Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 54: Cover the sky with one hand

Yang Shiqiang endured the sore muscles all over his body and went to the courtyard of the Prison Hall to see Lin Bie.

Two strings of wind lanterns hung on the four corners of the courtyard. The dim yellow fire caused shadows to float in the courtyard. Zhou Pu and Zhao Hu were practicing boxing in the courtyard. Wu Qi was squatting on the railing under the front eaves of the hall and watched. When he saw Yang Shi coming, he put his hand away and returned to the corridor.

Yang Shi was a little embarrassed to see Zhao Hu finish 600 sets of full squat movements without stopping. He still has the strength to fight with Zhou Pu. He used to look down on Zhao Hu, when Zhao Hu only spent two years in the village , A rude man who was accustomed to boxing and kicking, but today he knew that he was not qualified to look down on others, he touched his nose and asked Zhao Hu, "Lord Lin is inside?"

"Your Excellency said, Yang Dianwei will go in directly when he comes over." Zhao Hu helped Yang Shi push open the door of the front hall.

Yang Shi looked in, Lin Fuzheng, Lin Mengde and Lin Jingzhong were sitting in front of the case to discuss matters, and Sun Geng, the head of the book office, was also sitting beside him.

"You're here, don't stand if you have anything, come and sit first." Lin Fu greeted Yang Shi to go in and sit down. He was not busy talking to him, and continued to discuss with Lin Mengde, Lin Jingzhong and Chang Sun Geng.

Yang Shi sat next to him and listened for a while, before he realized that Lin Fu had come to Lin Mengde, Lin Jingzhong, and the head of the book office, Sun Geng, to discuss the purchase of a cotton spinning wheel.

Yang Shi is no stranger to spinning wheels. When his family and Gu family were in the Saibei army, they lived poor. His mother and Mrs. Gu were inconvenient to show their faces, so they asked a craftsman to make two hand-cranked spinning wheels to spin cotton and spin. Hemp subsidizes the household. In addition to eating and sleeping, the two of them can spin two catties of cotton a day without rest, and can exchange two or three catties of brown rice for a day of hard work.

Yang Shi thought that there were nearly 50 female prisoners in the prison, and 50 spinning wheels were added to work. Although the financial method is safe, it is too clumsy; it is no wonder that the former prisoner Ge Zuxin and the secretary Zhou Shide and others have secretly linked with the outside world to force the prisoners to become prostitutes. Three hundred dollars. For those who seek money, although this method is despicable, it is more effective. If others know that Lin Bieu uses female prisoners to make money from spinning yarn, they will probably ridicule him for being pedantic and pedantic.

Lin Fu didn't know what Yang Shi was thinking while sitting next to him. In fact, Yang Shi only heard part of their discussion.

On Lin Fu's desk is a "Notes on Agriculture" written by Zhang Shizhen, a minister of the Ministry of Industry during the reign of Emperor Yongzhan. Lin Fu went to Lin Mengde to find out the situation. He knew that the farms around Jiangning mostly use hand-cranked single-spindle spinning wheels, and that a farm woman could spin a pound of cotton yarn hard day and night, but Zhang Shizhen's "Notes on Agriculture" introduced Pingjiang House more than 40 years ago. Some people have improved the techniques of stripping cotton, bouncing cotton, and spinning the wheel, so that women can spin more than three pounds of cotton day and night.

This made Lin Fu desperate for the current technology promotion speed. Pingjiang Prefecture was next to Jiangning Prefecture. Someone in Pingjiang Prefecture greatly improved cotton spinning technology more than 40 years ago and tripled the efficiency of cotton spinning. Too many, it has not been promoted to Jiangning Mansion for such a long time?

Zhang Shizhen is also full of literati temperament. The writing of "Nongshu Zhu" is very concise, and the introduction of a few showy sentences makes it impossible to see how advanced the cotton spinning technology of Pingjiang Prefecture is compared with Jiangning Prefecture.

The female prisoner in the prison was born in a weaver in Pingjiang Prefecture. Lin Fu had just sent the head of the secretary, Sun Geng, to ask the female prisoner from the prison. Only then did he know that Pingjiang Prefecture not only has a pedal spinning wheel, but also a workshop that uses a method of two to three people at the same time. The big spinning wheel of collaboration.

Jiyun Club didn't have much staff, so Lin Fu wanted to ask Lin Mengde to send someone to Pingjiang to understand the situation. It was best to hire two masters to come over, but it was impossible. He bought two real spinning wheels and came back to find Jiangning's wooden imitations.

Lin Jingzhong would be able to settle accounts next to him, thinking that if it was true as the female prisoner who was a weaver said, a large spinning wheel can spin 20 catties of yarn every day and spread it evenly. The average rural household on the outskirts of the city is seven times higher. Fifty female inmates in the prison can earn 2,000 yuan a day spinning cotton yarn, and can earn more than 700 silver a year. Dear, even if you open a big restaurant with a booming business in the city, you may not have such a good income.

Besides, who says only women can be employed to spin? Those men can show off outside and don't do women's work. In this prison, can they still make their own choices? More than 200 prisoners must be employed to spin cotton yarn, and it is not enough to draw 2,000 taels of silver every year.

Thinking that Jiyun Club has monopolized the marketing of Gujia tea goods through Gu Wuchen's relationship, and at most it can net two thousand taels of silver every year. Who would have thought that such a large source of money is hidden in prison? It was only at this time that Lin Jingzhong understood why Lin Fu attached so much importance to Zaxue craftsmanship before.

Lin Fu sighed in his heart, and learned from the female prisoner that even this kind of big spinning wheel used for convenience is not popular in Pingjiang Prefecture. During this time, Lin Fu also had a deep understanding of the world around him, but he could understand the reason.

