Zhangjiawan, plus Luo Wenhu's troops, made five brigades. The soldiers and horses of the brigade will rush to the front line of Pinglin Port to intercept the enemy.

If you want to quickly bypass the southern border of Suizhou County, the five brigades must march into the wild together. Relatively speaking, the path left for Luo Wenhu is still the best.

Zhou Sheng rushed over. In addition to the liaison officer sent by Liu Zhenzhi, there were also thirty mules, horses and carts.

The four-wheeled mule and horse carts, axles and hubs are all cast iron, and each cart only carries less than one-third of the supplies. Even if there is no ready-made road, it can march with the battalion in the wild. After each car, an additional crossbow was towed.

For Luo Wenhu and others who were born in the Suizhou army, they have seen a bed crossbow, and they all know that a bed crossbow is a good thing, and it is very expensive. In the Suizhou army, Fei Luo Xiancheng's direct line soldiers and horses are not allowed to match such heavy crossbows.

Luo Wenhu led these miscellaneous soldiers to Shouli Mountain. Three thousand soldiers and horses couldn't put together a hundred pairs of armor, not to mention war horses, even mules and horses couldn't put together a hundred horses. Although Luo Wenhu was also diligent in training in Lishan, but the armor and weapons could not keep up, and his combat power was greatly improved.

After being compiled in Lishan, Cao Ziang and Zhou Tong immediately supplied Luo Wenhu with 300 sets of armor, 300 bows, and 300 mules and horses.

Needless to say, the role of armor and foot bows in increasing the combat power of the battalion is not to mention that the ability of the foot battalion to travel in the wild is more directly related to the number of supporting mules and horses.

If there are not enough mules and horses, the supplies are divided among the soldiers. Carrying an extra seven or eight pounds of weight, you won't feel anything after walking for a mile or two. If you continue to walk for two days, you will feel that this is the last straw that breaks the camel's back. When marching, the wounded and some heavy armor can be burdened by the mules, horses and camels, so that the marching speed will not be affected.

Luo Wenhu did not expect to rush to Pinglin Port to block the enemy this time, and replenished thirty crossbows.

The bed crossbows that Luo Wenhu had seen in the past were all made of wood. The 30 extra bed frames that Cao Ziang had drawn for him this time were all cast iron, and the small wheels, like the mule and horse cart, were also made of fine iron— - In addition to the extra supplies that Luo Wenhu's department needed for seven days, the mule and horse cart also had some wooden boxes. The craftsman who accompanied him said that it was a scorpion crossbow and a shield cart that were assembled after arriving on the battlefield.

There are three treasures in Huaidong, the scorpion crossbow, the shield car and the fuel tank...

Liu Zhenzhi wouldn't ask Luo Wenhu's troops to form a formation in the open terrain to stop the enemy from riding, so he did not give him a scorpion crossbow that he could deploy in the formation, and the use of a kerosene tank in a battle requires training for the generals, but the use of a shield car Simpler. Therefore, in addition to the crossbow, Liu Zhenzhi gave him additional shield car accessories that were assembled after entering the battlefield and some craftsmen who accompanied the army.

In the current world, the use of throwing troops is usually pulled to the front of the battlefield to kill the sharpness of the enemy.

For example, when Ye Jiluorong was under the city of Jingzhou, he first piled more than 20,000 soldiers under the city and braved the rain of arrow stones to dig the foot of the city wall, and ignored the casualties of the soldiers, in order to reduce the headquarters Soldier casualties.

Luo Wenhu gave orders to lead the army to join the war, thinking that he would also face such a fate - he also thought that only after passing through this catastrophe could he truly be trusted by the Huaidong Army and gradually advance towards the elites of the direct line of the Huaidong Army.

Although there is such a consciousness, Luo Wenhu's mood can't be better.

How many people believe that they will be sent to the battlefield to die, but they can still be happy?

But seeing Cao Zi'ang continue to supply them with sophisticated armour and weapons that they never dared to imagine before, Luo Wenhu's mentality began to change: he realized that Cao Zi'ang was eager to send them to the battlefield, not just to send them to the battlefield and flee to the north The enemy cavalry and the elites of the Huaidong Army's direct line were used as meat pads, and I hoped that they could go to the battlefield and make up for the lack of Huaidong Army's troops. There was no special discrimination against them.

The change in the mentality of Luo Wenhu and his generals actually brought about a change in morale. In the face of the enemy fleeing from the north, it is not necessary to intercept the troops and horses how strong and well-trained, but must have the courage and will to intercept the fleeing enemy cavalry head-on.

The above are the changes in the mentality of Luo Wenhu and other generals, but for ordinary soldiers, they are already very elated when they smell the strong aroma of the broth coming from the iron pot. The officers who joined the battalion with Cao Peng are taking the time to explain the military discipline and rewards and punishments to these soldiers.

When the fog cleared a little, Luo Wenhu set up camp and headed west. When crossing the Zhangjia River, the white mist had almost retreated, and the morning sun floated above the mist like the egg yolk of a duck, and it looked a little cold. Hoarfrost on the grass has long since been trampled into a wolf.

Several pontoon bridges have been built on the Zhangjia River, but there are traces of wading around the pontoon bridge.

After the autumn, the Zhangjia River was only three or five feet deep, but it was already winter. How strong and determined the generals are when they fight. However, there was no way. The soldiers and horses in the front had to enter Luo Xianyi's camp at the fastest speed, so that the soldiers and horses at the rear could easily set up a pontoon bridge to cross the river and carry out the tactical actions of rushing the camp and chasing them.

On the inner side of the river bend, Luo Xiancheng's temporary camp was in a mess, full of broken soldiers and broken halberds. There were corpses everywhere, and the blood began to solidify into purple-black in the cold air, stamping on the soldiers who marched through.

