Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 144: Behind the scenes in Huaixi

Until the 25th, the main force of the Huaidong Army's southern line was mainly concentrated between Huangpi and Shicheng, and surrounded and wiped out the 100,000 defeated troops at the southern foot of Dahong Mountain.

Lin Fu moved the line to the dilapidated Huangpi, including the reservists and horse Chen Zuo's troops, and they all mainly advanced to the north of Huangpi, ready to go to Shicheng. The original Zhaohushan camp became the largest prisoner of war in the east of Huangpi. camp.

She Wenzhuang and Wen Chengyun are still detained in the Zhaohu Mountain Camp. Lin Fu hopes that everything can be slowly brought into the right track as he wants. She and Wen are the two most important war criminals in South Vietnam since the war in Zhejiang and Fujian. Even if Lin Fu promised to give them poisonous wine to preserve the corpses and not insult them, he would not secretly kill them for no apparent reason.

She Wenzhuang and Wen Chengyun signed and pleaded guilty to the charges that had only been drawn up in the past three days. She Wenzhuang did not look at the charges, and just picked up a pen and wrote: No one can do more than him in what he has done over the years. It is clear that there is no mention of the Yi people in the crime, so can he have more extravagant demands?

Waiting for the army to review and leave with the crime of confession, Shewenzhuang tidying up his clothes, waiting for the Huaidong army soldiers to send the poison wine over. At this time, the setting sun came in through the window, fell on the long table made of rough wood, and flew in the beam of light. Dust dances. The table was also full of dust.

She Wenzhuang said to Wen Chengyun: "If Lin Fu wants to go north, he must first pull out Huaixi - I really want to know Lin Fu's next move! It's a pity to die like this without seeing this move!" She Wen Zhuang said this, and his fingers couldn't help writing the words "If you want to expedition north, pull out Huaixi first" on the dusty table.

Wen Chengyun knew that Shewenzhuang gave Hu Zongguo a posthumous note. Seeing that Shewenzhuang was not afraid of the wine that was about to be sent, he just cared about Lin Fu's chess-Wen Chengyun again I want to cry and laugh, my heart turns into a sadness! I don't know whether Duke Wen Zhuang has the ambition to win the world in his life, or simply let the world know his tricks, but this moment will be empty.

At this time, the door creaked, and watching someone walk to the door from the crack of the door, Wen Chengyun's heart tightened, knowing that the person who delivered the poison was coming, and when he looked up, it was Song Fuduan's lacquer tray.

It was a first-time prisoner who came to Zhaohushan and saw Song Fu. Wen Chengyun might have rushed up to bite him twice. At this time, when he saw Song Fu coming to kill them personally, he just turned his face away; Shewenzhuang watched calmly. Song Fu, without even looking at the copper pot with the lacquer lid in his hand, said: "Before the execution, I was able to see the old man, but it's a pity..."

"Knowing that Duke Wen Zhuang has no hatred in his heart, Song Fu is also a little more at ease." Song Fu said.

"Why do you hate it?" Shewenzhuang smiled, poured two glasses of wine into the pot, looked at the amber-colored clarified wine, and handed a glass to Wen Chengyun.

Song Fu saw the words "If you want the Northern Expedition, pull out Huaixi first" written on the table. Knowing that Shewenzhuang hasn't figured out this section in his heart, he said lightly: "If you want to pull out Huaixi, first get Shouzhou!" Wen Zhuang's response to solve his confusion before his death.

"..." Shewenzhuang stopped the jug beside his mouth, "Oh", and then said, "No injustice!" Then he lowered his head and drank the poisonous wine. Wen Chengyun's reaction was slower, but he immediately realized that it turned out that in the first battle between Jingxiang and Huaidong, Huaixi and Beiyan had already been counted. Seeing that Duke Wenzhuang had already drank the poisonous wine, he quickly suppressed it. The head drank the poisonous wine and followed.

Song Fu stood in the room, remembering the past, tears dripped down his cheeks, and motioned to the soldiers to support Shewenzhuang and Wen Chengyun's bodies, so that they could die decently.