The spinning wheel is still a fairly complex instrument in the world. The current artisan household system, the status quo that workshop owners are exploited by the government, and the traditional small household business practices have severely limited the promotion of this complex instrument. Even if there are people or forces capable of promoting such advanced production equipment, they think it is too slow to make money.

Lin Fu knows where the huge gap is formed between the current mainstream despising miscellaneous craftsmanship as ingenious and obscene skills, and the later generations' cultivating the theory of productivity. Lin Jingzhong and Lin Meng were better. There were many doubts in Changsun Geng's eyes. Yang Shi, who was sitting beside him, looked a little disdainful. Lin Fu didn't explain anything to them at length. , I will naturally understand in my heart, otherwise it will be difficult to change other people's stubborn thoughts no matter how much you talk.

After talking about the spinning wheel, he went on to talk about the vegetable garden and the cattle shed. The weather is about to get warmer, and these things will be done soon. There is no need to worry about labor on the island, but the building materials such as bamboo, wood, brick and stone for building vegetable gardens and livestock sheds, as well as rapeseed, vegetable seedlings, chickens, ducks, sheep, and piglets Wait, they have to be provided on the shore. Jiyun Club has no manpower, and asked Lin Kee Warehouse to send someone to help with these chores first, Lin Fu said to Lin Mengde: "Uncle Mengde, these things will be settled according to the market price, you After all, I am the head of the Lin family in Jiangning, no matter how I say it, I am also a child of the Lin family. There are some benefits on the prison island, and I can't miss a part of the Lin family..." Saying these words, Yang Shi did not avoid it. Lin Fu didn't let Changsun Geng and the others avoid him, he turned to Yang Shi and said, "Today in the martial arts hospital, you picked out the five martial arts soldiers who are proficient in boxing. You want them to come to our hospital early tomorrow morning to find Zhou Pu. Report, I will use them as escorts..."

Yang Shi's face was a little red. He just selected five martial artists who were proficient in boxing to be tested by Lin Fu, but Zhao Hu was beaten all over by himself, and he was not the opponent of Zhou Pu next to Lin Fu. According to the convention, Lin Fu was in charge of the prison from the ninth rank, and at most two guards were used to carry him with him. However, no matter the convention or the rules, it has always been destroyed and trampled by the powerful. Lin Fu asked five soldiers to go to him. As a guard, Yang Shi just felt embarrassed and didn't think there was anything wrong. He nodded and said, "Okay, these five people will only be ordered by the adults from now on."

Lin Fu pulled out a stack of manuscripts from the desk, pushed it in front of Yang Shi, and said, "I wrote some texts about the method of training soldiers, I hope you take a look..."

Yang Shi took over the manuscript, flipped through a few pages, and said, sitting upright, "I will definitely understand it seriously."

"Maybe what you learned in the barracks is very different, you may not be able to accept it," Lin Fu heard Yang Shi's words insincerely, and didn't mind, and directly stated his intentions, "That's good, except for me Except for the guards, the others are divided into two teams, one team you will be in charge of training, and the other team will be handed over to Zhao Hu for training, for three months, then see who is more effective, what do you think?"

"..." Yang Shi was full of grievances. Lin Fu did this to divide his military power in half. Although there were only fifty or sixty soldiers under his command, there was no competition for military power. He was just panicking in his heart. There are still more than a dozen soldiers in the military soldier's hospital who can't stand up due to backache and backache. Even if he is full of grievances, he can't complain. In addition, Lin Fu did not hide his secrets from him, and he did not avoid him when discussing matters with Changsun Geng, Lin Mengde, and Lin Jingzhong. He also copied a copy of the manuscript of the method of training soldiers for him to see. Yang Shi had only one thought: It took three months to train a team of military pawns to be stronger and more powerful than Zhao Hu in order to raise their eyebrows~www.readwn.com~ Yang Shi and Chang Sun Geng left, Zhao Hu entered the military position, and went to the prison at night. At the same time, Zhou Pu and Wu Qi, in the name of domestic servants, Lin Mengde and Lin Jingzhong were guests, and they all lived with Lin Tie in the middle courtyard.

After Lin Mengde also went to the island, he really felt that Lin Bie was on the prison island with his hands covering the sky, not to mention Sun Geng, the eldest secretary of the book office. Yang Shi, who was regarded as a nephew by Gu Wuchen, did not show his spirit at all in front of Lin Bie. .


The next morning, listening to the voices outside, Lin Fu got dressed and pushed out the door. The five soldiers who beat Zhao Hu with bruises and bruised eyes were all standing in the yard waiting for instructions. Their physical fitness was considered among these soldiers. They are strong, and their skills are quite flexible, otherwise Yang Shi would not have picked them out last night, but the real combat skills cannot be trained by ordinary military camps.

Lin Fu didn't want Yang Shi to control the military pawns on the prison island. On the one hand, Lin Fu didn't know when he and the Gu family would go their separate ways. On the one hand, Yang Shi was not the right person to lead the military pawns on the prison island, but this At that time, Yang Shi, who was regarded as a nephew by Gu Wuchen, could not be excluded, so it was necessary to divide the military pawns into several parts as quietly as possible. In addition to guarding the guards, the guards were also divided into two teams, and Yang Shi and Zhao Hu were in charge of training. When there was a chance in the future, Lin Bie would add more manpower by his side.

"I use you as my guards. It's not that you are strong, but you may become stronger. I don't care if you can endure this hardship or not. When you work by my side, even if you are suffering in your heart, please bear with me first," Lin Fu said. He said sharply, and then turned his head and instructed Zhou Pu, "Help me get a few wooden knives. These people have no other use for the time being, but they are useful to practice splitting. Before they practice knives for me, you will Explain the main points of the hacking technique to them..." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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