Groups of prisoners were squatting in the shallow ditch beside the road with their heads folded. If there was a slight change, they would be suppressed by Yan Li, a general of Huaidong who was monitoring them.

These prisoners watched Luo Wenhu's troops pass in front of them, wearing the same uniforms as them, except that they had red belts on their arms to distinguish them. In addition, they were all armored; the prisoners with a little wink knew that Luo Wenhu's army The troops were all Suizhou troops that were incorporated into the Huaidong Army and immediately sent to the battlefield after the surrender.

Some daring prisoners shouted to the prisoner general: "I surrendered too, give me food, I will pick up the sword and follow you to fight..." It is not known whether he will live or die after he is given to the prisoners. If you go to the battlefield with the soldiers in front of you, you can survive on the battlefield, and at least you can reduce your previous sins.

Someone starts, and more people join in. In the Suizhou army, most people were poor and had no food before they rebelled and killed officials.

However, such a big matter cannot be decided by the prison school at all. He just sent people to pull out the prisoners who were going to make trouble and take care of them alone. They were not pleasing to the eye, and they gave them two whips.

"Goujizi, I'm Tian Su. Help me have a good word with the general of Huaidong, and I'll go to the battlefield with you..." A prisoner climbed up from the shallow ditch and turned toward Zhou, who was beside Luo Wenhu. Sheng shouted, trying to get his attention.

Immediately, two of the detained generals rushed over, knocked the prisoner who had rushed to the ground, and dragged him down the ditch with a waist knife on his neck.

"Kuwaer." Zhou Sheng recognized that the prisoner was Tian Su, an old acquaintance in the village, and his head was rushed with blood, and he was about to rush over to save people with his horse head drawn. Luo Wenhu whipped over and stopped Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng saved Tian Su from being a prisoner at this time. If he rushed to save people, he would be executed on the spot by the detained Huaidong generals, and even Luo Wenhu couldn't save him.

Zhou Sheng looked at Cao Peng and asked, "Kuwa'er is as poor as me, haha. He was forced into the camp by Lord Luo, but he didn't do anything evil, can you ask them to follow me to redeem the merits? Has it been?" He also knew that Luo Wenhu couldn't control this matter, so he could only ask Cao Peng.

"Wen Hu, you lead the troops first, and Zhou Sheng and I stayed to ask what happened," Cao Peng said, "In addition, Huaidong will not kill prisoners, as long as your relatives in the Suizhou army have not committed any serious evil. , and you can put down your weapons in time to give up resistance, there will never be a problem in saving your life, and you don’t have to worry too much…”

Luo Wenhu led his troops first, while Cao Peng and Zhou Sheng stayed behind. He recognized Ma San, the battalion general who was in charge of escorting the prisoners who stayed here, and asked, "There is a shortage of people at Pinglin Port, so I'll pick some people out..."

"Except for the prisoners, those ordinary prisoners, as long as you feel that there is no problem, you can pick them all up..." Ma San said.

This time, Cao Zi'ang led his troops to sneak in. There were 50,000 soldiers, but there were very few soldiers, and there were no accompanying soldiers. It was not until the sneak attack that he requisitioned thousands of people to accompany the army around Chaishan, but it was still seriously insufficient. Make up from the prisoners of power.

Cao Peng asked Zhou Sheng and Tian Su to pick them out from the hundreds of fellow prisoners, and after a brief meal, they went to catch up with Luo Wenhu who was ahead~www.readwn.com~ When it was dark, Luo Wenhu and Cao Peng led the way. The department then went to the northern foot of Baiyun Mountain in the south of Suizhou City.

Standing on the top of the hill, you can see Suizhou City under the night. Several fires ignited in the city, which clearly outlines Suizhou City from the surrounding dark night.

Cao Zi'ang will send messengers to inform the ministries of the latest situation of the war in Jingxiang, so as to ensure that the ministries can make due tactical adjustments according to the latest situation. After Luo Wenhu and Cao Peng arrived at Baiyun Mountain, they knew the battle situation in Suizhou City.

Luo Xianyi abandoned the camp and fled without being able to hold on for long in Zhangjiawan. Tang Fuguan and his troops rushed directly into the east gate of Suizhou City, biting Luo Xianyi's tail. When Luo Wenhu and the others rushed to the northern foot of Baiyun Mountain, Tang Fuguan's troops had already defeated the defenders at the east gate of Suizhou City and controlled the outer city of Suizhou, but Ma Zhen and Luo Xianyi led the remnants to retreat to Changle Palace.

Luo Xiancheng operated in Suizhou for many years, and built the inner city as his Changle Palace in the Suizhou army. The strength of Changle Palace is no less than that of the surrounding Suizhou city wall. Nearly 4,000 remnants of soldiers retreated into it with Ma Zhen and Luo Xianyi to stubbornly defend.

Tang Fuguan led light soldiers to pursue, but he did not have any heavy weapons capable of attacking the city, so he could not defeat Changle Palace for a while.

Luo Wenhu had an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

Although Ma Zhen and Luo Xianyi still led the remnants to resist in the Changle Palace, although Zhong Rong and Luo Xiancheng had 90,000 troops on both the north and south fronts, the era of the Changle army's occupation of Suizhou will truly be over - as long as The true appearance and strength of Chaishan's hidden soldiers and horses were passed on to the north and south defense lines. The soldiers and horses on the north and south defense lines would be unable to support and collapse immediately under the attack of the main forces of Huaidong and Huaixi on the outer flank, and there would be no more miracles. Could it be that Luo Xiancheng and Zhong Rong still had time to return to Suizhou City? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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