The flying cavalry entered the camp, and the ground trembled slightly. Yue Lengqiu looked up, and the flying cavalry went straight to the tent of Lin Fuxingyuan.

In addition to the 800-mile urgent letter riding, whoever gallops near Lin Fu's tent will kill Su Wei with an assassin first. It's just that the letters and reports from Zaoyang and Fancheng in the past few days do not need to be rushed for 800 miles. Yue Lengqiu is surprised that there is such an urgent military situation, and they go straight to the tent of Lin Shuxingyuan.

Yue Lengqiu happened to have something to discuss with Lin Fu, so he walked to Lin Fu's tent, and wanted to know what emergency military situation came.

Since the enemy's troops and horses on the southeastern Hubei line were all defeated and completely lost their resistance, at this time, Lin Fu used the privy envoy to control the entire battle situation, especially the battle situation in eastern Hubei, which was no problem at all.

Yue Lengqiu naturally wanted to move to Huangpi to join Lin Fu, so that the command of the Huaidong Army and the Chizhou Army on the southern front could be relocated, instead of staying in Qichun, so that the southern front still seemed to have two command centers... ...Like Lin Fu had no opinion on this, but especially after Deng Yu and Yue Zhi both led their troops northward, Yue Lengqiu still stayed in Qichun to command the Chizhou Army, and the transmission of military information had to deal with three or four places. , which greatly affects the efficiency.

Yue Lengqiu walked into the tent, saw Zuo Chengmu also here, nodded and asked, "Eight hundred miles to fly into the camp, what is the urgent military situation?"

"The secret report from Lishan," Lin Fu raised his head from the burial table, asked Yue Lengqiu to sit down and speak, and handed the expedited letter from Suizhou to Yue Lengqiu, saying, "Ye Jiluo Rong sent envoys to assassinate Luo Xiancheng, Dong Yuan sent Chen Jingrong to sneak into Lishan, and captured a few generals of the Suizhou army... It's a good strategy."

In any case, Yue Lengqiu was the privy deputy envoy.

"Ah!" Yue Lengqiu was startled and said, "What a ruthless plan, could it be that Huaixi made a secret peace with the Hulu early?"

Ye Ji Luorong sent someone to assassinate Luo Xiancheng, which was the best way to make Luo Xiancheng unprepared. After Luo Xiancheng's death, Huaixi benefited the most, and asked Huaixi to directly recruit Zhong Rong, Wang Xian'er and other enemy generals. Dong Yuan suddenly gained six more in the north of Huaishan. With all the troops and horses, what if Huai Dongming couldn't take Dong Yuan on his face?

What if Dong Yuan's ambitions were really bigger, and he was more presumptuous and killed the Fengli Army in Xinyang first?

Thinking of this, Yue Lengqiu felt a chill on his back, and the whole battle at Jingxiang might change, he said, "The most urgent task is to send troops back to the east, attack the enemy of Lishan in the north, and do not approve of the surrender! It is better to let Ye Jiluo Rong flee north than to let Dong Yuan sit on the throne! There is absolutely no chance for Dong Yuan to collude with the Hulu! I immediately wrote a handwritten letter and asked someone to send it to Tao Chun, Guoyang, to reveal Dong Yuan. conspiracy."

Lin Fu glanced at Yue Lengqiu, and saw that he looked sincere, not fake. Yue Lengqiu didn't know the inside information, so he put the situation on the bright side. His suggestion at this time was the most appropriate, and although Tao Chun had weakened Dong Yuan at this time, half of his 30,000 soldiers should be able to call him directly. hold.

Yue Lengqiu's appearance to win over Tao Chun should be more convincing than others.

Zuo Chengmu sighed in his heart, thinking that Yue Lengqiu finally understood that Dong Yuan was just playing tricks and could not achieve the general trend. He also persuaded Lin Fu: "If you want to expedition north, you must first pull out Huaixi!" He and Yue Leng Qiu's suggestion is the same, it is better to let Ye Jiluorong go than let Dong Yuan sit down.

This is not just a matter of Li Shan surrendering 50,000 or 60,000 troops, but also the control of the northern Huaishan vein.

Once Dong Yuan is asked to control the North Huaishan, he can go south to the Huaishan, and his troops will go directly to Xiangfan and Suizhou, while Yanhu can even occupy the Nanyang Basin and not retreat, echoing the east and west of Huaixi. From Xiangfan to Suizhou, Huaidong will have to deploy heavy defenses, and the pressure will be great.

In turn, the Huaidong Army will control the northern Huaishan vein in its hands, and will maintain a strategic advantage from Suizhou to Xinyang and from Luzhou to Shouzhou. Dong Yuan was bound to be much more honest and did not dare to blatantly collude with Yan Hu.

Without Dong Yuan's co-operation, even if Ye Jiluorong brought out all the troops and horses on the west bank, he would not be able to defend Nanyang - Yanhu wanted to defend Nanyang, and faced the heavy army of Huaidong, he could not defend it with less than 100,000 troops; And the 100,000 heavy troops stationed in Nanyang and Huaidong had a long-term confrontation, and the supply line was too long for Yanhu.

At the time when Dong Yuan and Yan Hu might make a secret peace, competing for control of the northern Huaishan Mountains was a priority over chasing and destroying Yanhu's troops on the west bank of the Han River. Besides, Dong Yuan is very ambitious. Once he asks Zhong Rong and others to surrender, it will become a fact that he will increase his troops to 170,000 or 80,000. From the northern vein of Huaishan, it will make it impossible for the Huaidong Army to go all out. To chase and annihilate Yanhu's troops on the west bank of the Han River.

Even if Ye Jiluo was spared and fled to the north, the general situation of the world was already in the hands of Huaidong. Before the Northern Expedition, it was the right move to clear out the forces of Huaixi.

"If you want to expedition to the north, you must first eliminate Huaixi," Lin Fu stood up, laughed, and said, "What Yue and Zuo said are really good strategies!"

Gao Zongting smiled and said: "Dong Yuan rushed to grab food, but forgot to protect his butt; Yue Xiang and Zuo Xiang should not worry too much..."

Dong Yuan and Yan Hu made peace in secret, Lin Fu and Gao Zongting should be the most angry people, but seeing Lin Fu and Gao Zongting's calm expressions, and even the joy of watching Dong Yuan enter the marriage - Yue Lengqiu suddenly understood and said: "It turns out that the privy envoy has long been behind, dare to ask what policy?"

Zuo Chengmu also told Luo Xiancheng to be assassinated to death and the news that all Suizhou generals had surrendered to Huaixi was frightened, but Lin Fuzang had a backer.

After Lin Fu walked to the long table, he picked up the charcoal pen, pointed to the map hanging on the north wall, and said, "In order to prevent the enemy soldiers from Suizhou in Lishan and the northern foot of Huaishan from surrendering to Huaidong, he will Huaixi's troops and horses in Pingchangguan, Luoshan, Huangchuan and east to the south of Shouzhou were all transferred to the south and concentrated to the west of Guangshan. At this time, there were more than 10,000 troops and horses in Xiao Kuian and Zhengyang, far to the west of Huaixi. Tao Chun had 30,000 troops in Guoyang, north of the Huaihe River; Dong Yuan appointed Ding Zhiru to stay in Shouzhou, but in fact his troops in Shouzhou, Haozhou and Sizhou were less than 10,000 and scattered in various cities. 10,000 troops are still more important than Sizhou. It seems that Dong Yuan still intends to prevent Huaidong's troops in Xusi from entering Sizhou for no reason. His garrison in the Kipishi Mountain camp is less than 2,000; his garrison in Shouzhou City is still It's less than two thousand. Since Dong Yuan doesn't know the importance of guarding Shouzhou, I have issued a Privy Council order to Ning Zechen, the commander of Ning Feng's army, to lead him to take over the defense of Shouzhou!"

Lin Bie drew a long line between Xinyang City and Shouzhou, like a bolt of lightning, dazzlingly appeared on the map!

Yue Lengqiu's back was even colder, although he had no intention of fighting with Lin Fu, but when he knew that Lin Fu was behind Dong Yuan, he was so poisonous!

Using Li Shan's surrender as a bait, he lured all Dong Yuan's troops out of the hinterland of Huaixi, and then made Ning Zechen directly send troops from Xinyang to attack the hinterland of Shouzhou, which was empty of troops.

From Xinyang City to Shouzhou City, first out of the Lai River, and then into the Huai River, all the way is a spacious downstream river.

As long as Huaidong prepares enough ships in advance near Xinyang City, the 600-mile waterway can directly attack Shouzhou City in two days at most, which is much faster than moving troops from downstream Shanyang to Shouzhou to attack.

And in such a short period of time, Dong Yuan couldn't take any precautions at all. At most, Ding Zhiru asked Ding Zhiru to transfer the troops and horses of the Kipishi Mountain camp to Shouzhou City, and there were only less than 4,000 guards. It would take at least seven or eight days for Dong Yuan to lead all the main forces of the direct line from the west and south of Guangshan County to return to Shouzhou.

Before the order of the Privy Council brought by Ning Zechen, Ding Zhiru should withdraw from Shouzhou City; if he did not retreat, Ning Zechen would directly use Ding Zhiru to defy the order of the Privy Council and attack Shouzhou and Xishishan. help?

Dong Yuan returned to aid Shouzhou, one was too late, and the other was to take the risk of direct rebellion——

At this time, there is no reason to say that Dong Yuan can win, can defend the territory of Huaixi, even if he defends several key cities in Shouzhou, with the crazy support of the imperial family ministers, he can still be rehabilitated and quarreled. If Dong Yuan failed to retake Shouzhou, he would not be able to escape the charge of colluding with Hu Lu to rebel against thieves.

Does Dong Yuan still have a chance to win at this time?

If Dong Yuan doesn't come back and Ding Zhiru doesn't resist in Shouzhou, it means that they approve of the Privy Council order issued by Lin Fu~www.readwn.com~, then they will give up the defense of Shouzhou and hand it over to Ning Zechen Take over; and Haozhou, which is sandwiched between Shouzhou, Dongyang and Huai’an, will inevitably not be able to keep——

There are one town and three prefectures in Huaixi. All the essences are in Shouzhou and Haozhou to the east of Shouzhou. State and Haozhou; Xinyang and Guoyang to the north of the Huai River, etc., became remnants due to the war.

Dong Yuan is not just relying on the 15.6 million mu of fertile fields in Shouzhou and Haozhou. In addition to the taxes in Huaixi, the fertile fields can directly provide Dong Yuan with millions of stone of military rations. , did he have the confidence to tear up his face with Huaidong?

Lin Fu wants to seize Dong Yuan's Shouzhou and Haozhou, which is a vicious strategy to extract wages from the bottom of the pot!

Lin Fu put down the charcoal pen and asked Yue Lengqiu and Zuo Chengmu with a smile: "Yue Lengqiu and Zuo Chengmu, do you think Huaixi will not hand over the defense of Shouzhou under the order of this court?"

Zuo Chengmu couldn't help sweating from his forehead: Will Dong Yuan struggle? Does Dong Yuan have any hope of winning?

It turned out that Lin Fu had already had a plan in his heart, "If you want to expedition to the north, pull out Huaixi first".

Yue Lengqiu said: "Dong Yuan is not someone who doesn't know the general situation. He is not strong enough to defend Shouzhou. It is natural to give up the defense of Shouzhou..."

"I think so too," Lin Fu said with a smile, "I also want to make a direct order for Dong Yuan, asking him to lead the Huaixi Army and the Jiangfu Army to immediately go north from Xinyang to recover Queshan, Ruzhou and other places. What do you think?"

Yue Lengqiu and Zuo Chengmu looked at each other and knew what Lin Fu's intention was: since Dong Yuan didn't resist, Lin Fu had no name to clean him up. If there is no fault, then first drive Dong Yuan and his troops to the north of Huai Shui! My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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